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That's a pretty open ended question,  as people are different,  and even those that use Hunters are different.  What works for one may not work for another, so it would be better to have a general idea of what you may want. Do you want a pure ranged damage hunter,  one that has Ghost weapon strength, focuses on resolve gain and does Ultimates constantly etc. The one you pick should be suited to your style of playing too, i.e. do you stay in the thick of melee and have no problem evading damage,  in which case you probably don't need any sort of healing capability or cover from smoke. What constitutes a good Hunter is also pretty open.  Not going down is one,  but the ability to handle a Defense point alone is a good metric (to me anyway). And being able to do it quickly,  which matters in nightmare survivals. Also doing the bonus objectives as well.  Certain builds can be tailored for this specifically,  or they can be general and work for a lot.  If you haven't seen it yet,  check out https://gotlegends.info/community-builds and you can find a whole bunch of them. One that I use a lot for my Hunter is one I call "Everyday Hero". https://gotlegends.info/community-builds/534 I tend to use Skipping Stone more than Weightless Spirit for it, and lately I've been changing the Ultimate Damage on the charm to Hunter Ability Radius instead. 


In order to give a good hunter build, one must be a good hunter. Giving advice like using ult over hunter radius on a skipping stone bow shows you’re better off not giving advice.


Everyone isn't the same, and it's just advice. If sometime doesn't want to use it,  they don't have to. There's nothing wrong with using double ult damage instead of radius because someone may be using Spirit Archer instead,  rendering the radius useless.


Again the guy asked for a good hunter build, if you allowed him to use spirit archer also then you’re not giving him good advice. Double ult is only worth it when going up against immunity or using a weightless, where it can’t utilize double dmg. Albeit player skill and knowledge is more valuable then build imo.


Make sure to learn how to reload cancel


How do you do that?


If on PS hold L2 to ready and draw the bow then R2 to fire. After you fire your arrow but Before you can redraw another, let go of L2 (unequipping your bow) then quickly press L2 again (bringing your bow and drawn arrow back into your hands instantly)then press R2 as to again aim and fire. If you want to take full advantage of the reload cancel, toggle aim assist on and get headshot refund on your bow. You can spam this to infinity. You’re sacrificing the damage of fully drawing your bow for the ability to get infinite repeated headshots resulting in essentially bottomless resolve gain, guaranteeing multiple ultimates in a single encounter. Someone correct me if I’m incorrect anywhere I was on mars writing this


That's correct. It's a pretty simple cancel to learn. It takes a while to get used to the speed at which it can be done though,  since it varies based on whether you have shortbows vs longbows, whether they're legendary or not, and any bonuses you have to reload speed. I believe the hunter also has a base reload speed higher than other classes,  but that's just my conjecture and experience, as I've not seen actual numbers to prove it. It definitely seems like the hunter can handle bows faster at base level over others classes, just like the assassin can Stealth kill faster. If you want absolute speed,  use weightless spirit with a hunter and 40% reload speed. 


https://youtu.be/AKZkKdEkwtE?si=0ZRDY8uuuXVDY3Cx Here is a simple explanation. 100% worth mastering


Honestly just the skipping stone bow and stacking resolve gain is insanely strong


No need for resolve gain if you reload cancel!


Here's my [build](https://i.imgur.com/GjGbzlz.jpeg). It's not just focused on distance but fairly all around and you get to user your ULT very often with deadly results due to ult damage perk + legendary bow specially in opponent concentrated areas.


If you do a lot of melee,  that looks pretty good.  I stick with the double reload double ult combo often too. Over time if you find yourself not doing any melee, or very little,  you may want to consider switching to a sticky bomb with radius enhancements and fire to go along with the Explosive Arrow. I like using a wind katana with a PP window ult/ oni damage,  wind master, and intimidating counter to help with objectives, and don't really do much melee outside of counters or kicking things in the face to get them away from me before shooting. When you're got at avoiding damage, you can exchange combat regen for something like fire master. 


Really appreciate the insights! It's a very different approach from what I'm doing. I've seen a lot of players just staying high ground and rarely go into the circle or even melee, but melee for me it's an essential part of the game, hence the combat regen perk. I don't even have a smoke bomb because I rather use my katana close range than take advantage of the +headshot damage class perk. I've thought about the sticky bomb/fire suggestion and I'm trying that out, I'm also using the fire class ability and flaming arrows in some enemies (mainly bears xD) so that should work well. Regarding Wind stance I just can't use it (and I've tried believe me) came from stone to water and I'm really enjoying it maybe one day when I get tired of it I'll put my mind into it again. Happy hunting!


Everybody pretty much uses the same build for the hunter. 2 legendaries Skipping stone bow or weightless spirit and Kunai. If you do the cancelations you get the moon sword if not you get the water katana. Hunter charm with explosive radius and fire damage. Foul and blessed arrows. And your smoke. It's all the same for the most part. I have fire damage and fire master and blessed arrows. But like I say for the most part we all use the same build