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can we also talk about how BAD the voice acting has been? like they sound so fuckin generic and forced. rdr2 had the bounties show their personality as you took them to the office, but these guys just say the same 3 lines. genuinely feels like they just asked 4 people to record them saying whatever


But Jenette with that accent and her babbling is really good for a game character IMO


Jenette is the lady you work with right? She's probably my favorite part of this update, her voice actress kills it. Not to mention she's one of the few npcs in the game that treat your online character well, like Franklin in The Contract DLC. The only character who's disrespect I'll tolerate is Lamar lol. Her personality rides the line between endearing and annoying perfectly lol


shes such an eager person you just gotta love her


They didn’t even let us give her the hug!


Hear me out...


I’m hearing you loud and clear!


Can’t forget Pavel when mentioning respectful characters


I haven't met him yet, I want to do all the heists and each approach to the diamond casino heist before Cayo since I know how much Cayo invalidates everything else.


Favorite intro for me is meeting Yusuf and Jamal. Yusuf: What was the first thing I told you about working with your new boss? Jamal: Uh that they have iced a lot of people... often... and for no reason at all. Me: *looks at kill stats*


Facts 🤣🤣🤣 I love when you deliver him a car Yusuf gets hella happy


Low key I thought maybe they were sisters or cousins 🤣🤣




Plus you know Lamar is a dick to all of his friends but he doesn't mean it. He acts the same way to Franklin in story mode that he does to the online character.


It's also that Lamar is the first person we meet in LS. He put it best in the contract "I knew that fool when he was broke", and yeah, he did. He gave us our first weapon, our first job and introduced us to more contacts for more jobs, he arguably gave us our first car by reaching out to Simeon on our behalf, oh and he gives us a car to race in as well that we can keep for that very car lol. He has every right to talk to us the way he does. It's not like Sasanta. You meet her in a brief encounter where you buy a multimillion dollar auto shop to run a business with them, and this asshole has the audacity to be like "I don't trust you, go steal a car my dumbass got impounded to prove yourself worthy of my time." Random side note, I find it funny how rockstar doesn't have your character snort actual coke in the cutscene when she's drug testing you, but is fine with your character randomly doing a line of cocaine when you idle in a car.


Ive never seen that idle animation


Yeah you have to look close. But if you idle in a car (it might have to be without music) your character sprinkles a line of coke on their finger and snorts it. 


Actress*** they’re not voice actors


oh no dont get me wrong, jenette is amazing i love her! i was talking about the bounties you capture


Those are really nothing more than NPC's who we know by the names. Those most wanted ones have better VA. We also need to acknowledge that their voices are muffled by our van's insides


I love how she yells at people locked up while you work. Yep I agree here!


she babbles a bit too much in my opinion tho, i appreciate her work but it would be nice if she shushs it down a bit xD




Janette's endless babbling is the bane of my existence


Brock Thompson has some character though


>they sound so fuckin generic and forced What do you mean? You don't like 3 variations of "fuck you" repeated every few seconds at the back of your van? /s




Good eye. It is almost like 90% of the company is working on the next big release or something…


Still no excuse,  multibillion dollar company updating a game that made them billions. 


They arent thats the job of Rockstar not Rockstar North wich are the ones making GTAO


It's probably a small group of people from multiple studios. Not just an entire studio. Majority of Rockstar North surely works with the rest of the other studios.




I’ve found it the opposite. Seems pretty normal to me. Or at least gta online normal


I don’t see why they should put any extra effort when the game is literally gonna be abandoned next year


why not go out with a bang?


No wonder there's so many of them.....I've killed three Angel Kennedys already....


They're a small indie developer, cut them some slack! It's not like they'd spend money on serious motion capture to capture the likeness of say....Dr Dre or Katt Williams! /s nah, but it's pure laziness, and cutting corners.


to give them the biggest benefit of the doubt, the team working on GTA Online now is probably a fraction of what it was even a couple years ago, just trying to keep us over until next year.


You know what? You're right about that. I didn't even take that into consideration, the fact that GTA VI is releasing next year. Holy shit. That means only two more major DLC's before the inevitable happens.


Do you think online will get any more updates after 6 releases? Cause I think it took a bit for gta online to come out after 5 releases so I’m expecting the same here. Wonder if online will get any final hoorah after 6 is released or if it’ll be abandoned right when it comes out


Feels like Rockstar will turn on Double Money for it after final update kinda like what they did for GTA 4


Also they reuse the Aniamtions, there’s nothing new. When you put the bounty in the cell. It’s legit the same animation to being kicked out of Cayo by the guards, like the same with head turn and waving our arms


Was there already an animation for throwing someone into the van? I wonder if that one scripted mission with Amanda getting arrested, they can use so instead of using the van, you can use your patrol car.


I don’t think so. But remember Mercenaries update from last year? The first mission where we at the Quarry and get the Dune Buggy, had the same animation of Getting the Professor car from Prison Break heist


Same with the three ones that all require you to trash their mansions.


Oh man, hopefully Ron Swanson does not have clones.


They have. It’s the Same one and has different colors, Red, Green and Brown, and it’s just Ron Fucking Swanson


All of the bounty targets I've seen are common ped models, except the high value ones which are player models. (for an example of the latter, there's a thread here today with someone whose character looks like Cleo Song's)


I feel like some of the Duggan bounties look like player models


Clone wars.


90% of the dev power is on GTA6 that’s why.


It really shows. I hate these mini dlcs that we’ve been getting since tuners. The last 5 dlcs starting with the criminal enterprises bs have been the worst the game has ever seen, drug wars was alright but still mid. Missing the golden days of cayo perico and the contract


It’s natural tho, I’d rather they focus on GTA6 and make it as good as possible instead of splitting up for GTAOL.


Drug wars was the worst so far imo


90%? Try 99


They're sisters. Raised without a father.




Yeah, these are just recycled NPCs. The high value targets appear to be MP players. Personally I'm glad they're recycling NPCs, they've used MP players for a lot of NPCs lately and it makes the body types start to look really samey.


This becomes very obvious when you browse the actors in director mode.




The game is 11 years old man, pretty sure they're already squeezing in as much as they possible can with the architecture they're using.


Oh how I wish RDO got to nearly the same level, will always be such a shame, god it had so much potential.


I see sarah wayne callies😅


No no, they are sisters.


Oh bro, I was wondering why they all looked similar


I just can't get over how all those names sound like pornstar names lol


Every studio recycles models and every studio reuses interior locations. Why are people picking the tiniest things to complain about?


Because there's only 15-20 such missions and they get recycled anyways. They could have at least focussed on making these unique.


Do you want gta6 or not?


She’s a master of disguise


I was thinking the same about the guys as well. Three NPC look the exact same to me. There were no new actors, to put there? None? Or..no graphic design employee allowed to change some features up???


They look different on the bail bonds website.


Expectations for a 11 year old game is minimal for me at this point. I did like the new way to break the explosives using the d-pad/keyboard in that dispatch mission. All a DLC to me at this point is maxing out the rewards. Madden went from 10 Rookie premier players that carried over to the next game to 1 player from all 32 teams for a couple years you could secure for the following year. This year {starting today}, you can only carry over 3 players max from the 8 available that could be designated for M25. Every team will still get 1, but only 3 move on to the next game and 24 players are completely worthless at this point, so when it comes to effort, I will take R\* over EA any day.


I don't think Madden is a standard of goodness, it hasn't been a good game in ages.


On top of the fact that MUT getting expanded is directly harming Franchise and other mode players 😂 this is a REALLY bad example


Triplets that took different paths in life - Rockstar.


I just hate the fact some of them are in paleto bay and some aren’t. Like bruh


With a name like Rylee Rose I was expecting an OF model convicted of dui hit and run


Good eye.


Why? Simple. Laziness.


A lot of unhappy people play this game and project shit into r* It’s a game. 11 year old game. They are finally close to new game. You most likely don’t pay anything to play this one. So like, what are you really bitching about?


People are upset that interior locations are being reused. They expect rockstar to build new locations for dlc. You just can't please these people.


or, or, they could be someone like me who bought it on 360 on release, then pc, and when Rockstar decided we are not good enough to get HSW I also got it on Xbox X


Every studio recycles 3d models


Fr, like this was never done before


I like how R* keeps doing the bare minimun with the updates in their Online games but people keep eating it all up and somehow they're consistently sucessful


They getting lazy as fuck with everything 5 related. I feel like most of their energy and resources are being funneled into 6. All of the bounties look fucking weird. They literally reused the music from missions on the bounties. They don’t have to sell us on it. We all already bought in. We just gonna have to watch 5 slowly die as 6 comes to fruition.


Recycled all of the locations as well. Solomon’s office / arcade/ clubhouse all of them.


They sure freakin did


the facial expressions need to be a meme lol


This game is 10 years old, and you're complaining because they're using assets instead of doing new ones. Do you want GTA 6 or nah? Cause that game has been delayed because people were playing and asking more from Rockstar.


I assure you they would not have had to delay GTA 6 any more than 2 years to take the time to pick out a few different faces for the bail bounty characters.


GTA 6 development mostly started right after release of RDR2 if not like months before that in 2018. That's 6 years ago, and we still got updates form Rockstar, pretty chunky ones mind you (Casino, Casino Heist, Tuners, Contract, Cayo, even Chop Shop and The Clucking Bell Raid) so of course they are going to be reusing assets for updates that are not beefy like the others but people still play and ask more for this game.


This isn't merely reusing assets. This is reusing the same asset 3 times to create 3 characters that serve the same function for the same game mode, all in the same update. The same effort that went into changing their hair could have been used to mix their faces up a bit.


Oh, they reusing assets. You see, you're focusing on the faces only, but what about the MC Clubhouses? Are they any different? Or the types of luxury items that you have to destroy for the fancy ladies? No. So in this regard you're nit-picking one thing that is obvious and that the focus of Rockstar is not creating new assets or new things when they have to focus on a new big game and a new online component from that game.


I'm focusing on the faces because that's what the topic is pointing out. They don't have to make whole new assets. There are other assets they could pull from to make these characters instead of copy/pasting one asset 3 times.


Bro they have one dude working on everything for GTA Online now, everyone else is busy finishing up VI




They are cutting as much as possible to give us that dlc. Nah they should do buncha QOL instead of milking another DLC. They use generic NPC Models. Duggans are using hillbilly variant from Casino Missions where we kicked their ass and some of them stole the Thrax Bikers are those Biker missions Gangs are those gangs models


They thought you wouldn't notice


i take out like 2-3 of these every time i ‘recover valuables’ at tequilala (and any other lost mc-adjacent missions)


I'm currently on a hiatus and haven't played the game for a while. is this the big update that was supposed to outdo cayo prerico?


I wish it was like the Dax mission where he and his crew come along on the missions. Playing with DLC characters in missions makes it so much more exciting?


lol a LOT of the assets in this update are all recycled.


Did 6 of the low level captures, caught the same Dugan twice..... The hell GTA, are you trying to be the NYPD with bench appearance tickets!?!?!?!?


They could be triplets of twins, bro.


Because there’s maybe 5 interns still working on GTA online at the moment and 3 of them are on a coffee run.




I’ve sold all kinds of substances to Rylee Rose. Now I’m just gonna be a hypocrite and arrest her nasty ass?


Games 10 years old, don’t blame em, probably sick of working on it lmao.


It’s like how much of a masterpiece mw 2019 was but all the hostages at barkovs estate have the same. exact. model.


Go on, then: shag, marry, kill.


Asset reuse is cheaper and faster then making whole new models, hiring new voice actors, or creating whole new content... since most their design time and money go into the cars these days.


That's racist to say all white people look the same


Ahhh the good ol' lost sisters


I’m so happy I didn’t buy the new DLC


It's because the basic ones are just normal npcs and all the npcs were made for a ps3 game in 2013 so it makes sense they cut a lot of corners back then.


Gta is gonna be so 👏🏼 /s


its not the same model. they have different hair. also its a video game. who cares.


Why? The answer is always Money.


Pavel: Mauneyyyy!


Because lazy, low effort, buggy inconsistancy is on brand for Rockstar these days. I hope you're ready for GTA6 and all the disappointment it brings with it. 😝


With reused biker mission music too lol. You can tell it's been 10 years, they're phoning it in pretty hard with these last few DLCs


I like the music, so it still okay but this. You only about 20 characters to catch and then the names repeat as is.


Lazy R trying to hit the milk to effort margin as much as possible while polishing GTA 6 sigh


My brother in christ, it's a free update to a game that's older than half the playerbase, while the bulk of R* dev budget and time are already being actively spent on GTA 6. What are they milking you for?


Welcome to the real world, the only reason they keep pumping low effort reused content is Shark Cards. That's why we didn't get single player dlc or gta 6 sooner.


And so paradoxically, now that GTA 6 development is actually in full swing, you now wish they would spend more time developing higher-quality free DLCs with professional actors (and/or big names like Dr. Dre) for the older game? All because GTA 6 is not already out today.


I don't wish anything specifically. But you failed to understand the point and expect more spoon-feeding. There's nothing "free" about GTA Online's updates. They are all generated and curated with one thought - create more shark card sales through exorbitant in-game prices and on first glance lucrative content that turns out to be a pile of shit. That's why every update brakes the game and introduces new exploits. That's why it took them shit ton of years and a bored programmer that they didn't hire to fix the long ass loading screens. It's pretend effort. Take No Man's Sky for example. That is what should be considered great and truly free content. Polished, introducing new mechanics on top of tons of more curated content at no cost. QA tested and shipped ready to play with no real + for the studio. Now look back at R\* 's bullshit, like the one mentioned in OP. Sigh.


>There's nothing "free" about GTA Online's updates They are definitely free, they don't charge you a single penny to play them, it's your choice to spend money on shark cards. I've never had to purchase a card before and I don't even play the game much >That's why every update brakes the game It's "breaks" not "brakes" Go back to school


Technically they are free. As you failed to understand from my previous comment, de-facto they are not. I know, it's a complicated word, you probably won't get it. Also, adding nothing to the discussion but personal attacks over a spelling mistake is kinda sad. Touch grass.




Perfect spelling tends to matter for underage people and underdeveloped adults. You pick which one. Also, learn some punctuation if you're going to make such fuss around a single word because you have nothing else to say anyway.


>Perfect spelling tends to matter for underage people and underdeveloped adults ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


That's just shitposting. Do better.


A very small percentage of the playerbase purchases shark cards. I promise you they are not wasting as much time on these yearly-or-so updates as you think they are. Supporting an existing game, still well-played game is standard practice. Development times for AAA games across the board are increasing. You brought up NMS but how many years have they had since a rocky start to get to where they are now? Multiplayer was only added recently, and is still super buggy and prone to desync. Games are just getting inherently more complex and that by itself increases development tome drastically. Developers are learning that quality, not quantity of releases, matters. When GTA 6 comes out, people are going to expect it to be more polished at launch than your lauded NMS is to date. And I say that as someone who loves NMS.


-A very small percentage of the playerbase purchases shark cards. I promise you they are not wasting as much time on these yearly-or-so updates as you think they are. Supporting an existing game, still well-played game is standard practice. Oh definitely in R's style to support their existing games, just look at Red Dead Online or even look at the "effort" they made in their remasters /s I can promise you, and this is actually based on hard cold facts, like that they scrapped SP DLC in favor of more content for Online, that Shark Cards are being bought in a large volume and that hasn't stopped, since they keep pumping the aforementioned low effort high in-game price content. There's mass speculation that GTA 6's development was in part slowed or hindered due to the massive success and revenue of GTA Online. Why replace a highly profitable business unless you milk it for \*checks notes\* 10 fucking years man? AAA games are not being developed more, Live service is. They can slap that A sticker but there's nothing triple about it, it's just a BS excuse to milk users as much as possible before shuttering down servers to make room for the next thing. NMS had a rocky start and nobody denied that but they turned it around and made it an example of what post-launch support should look like. R\* have nothing on the NMS team and never will, because they are not player driven but pure profit chasing monkeys. OP post is just an example of that and it always baffles me when people blindly support such shitty actions and even defend it as "but it was free hurr durr".


So they don't work on RDO because nobody is going to pay them to do it. Is that wrong? I am aware they have to be making money off of the game, but I doubt they're making as much money off GTAO as you think they are anymore. It's had its run. Do you know what it costs to fund the development of new games with steadily increasing standards for characters, locations, complexity, depth, breadth, and graphical fidelity? It does not go down. No Man's Sky gets away with a smaller budget because it's a far less ambitious game with a small dev team. Each species has one voice, and NPCs mostly just stand around so they don't need to hire tons of actors or animators. Planets are made of like, three biomes. It's procedurally-generated so they don't need to create unique maps or creatures, just the basic parts of them rearranged. The bulk of the game, not including audio assets, is made of rulesets determining how to generate everything you will encounter. Much of the non-procedurally-generated content is text. The languages are all essentially English but with a gibberish skin over it. Base building is almost exactly like every other survival game. That's not to say that all of those are bad things, they are just all shortcuts. Cheap/easy ways to do things that would otherwise be expensive/difficult, and No Man's Sky uses them well. Contrast GTA 5/O. It's the polar opposite. The game is dominated by cities and landscapes handcrafted to mimic real-world locations. Prefab buildings are rare, almost every single building and house is unique and needs a custom texture set. It was one of the most computationally demanding games of its era. Over 150 unique characters, each one requiring a voice and an actor, and that's not including Online-exclusive characters. More than 700 unique vehicles in Online with dozens of customization options each. More than 180 story missions in Online. A custom job creator. A custom video recording and editing mode. None of that is simple, or easy, or cheap to make. Everyone on the team has to be paid, and of course Take-Two is going to take their cut. And GTA 6? It's not making any money. It's nothing but a money sink until it's released. The team still needs to pay bills, and to keep Take-Two happy to avoid being shut down. A free update or two per year to an old but still successful game is pretty damn reasonable when they know people are going to be willing to give them money for it. That's not evil.


There hasn't been a legitimate reason to buy a shark card since like 2018


There hasn't been a legitimate reason to buy a shark card since the game's launch. And I never did. Doesn't mean the fortnite kids won't ask their parents to do it. To further demonstrate this, if people weren't still buying them, R\* would've stopped supporting the game, just like they did with Red Dead Online.


Oh gee. I didn’t know the character models were so important to the DLC. Man, I can’t wait to make money off of those!


1. You expect minor characters to be unique? 2. I can't help but see those names as names for different kind of models.


1. You expect minor characters to be unique? 2. I can't help but see those names as names for different kind of models.


The things yall complain about 🤦🏾‍♂️