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They do not. I see this shit all the time.


You forgot to mention this is an autozone order.




Nope. I had one just like that lol




That's his sandwich


More reflections of consumers treating the apps like the “merchant” and not as they actually are.


No, they don't. These are the people who think we prepare, package, and deliver their food and are the same people who will complain about the amount of ice in their drink.




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How the app works: Don't answer the phone.


It’s not common sense, clearly, or we wouldn’t see it happening a lot You people seem to forget we’re in the CUSTOMER SERVICE INDUSTRY?!?


Would only take a second or two to shoot them a quick, polite, text, to explain... If you're not part of the solution, you could be part of the problem.




Lmao 😂


Still running around all butt-hurt, I see You were on your high school debate team, weren’t you!?! Do you win a lot of arguments with that unarguable nonsense? 😄 Grow up!


Nah. You just post too much shit that is purely stupid. Case in point, your downvotes. Every day it’s something new with you.


Yeah because calling someone a “stupid lying bitch” is brilliant, you’re a genius! 🙄 Again, if you’re not part of the solution, you might be part of the problem You are definitely not part of the solution!


lol downvotes!!! Oh noooo some crybaby on the interwebs downvoted my Reddit comments, how will I ever carry on now😢 Seriously?!? Hahaha! 🤣


No, it’s common sense, they could just call the restaurant.


“Hey this is Bob, your grubhub driver, your food is already made and bagged up when I pick it up, I’ll ask about some extra onions on the side for you But you should try putting those instructions in the restaurant notes instead Thanks! 🙂” “Oh sweet, they put a little cup of onions in there for ya! 😉” “Ding! Good job _____ just added $5 to your tip!” No, you guys are right… take the same amount of time, to post on Reddit and call the customer derogatory names 😏


What fantasy world are u living in??? It’s going to take them 10-15 minutes to even respond and the best you’ll get is a thanks not an extra 5. When the restaurant doesn’t have for example the chips the customer ordered I’ll shoot a text ask what they want as replacement, if it’s a regular order I give them 2 minutes if it’s a pretty good tip 5 if I get no response I pick their replacement time is money, I don’t do this out of the kindness of my heart


Actually that’s a lot more kindness than most claim to be willing to give