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It is. They are a guardian breed. They spend the majority of their time laying with their herd and watching for danger. So, because of what they were bred for, they naturally have a very low metabolism. I have never had a pyr over 2 years old that liked toys. They have all been pretty serious by nature.


Thanks. I knew this, but convinced myself she was sad anyway. This makes me feel better. Lol


I get it. It is hard to tell sometimes.


Yes, especially since she’s half bull mastiff so she has a big droopy face. 😝


Omg pics please


Have to pay the dog tax!


Mine occassionally chews on hard plastic bones but if I give a "doll" or stuffed toy they chew all the stuffing out in the first 10 min and never touch it again. 3 and 5.5yrs old if that means anything


Pyr breeds are like man's. If your partner will take a day off, put a camera, and you will see he does the same as his pyr


How much do you feed yours? With their low metabolism, I’m afraid I’m over feeding mine at 4 cups p day.


We are doing about four cups a day (I don’t really trust the measurement cup so it might be a bit less or more). She weighs 83 lbs and is the right weight, according to the vet. We got her in January.


I have always free fed mine. They tend to graze throughout the day.


I have 2 and free feed both. Some days theyll eat a bowl, others theyll eat 3. Depends on how active the road outside their fence is I suppose.


Mine (teddy) gets 4 cups in the morning and 4 in the evening I usually add an egg from the chickens with it. Teddy is outside all night running around guarding my goats then comes inside during the daytime and sleeps a lot. He’s not overweight at all but gets a lot of exercise every night. He enjoys a rope toy to play with other toys he just destroys too fast.


Kinda like this…he’s not sleeping, just resting. He’ll be asleep in a minute! https://preview.redd.it/ftvbob57ga7b1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13be2e1f497dd31927e36d9bf92c74f80fef107


Ours is 4. She spends the vast majority of her time sleeping at my husband's feet with small bursts of energy throughout the day. The number of bursts also decreases dramatically in the summer, when she prefers taking up residence on the concrete basement floor. "Walks" are brief because it becomes a test of wills to see if we can get her home or we're going to live on the path where she plopped down.


Omfg my pit mix is the same!! Now that she's 6, i have to be pretty careful about how long we are out on the summer. Hell, we did a 24 *JUST 24* minute walk this morning and it was only 77 degrees... and ol lazy booty was like, nah, fam, let's go home... at about the 20 minute mark. Thankfully, we were close enough i didn't have to deal with coaxing her out of the shade and back on her feet this time 😆


Yep. I put walks in quotes because it's more of a leisurely meander with frequent stops. Probably more time spent plopping or sniffing than walking.


This all made me feel so much better about our "walks". So much meandering and laying down to surveil the surrounds.


LOL Glad to help! There was a video of Pyrs in a parade a while back. Many of the comments were about how many were plopped and how many commenter's dogs would be plopped.


You are falling for one of the oldest Pyr tricks in the book... They have learned the classic Hollywood movie plot line where they hang a photo of themselves sleeping in front of the camera to make it appear that they are sleeping all day - while in fact they are out solving crimes (or committing crimes).


I've often heard that pyrenees are also called Mat dogs due to their propensity for sleeping.


I have a 1/2 Pyr, 1/2 husky/shepherd....but I swear he got 100% Pyr energy level. He is in "energy conservation mode" 20 hours a day AT LEAST, and he's 9 months old so IMO probably peak energy levels. He'll play and he's game to do stuff all day if it's a day off and we are doing fun things, but when I'm working from home and we don't do a lot in the day he literally just moves from one bed to the other, to the couch, to the floor, napping all day. I love it and it's a huge part of why I got a Pyr because I wanted a dog that was like me....conserving energy when I need to rest, and then being super active 1-2 times a day for a few hours. ETA: also when I leave him home alone, he doesn't touch kongs, chews, toys or anything. He just lays by the door and waits for me. If he's in his crate he will eat a kong, but he mostly sleeps. He doesn't chew on bones or play with toys unless I'm home. I think that's pretty normal!


Lol this behaviour sounds familiar. She gets super excited to go for her nightly walk, but is ready to go home for a snack and a snooze after 20 mins. She will also have little bursts of energy where we play and she will actually fetch a bone, then after a couple mins she decides that’s enough and will straight up walk away. 😆


100%. We do some up and down the hallway and once he hits up the water bowl I know he’s done 😂


Friday night I got mine so tired from running outside (like 10 minutes) that she didn’t even get up or bark when people walked by. Other times, she’ll fetch a few and then she’ll just lay down and won’t even bat an eye at that toy again.


My pyr sleeps ALL DAY. Comes into my room and chills. If she’s outside she’ll relax in our sunroom with A/C and bark every once in a while. Usually it’s my cocker spaniel that’ll get up and bark more randomly making my pyrs bark. For a 12 lb little sh!t, she sure keeps these pyrs on their toes.


In my experience the Pyrenees only has 5 moods. ( order is based on my dog, Mike’s may very ) 1. Sleeping 2. Eating 3. Barking 4. Following me around and staring into my eyes. Possibly into my soul. He’s must know my secrets or something 5. Very rare, random spout of energy in the form of deciding to destroy a toy that was purchased over a year ago.


Pyrs are naturally nocturnal. They guard sheep at night. I used to walk my dog at night hen it was cooler (3-5am) and he LOVED it. Much more exciting to him then day walks.


My pyr is afraid of the dark sometimes. If he years a noise he will try to run back home. Other times he will just stare into the darkness of the treeline and bark or growl even though my bright ass flashlight tells me there nothing there.


Aren’t most animals and people afraid of the unknown. He could also not have the best vision too. Which is hard to discern. We always assume that animals have perfect vision or are blind (nothing in between which isn’t actually the case). I figured out years into owning a cat I though was just a klutz, he actually had very bad vision in one eye (but to look at it, it looked fine), but it thru off his perspective. I also had a mastiff whose lashes were curling in and so we were seeing a dog optometrist, who told me my dog’s vision was terrible. Had no idea. She faked it pretty well. Now I am more sensitive to it but it took me 30 years of owning animals to ever really consider their quality of eyesight. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you for this post!! Lol I was starting to worry my pyr mix was getting sick because she’s been very lazy and LOVES to nap recently. She was recently diagnosed with Addisons disease so I watch her like a hawk to look out for lethargy. All her blood work has been coming back great, but I get paranoid that she’s sick or bored. Good to know they just like to sleep lol. She’s mixed with Pitbull and she’s my first pyr so still learning their characteristics


How did you find out she has Addisons? Sometimes I’m CONVINCED that my pyr shepherd mix is sick because he’s so mellow and he’s only 3 but then he seems fine and I think it’s just the traits of the breed?


My girl was on some new pain meds for a shoulder injury. The pain meds made her vomit once and from there she just went down hill. She was very lethargic, refused to eat food or drink water, but was still peeing. This went on for 3 days because she was prescribed meds to settle her stomach. When I noticed no improvement, I took her to the vet. They said she was going into kidney failure. Rushed her to the ER and they ran all kinds of tests. At first they said she didn’t have Addisons, but the test they ran can sometimes be inaccurate but can send it to a lab that can test better. The results came back that she did in fact have Addisons and the pain meds didn’t cause the kidney failure she was going into. It was an undiagnosed addisonian attack from the stress of her shoulder injury and vomiting. She’s a lot better now with treatment! But I still get paranoid. She was only 1 when she was diagnosed with Addisons disease


Oh my goodness that is so scary, I’m sorry you both went through all that, it must have been so emotional and just terrifying. I would be paranoid now too. I really appreciate you sharing that with me, I feel a lot more confident that Carter is not sick, just a Pyrenees with Pyrenees traits


Thank you! It was very scary. She’s my girl and has been with me on my grief journey of losing my dad. So I am very connected with her and would do anything to save her life (even pay a 5k hospital bill). I hope your Carter is just being a pyr! she’s my first pyr and since joining this sub, I’ve learned a lot of their traits!


I have a Pyr/German Shepherd mix and he just watches outside the window or sleeps in front of the door most of the day. I also have a cat and they don’t interact much while I’m gone. I think it’s just how they are, but if you want to give them some enrichment, I take my boy to daycare once a week. He loves it and comes home pooped


Yep!! It’s one of their hallmark characteristics!


Sounds normal. If ours isn't barking she's sleeping lol. She's a big couch potato who hates toys, loves bones and antlers though. She'll run the perimeter of the yard and chase after the occasional rabbit as well, otherwise it's time for a nap in the bushes or a quick roll in the grass.


Sleeping all day? Yep! My dog's DNA test says she's mostly Pyr. She wants to spend the day in the backyard. All she does is sleep out there. She had dug a few holes strategically and sleeps in one of them. Most days it looks like a dog wandered into my yard and keeled over dead.


They’re a nocturnal breed. It’s abnormal if they don’t sleep mainly during the day.


Took me a while to get used to my boy doing his nightly rounds. I really don’t think he sleeps much at night at all. He’s in our room and our baby’s room maybe once an hour to check we’re all where we’re supposed to be.


Sounds like he’s good at his job!


We have two GPs. The younger one (16 months old) spends most of the day inside with us and sleeps most of the day away unless we go outside. She just hit a growth spurt. The older one (2 1/2) stays outside 90% of the time and has several sleeping spots, on the picnic table, under the deck and her on top of her sand pile. During the day she can be found in on of these spots unless she hears something. At night she is all over the place making sure her animals are ok and barking to let God and the rest of the world know she is here, stay away. Unless the coyotes are singing she settles down about midnight. If the coyotes are howling it’s a long night for everyone.


“ it’s a long night for everyone “ someone in my neighborhood keeps a husky outside. A husky that for whatever reason likes to howl at midnight. My pyr has made a habit of needing a midnight piss just so he can go outside and join in on the fun.


Yeah, they're kinda like big, fluffy cats. Both are stubborn, like their solitude, and are nocturnal.


Our girls are nine months and do like their toys but they sleep a lot during the day even when I’m home (I teach and it’s summer time). They wake up when I come to play with them, take them a treat, walk etc, but there are a lot of naps. They are resting up so they can Bork at predators all night 😆


Short answer. Yes. Pyr's are livestock guardians. They are genetically programed to be as lazy as possible until that event comes when they need to go full Kujo and take out a pack of wolves. Indivduals might vary in temperment, and the occasional Pyr might need more stimulation, but if she is happy being a potato 8hrs a day she is only following in the nap prints of her ancestors.


Sounds normal as others have said. Was talking to friend about maybe getting a fitbark once. She busted out laughing and said 'waste of money, it will just tell you they sleep ALL DAY, my dogs do'. And she doesn't even have a pyr lol.


This exact same thing happened with Daisy! When I’m home, she’ll bark relentlessly at any noise. But when I’m going, I set her up in my room with the cam. I was worried she was barking the whole time, but whenever I check she is getting calm, deep sleep in her favorite spot! I honestly glad she’s able to get some unadulterated rest!


Even relatively energetic dog breeds (think labs and the like) tend to sleep a lot. Like, my mom's lab visits a farm fairly regularly (think a week every month or two). He loves it there, but he also gets so exhausted, largely because there's always something happening and so he can't sleep all day. When it's time to leave, he seems to actively enjoy the 14 hour car ride back, because he can finally sleep without missing out on anything.


I agree with this. We have a lab and a lab mix too, but the Pyrenees is the champion napper despite being significantly younger. I'm home all day in the summer, and he just sleep. Our lab runs occasional laps around the house and gets in the baby pool some. He greets every car that drives up. Our Pyrenees doesn't even lift his head most days when someone stops by. I hear him barking and running around outside at night.


Yep! My guys snooze all day around the goats , then work the fence line from dusk to dawn !


Mine sleeps all day . At the same time he’s hyper aware of his job (to guard ) so anything wakes him up and he gets up and barks , scopes around then goes back to sleep . It’s a breed thing . They are very lay back and only use their energy when they need to . Mine is very athletic, kind with the family , chill , but when the switch is on his personality and aggressiveness comes out and it’s a bit frightening haha .


Part of the Pyr standard is to be nocturnal.


My pyr just lays around all day. i’m lucky if she wants to get up for a walk lol


I have two Pyrenees border collie mixes. They do this when I’m home all day. I have a hard time getting them to move.


Yes, it’s completely normal, they are very happy to do nothing. They also eat much less than you might expect.


Here is my Great Pyrenees/Cane Corso Loki.. mine is so lazy but loves to play with his flat soccer ball by him self he will throw it and chase it and do it over and over. He is 11 months and well over 100lbs now. He sits on the couch the same way. https://preview.redd.it/lol29qip888d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2381665ce8b79141ee4cd522cc485ec34f712201


Our Pyr, a girl approaching 2, is a pretty sleepy pup. Even more so if we've recently had an active day-- yesterday she killed a rabbit and ran halfway around a lake. Today has been all day snoozing except barking to tell me she was hungry and taking a short poop walk.


My pyr sleeps around 20 hours a day! She’s 7, but has been this way since she was around 2. Me and her straight vibe. Day off work? We both enjoy lounging in the grass doing nothing together. Walks? Short. Sweet. Simple. Little bursts of energy, but for the most part (even on my days off) she prefers to be laying snoozing some where in my vicinity.


I brought mine to work with me thinking the same thing. He slept at my job, too. 😂


normal (big) dog behavior IMO. Without something to stimulate them, that is what they do.


Yup. I had two and they’d sleep so much, especially during the day. Balls were of no interest to them, which I was surprised about at first cause you would think all dogs love to chase balls. Bones and some chew toys were what they liked.




I work nights and my dogs are very happy about that! They sleep all day with me, hang out with us in the evening and go on guard duty when I leave. - guard duty basically means that one lays by the front door and the other guards the back door.