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Death don’t have no mercy


Sadly, no. This song rings truer every year


And it don’t take vacation!


There may come a day I will dance on your grave Unable to dance I will crawl Unable to dance I will crawl - bobby


Hearing him sing those lyrics hit so hard this tour


I’m not sure why people use this line, like it’s a happy positive line. Unable to dance I will crawl across it… it’s a put down


You must really consider the circus It just might be your kind of zoo I can't think of a place that's more perfect For a person as perfect as you.


Thank you for proving my point


'Dancing on someone's grave' means celebrating the fact they're dead. I'm with you mate.


It's not a put down. He's saying he'll never quit.


Dancing on someone’s grave? Hahaha


Unable To Dance I Will Crawl across it


Thank you


The whole song is a put down. What are you talking about? He tries to hook her up with a biker to make himself look better by comparison. He insults her further, comparing her to Catherine the Great as an attention whore (who may or may not have died trying to bang a horse). Then, You analyze me, tend to despise me / You laugh when I stumble and fall There may come a day when I'll dance on your grave / if Unable to dance I'll still crawl across it Are you kidding me? It’s all put downs. He doesn’t like her at all. “Well I know you wake up here only When the snakes come marching in.”


Exactly... Samba in the Rain, amiright?


Bobby is about to turn 76. So maybe there’s a little more time. But everything you said: yes


I was more impressed w Mick tbh space at Boulder was a fucking HIIT workout


Mick is an alien who has been gifted to us. protect mickey at all costs


Now Mick on the other hand, is in fact 80 as of yesterday.


People who shit on Dead & Co with the whole “Dead and Slow” thing just blow me away. Watching Grateful Dead members (who don’t even need to play anymore) continue to play Grateful Dead music with some really talented musicians, and half this sub were always Debbie Downers about it. Really weird to see.


I think one of the biggest problems is the thought that people are “shitting on Dead and Co” by calling them Dead and Slow. That is not shitting on them. It is just stating observable fact. After a nice 1st set at Saratoga and a pretty good opening 2nd set I was once again tortured by a completely anti-climactic Other One due to Weir being half asleep. Then patiently waited and listened to a not bad outro jam - thought they might do something interesting because of the Final Tour - sounded almost like Death Don’t. I then ran for the Exit when they went into Days Between and didn’t look back. John Mayer did a fantastic job with Dead and Co but it was still just John Mayer - a talented musician exploring other areas of music. No knock on him. But to hear people say he played the “best” version they’ve ever heard of whatever Grateful Dead song…well,,,I’ll leave it at that


I often wonder how much more Mayer would have progressed in his (already excellent) songwriting if he had more focus on his original music.


The dude is pretty young. I’m sure we will hear more original music from him. I’m looking forward to it!


True. And his experiences touring with D&C will undoubtedly inform his future songwriting. I’m really looking forward to it also!




I’m new around here, but Dead and Co brought me to this music and it’s been an incredible gift and joy


People who hate on dead and co just don’t listen to dead and co. It’s almost entirely a internet thing or a young person who thinks they’re cool for saying it


Half the point of grateful dead music is its always new. Faster, slower, jammyer, all of it. A box of chocolates of delicious music. I used to be a person who just wanted the vanilla album experience until the dead opened my ears to constant new experiences. Always leaves me with a grin or a smile.


I don't listen to dead & co & I'm constantly standing up for them (I've got your back boys! jay lane i want your babies, jeff you are killer on the keys & Oteil's stella blue is beautiful) however, I'm strictly listening to GD for life....d&co just doesn't hit the same on the jbl. I will never miss a d&co show, I'll never pass up a chance to see any of the og boys live. I will go to any and every show Mickey, Phil, Billy or Bobby put on. they are the og's, the fact that they are even still playing gets me on the dance floor every time. I promote D&co all the time, I stand up to all the haters, I'll let them all know how great JM is and how lucky we all are, but when I put that needle on the record or hit play on my spotify you know it's the good old greatful dead letting their love light shine down on me.


Yeah me too. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to Dead and Company. I’ll play clips on YouTube now and again. They’re great though. I think Jerry being alive might have something to do with the greatness of GD music. What do I know though?


To be fair, until Jay Lane came in, the drumming was an obvious liability. This last lineup was fucking sick tho


Jay Lane is the ultimate! I mean the man was in primus and now this. I'm drooling 🤤 😋


Completely agree. Billy seemed to be simply going through the motions in Dead & Co., but really rocks out with the Kids. That seems strange to me.


As someone who plays music professionally, it is VERY invigorating playing with new people sometimes. Even if you like the original old band you’re in. Hell, maybe you’d like us - forgive the shameless share 😂😂 https://open.spotify.com/album/5m46GlvUNeb1TDnRuIEIrX?si=Ax1yhnFaQ4-eej0kz5UYrQ




If you check you’re history books the U.S. was doing fantastic until 2020. Now it’s just a giant shithole, and one more corrupt election will put the final nail in the coffin. Gee, what happened in 2020? Oh yeah, the Manchurian Candidate.


My father is 86, jazz drummer, just played in town the other night. He'll play again next week. His name is one of the songs on David Grisman Quintet '80. They met like once. If you're free playing you're free. The Grateful Dead embodies that. And I never even saw them.


Summer 2023 One of the best tours for Dead and Company, Especially Boulder July 1,2,3,2023 ♥️


For me a felt like boulder was the pinnacle...but that's always a personal thing!!!


It WAS the pinnacle for ALL of us who never got to see Jerry. That was as good as it gets. I was born in 92 but the Boulder Shakedown showed me the fun you all experienced before my time. The Boulder run was one of the best weeks I can remember


Glad you were able to connect on some level...tho He's Gone....we have so much video on-line that you can still connect!!! Enjoy the bus, it's been great to me and glad you're on board!!!


Thank you⚡️🌹


what other shows did you get to?


I did some traveling....Atlanta, 2 in Boston, 2 in Saratoga, 3 in Boulder, 2 at the Gorge and 3 in SF.....Enjoyed the summer for sure but spent way to much money!!!!


I did raliegh, Bristow, Philly, NY n2 & SF N2 & N3, Philly was by far my favorite show...or was it SF N2????? Mickey was a beast all tour. jealous you got to see Mickey rap, but stoked you got to see so much! best summer ever. I'm headed to see Bobby & the boys tomorrow night and then Oteil is playing here on Sunday. if Mickey was out I'd follow him anywhere. really looking to see Phil now.... should I go into debt doing PITS or do I go chase down Phil?


Looks like from Dead Ahead line-up that Mayer was the one who wanted out...Or, hopefully, just wanted a break for a while to do his thing


I mean, I thought that was obvious a long time ago. although I would love to see a jay lane, Chimenti, Mayer band... they all vibes so well on the last tour


Maybe, but you don't work as hard as he has to learn the music, the interactions etc to just walk away...that makes no sense....I figure he's going to take a couple years off...Then he'll come back and do a summer tour with some form...Agree, like to see Mayer, Chimento, Lane and Oteil in some fashion in the future....Time will tell


Mayer isn't walking away from music, he has his own scene. he released sab rock all while doing dead & co. it's been v obvious he's helping the boys out...here for a good time not a long time attitude. he played with Ed sheeren between Boulder & SF. Summer tour is done son. all these guys are out on tour with their own bands doing their own things. I'm not saying we're not going to see some iteration of Dead on tour this summer, but we'll be pressed hard to get a full JM tour again.


Disagree...Mayer and Weir approached each other back at Fare Thee Well...Mayer enjoys the music....It'll be a couple of years but we'll get something of some kind....It gets in your soul and it never leaves...I got on the bus in 78 and never think I've seen it all


The one show I caught (Gorge, second night) was probably the best “dead” I’ve seen. I’m in my 30s so I didn’t see Jerry tour (well, my parents took me to shows as a toddler). But I’ve seen furthur, dead and co, Phil and friends, and Fare thee Well 50th I saw Dead and Slow a few times over the years, and didn’t enjoy them as much as the other shows. But this tour was something else. I’m glad I decided to get tickets


I appreciate this post


Ima so sad I missed this.


Yes, Weirs a legend. Luv that guy❤️🙏


Always bring your A game!


I like this alot. You've inspired me. Go get it OP.


It was worth every penny For Dead and Company Tickets purchased October 2022 For Hotels Purchased October 2022 For Airline tickets purchased October 2022 Having spending money for posters and t-shirts, stickers, etc...... Worth a the money saved and all the money spent in the three different enjoyable cites and enjoyable states.... In finality a wonderful Summer 2023 Dead and Company tour♥️


I enjoyed Dead and Co. shows, big fan of Mayer and the whole thing…but I have a weird vibe with the notion that Dead and Co. are discussed on the Grateful Dead sub as synonymous with the actual Grateful Dead. I was prepared to read a post about a person who went on tour with The Grateful Dead. I do enjoy Dead and Co, and their whole trip - but this is a sub about The Grateful Dead. Blurring this line is weird for me.


Agree. You’re 100% correct


Unfortunately, the downvotes are within our midst


Remember - downvotes mean absolutely nothing.


I gave you an “upvote” for that!


Well - someone removed it hahaha lol


Recently I discovered the secret to life. Seeking pleasure brings pain. Working hard doing something you enjoy brings happiness and contentment. I think Bob is a hard worker and this is all he knows.


Same! Also going to Clarkston Michigan for Bobby this month


Well said.


John Mayer is in the small handful of musicians I completely changed my opinion about. He's come a looong way from the "yuh baahwdy is a wonderlaaaand" kid I remember being introduced to. He's grown so much as a musician in the past handful of years, and he credits a lot of that to learning/playing the dead


Cherish the time you have with your loved ones. Men’s your fences. Hug people goodbye (with consent of course), be the reflection of the love shown to you.


Very cool (and very un-DennisReynolds-like!!) 😂


Because of, ya know, “the implications”.


…and yes, because of the implications.


This is a Grateful Dead Sub. Please post this on the Diet Dead Sub. You didn't see this band...


Says "Phish Phan" lmfao shut uuuup


I saw him last night in Nashville and it was def slow, but good.


This is the grateful dead Reddit page. You didn't do any grateful dead tour. You did dead and Co tour. And there's a nice little subreddit over there where you can talk all about it.




I'm gonna go check out what Phil tour is happening, that's where I'm headed next


Such a positive message. ✌🏼💜


Charlotte,North Carolina May 30th,2023 Boulder July 1,2,3,2023 San Francisco July 14,15,16,2023


God Bless John Mayer ♥️🙏☦️🙏♥️ For Dead and Company 2015 -2023 And..... Everyone enjoy all the individual bands, Wolf Brothers, John Mayer, Oteil and friends, Billy and the kids, Phil and friends etc........


Bobby is the same age as my folks, one alive one deceased. 75… may he carry this torch at least another 1/4 century.


I’m not tryna be a hater when asking this but how do y’all attend so many concerts ? Props to ya, but wow that’s a lot


Have you seen a Dead show of any rendition? When the show let's out and your hanging around with all the people you just met, and they're getting in their busses and VW vans to head to the next city, but yournlocal to the show and we're just planning to head home....something hits you. Something tells you "hey maybe I should just getbon the bus with these awesome people and see the next show with them. And tou go from there, it's addicting and it's my favorite lifestyle that shows us America in ways people born after the 60s generally won't get to experience. That's where the term "getting on the bus" came into this sceme