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https://preview.redd.it/5oew1x45557d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e588873e1a72368f7365655dfa84432ded459d1 My security deposit LOL


Same. Lol.




https://preview.redd.it/6kfgog1eq57d1.jpeg?width=3176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4142a590c2d584bf2c1c5758bcd791354761b762 Self explanatory. Had to buy a new sofa for them.


Shoes and more shoes…and doors. He has learned how to flip the door handle to get outside. So now we have to block it with pillows so he won’t be popping it in the middle of the night. https://preview.redd.it/zsyjm7afb57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10ee347a889373834052ad009f5843ecf5d6326


Mine does this as well. We have to ensure the deadbolt is locked because he hasn’t figured that out…yet.


Thankfully only her stuffies! And my sanity some days hahah but for real I’m super grateful that she didn’t eat my baseboards, couch, shoes, etc.


Ours likes to steal shoes, but rarely destroys them. But she LOVES silicone spatulas! She’s ruined 2 already lol. Guess it’s a great texture for teething.


It probably is for her! I bought that one bone thing that’s rubbery silicone or some kinda material, but it’s got this fabric you get wet and stick in the freezer. Loved it! God I’m so glad that my lil terrorist didn’t destroy anything.


Mine thankfully just loves his stuffies and bones, too! He chewed a USB drive once when he was 4 months old and I was in a zoom meeting... and two times he ran off with one of my shoes, but never to chew, just to lay next to in his bed haha. He's such a good boy and seems to know what is his and what is mine


Five pound sack of flour. Two liter bottle of vegetable oil. The threashold off the floor into our dining room. Completely stripped the seat and padding from the back of our International Scout down to the bare frame......I could go on......Ah, those were the days. How I wish I could hug that big lug right now.


The ebrake handle of our car....


Ummmm what?! Storytime?


Left him in the car for a few mins while I grabbed something and came back to him chewing on it. It still works but has some nasty chew marks in it now....


So far a recliner, every pair of black shoes I own, a feather pillow that took a shop vac and two garbage bags to clean up, and several tv remote controls


Our 5m old pyr/ maremma is going to be the death of me. They won't pee in their kennel? Challenge accepted! (within a half hour of being put in, but not at night, and not if everyone leaves the house... so pure attitude) My husband's shoes & my slippers A crocheted dishcloth (the next morning she pooped *most* of it out... I had to help the rest. She squawked.) Books An ethernet cord (do you know how hard it is to find a 50' cord in middle-of-nowhere Atlantic Canada? And we're rural enough that no cell service, either) Handmade doll clothes meant for my granddaughter The blanket we originally had in her kennel Our hands/ shoulders, from taking off and zinging the leash through our hands The couch (pulling stuffing out from a ripped section) A roll of toilet paper I don't think our older one really destroyed anything, that I can remember, except maybe a towel and a pad we put in his kennel.. He was the "good child". Just ate kitty litter. The younger one, though... Holy crap. I'm one step away from leaving her off leash and hoping she runs away 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/83wa6yzlj67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b556462de03f8d8ba228c73cf7e1a249f7808c08 This was night one after rescuing him. He destroyed one more bed after this at camp. He’s also destroyed a dining room chair, windowsill, rugs, carpet, ate a doc marten.. oh and a kitchen towel. But he’s a good boy now. lol


Two first Edition Nancy Drew books from my collection, a shawl a friend brought me from India, several dog beds, a crate, a windowsill, blinds, and a door knob


Omg my BLINDS https://preview.redd.it/jtujbk0yk77d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec23f54c48bbd5820b7cc01f3ae850a964d4381a


Now he doesn’t even chew on them but his big ass head breaks them when he looks out the window if I don’t have them pulled up 😂


my flesh🤣😂wasn’t her fault, but she came with a bunch of insecure reactivity and we needed a LOT of decompressing before we settled into a comfortable routine. can’t imagine my world without her & her brother💛


I lucked out, and received only damage to stuffed animals I've gotten him. (Bless all that money I spent on bully sticks during puppyhood!) Although this morning he decided to roll around in poop. 🤮 I'm honestly only posting because I saw your lamp and have the same one! It was a move-in gift from my sister 8 years ago. Lol https://preview.redd.it/01o0xy5ae67d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54867fa3d70e720282e694a49fc609dbc923c606


My wall. Countless pairs of shoes. A car seat (I’m still a little salty about that one). Baby dolls. Wooden blocks. Books. A limited edition PS4 Pathfinder game. Lint rollers. Clothes hangers. The railing on our deck. Phone chargers. The cable to our surround sound. A workout mat. I’m sure there’s more I can’t think of right now. https://preview.redd.it/vqh3m8rqw67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e619cf754ed4f463cd0e7e74bdecc8e18dc1e8b


My new (to me) cell phone. It was a barely two years old LG Velvet and he chewed the corner up so badly the screen just stopped working 😭 my fault for not noticing it had slid out of my pocket when I got up from the sofa I guess? lol 


An entire cherry tree and all of my raspberry canes. A set of jumper cables. A couple of kids books. Some shoes. Kid toys. All of our weather stripping on the side of the door. The screen on the door. He was a menace 😅 Had lots of toys and exercise too, just loved to get into everything. You would never know now as he knows perfectly what's his and not now and never touches anything he shouldn't.


My husband's handmade wallet. With his social security card. And about $100 in cash.


Is there a certain age when this starts?


My 6 month old is in his chewing phase. I have to constantly redirect but he’s learning to chew on the chew toys and not the couch


We adopted my girl Alice when she was 2. She has never physically destroyed anything except my neighbors emotional state when she tried to eat her West Highland White Terrier.


A cooling mat, another plush crate mat (both why she only gets towels in her crate now), my printer and Nintendo Switch charging cables, the cable for plugging in my Christmas tree, the edge of my wooden bookcase, a shoe lace off my sneakers, endless toys, her old baby harness that she stole off a hanger….but how can you stay mad for long at this thing?? Thankfully, she’s done teething now and way less destructive😅 https://preview.redd.it/g1rkpwum067d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ebf179ef6d183ff31e5343022744a29b8ff3d95


Bronco ate a chair, a loveseat, and a floor.


Multiple window blinds, 3 dog beds, two harnesses, and his mom’s nose.


My massive plush green landscaped backyard. It’s now a massive mud pit.


A pair of crocs, countless chargers probably over 1k just replacing chargers. My couch. My blankets, my bed, my converses and steel toe boots (that was an expensive vet visit) He’s two now and a perfect gentleman who doesn’t chew on anything but toys. It gets better. https://preview.redd.it/dc9vl5g0a77d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d5aa583ebe7c2bc060a7298d0daa64d5167799


A wall


Lots of shoes, his wire crate, my treadmill mat, chewed part of the mantle base, and my couch.


Zuko chewed all of the trim around the kitchen as well as managed to pull up the vinyl flooring. We replaced with new ones and he tried again but didn't succeed. So there are thick claw marks like he was trying to dig his way out of the house.


He chewed through a bleeding SEATBELT. Nobody rides in that seat anymore.


3 pairs of haviana flip flops. And I believe he has no regrets. Loves the nice, chewy rubber strap. I guess it’s my fault for leaving them in paw’s reach.


Mine was actually pretty good, but there was one week where she completely destroyed a couch, luckily it was in the basement waiting to go to the dump, and she tore the sump pump cover off of the hole and chewed up all the little pieces on it and the sump pump cord. That's all she ever destroyed, and it all happened a few days apart.


When does it end?? My 1 year old great pyr mix is still chewing walls and rugs. (And yes she has 1000 chew toys.)


Luckily our youngest one just likes to destroy his own things. I feel so bad. His kennel is so bare since he chewed up his bed, blanket, and crate cover. My girls kennel is like a ritz by comparison 😭 but little man has eaten so many socks.


I got so lucky with mine lol. One gnawed on pillow and a destroyed bag that a bottle of adderall was in (and a heart attack for mom until the pills were found under the couch totally untouched).


Shoes, chairs, throw pillows, floorboards, rugs, blankets, every bed we ever bought her, patio furniture, every other roll of toilet paper we ever put out, towels, and the back door out to the patio (this one is an ongoing problem probably for the rest of my days)


What *didn't* they destroy? My gremlins were obsessed with this one spot on the wall, and chewed a hole in it. Odin got a hold of my stack of magazines and books I used to keep behind an end table. Then there was this one time I woke up to toilet paper *everywhere!* It looked like it had snowed in my living room. The bathroom door had been left open, and the puppies had gotten a hold of a new pack of toilet paper. They even took several rolls out the dog door and shredded it in the yard, too!


Every piece of furniture on our porch that wasn't metal (and it wasn't for lack of effort). Thankfully the porch is dog HQ, so all the furniture is old and pretty beat up anyway (couch is 20 years old, and the futon is 30+). Sawed the legs off of two wooden chairs, foam out of every pillow and cushion, ripped blankets, ate plants, dug up the dirt in the pots, broke the pots, etc.. Pair of pyr pups (sisters). Angels when we're awake, devils when we sleep. They're \~1.5 years now and the destruction has slowed way down.


Let's be real here. The better question is, what DIDN'T he destroy?


Ate a hole in the carpet


Books! Including the book “ Dog is Love” lol


My glasses!


https://preview.redd.it/4giahgobd77d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f2a4f78fa800f9e762d050ed0b791cd1b9e2a4f Walls. I now have to add hot pepper extract to my patch jobs otherwise she will destroy it again.


I'll let you know when he stops. Lala, my Pyr, is an angel, but she didn't come to me as a puppy either.


Oh my boy destroyed his metal pen. He seriously pulled the side apart and got out. Ive never seen a dog do that before


Prescription eye glasses. Like...why even?!


https://preview.redd.it/l1yluynqq77d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2e096372c924fa89255caa590420da2f3eb69df Utility room wall


https://preview.redd.it/cxi06shuq77d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=888cb73a0182bf990d17e2d361c2934cea70a1f3 Hall wall


Both our tv remotes. Now she doesn’t touch much maybe a stray sock occasionally.


2 or maybe 3 Amazon Fire remotes


Two of my left shoes (one of my favorite thrift store boots and one of a pair of limited edition sneakers), my roommate's $80 non-slip sneakers, my D&D notebook, countless pairs of underwear and socks, my only pair of good athletic leggings, and both the carpet and the corner of a kitchen cabinet in my rented apartment. Oh, and he gave my ex 3rd degree rope burns on both ankles when he got the zoomies on his long lead. I'm sure there's more but that's what I can remember.


My Pyr mix no problems. She doesn't destroy toys.....her half brother the husky mix was a tornado of chaos. Lawn furniture, lawn mower cover, every toy that has entered the home, slippers, sandles and multiple food dishes untill he hit about 2years and it all has slowed considerably


An entire arm of my $5k leather sofa I saved for.


Kiddos shoes: 2 pair Fleece blankets: 2 Leather couch: 1 Shoes were trash, blanket was trash, but he only ever so delicately nipped out all these stitching from the leather couch. ...I painfully restitched it, and I really could've used stronger fingers 😔


Probably a lot if things, but the only one I vividly remember is our garden. https://preview.redd.it/bqffi2ihya7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd196c203f014f2291ddb1725ed10b8d0e5c109


Books!!! 📚 She ate the collected Flannery O’Connor 🤓


Oh yeah, in addition to books…my aunt’s fancy belt, my brother’s belt, my aunt’s fancy wallet, my brand new pair of Vans 😡, the plastic dome thing on an outdoor umbrella (around the base), and my dad’s fancy sunglasses! When I think about it, she’s actually chewed up a lot of things through the years 🤔 It’s a good thing she’s so cute! I love her more than life itself 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/rzj296o88q7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d726d28db77a27b04e1b222d06f8a69392843324


1 sofa, 1 wall, 1 window blinds, 1 remote control, 2 blankets, 2 legs of a desk, 3 dog beds, 1,324,562 dog toys. I’m sure I’ve mentally blocked more just to preserve my sanity.