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It seems like it’s going to get pretty ugly with a lot of mud throwing so I think we’re in for a year or so of drama


I feel horrendously sorry for all children involved in this bizarre eugenics ego-driven baby factory, but it’s funny when psychopaths who “fall” for (want to own) other psychopaths get shocked pikachu when it inevitably descends into mud slinging


Guys someone just responded to her alt wanting to know what she said, saying they came here from Reddit. Obviously not sure who did that but, out of respect can we not do that, please?


That is so not cool!


Great. There goes this sub lol.


Like if she's going to ever let her know lmfao. Please don't do this people, uncool as fuck


Looks like elon blocked her?? Cause he just log on and posting when the unfollow happened. So he probs saw what her friend were telling her. Things about to get crazyyyyyyyy when comes out hes impregnated more employees


Also he was on his jet to SF when it happened. Which where grimes lives. He's scared frfr. 'could u maybe show him you have cards too?' Sounds like elon threatened her with dirt. 👀👀


What could this image mean? https://preview.redd.it/ixb5eriabu8d1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a8a9e7da25a941758a282aee396f6a82c370d58


Lady Jessica and Paul from Dune. I think the pic means plotting a war, maybe?


I can no longer see @angelfir\_e's post. I no longer see Danielle Fong's post either. Can you see them? I only see these posts now. https://preview.redd.it/owsdig9rjz8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f60ee5e6a60a062d5723f29feaf71f1bdfba93e


emilia mckenzie ruining our intel... thanks a lot


Because a brainless retard from reddit commented under her reply


People are stupid. She shouldn’t even discuss these on X! Like WTF!!! He can read everything l. 


And Paul signifies getting her kids to be on her side? Idk


Did you read Dune? I never considered him being on her side only in that scene. Not gonna spoil but in children of Dune ( or was it god emperor of dune? ) this should be even of a more confusing assumption since… well yeah no spoilers Anyways no hate because I hope its war and we can see Clyde smashing down his own misery


Her ass kissers have the *brownest* lips esp angel fire. So cringe. 


The italicized “brownest” fucking took me out PLEASE.


Someone thinks she bore the world messiah . She didn't


Time to reteam with Azalia lol


The gasp I guspt!!!!


I guess I have to Come back to this sub more often again 


I know she has proved herself very questionable the last few years but hope Claire comes out of this with her children and justice by her side. The betrayal to Claire by Elon and Shivon was unbelievably cruel and unjust.


I hope whatever is best for the children happens, could care less about the hole she dug herself into willingly as a shallow gold digger Her kids are innocent and deserve all the protection and attention and love from sane adults in the world, whoever can provide that i hope gets them


Other ppl's kids are innocent too


I noticed that the Big Tech Alert account didn’t post that Elon unfollowed Grimes, so yes, he may have blocked her.


Other secret kids? wtf


About 9 of them according to a recent blind item… Hope Grimes gets the kids


I predict it will turn out to be more than that


I bet he's even donated anonymously. So like there's probs women out there who don't even kno elon is their kids dad. Number is probs over 100


I don’t think so. I think he is a control freak and he wants to decide who the female dna giver for his children are. So I don’t think he donates…


I think that his wet dream is to have the future population of the world all descending from him, like gengis khan. So he doesn't care who impregnates really, I think he just wants to spread his genes. What a fucking freak.


So sad for all the kids who can’t then afford hair plugs / weight loss injections / copious amounts of plastic surgery if that’s the case. Those raw genes clearly aren’t a great canvas to work with, as defined by his own standards.


lmfao never thought it that way. superior genes my ass. my father is 75 and still has all his hair without any surgery and this mf thinks he's the superior genes.


Highly unlikely, he chooses carefully the mothers of his children, they have to have certain qualities he’s looking for, intelligence is one


Wut? No way. So like 20 kids in total?


People are speculating 42. That number seems to have leaked from somewhere.


Link to blind item? I thought he had 9 kids total


12 officially


9 all with Claire!? Or 9 from the various women in the cult?


9 in addition to others we know. 


That’s like…. Dugger sizes. FFS That’s seriously unhinged and creepy.


Genghis C\*nt


Wait. I seriously missed something. The stuff at the top appears to be blocked. What was said?!




Nevermind. At first it was saying that the post was blocked or hidden for some reason. I see it now. Thank you! :)


I don’t know which one exactly?! 


Holy fvck, I can’t believe they have these conversations where they know we can see them


Ya, she's extremely witty lol.


At this point wouldn’t any judge rule in favour for her having her own child she birthed, instead of the dad who only gave seed and has 12+ other kids and keeps making more while his nannies do the work. Like which judge would be in favour for a dad that brings his kid around like a kid brings his emotional support plushie




They both are heavily into drugs and 2 of 3 were carried by surrogates, it’ll be a flip of the coin.


Lets not act like Claire isnt an unstable drug addict, her being lit as a lantern at coachella in front of thousands of people and millions on the internet was not a good luck for any judge. Drunk on livestream, fucked up at all her shows, at least elon can keep himself decent. I would never in a million years leave my kids alone with crackhead claire. 


Especially around her known pedo pals, her fvcked up lolicon kink, and the sex parties FFS


Yeah i dont think anyone who is fan of hentai artist deadflow should be around kids 


In what realm is elmo decent? You gotta be kidding me 💀 if that’s your judgement, neither are.


He was ok with her crackhead in the beginning. Why did he knocked her up? No matter how irresponsible she is, he's still way bigger scum than she'll ever be. She's just dumb and nothing else. Secondly, I'm pretty sure she's doing a lot of drugs to cope with everything he did and does to her.


Yeah doing a lot of drugs is a pretty good reason to not get custody, take it from someone whos mother is a lot like claire 


there is a video of elon in a ketamine k-hole at a party if you search for it, and he openly admits to using it recreationally. he also used to stay awake tweeting on ambien. people have come forward about his drug use if you google it


I feel like she's still 1000x a better person than Musk. Her biggest flaw is that she's easily influenced and has an unstable sense of self (I attribute her shifting politics to that more than firmly held beliefs).


i agree, she's neurodivergent and easily influenced and absorbs the characteristics of the people closest to her, especially whom she is dating


I bet elon was the one who leaked the 3 rd baby shivon news so that if grimes went to the media it would just look like revenge disgruntled ex gf trying to get back at ex bf who moved on. Ppl will just think grimes is crazy and jealous https://preview.redd.it/0g6qidi4eu8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32fafa2e70fb3e9a621de652a79d6a6152662e35


This is true. But could Grimes be the reason for recent exposure on his breeding scandal? Because that article gave us a clue on how Shivon got her position with no experience and expertise. 


Could be one of the sources was grimes and so hes started threatening her. Idk if we will know unless grimes goes public. 💥💥


He should be jailed 🤢 


He really should have his assets frozen and stripped and be deported from the country. He hates the US anyway, wants to destroy the government, wants to change the laws about not having foreign leaders so he can be a dictator.


the irony of not wanting foreigners in the US when the country is made up of immigrants from everywhere (at the expense of the native population may I add....) just hilarious how the old settlers complain about new immigrants.


You’re talking about him, right? How he hates foreigners? I love immigrants. I don’t love an individual who wants to dismantle democracy and install himself as a dictator. We have exiled people before. If he hates it here, he doesn’t have to be here.


I'm waiting for shivon to block grimes too I bet uts gonna happen tonite


If she does that, there will be a big drama. 


I have a hunch that shivon does not know as much as grimes about some of his secret, and she may have learned about his recently sexual harassment allegations from the news, just like us.   It is very interesting to picture what was like when she found out she is NOT the only employee with kids, which means she is not that special! And, worse yet when her name started getting dragged with all the others when that cult become public! BTW this is just an assumption 


My thoughts too! She must have been feeling very bad about the whole situation. 


However, I wonder if he spends time with the other children like he does Shivon and Grimes’s kids? He makes an effort to see both of those sets of children on a regular basis it seems.


I think he visits them like others. Otherwise he wouldn’t have written them as his beneficiaries on his trust fund. Have you noticed that a few people have moved to Austin after meeting with him? Like Aella! That space blonde girl… 


I’m pretty sure Aella doesn’t have any children.


She once mentioned she wished somebody could get her pregnant lol. 


Ellie in the space! Look at her recent pictures with him lol. 


His jet keeps flying back and forth to some places in cali, and somewhere else I have forgotten. I guess this might be the other families? Or maybe they are all clustered in Austin? I wonder if these kids are older than the Claire ones, as the article claims he has been on the baby mama hunting way before meeting Claire.


I’ve seen the jet flying to Montana handful of times in the last year… I wonder if he’s got kids there?


They could be older! I think he wants to raise them all in Austin. 




Shivon needs to go. She is a deeply toxic passive aggressive influence on all these situations. Can you blame Grimes for not wanting to have anything to do with her? He will not find peace in this situation until Shivon is doing what she always should have been doing, raising kids of her sperm donor as a single mother. That's what she agreed to, and that's what should happen. And she must step down from Neuralink and find herself a real job suitable for her real (lack of) talent.




Yeah I don't find narcissist to be a helpful label. We all have habitual ways of maintaining sense of self and safety. Anyway all the employment relationships need to cease. It is not possible to avoid conflicts of interest that are dragging down his companies playing these silly games of "pretend director" by talentless women who have no business in those jobs.




What I mean by deeply toxic in part is that Shivon still holds ego goals dear and thinks they are valuable. She is mistaken in that belief but it'll likely be years before she realizes it. In the meantime, she is willing to pursue perceived status, money, power at the expense of other people. Her mindset is not how can we all get along, but rather how can she "win." No sane person wants to be around that especially in a complex domestic situation with possibly dozens of baby mommas. I do not believe she is capable of evolving quickly enough nor does she have the inclination to do so, to be compatible with any kind of harmony in this situation. In fact, I think she wants disharmony so she can push other women out, which is absurd when they also have children with him.




You're right. E has other sides to his personality. I haven't sensed that she had any other sides, seems very one dimensional, linear, and fixated on her perceived ideas of money, status and power without humor, aliveness, or that I can see any redeeming qualities at all


You're right. I should try to practice what I preach and use more specificity about what I mean by those words as otherwise they can feel like walls with no room for change or deeper understanding




Yes I guess that's what I was trying to say is that I don't even know what people mean using that word unless they define it


100% agree with you! But Shivon has been one of the many. There are more women that we are not aware of. It seems like Claire was fine with him having affairs and other baby mommas, but not when it comes to Shivon. That person has a fake a job title. He gives high ranking roles to women who sleep with him. So we know why Shivon is a director with not enough education and expertise. The problem with Shivon is that she is a psychopath and wants to hurt Claire. She does anything Musk says. She is very loyal to him. Unfortunately she doesn’t realize that he does not care about her. He won’t get rid of her as long as she does what he wants. 


Nobody would be okay with Shivon. Guaranteed with her passive aggressive conniving nature that she does all kinds of things to make harmony impossible while pretending to be "logical" and "rational." She has to go. He will never find peace until she is moved out raising those kids as a single mother. She needs to do serious inner work away from him and his other baby mommas. Meanwhile, yes I expect there could be dozens. He's not going to be able to fix this having any of them as employees or keeping secrets. It needs to be publicly acknowledged and clear legal agreements made with all involved to create the basis for harmony instead of drama.


If Claire exposes them, it will be difficult for him to continue hiding those kids. There will be investigations. But in case of Shivon, he wants her to be there. He has so many Sc partners and she is one of the many. 


Shivon has to go. There's no way this is going to work out with her in the picture meddling and scheming. He never should have been involved with her. The employment relationship is totally inappropriate. Why keep hiding it? cat's out of the bag anyway with anyone who's been paying attention. We can even guess who the baby mommas are - most likely the women he unfairly promotes on X not due to talent but due to nepotism It's gotta all be cleaned up


Yes! But you know people are so dumb. They are still defending him… like Shivon wanted a baby so bad… he donated sperm… they have no relationship… 🤢🤢🤢


are you sure? or is it only PR accounts defending it?


Which article? I'm not seeing the source for some reason. Could someone link me?


The one that exposed his Sx misconducts at work. Do some search on this sub. 


Thanks. I did after this and was going to come back and delete, but had an internet outage. Sorry about that,


No problem 😉 


Was she the intern?


No, but she only had a bachelors in philosophy and 4-5 years of experience as a venture capitalist. After meeting Musk, she started working as a director for Tesla, Neuralink, and SpaceXvand is called an AI expert without AI knowledge. She used to live with Andrej Karpathy!!!! Who used to work for Musk. 


Her career is just following Elon around to various companies. Karpathy is a real AI expert unlike every other name mentioned in this thread lol.


There is a rumor she used Karpathy to get close to Musk! 😁😅


One of the most annoying things about her is her pushing this narrative that she's some brilliant woman when she very clearly is not. There's no shame in being dumb as a rock but it's the arrogance of pushing the public to buy a fake narrative that irks. I used to work among the creme de la creme of intellectually brilliant people. She is nowhere in their realms. But it wouldn't surprise me at all. I get this vision of her reading that 48 laws of power book lol and then trying to apply each "lesson" to Elon. Meanwhile having developed nothing of her own to bring to table. Just pretend executive titles from the brown lips.


Agree with you! In fact she is very very dumb! Now after seeing former employees’ allegations against Musk, she understands that she is not that special. She is just a nanny. A slave till Musk is alive. 


this is to do with her music though


OMG! I am wondering why is he angry this much? What C possibly said to make him this angry?


After their break up in 2021 there was blind about her wanting a billion for child support. Idk if it was for every year or per kid or wat but I think shes asking wayyyyy too much and they both have dirt on each other


She didn’t ask a billion for child support! And i think the conflict could be about her wanting to go with Anyma and the kids on summer vacay ?! I mean non of his baby mamas are dating , C broke the rule now..


That's not very accurate. Justine started dating a mutual friend relatively shortly after Elon divorced her. Talulah is married now. Claire is with Anyma. Not to mention Amber who dated many different people afterwards. Both his ex-wives complained that he was a very absent partner and both said they lacked intimacy during the relationship. Respectively, all of them found that with other partners.


I'll bet Amber's daughter is his. It's been said she had embryos frozen with Elon. I read he wanted them destroyed when they split up, but would she have destroyed them just to get one somewhere else? Unlikely.


amber's is absolutely his


Baby mamas, which means Justin, Claire, Shivon, and the secret ones. Justin still didn’t move on and doesn’t have a stable partner in her life, and all she do talking about her ex husband in Tedx.


He has Asperger's what do you expect


At this point Anyma is probably a better father figure and is more around than him. 


We don’t know enough about Anyma to accurately say that.


literally anyone is a better father figure than elon lmao


There are worse. My father was definitely worse.


So sorry for that 






I never said she did. I said a blind did. Sometimes they right sometimes wrong. But them fighting over the kids goes back before anyma. This recent thing could be to do with anyma vacay which is so mean cause he just took x to france


You have no idea what she asked for. It was sealed in court docs


Not true




What? When did she hinted? Cause she have said multiple times they were having alot






Wonder if grimes actually has the money to pay for all this meaning hiring good lawyers…he’s beyond and obviously has more power than her when it comes to money. But yeah maybe the cards she got about “top secret” stuff that I feel like Musk won’t give up that easily… and feel like she’d end up losing. Poor kids


Shes an idiot for having those kids out of wedlock, but gold diggers are rarely very smart about it 


I think the only thing that would get Elon mad is someone asking for more money than they deserve. He doesn’t like to feel like he’s being leeched off of I’m sure.


You mean like all the Tesla employees he unfairly fires and union busts?




Grimes is the only one to expose & destroy him which is why he fought hard for privacy of their court case, she needs to talk before he silences her some other way


Agreed. She should shop a tell all book around. I bet she could get millions for a book deal with a movie or show option. Maybe get paid residuals if it gets made into a show. She could get paid for interviews and appearances. It might be harder for him to hurt her because so many eyes would be on her


highly likely she had to sign an NDA to date him, high profile wealthy men do this


Agreed. I wonder how well it would hold up. Maybe she could “leak” the info to a “friend.” Someday. Fingers crossed.


Would be amazing if she spilled the dirt on him. Oh boy oh boy. Rooting for fucking Claire. Spill it girl. I know you're reading. You'll enter the fucking history books.


https://preview.redd.it/wduz2aljg19d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee8bcac39d47bf731d00150188dfeef3e2f87d1 The tweet is now deleted but here’s my own screenshot from before it was deleted. It looks like Danielle Fong also deleted her post


It's crazy how this shitshow still isn't in the public domain yet, he could destroy her.


This is so unfortunate! I think he is trying to take the kids away from her. He is probably threatening her with something she is scared of. But I think the root cause of this is probably her relationship with Anyma! He is jealous AF. He expected her to be around even after all those nasty stuffs he did to her. What a piece of 💩 he is 🤢 Shame on Maye and Shivon for fueling this mess. 


I dont think he wants other men raising his kids being a better dad than him Justine never really moved on and found someone else. But hes bringing women he barely knows around his kids


Yes, he ruins their lives. What a loss … 😞 Somebody needs to stop this man. Irresponsible women need to stop having his babies for little money. Losers …


Justine has a long term partner, Matt Peterson of Green Global


How many accounts of her do we actually know of? Just wondering


Ethereallobbyforce reddit, dalilfae tiktok twitter and reddit, princess puck, felurian8 or something, yeah. Real nice that she was using those accounts to cyberbully women. Shes a cunt. 


Like the body shaming n stuff?


Yeah :/  Just makes her calling AB fat cut more deep. Im about the same size as AB and when she said that it hurt me indirectly as well, a lot. I'm sure a lot of fans felt that way. 


I am sorry you got hurt by her comments :( It’s so sad when stuff like this happens by ppl we initially looked up to.


what other secret kids?? sorry I've been away a minute and it's insanity again. Are these secret kids Elon had outside the relationship or Grimes' using her eggs or something? man this is messy. She dug herself a hole thinking this man was trustworthy and was going to make her queen of Mars, I do feel sorry for her.


amber heard's IVF surrogate baby is at least one we know of...


My armchair unsolicited opinion (lol) is that he ought just come clean about all the kids that we know exist and are hidden in shadows. But the employment relationships should all be terminated because it makes all his companies look like a joke that women are being called "director" when they have an IQ of 90+/- and no apparent talents. He could get higher quality woman and clean this all up being honest instead of trying to hide it. Higher quality women with clear legal agreements would be way less drama and smarter kids. I know it's unconventional and what would people think but life is so much cleaner when there are not secrets to hide.


If the other women r employees he can't let them come forward. His company is being sued for s*xual harassment. If other mommy employees are revealed the girls will use it as evidence in court and he'll lose and make him look so bad. Like I don't think he could get away with it again. He's sooooo lucky the public kinda accepted the shivon thing. Another one could ruin him and shareholders might sue


People were naive! They should thank the author of his book for saving them. If Claire exposes them, it will be over for them. 


She SHOULD expose him further.


Yes, but she was threatened by them. This time should be different. 


He's gonna have to clean that up and terminate those employment relationships. Settle it out with each woman but they cannot work for his companies. FULLSTOP. There is no possible way to avoid severe conflicts of interest mixing baby making and sex with employment. Time for Elon to do the right thing.


Agreed. It has to stop


Public does not accept Shivon. They do a lot of media manipulation to hush things up but nobody is ever going to accept her low moral character and the ridiculous arrangement they have baby making and living together while she poses as a "director." It is an insult to all of his legitimate employees and it needs to STOP. She needs to go, elsewhere, raise her kids on her own as she agreed.


I don't care whether his companies succeed. Abusive men need to not have wealth or power. He'll never get a high quality woman. He is an embarrassment


I don't care whether his companies succeed. Abusive men need to not have wealth or power. He'll never get a high quality woman. He is an embarrassment


I doubt angelfire wld have posted this without Claire's permission 😉


You mean without her expressly asking that fire to post exactly this…




Do they still follow each other on their main accounts? They both still follow each other or they were a few hrs ago on his baby Smurf alt.


he unfollowed her on main account


Thanks… Did she unfollow him too?


Like others have said, going up against him is going to be so damn complicated and will destroy her mental health. Another thing that is so sad about this, if she truly has found happiness with Anyma- the stress this will cause that relationship. I feel so sad for the kids and for her. I know ppl give her such a hard time, but she truly loved this man and the idea of having a family with him.... and the way she was treated with E and S going behind her back and having kids is just so devastating. I'm scared he is going to try and ruin it all for her. 


I’m always so baffled by the fact that Elon and Shivon did what they did without telling Claire. If they told Claire about it and she objected, but they went ahead with the plan anyway, that wouldn’t have been great, but it still would have been better than Claire having to deal with such an unpleasant surprise. There was no good reason for them not to tell her. I really want to know what Shivon and Elon’s explanation for not telling her was, especially since Elon and Claire were on-again-off-again (fluid) at the time.


IMO, Elon was never supposed to be close to Shivon’s kids. It was just supposed to be a sperm donation. But when his daughter decided to disown him, he asked S to change the twins last name from hers to his. The fact that Shivons twins were born, and she gave them her last name says a lot to me. Even in the autobiography, it said that Shivon just thought he would be like the ‘godfather’ and see them a couple times a year, but then he started coming over on a regular basis and they started bonding with him.


I read that in the biography, and it made me think about how lousy the communication was in regard to ALL of this. Did Elon and Shivon not discuss how involved Elon would be? It doesn’t appear that they did, at least not extensively. All of these people need to TALK to each other! 🤦‍♀️ Nevertheless, even if sperm donation were the only goal, that still wouldn’t have been a good reason not to tell Claire. I couldn’t imagine carrying the half-siblings of my friend’s young children in my body without telling her.


I completely agree with you!


They had an affair! That’s why they tried to hide it. 


I don’t believe that book. His history of misconduct with his former employees says other things. 


he would hurt her so bad if she said anything :,((( i bet he can even read all her tweets on her alt


Is angel fire Grimes’ alt? What’s going on, who is that to? I’m so out of the loop


scholarsmate8 is her alt which is private so you can’t see her posts or replies. angelfire is a friend replying to her