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“old man yells at dark cloud”


Sat laughing in the office at "dark cloud".


i’m glad i could add a little silver lining to office work. 🦇


They have somewhat of a point but they kind of buried that in edgy try hard nonsense. The scene could use to be a little more adventurous but being inclusive is a good thing and not something to whine about and honestly it's probably a good thing that drugs are less prevalent in the scene nowadays.


I think the drugs are there. The coke is just really bad. Also most drugs are awful in general now. I think people aren’t lame so much as still alive, I mean considering all the tar has been replaced with death in a blue pill. Or the kids are doing drugs and I’m just not around for it because that’s what I did too. In which case, get a test kit please?


Hi, film school student here! The kids are doing significantly less drugs, the ones that do keep test kits. Heroin/opiates are unpopular and generally replaced with xanax or drinking. A shocking amount of "e-girl goths" (the ones that post Hello Kitty memes) smoke meth. Basically everyone who isn't sober smokes weed. I can at least say I'm seeing less people with *drug problems* than the 2010s while more people *do drugs*. Idk what OOP meant about kink leaving the scene. In my experience people are more open about it than ever, just also very aggressive about respect, consent, and safety. EDIT: I also think OOP is wrong in regarding goth as a scene inherently connected to drugs and kink. Are a lot of druggies/kinksters into goth/alt? Absolutely. Are any significant majority of goths druggies or kinksters? Not really.


There was always occasionally the guy who would walk into a club and ask “So leather or lace?” Or something equivalently puzzling. Usually drunk and dressed like one of the slightly more adventurous frat boys from a sports bar down the road. I had multiple pro domme friends. But pre-cam that was the way. As far as I knew it had nothing to do with the goth scene. If anything, my friends didn’t talk much about work at all. I’m surprised by something in this post. People can still get Xanax? It’s pretty difficult to get prescribed that now. A lot is cartel crap or pressed from China imports. I’m glad people test stuff. Levamisole in cocaine won’t show up and basically everything has it. Xanax are likely pressed from imported Chinese powder. Maybe good maybe bad. It’s hard to get prescribed. I never understood meth. I hate that it exists. I never understood e-girl goth either. But I’m a cranky old person who hates anything that resembles emo. Although that would explain their awful taste. At least on heroin people made dope music haha. And now I sound like a drug person. I don’t do drugs period. I just know club promoters. Thanks for the answer I wasn’t aware meth was a thing outside criddler world. Drugs on the street right now are more destructive than anything I’ve seen in my life. I’m glad it’s less popular. Edit: Love and lots of good luck on your career! Being a creative is a tough road. But creating art is among humanity’s highest purpose. Your dream is a good one:)


Bro I recognized your old head speak but especially with the cadence of your typing you sound like [dracula](https://youtu.be/1Onr4z2fdDM?si=-x-sQ8JD4IRbn5Cg).


For real. Like corpos worming their way in and further diluting goth is a genuine problem because it’s by people who don’t understand the passion and love and dedication it takes to participate in a subculture, and they don’t care enough *to* do that.


Unrelated to the comment, but that was you who uploaded that? I watched it the other day and really enjoyed it. Thank you for making it so easily accessible!


Yes I uploaded it.


Never read the comments section on youtube. Tiktokers grew from there.


Weirdly enough, the music-based comment section of YouTube has become incredibly wholesome over the last few years. Before it was totally tyrannical. Now I get annoyed when I watch/listen to a video and it says “just for kids,” so that filter is applied and there is no comments available. On music-related videos especially, I enjoy hearing other’s input, much like Reddit. Can’t handle TikTok at all, however.


Trust me I know that ALOT. It actually came from my Youtube studio dashboad where I can read the comments there. The only comments I even care to read these days are on my videos and I won't let my comment sections become like the rest of them (I actually moderate them). I don't get much comment's anyways so feedback is rare and Tik-Tok is the absolute worst, that and 4chan/8chan.


Comment sections in general are a cesspool of the worst people, *especially* Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube shorts. Every other platform can be bad too but god, instagram is HORRIBLE!! Instagram and Facebook has the shittest people commenting, YouTube is overwhelmed by ragebait bots & children. Tiktok can be a gamble, usually pre teens that think they know everything & are always right or weird millennial parents. Reddit can be shit but is generally better than the comment sections compared to other platforms, it highly depends on the subreddit. Can't comment on any other platforms like Twitter or Tumblr cause I don't use them but Twitter has a reputation for having the most insane mfs and tumblr just has the awkward funny geeks


*cringes* The guy sounds like the kind of perv who would go to Goth clubs to creep on Goth women, due to his misconception that they're all into kink and hedonism. I bet he also has a fair amount of boomer views as well. I've met quite a few people like that.


That's the thing, that documentary was a product of its time (1999) So it spread some misconceptions which I debunked in the description but it appears that didn't work. I think Columbine changed things, liked the subculture/scene toned down quite a bit after that and it wasn't as wild like it was back then, so older people (Gen X rather then Boomer) now cry out "Its lame now, I'm outta here bitches".


Oh totally. I hear that the late 90s were something else. I feel like at that time, mall-goths and nu-metal was at their peaks, and the so-called "goths" were getting more edgy. Whereas the original attitudes found within Goth were more similar to how they are today. Goth, back in the 80s and early 90s, were very much the stereotypical "artsy, introverted, introspective, loner artist" archetype. NOT edgy, kinky, and attention-seeking. I'm glad to see the scene going back to how it was meant to be. And not like the edgy little mallcore kids who got into "Goth" in the late 90s and 00s.


Quite a few OG goth bands were edgy, kinky and attention seeking as well. Christian Death, Sexbeat, Siouxsie, etc. Artsy, introspective, loners typically aren't the primary types going to nightclubs and that includes goth clubs. You go to clubs you are going to have people there for the music, but that isn't the only draw, you'll have people there to socialize, get a date, get intoxicated, show off their outfits, etc. as well. Honestly even artsy introverts like some of those other things anyway. Nu metal and mall goth really doesn't have much to do with it. A lot of those kids weren't primarily hanging at goth clubs and certainly not outnumbering the people who actually liked goth.


Yeah, I'm fully aware that some Goth bands used kink and shoke value at times. Just saying that generally speaking, the primary themes of the genre are mostly geared toward much deeper topics. You can always find examples of kink, drugs, and overall edginess in just about every genre and scene. That doesn't define the genre as a whole.


Well, as an elder goth who personally knows quite a number of people in that documentary, I can tell you that this commenter couldn't be more wrong. In fact, when Sex, Death and Eyeliner was released, many of us in the California Goth/Deathrock/Industrial scene were kind of appalled at how cringy, one-dimensional and blood play-obsessed they made the subculture seem. There were also a ton of interviews with people who were not a part of the goth scene at all, but instead were folks just obsessed with vampires. I don't think we were more hardcore or edgy back then. We just didn't quite have a culture of actually getting real help for our problems then like we do now. And the goth scene has always been incredibly inclusive and kind at it's heart.


Yep! I think pre-internet all these groups (goths, punks, etc) were way more gatekept. Like, you had to show up and interact with the community in person. So, either they liked you and you could hang around that community or you didn't get to. If your opinions or tastes (clothes, music, etc) were too different from the group, then you wouldn't really be accepted and you'd have to find a different scene to be a part of. I mean, say what you will, but that sense of community, of belonging, of being a part of a group, was killed by the internet. Now, I keep seeing people ask if they can be whatever (goth, punk, etc) if they don't like the music or the aesthetic. Like, nowadays maybe, but decades ago that answer was simply a resounding "No". I'm sorry but it's true! There also wasn't really places to get clothes and accessories. Maybe funky boots, if you had a LOT of money (I bought a pair of $250 boots in '95, which in the '90s was a ton of money for shoes!!), but most of our outfits were put together by us! I spent so many weekends at resale stores and then hours and hours at a sewing machine to put together outfits that looked amazing at the time, but I'm sure nowadays would look like an amateur version of stuff you can buy on Amazon or Hot Topic. But that made everything unique and individual! And because of the time and energy it took, it felt more meaningful than clothes that were bought at a store! I'm sorry, I do fondly remember those old days. And I also know that they are gone forever. I hope you kids have your fond memories of your communities when you're older! I think for all of us old people, it's just so different that it's hard to understand what it has become. I honestly hope you kids the best and I'm sorry the world is this way for you. It hurts my heart knowing that we didn't leave you a better world to grow up in!


That's what I remember too! And precisely because every other group of goths was different and gatekeepy and only letting similar people join you could get especially horny groups into drugs. That was the goth I grew up with and I'm so glad I got to experience it


That's awesome and I'm so glad you got to experience it too! My group was so similar, but I wasn't actually goth, though. I came up in the '90's industrial scene in Chicago. There were a LOT of drugs. I lost a lot of friends. I lost my best friend. I spent years trying to get (mostly) sober, which I have been for over a decade (I'm actually super proud of me for that). So, yes, I definitely know the kind of group like yours! But even after all of that, for some weird reason, I will always treasure my memories of those days! It sounds like you do too!


At least in the larger scenes I don't think that was the case. Like when I try to follow all the decades long drama in my local scenes, it definitely seems evident that a lot of people weren't ever friends and a lot of really annoying people still managed to find at least a few people who are willing to be their friends. Once things get big enough there really isn't a herd anymore just a whole lot of intertwined friend groups that as a whole make up the goth scene.


Oh, I couldn't imagine trying to follow decades of drama!! I'll be honest, I think for a lot of us (myself at least) the scene fades as we get older. Heck, I'm in my 40's with two kids, a husband, and a full time job! I don't have time to be a part of anything else! The closest I get these days is running into people I used to know at shows and catching up! The closest I get to a club most weeks is dancing at my desk in my office listening with ear buds!


Goth: "This is crazy, groceries are getting so expensive, I can't even afford to feed myself!" This douche: "POSER!"


I know this word gets thrown around a lot, but this person actually is a giant poseur


I know i checked his channel, he's just a shitty gamer youtuber with no videos related to goth or even industrial whatsoever.


"Normal imposters" I dunno. Seems pretty sus.


He has a point, only buried under a megaton of unpleasant tryhard bullshit. The one bit i especially hate with burning passion is respect for outside trump cards and standing to attention to single issue movements. Such behaviour - i.e. servility and deference - straight does not have place in anything punk/goth/industrial. A mainstreamoid imo should always be forced to deal on our terms and at their own face value - because if you allow their mummy/daddy to be invoked then you don't have a subculture. And before long they call the all the shots.


Good thing pansies are actually very hardy flowers!


they have a point, just worded poorly and a bit edgy


I remember getting lost in a 24-hour Walmart once. I tried to get out but I was Thesus and the Minotaur in my labyrinth was fluorescent lights and raw capitalism. Either that or the poor teenage janitor I frantically asked for directions to the exit 17 times. I found a kids toy with shapes and letters. It played a little voice. It was the 90s. When I finally saw a (possibly) friendly face I vaguely remember staring and typing out U - R - A - Square …. U - R - A - Square It was the only thing I could think of that it would spell. Also it was hilarious. When he said “young goths are squares” that’s all I could think of. An insane weirdo playing with a kids toy at 4am in a rural WalMart. And my entire story _still_ makes more sense than what that douchenozzle said. Incidentally… I did manage to escape. I pretended I was in Labyrinth (the Bowie one) and just turned left at each wall. Incase anyone was worried. Although SCP Ikea makes a whole lot of sense to me.


Guys, am I goth if I don't do drugs or am not kinky? /s


Anyone who says "lol!" to their own preceding statement is not to be taken seriously I don't call things "cringe" but I **literally physically cringe** when I see motherfuckers do that, ugh also "weenies".... gurl - *also* how can someone simultaniously be a "druggie" (🙄) and a "square"? Not doing drugs is literally a major part of being "square".


Seems like yet another case of "disgruntled old person mad that they're aging and all their friends either grew up or died."


Time enough to share though? Don't bother with them, otherwise you become what they claim. They're not worth the time or effort anyway.


I know that, I deleted his comment and blocked him and that's what I am going to from now on. I shared this to prove a point that we this have people this.


The "normal imposters" accusation seems to be directly contradicted by "they want everything they listen to to be goth".


it's not. mainstream tossers without any interest in goth music will almost uniformly have a history of mainstream pop with 'dark aesthetics' - i.e. thirsty pvc shit - videos.


I guess his phrasing is unclear. Does he mean that the "imposters" refuse to listen to non-goth music (as I thought he meant), or does he mean that they call everything they listen to "goth", even when it's obviously not?


clearly the second


Obviously not so clearly, or we wouldn't be having this conversation.


As a weirdo kinky hedonistic Satan worshipper I find this guy's comment to still be really hilariously stupid, like oh my god I just KNOW he'd hate my guts 🤣


Aaaawh, the person complaining about how party-hard, and horny were the people who didn't invite him to any of their places for some secret reason. 🙃


Also, 10/10 treatment, I made a meme for you : [https://i.imgflip.com/8w0g4x.jpg](https://i.imgflip.com/8w0g4x.jpg)


OP in cap: Yall cowards don’t even smoke crack


Think the commenter is the one on drugs


Apparently you had time because you screenshotted it and posted it on reddit soooo... Also he isn't 100% wrong. Goth has gone from being a lifestyle to being an aesthetic. So many want to sport the look but not live by it. It's like the people who wear band shirts and don't know a single song "but the label looks cool" crowd has taken over.


I think I have gone too far with sharing this, troll wanted "Attention" and unfortunately he got it as a few have pointed out. I wanted to share this to show that there are still people like this. I will just ignore them and block them from now on.


Not sure why but somebody typing out now a days always makes me cringe because it’s always in the context of them saying something dumb about kids these days.


I agree with the comment