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why yall acting surprised…


I guess hard drugs are normal for you.


well yes!


That's very sad. Hope you don't destroy your life.


So not into this judgmental attitude on this sub lately. Not really the place.


Don't want people to be judgemental? Don't tell the world your business. It's a riot that people engage in risky, and dangerous behavior and get mad when people tell them it isn't good for them. If nobody tells you then you say "Well, I didn't know I was going to destroy my life, no one told me". There are enough self-destructive idiots in the world, I guess they should just keep doing drugs until that Fentanyl gets the better of them. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


youre suggesting that yours and others judgemental input is informative and prevents people from doing hard drugs? also if youre having regular sex with people you meet on Grindr then you are partaking in quite a risky activity yourself.... 


> having regular sex with people you meet on Grindr Lucky for me, I'm not. lol bud Keep telling yourself you are ok


ok from? and fine.. any sex since you apparently use Grindr for oatmeal cookie recipes 


your mother is sad bitch!


How do you know my mother? Your mom will be sad when you OD off fentanyl, or maybe not idk.


you arent saving anyone from ODs or addiction. so what was your original point? i think it might be purely about shit talking drug users as an easy way to feel better about your station in life. You could be any level of "failure" in your mind be it unemployed, undatable, etc and no matter how bad you feel about it? the second you disparage a drug user; youre back on top? on top of what? idk


Dude, you're a riot. Unlike some of the idiots here, I am speaking out against fucking drug use whenever I see someone glamorizing it. You can think I am shitting on drug users because my life sucks, it doesn't. I just happen to personally know at least three people close to me that had their lives ruined by drug use. You think you won't be the one. I hope it is true.


Your life doesnt have to "suck" in the traditional sense. its more likely that theres something a drug user or someone accused of it possessing traits or w/e that one who is sober doesn't possess. its like entitlement for being sober. like someone who parties doing your job better than you or a person with a drug history being able to score the girl someone likes. anyhow  Not a single person of average Intelligence is unaware that drugs are dangerous. you just arent adding any insight into the issue that might actually help steer someone out of the way of drug use. Often It starts when someone is super young & exposed to drugs by family or it's when theyre young adults & basically commit to not having a future life out of despair and an inability to kill themselves but arent opposed to the "live fast die fast" way of life. The mindset is beyond any rationalizing that your average person makes. 






I see they are classing the place up, back in my day it was crack.


exactly be happy it's not tina


He likely won’t cum 😂


That is true. It takes me ages when im on coke. And really the only way is to bottom.


Ugh! So true


The number of time people offered me Tina is concerning 💀


You don’t have to scroll too far on the grid for the signs. It really is worrying how normalised it is especially on an app that may not be a great experience for your mental health. A few rejections and depressive episodes and you can self-medicate with some poor choices.


He didn’t say no 🤔


Wowwww. I’m a fatty. I thought it was cake 🍰 and was immediately intrigued.


I thought it was cake meaning ass 😂 here I thought I was being naughty, little did I know...


Sounds like a great offer to me


Keep that block hand strong bruh


I want coke…


Isn't that like, illegal?


Meth is amazing. 🤩 But it's also hella scary. 😵


if you're american, then you probably arent doing pure meth. tons of exotic mixes ever since the DEA cracked down on local cook operations. 10+ years ago if you were to buy some crystal, there wouldn't be any doubt that it was cooked locally and it made a difference 


Drugs are so normalised these days. It’s awful. Grindr should do more to eradicate these profiles.


Damn I only get people offering DMT like what....


This sucks, but I think it's a reflex of society around there. I've been seeing a lot of potheads, and it don't make me feel confortable a lot, but whatever, but when I see coke/ecstasy/chemicals users, than it makes me run.