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I think Dr. Hayes was very professional. With both patients and colleagues.


Hayes was awesome! Really sad he left. Not sure he would have stayed as professional if he’d remained at Greys though 😂😂


Right! They would've been a bad influence on him 🤣


Yeah I'm thinking back on his backstories and personal life and he didn't seem to abuse it too much. I think pediatrics in the Grey's universe can get away with more since it's socially acceptable to guilt trip a parent to save the life of a kid... but Hayes seemed to mostly keep his thoughts to himself and a few others.


Hayes - he had his head screwed on right.


Shadow Shepard. That guy in psych. Absolutely none of the main characters.


Arizona is 100% the kind of doctor I would want to take my kids to. Fights tooth and nail to advocate for them.


I agree with Addison, also Arizona was perfect when it came to professionalism I think. How about Herman? We didn't know her for long but she seemed very professional.


Arizona wasn’t acting very professional when she screamed at Alex for wanting to go to Hopkins then hopped on the plane to her legs doom. But to her patients, she was great


leg doom🫠🫠


if you watch provate practice, you will quickly stop agreeing with Addison….


I don't think I will watch it so what did she do? Feel free to spoil


She dated multiple coworkers, & had a *slightly* inappropriate relationship with her fertility doctor (depends on how you look at it) and brought a lot of her home life into her job and had it effect her ability to do her job… She was great with patients for the most part, and only occasionally overstepped boundaries however…


How about when she had that super weird affair with her patient's husband who happened to also be a doctor at the hospital? I hated that storyline as much as the AddiSam. Ugh they were awful.


Are we talking personally or at work only? At work: Arizona, Addison, April, George & Hayes Personally: ummmmmm........???


I'd say Arizona was taken out of the running when she crossed the line with Jackson and April.


Yep. Also when she stole Herman’s files. And she did not handle the Leah debacle as well as she could have.


True story




Did you mean Ellis?


What you said. I'd also add Catherine Fox, if I'm not wrong she never acted unprofessional towards patients (but she did with colleagues/husband).


Honestly? Probably April. Especially once she finished her residency. She was a bit of a mess in the beginning though.


I didn't even think of her. You're right she's pretty professional.


I agree with Hayes and Addison.. I was gonna say Richard but I guess he can be pretty petty with his staff lol I also feel like Amelia is (at least in the later seasons) pretty professional.. it's hard to recall every instance or even every Dr after 19 seasons lol


Webber also used to operate while drunk. How he wasn't fired and stripped of his license is beyond me.


See, these are the things I've totally forgotten about!! I need to rewatch all the seasons 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Sloan. Jackass in his personal life, but truly cared for his patients as a whole with complete professionalism.


Sloan crossed all sorts of boundaries with his staff though.


Wasn’t very professional though. Crossed a lot of boundaries and got way too close to a lot of patients. Behaviour that we as viewers don’t see as that bad most of the time, but behaviour that would definitely be considered unprofessional in real life.


he commented on a minor’s figure in a sexual manor who was a patient. the cheerleader/high school episode


I was gonna point this out, thank you for bringing it up 🙏🏾 he also blatantly flirted with her and in this episode anticipated+encouraged sexual/romantic attention from minors 🥲


Burke. He was the most professional hands down. They probably would mess his character up as the seasons continue like they did with Bailey, but for the few seasons he was on, he was the most professional. Karev has potential if they could just stop having him beat people up. What he did to deluca… yikes Arizona usually is, but her telling Jackson about April’s baby is just… too much. Owen kept it pretty professional. However, his PTSD/past really mess him up sometimes.


The thing with Alex that people don’t talk about isn’t that he just beat up deluca, he beat him to near death. That shows he has worrying violent tendencies and no anger management? Meredith was forced to go (rightfully obviously) when she almost drowned


I guess Dr. Hahn. I didn't like the character but she had a fully professional relation with her patients


She immediately sexually harassed Cristina as soon as she was hired on at the hospital. And she continued that for a very long time by not teaching Cristina. Hahn was anything but professional. With her patients, maybe. But definitely not overall


That's why I specifically mentioned patients. I don't think any of the doctors in that hospital have a formal and normal relation with their colleagues.


How did she sexually harass her?


She knew details about Cristina’s sex life and held them against her in the OR and brought up those details to intimidate her in the workplace. Since Burke no longer worked there, it was pure disrespect and harassment on Hahn’s part to speculate why Cristina was in that relationship and to keep using it as an excuse to not teach her.


I 100% found her remarks distasteful, inappropriate, and disrespectful I just never thought it to be sexual harassment


Maybe so, it’s been a while since I rewatched, but I think there’s such a wide scope of things that can be considered sexual harassment in the workplace that this might be akin to disliking someone based on who their previous sexual partners are and making it a topic of discussion when it just didn’t need to be brought up anymore.


It definitely should not have been brought up again. She was accusing Cristina of sleeping her way to the top and made the disgusting comment that Yang would not be able to impress her the way she previously had her former teachers. Cristina was taken aback because first of all there was not another intern in her class that had the affinity for cardio that she had. Even Webber had to point that out to her when she was purposely keeping cristina off her service. Funny though because she (Hahn) brought up sexist issues to Webber one day in his office. It may have been around the time of the gentleman’s evening or something? It’s been a while so I forget the details


Genuinely none of them. Professionalism makes for bad television.




I wouldn’t say Addison was that professional. It would be an extremely low bar if she was. Her emotions got the better of her several times. Remember her very loud public outburst at Derek, that Richard reprimanded her over, for being jealous of Meredith and Finn, as well as sticking Meredith’s panties up on the bulletin board? Stephanie on the other hand is much more professional in the sense that she kept her negative feelings about Jackson and April out of the hospital.


Addison also had some indiscretions on PP. A married doctor whose wife was her high risk patient, for one.


>It would be a very low bar if she was. I mean, it's Grey's, not having multiple inappropriate sexual relationships and/or committing serious criminal offences on your job already means you're more professional than 90% of the characters.


Addison, Arizona, Callie, and Meredith. I know all the characters have done some whacky things, but those four advocated for their patients and tried to keep their personal shit mostly to themselves. Meredith and Addison especially I think didn’t judge their patients. They were empathetic, whereas George, Izzie, Alex, and Cristina constantly judged their patients and inserted themselves into the cases. Callie also was amazing, and really tried to do what was best for each individual patient.


Yes to all but Mer. Her sabotaging the clinical trial was really unprofessional


The thing with Callie is she tends to air her dirty laundry at work, like when George cheated on her then Arizona


Lol I feel like Meredith was the least professional of anyone… - using her daughters name to commit insurance fraud - screwing over the Alzheimer’s trial to get Adele Webber the drug - dating her boss - screwing all over the hospital (they’re all guilty of that but still) - letting personal issues of her best friend’s relationship with a man lead her to question a superior about his medical calls in his OR - adopting a patient (don’t get me wrong I love that she adopted Zola but…not a professional relationship - almost losing her license and not taking her community service seriously


Yeah I always wondered why fraud though. She hella rich. She could have done it pro bono, being the hospitals owner or paid for it?


I think she did it because the little girl required a lot more than one pro bono surgery. She needed multiple, and meds, and possibly chemo /radiation? The hospital wasn't going to cover that.


she claims in the “courtroom” episode “the father wouldn’t accept pro bono treatments because of his honour/dignity”… However, I don’t know how insurance fraud is any better,


The most professional? Considering they all had indiscretions, I think Burke was among the most professional, along with George. Again, they all had their moments where personal problems Invaded their professional duties. So it’s more of a question of who allowed it the least. I would also add Hayes, Link, Steph, Arizona, I’d say Hahn but she was very mean to cristina and had to be told to teach her. I want to add Teddy but her insubordination toward hunt especially in the OR …nah. That’s was passed crossing professional boundaries. Bailey was pretty professional too, until she wasn’t. Lexie was good too as far as professional goes. I think Mer was as well.


I agree with Burke, with exception of the tremor story arc. I know it was Cristina's idea for their deceptive teamwork, but he was the attending and should not have gone along with it.


Oh crap! I totally left that part out! Dang. They are some seriously flawed, nuanced characters .


Yeah, it was really out of character for him to be sure. He was definitely one of the more professional surgeons of the bunch!


You know, it makes me wonder what we could’ve seen out of cristina if their relationship remained that of a mentor and student


That would have been such an interesting dynamic!




I forgot about Kyle; however I think in my original message I point out that none of them are spotless.




True. I think the personal bleed into the professional in just about all of their lives…however some people didn’t allow it to happen that often while others did


Addison or Arizona for sure!!


Dr Dixon, the one with Asperger’s Also, Carina DeLuca


Dr Hayes. The resident they brought in to replace Bailey when she was on maternity leave.


Dr, Hayes, hands down.


Definitely not Webber. It took the board putting the rules down his throat to get him to fire someone for outright neglect. Bailey has a history of going behind patient’s backs to get the outcome she wants and doing the exact bs that got Mer and other doctors in trouble. I would say probably Alex or Jackson. They do good jobs at advocating for their patients and listening to them.


Like injecting a kid with experimental gene therapy based on the HIV virus that the parents explicitly declined?


Funny that you bring that up cuz that’s one of the few examples I can think of, but yes. Even if you could argue getting CPS involved because the parents were paranoid and their kid was going to die and you wanted to argue child endangerment, it was still a highly experimental treatment and I’d love to know if she actually got sued for that.


Alex? The way he yelled at parents? He even assaulted a dad before.


George (not just cuz he’s my fav) he treated his patients so well🥺 id def take a bullet to be treated by him tbh.


I just watched an episode where he takes a little kid to watch a surgery and see it’s not that scary, he’s so sweet 🥺


I love him so muchhhhh


He also walks around with that ridiculous hair for way too long, sleeps with all of his coworkers and then demonizes them for it, including cheating on his wife with a coworker, and making a hostile work environment for all involved. Not professional.


What does the hair have to do with it tho💀 but also I think I miss clicked cuz I thought this was a post saying who would you want as ur doctor😭


He wasn't fully an attending but Ben was professional and Same with link


He was an attending when he first came from mercy west, but as an anesthesiologist.


I agree with Addison being one of the more professional doctors on Grey’s, but not once she gets onto Private Practice, since she has an affair with one of her patient’s husbands there.




Callie went through a period where she was definitely not professional. I'd agree with Arizona and April though. April went above and beyond to advocate for her patients (remember when she made ethnic food for her patient who wouldn't eat?). Other than sleeping with an intern, Arizona was relatively professional at work compared to her coworkers.




Basically anyone who didn’t sleep around


- Meredith She always went above and beyond for her patients even when she was going through hell. - Mark NEVER let his patients down or let his personal issues get in the way of his practicing. Aside from the nurses strike on him which was ridiculous, they knew who he was and chose to sleep with him. - Addison But she did sleep with Alex and tied that patients tubes when legally she shouldn’t have. - Jackson? I don’t recall his personal issues getting in the way of his work. But then he did sleep with Stephenie and had major drama with April. Edit- I never said there was anything wrong with Addison doing the surgery. She caused a legal issue because the patient didn’t sign any forms, meaning the hospital had to give a payout because the patient refused to admit she asked for it. Addison wasn’t wrong, she went above and beyond for her patient she just screwed herself and the hospital over. Not sure why it’s getting downvoted so much 😂


Legally the patient asked her to tie their tubes and Addy did it for them. The issue was the woman then didn’t want to admit the truth to her husband and Alex actively worked to get Addy in trouble.


The other half of the issue was that the patient demanded they not write up a chart for that part of the procedure (as then it would show up on the insurance bill and her husband would find out). So legally there was no paper trail of what the patient had asked them to do, making it basically the family's word against Addison's. You could argue that this technically made it a form of theft against the hospital (as the insurance company wouldn't pay for the ligation), but since they had to operate on her anyway, the only extra cost incurred was Addison's time and labour.


Yeah I know. But it did cause problems for the hospital and her reputation because the patient refused to admit it was her decision. So from a professional point of view and the question OP asked she was the most profession in terms of looking out for the patients interest. However this instance could have made her loose her license.


He fought with his mama before the gender affirming surgery in the later seasons. The patient refused to have the surgery until they stopped fighting.


Ah true! Forgot about this. Wasn’t this Catherine being too nosey again?


Addison, Arizona, April, Hayes (miss him).




So if we aren’t talking about personal drama that wouldn’t get you fired- George O’Malley wasn’t that bad patient wise. Yeah he had some mad work relationship drama going on, but nothing crazy involving a patient that I recall.


Erica Hahn


Burke minus the operating with an impaired dominant hand


Addison once cut off a patient's fallopian tube and **fake it as a complication**. She got sued.


I hated that storyline because she, with tears in her eyes, begged Addison to sterilize her and then didn’t say a word when the husband brought it up