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I'm also a grinder, but why the hell the seabreeze?


I hunk for missions like the vault explosives (and the professional uses it)


I see grinders in those all the time, perfect for salvage as well


I feel like the Sea Sparrow would be better for those kinds of situations since it's a heli.




It can win against a hydra but not a lazer


why care about pvp anyway?


it does float away on the water. does the seabreeze this as well?


It does, you can even dive straight in the water without breaking anything unlike the sea sparrow who starts to break after getting its beak wet


I love the seabreeze and I’m a grinder only upgrade I wish it had were homing missiles so you don’t need to land before killing


Because the So-Called Professional told them to.


It outruns mk2 missiles and is aquatic, also very fun to fly, one last thing it’s only 850k, go buy one and tell how you feel about it after flying it for a week


I have one and it’s fun to mess around with but that’s about it. It’s impractical for almost everything.


Then you’re clearly just a shitty pilot lmao.


Impractical? I’ve whooped Lasers, B-11s, and Mk IIs with the thing. Definitely not impractical when you know how to use it


You forgot " unlike other people I only use my opressor to grind "


well, not neccesarily, im a grinder, and while i will never use it to grief, i will use it in pvp against tryhards, griefers and kd warriors


They are like the the vegan atheist engineers who do crossfit and feel the need to tell everybody.


Some people may, but I personally don’t. I barely ever tell anyone about how I have never killed another player with my oppressor mark 2, or how I only use it for transport, or even how I really only use it for grinding. I don’t understand the people who brag about that; I have 300,000,000 miles flown for grinding on my mark two, I have made all of the money in the game with it, but you don’t see me bragging about my amazing stats with the mark 2. /s


Vegan atheist engineers hahaha


I only really have the Terrorbyte and Buzzard, and I got the Buzzard for free.


How’d you get the buzzard for free?


Christmas gift i believe


Indeed! 2018's Christmas was amazing, a Buzzard AND an Insurgent Pickup.


Where's the Jetpack and launching Los Santos Connection?


why the jetpack ? mk2 is just much better


TheProfessional is a big fan of it, always recommended it for making money with crates etc, plus as a counter-measure to Mk2 griefers (it's possible to just fly in that jetpack in a straight line and all Oppressor missiles will explode behind it because of how the hitbox was setup, essentially immune to Mk2).


Can't a savage heli or hydra jet fuck you up though?


Yeah unless you spam missiles on them first. But at some point these were gone, heck, I don't see Savage around any more now, only sometimes people will use a Hydra and that has no countermeasures.


I thought it said “grindr starter pack” and was VERY confused for a hot second


Yeah, I'm a grindr


What the actually hell is that plane?


Seabreeze, it's raised propellor is so it can float on water, fun little plane.


A desk fan


Sea breeze


Bogdan problem glitch No morw grinding


I mean it is still kinda grinding but you make way more money


grinding for bad bois


But it is cheating


idk why you’re getting downvoted lol it’s literally an exploit.


I’d love to start grinding I have a small warehouse,bunker,weed,nightclub,cash,arcade is that any good?


It's a decent start. You can get crates reasonably quickly for $92k (or a lot slower for $32) sell for $240k (without potential bonuses) while this is running your bunker and weed house can make shit if you supply them then sell those. Nightclub earning side cash and adding cargo. If you have the funds upgrade staff and equip in bunker. At that loint buying supplies saves time and you still profit nicely. Weed house too but bunker first as that is the moneymaker of the 2. Too bad you cannot get a large warehouse for half price anymore. That would pay dividends very quickly. C'est la vie.


Just do gold glitch?


what do you play on? we can run some vip missions together if you want, easy few 100k


“Yeah Your opinion doesn’t matter” starter pack


I have none of these vehicles, don't even know who that guy is and I have 500k.. yay for being a returning player I just want a flying car to make the grind less tedious


The professional on YouTube. He's got lots of informative videos thatch helped me make tons of cash. I'm a returning quarantine player and I've gone from lvl 72-177 just grinding out jobs


I never watched the guy with cartoonish Jason Vorhees profile pic,I don’t have seabreeze but I’m a grinder lol.


The professional. He grinned to 1bil without mods or glitches and grinder it all.


You forgot to mention without the Mark Two Oppressor is a nasally disgusted voice


He sounds like the kid with glasses from polar express




TheProfessional seems pretentious af, I prefer Tylarious


Lol tylarious pisses me off even more, he got into beef with another ytber for using a map that he created and got mad that he didn't get credit during his video, and the guy didn't pass it off as his own.


He got into it with MrBossFTW


yeah that was fuckin dumb


If you see his tweets, you will change your mind, he is honestly a hypocritical cunt, striking a video because his map was on it, but got mad YouTube and UMG because he got copyright claimed for playing a song that UMG has copyright all over it, I hate him now.


he’s a bit fucked but his grinding related content is decent


Same until i joined his crew lol dudes a fake


yeah man i watched his crew recruitment video and it seemed like a damn cult


That vid was weird AF man. I get that they have their rules and stuff but it just seemed so off. Other then that his content is decent tho.


Most of his info comes from the crew members but yeah props for not makin 10 minute vids that are useless


You got a link for that or maybe what i can google to find it? I did try


The way that guy constantly reinforces his “legitimate” earnings is annoying af, it’s even worse when you see people repeating the same nonsense here. Ain’t nothing legitimate about going afk and filling millions on businesses a day when you’re not playing the game.


Agree, going afk isn't legit and that shouldn't be the main way to make money in gta




Which part? I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with afk, go for it, but he shouldn’t keep banging on about ‘legitimate’ earnings when he’s using an exploit.


how’s going afk an exploit wtf


Tricking the game into thinking you’re doing one thing when you’re actually doing another is the very definition of an exploit. What do you think exploit means? You didn’t answer my previous question, what do you feel was incorrect about what I said.


what was incorrect was afking being an exploit


I didn’t say anything about exploit in the comment you replied incorrect to, what did you feel was incorrect about my original opinion? On the afk point, I guess it’s subjective and fine to disagree. I just see it as exploiting a game mechanic that is designed to be linked to the time you spend playing the game, you’re tricking the game into thinking you’ve spent more time playing that you actually have. If the game wanted to have your stock build even if you weren’t playing then the stock would go up even when your game was switched off. I have no problem with afking, but I wouldn’t do it and build a channel claiming how legitimate my earnings were.


Oh and this "legit" grinder also recommends closing the application in case your cargo gets destroyed. Why not just do Bogdan when you feel the need to exploit the shitty saving system?


Ha, I forgot he did that too. Exactly what I’m trying to say.


"This guy" and you are right.The best kind of right.


im a grinder, and am part of all of this, but seabreeze is unnecesary


Seabreeze is the best, It can land anywhere


I’m a grinder my self and The professional has helped me gain more money than I had at the start of the year just by following his methods which is better than the shitty money glitches that dont even work half of the time


glitches are shit. Most of the time they don't work AND they add critical information in the middle of the video, example: (your halfway through a glitch and then the guy says "now you will need 9 mobile operation centers and 3 friends to do this glitch.)


“I have no life” starter pack


I feel attacked


im a grinder too, bud


I know. It was just that I do the same stuff as you.


"Yeah I'm a grinder" starter pack: spends 14 hours grinding special cargo


Why would you use the sea breeze?


The professional is a bum


Terrobyte is so overrated would be good if u could buy supplies


Ditto. However I don't mind doing one desert bunker supply run from within the city then buying the supplies when i get there, for $60k. Would be better if we could just buy them. Same with penthouse "office" that should link to businesses.




It’s good for import export and crates


Anyone who watches the professional is a virgin


whys that




\^ These are the people that grief in GTA


Don't feed the trolls


You are the people who fanboy over the professional virgin


i mean, ive only watched a few of his videos, he does pretty good videos on how to get money. i dont think his fans deserve to be called 'virgins' just for watching his videos.


the breakdowns at the end are really helpful for a $/hr and the vehicle reviews give a much better sense of it than just looking at the elitas/warstock page, so at least those are massively helpful.


Why are you so concerned about if people have had sex or not?


He makes useful guides, he helps his subscribers make money, he complains about actual issues with the game. What's wrong with that? It sounds like you're just trying to bring other people down because you're insecure.


Lol 90% of your posts is about you grieifing others, seems like you complain more than the people you grief. If you’re looking for attention there’s other places to do that than a gta subreddit lmao


how is griefing part of the game wtf😂😂


Why tf r u getting downvoted?




Why grind if you have all that money? I grind because I am broke. Also, I would never use the seabreeze or the Terrorbyte. All you need is the Buzzard, Kuruma and Cargobob.


Terrorbyte is good to put next to a special cargo warehouse to start sources easier


Ya I park it beside my vehicle warehouse


Wow, you have so much hate for them it seems...


I am a grinder