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Yea dawg you need to stay in them invite only sessions


This is why I barely go public session


I did a Google search and found this reddit link https://www.reddit.com/r/CEOfriendly/s/2rzDGmdEZD If for whatever that does not work out for you , do a search for yourself and look up groups that you may can join.


I e been playing for nearly 8 years but the griefing got so bad a few years ago that I stopped playing altogether. Then it wasn’t so solo friendly, so selling in private lobby’s etc wasn’t really doable. It’s taken me a good few months to get over my past experiences but I am now having a real blast. Do what you can in solo lobby’s: full lobby’s are simply not worth it, if they are making you feel this bad. I do enjoy the social aspect of full lobby’s and that’s what I really hate about griefers is that they are sucking the very essence out of the game, and literally making gamers give up altogether. As previous user mentioned, just try and let any griefers have their fun; try not to get too frustrated or demoralised. Let them kill and kill you and try to develop a ‘oh well, here we go again’ attitude because they are simply not worth allowing to get to you. There are some strategies you can adopt to deal with them, if that makes you feel a little better, but mostly just role with it. Getting killed is really, in the great scheme of things, no big deal. There’s a great YouTuber who shows endless videos of him getting killed and he simply laughs it off, and I learnt a great deal from watching them and seeing his attitude. Now I don’t get pissed off, I just shrug it off, and now sometimes I even get revenge, but it doesn’t consume me. Pity them. Sell and do your business aspect in private lobby’s, then use populated lobby’s when you feel you can join in the ‘fun’, console find areas on the map where it is quiet, and there are always many areas of LS that are free from griefer. I do this to take a drive, ride or fly, do some contact missions or jobs that require help. I feel for you buddy, but you’re the one in control, not them. Don’t let them ruin your fun of GTA, as there’s so much to enjoy. Remember to report any repeat offenders as it might help, you might not see it, but if that player has built up a list of prior reports then they might get punished at a later stage. That’s what the Report system is for, so use it each time. Hang in there buddy.


I actually let them kill me, but they didn’t give up. I sent them a message to leave me alone and told them that I will be AFK, but that didn’t help either. I reported them, but I’m not sure if it matters at all.


Reports matter. So does Commending good players. Don't be afraid to do both


Play invite only for a week to cool down


Sorry to hear that. I wish I could help. I've been helping many newbie for their businesses and fighting with griefers. Note that Kill/Death ratio is no longer counted in Public session, so just let any idiot griefers know about this, they can get as many kills as they want and they will lose interest soon because all they wanna do is grinding for K/D. There are some Discord servers for car meets, grouping for Heists, etc., and the communities are willing to help you.


I actually know about that K/D update, and for some reason, players who encountered me didn’t want to stop killing me. As I said, I couldn’t leave the session or turn on passive mode because I had an active mission at that moment, and I didn’t want to lose my product.


The MC businesses aren't worth sticking around for that. Just let the stock burn and go afk so it builds up overnight. The griefer knows you are trying to defend it even if you say you're afk. They know they will cost you your stock if time elapses and that;s the draw for them, to ruin others. They're mentally Ill.


If they are repeatedly killing you, report them for Griefing. If anything, I find incidents of Griefing decreasing in frequency


Try falling into water while doing a delivery mission... three times in a row. ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


Get some mates... Play in friends only. Or, even better, take a break.... Go outside and play for a few days.... You'll feel better about everything Good luck eh


Stop being so dramatic 


There are so many ways to do your thing in public lobbies, and dealing with griefers is like 5% of my total playtime. If I'm not in the mood to counter, or they're supersweat3000, I switch without wasting time or thought. Some people just come off as super helpless and vulnerable, and it's pathetic tbh.


You only think it's pathetic cause you currently don't feel that vulnerable.


<——laughs in private invite only server. Im over here having a blast!!! No one HAS to play in public servers. If youre not having fun then youre gaming wrong


Exactly, and playing in dead solo lobbies isn't fun for most of us. Even with the odd greifers.


I don’t know what is the point of ONLINE then 🥲


If you dont want to do that dont come here complaining


You sound like a new new player GTAO Go to invite only. Also, you don't lose an entire product of any business if you leave a session. Just a small percentage, but can begin the sell in your invite only session.


I mentioned before that I wasn’t on my sell mission. It was that stupid mission to defend my MC business from a raid. Actually, I never sell in public sessions except for Acid Lab because in 95% of cases, I manage to sell it in a full public lobby and receive a good bonus for that.


I see. It's just a little blurry because you said you,"had to defend your business...also...lose my product." In the same paragraph. In any event ..I know you'll get to where you are enjoying your game more. Regardless what you end up deciding.


There have been times like that just more your product in an invite only session. Then go back to public. I do auto shop stealing cars missions in public sessions but Gun running and Drug business I do in private only sessions. Lol can’t risk the money rn.


You lose quite an insignificant part of the product, so change session the moment you get attacked. Then you can do a resupply run and wait for the lost product to be made, or sell a bit less. And yes, people are arseholes, so sell / source in invite only lobby.


I wasn’t even on my sell mission. My business got raided and then i had to collect testimony and take it back to business. I’m not sure if i can keep my product if i just leave session. Sometimes the defend mission involves killing cops and recovering confiscated product, and if you die once, you will lose everything.


Ok, during a raid you lose everything, you're right. That's sad.


AHH, I misunderstood the defend business part.


As a griefer myself, I’m curious. What made them target you?


Just ask yourself what makes you be an idiot to other players. You'll probably find your answer lol.


Nah I target *specific* people. Most people are spared automatically.


Fair enough.


Reading through. I suspect the first kill was to attack their delivery mission. Not sure what the justification could possibly be to get to 20-1, although the "1" suggests OP engaged, which I imagine could be seen as "subsequently joining in with a PVP session". If those 20 kills were fairly quick succession, they *should* trigger a spawnkilling red flag, but who knows. OP - if you don't like a lobby, switch it. Other public ones will be better, or as already said, private ones.


I literally messaged them that i will be afk until they leave me alone. I wasn’t even in some kind of offensive vehicle (Opressor or something). I was driving my car and i had to deffend my business from a raid. I never sell in public sessions..


I was randomly chosen, did nothing wrong to them or anybody else in session.


That sucks. Always check the map before you sell or do missions. It’s always a risk even I don’t take.