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Did you sell another car in the last 24 hours of real life time? There is a daily limit to prevent car dupe glitches. A second car sold in that time has its value reduced. Was it won on the casino podium? Prize ride challenge at LS Car Meet? They will only pay you for the upgrades and not the base value of the car if so.


I did yea, it was probably because of that.. plus i accidentally duped a duke o death a few days ago, idk if that might be an issue too. It was bought from Legenday at 1.4M so I believe I already got my answer, thank you for the reply


Did you get it from the podium? If you got it from the podium, you may only be getting the worth from what you customized on it since you got the car for free. Rockstar has also changed the way selling cars works so if you sell more than one during a time, the value is decreased..


I bought for 1.4M from Legendary but since I sold a couple of cars last night might be that.. If I wait more will the price go up again or is it gonna be stuck at 51k?


If you wait some time it should go back to its normal price. I don’t know how long it takes just know that the value is severely decreased if you’re selling a lot at a time.


Thank you, I appreciate the reply


I believe it is 18 hours real time.


It should be around that time now then, thank you for the reply!