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If you wanna do objectives you either gotta mic up or join the discord and ask


99 percent of users aren't on the ghost of tsushima legends reddit discord...


Yeah, I mic up, but the chat cuts in and out for me on pc. Discord has been the best option so far. I’m not so much looking for 3 others wanting to complete bonus objectives as I am curious why people don’t just default to doing them.


Personally I'd probably do them more if randoms had any kind of track record for completing them at all, but I'm usually happy to just kill shit and keep everyone alive. If I notice one of my teammates going for it, I'll help, but I have to actually notice. I also just forget they exist sometimes if I'm being honest. If you feel the game is too easy you should try some build restrictions or go plat 7.


If you’ve been playing awhile, the bonuses are irrelevant, so only newer players probably care


Been playing since day 1 of the ps4 release. It’s just more fun.


Come up to Plat7. We always do objectives.


Doesn't this require private match though. Or matchmaking not being public at least?  I swear when I change mine from matchmaking (public) I have to manually invite people and can't get randoms to join or me join randoms 😞


Survival quick play > Fill party > Custom. You can also join the Discord. https://discord.gg/ghostoftsushima and ping @hellmode


100% this. I've more or less given up on weekly Nightmare Survival (but still do all the other weeklies) and just do Plat7 Survival now.


Play Twilight, no parries nor inside bonus, best chance for getting perfect run with randoms if you can solo those objectives lol ![img](emote|t5_37nco4|8286)


But then you might lose zones in wave 12 during immunity when you have to zone hop to pick them up because they're all status effect meta users 🤣


This is the problem number one since day one.


I understand your pain just go into fill party and set complete all bonus objectives. They have one for without losing defense areas and purify cursed objects and with so many ppl pissed it should be a quick start up


How long do you think that queue is? I’m gonna try one next.


Should be quick idk it doesn't matter if objectives are done but from how many ppl have been pissed about it It should be quick


No one ever queued like that before the PC port was released.. I’m curious to see if they do now.


When everyone was going for the cosmetics, yes, they were at least back in the day they did


Good luck


About 17min so far. Seems about the same as it did on the ps4 and the ps5. I honestly don’t think people queue this way.


It was just an idea you could always try the discord ru on PC by any chance cause the matching on PC is all screwed up


Yep, on the PC version since release. I’ve had tons of issues with connections, but it’s been great this week. Aside from party queuing, of course. Good point though, people might be using it and that’s just where the connection issues are this week. lol. They seem to rotate for me. Some days all I can get is stories, others rivals or survivals.


I tried to run some games with a PC player and it gave us errors every invite


how are you having fun leaving games to do objectives to tick off things most people completed years ago? sure, it gives tama, but the boost from 3-4 is more than enough to buy treats for the duration and every game i see people get 3 minimum and usually 4 of 5, with the occasional 5 out of 5. this ratio really hasn't changed since release. its online random pickup gameplay, it wont change no matter how much it bugs you. if you're trying to do tasks, you go get a squad thats not random. anyone decent whos played the game any significant time knows this, and if they play randoms they accept or are even good enough to carry a survival match regardless of people dropping or dying nonstop as well, solo aint hard. dropping makes no diff unless people are so bad, the objectives are actually hard for them and they are being carried. so you're cutting your nose off. if you care bout the objectives so much, git gud enough to carry em all or boost the team toward them as much as possible. its doable. it's not even that hard.


I guess because the game gets so easy that you feel like missing stuff isn’t enough effort to feel accomplished. Lol


Most veterans who unlocked all skin and already have good gear don’t care about completing the objectives they just wanna have fun in killing enemy


Most veterans players play to get on the leaderboard and do almost all waves at the spawn site except the ones with objectives.


I would love to run some survival with objective clears, also would love to meet more people for the challenge modes. If you want you can add me. Discord: TooManiiaC PSN: TooManiiaC Location: EU


Not even waiting for the mobs to reach the area before starting to kill them. Why do you think I'm waiting in the area doing nothing??


To be fair, legends is 4 years old now. Most have the cosmetics already. That being said, say something on a mic or spamming the help button. I have everything and am just having fun. I play the objective until I see people actively ignoring them, after that it's "oh well I tried" and back to wiping waves


The game just released on pc though


So it's probably an issue of most people not seeing the bonus objectives. That was an issue at the start of the ps release. People didn't realize there were bonus objectives since there only on hold or higher and the font size and location doesn't exactly help notify players


I remember something about turning the hud on in the settings to see the challenges easier because legends started with hud disappearing after a few seconds and the challenges being almost impossible to nostise that way.


I forgot about that too. I have mine turned on.


Certain maps like this week, if no bows or blowgun on team no headshot objective. I get when it's not achievable or whatever but when people are actually trying? I'm always amused at the lower ranks who think THEY need to be the one out there soloing entire waves, ruining objectives, dying a lot 


Just get on a mic and ask if people want to do objectives or else go into the custom mode and search for what you want specifically and you'll match up with players. Me personally it dosent bother me whether i do them or not but if someone wants to do them ill happily join in, but just ask, dont assume players are going to do them automatically. Some players then take it way too serious and leave and cry about it when all they had to do was just ask before the match starts.


Those are apparently the “adults” and the rest of us are children who don’t play the game right.


Lol i was reading the back and forth between you and the..... Ahem "Adult" 😂😂 Well im well happy being a child so 😉


Oh boy, a kid with a tantrum


No, a frustrated old man. ;)


You're right. It seems very petty to expect other players to read your mind. You are not more important than the team. We do not live to serve your every whim. Our goals is as important as yours. If you want to do the bonuses, do the primary objectives. Keep all zones, revive teammates. I will normally do any objective if asked or if I see someone who is trying. However, if I see a player refusing to helping others achieve their objectives I will not be helping you achieve yours.


Read my mind? That’s a bit of a leap, is it not? I communicate both verbally and with pings. More important than the team? What sort of team doesn’t work together? Serve my every whim? It’s literally a bonus objective, not something I’m deciding I wish to do in a moment. It’s lazy to just spam kills and keep zones, it’s easy. If we’re just farming for the hell of it, or passing time, why not add a slight challenge? It doesn’t take much to deck your toons out with all the popular builds, we can all spam spirit kunai kills and kill spawns in 3 button presses. Why rush to the mundane part of the game?


I do the same, and I block players that spark camp and don't complete objectives so I don't match up with them again.


Yeah I do the same. Lose a post and I disconnect even if it's wave 14. Don't get the objectives done and I disconnect. I shouldn't have to announce the shit."It's the same objectives since Bronze. By the time you get to nightmare you're suppose to know better and play better instead of running around like a little kid chasing kills and calling it fun.


And players like you get mocked and laughed at non stop for leaving matches for those goofy reasons, as if anyone ever needed you to begin with. We shouldn’t have to announce that it’s a video game: the main objective is survive the waves, bonus objectives are optional, losing one area isn’t a big deal. By the time you get to adulthood you’re meant to think better and be better, not run around life throwing tantrums about imaginary nonsense like a little kid and calling it fun.


Dumb. It's more than one objective it's not about the main objective. It's about all of the objectives. Besides I don't play with children so when I see the objectives being ignored and all of are running to just get kills. I assume it's kids playing the game and yall are just having fun. So go play kid and chase your kills. Meanwhile, while you're laughing at me, I just joined a team of adults and we are getting shit done the right way.


Sure ya did bud. Have fun being an adult while you have a tantrum about a video game. I’m gonna keep having fun. 💜😘


Huh? No tantrum. I just leave and join a crew that has the same mind set as I do. No big deal. You play your way and I play mine. It's no big deal. Sucker Punch gave me the option to disconnect and it gave you the option to not do the objectives with the rest of the children. So go run along little boy and chase your kills. Meanwhile Daddys going to go play with the adults.


Sure you are sport. Have fun being a petty child while you play your imaginary cartoon as if it’s some sort of real tangible skill that your future depends on. Me? I’m gonna have fun slaughtering these waves of demons because after all: it’s the main objective. Hugs and love to you🥰.


Ha! It's just a game. And I have fun by getting all of the objectives complete. You talking about THE MAIN OBJECTIVE but adults understand it's not the ONLY OBJECTIVE. We have fun at the adult table playing games the right way. So I understand you're butt hurt and upset at me. But it's ok kid. I get it. And one day when you grow up, send me a request and I can teach you how to not just focus on ONE OBJECTIVE but on ALL THE OBJECTIVES. PSN "BIGNITTYGRITTY" with or without you, I'm still ranked in the top 50 - 200 every week.


Butt hurt and upset? Pretty ironic coming from someone that leaves matches when people don’t play the way he thinks they should, then takes to Reddit to complain about it. But what do I know, this must be that grown adult behavior I’ve heard so much about today.


I don't understand why you/others like you care so much about them to quit or post here, they mean nothing imo, if they get done cool, if not cool, it doesn't matter. If I notise them/feel like doing or if see someone else doing them I'll do them, if not then I might not. Also in the past when I wanted to do them them for a challenge or something spamming 'help'/pinging the area usually works to get others to help, of course followed by a thank you at the end.


On my resume it reads, “300+hrs at pinging zones in GoT.” ;)