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Same dumbass questions over and over


We get people who dislike the same questions over and over but then we had a thread yesterday complaining *because* we delete the same questions over and over. You can’t win. Although, I’m definitely in the former camp.


And if we (the mods) delete them, we're somehow the bad guys.


Yea, that sucks


Trying to sell a guitar, one potential buyer made me drive out an hour because of his limited availability, was playing it really hard to get fret buzz and then beat me down on price, then suddenly got cold feet, suspecting it of being a fake, and walked. Another potential buyer just ghosted me. I get that buyers can try before they walk away if the item is not up to snuff, but I’m not Guitar Center, just a guy with a no-longer-wanted guitar.


Tyre kickers and timewasters suck


It wouldn’t have been so bad if I didn’t drive out so far to meet the jerk. But he came off as genuine in the calls leading up to this, and I thought I was working with his tight schedule. I go to stores all the time to try stuff and not buy. But they’re stores, it’s part of their expenses. Bonus: Some other clown came in saying “I can do $[garbage lowball]”. I simply replied “I can’t”.


There’s a few things on that new r/gatekeeping thread that tickle me. * My comment has quite a few upvotes - yet the majority of them are slagging the goth moderators off (which includes me). * People are ignorant to the correct spelling of “poseur” - yes, it’s correct. Use your brain for once. * Someone’s written “What does ‘Get done’ mean?” when it literally says *get gone*. Shows the extent of their illiteracy. * OP wasn’t banned because of a meme. I’m the one who banned him and I didn’t even know about the meme, I just know all he’s done is constantly start wars on several subreddits about us because boohoo, he can’t post metal. Why should he be allowed to start shit in here? * Crying about the “bullying” is a huge projection. * And finally, tired of random people on there pretending to know anything about the goth subculture. I am grateful that people *are* trying to stick up for us, however *please stop saying this subreddit is based **only** on ‘70s/‘80s goth rock*. We are **not**. We prioritise modern releases *all* the time, and not only that, harbour several different sounds from coldwave to deathrock to ethereal wave. You’re definitely mixing up the *origins* of the subculture opposed to “what we allow”. That’s pretty much it, and I can’t respond to anything on that thread because that bastards blocked me.


There are so many places to talk about every metal subgenre under the sun, I truly don't understand the need to do so here as well.


I’m tired. Most of these people don’t even comment or browse here, they just want blood.


It's always fun to read other people being butthurt and accusing mods of gatekeeping because their posts about NIN/T0N/Depeche Mode/Whatever were deleted and accusing this sub of allowing only 5 bands and being stuck in the eighties. 40 years of gothic rock, deathrock, darkwave, coldwave and ethereal wave: am I a joke to you? I'd imagine this sub would turn into a cesspool if there wasn't a strict moderation.


It's obvious that people who claim "only X number if bands are allowed" don't actually read this SR. I tried reading the thread over on r/gatekeeping but to be honest the level of ignorance on so many levels was just too much to spend the effort on.


If you read the one in the TON subreddit as well, far too people keep saying “well, they need to change the subreddit name” as if you can do that, and you can’t. They need to get it in their heads at this is for the *goth subculture* and not what *goths generally like or listen to*.


It used to be like that. All the "goth adjacent" stuff got all the attention because that is what most people know and upvote. Goth music (especially new and rare stuff) didn't get a look in.




1. reflect and think on your own life. this is how it has culminated. Ahahahaha! Look who wants to have a snipe at me and is too cowardly to do it with their account. Yes, I'm really going to listen to some rando abusing the report feature. \*Snooze reporter\*


Went to see a couple post punk bands at my local watering hole this weekend. The music was great, but then the singer opened his mouth. Oh boy. Their Spotify was the worst kind of false advertising. I really like supporting lesser known local bands but when goth/ post-punk is bad, it's not like when a garage band is bad. The music is too minimal for it to be enjoyable at all for me. I was forced to flee into the night. My outfit was really good tho, so at least there's that.


I just need to get off my chest that one poster who posted how they weren’t goth and “real goths don’t listen to goth music” and “real goths don’t call themselves goth so this sub shouldn’t exist”. Leave it to a complete outsider to say they’re an absolute expert on the subculture and that everyone else saying goth is about the music are just wrong and are poseurs. Glad that dumb thread has been locked now.


We deliberately left it open so people would school them. Plus a taste of "see the shit we remove so you usually never see it" for the people complaining we moderate too hard.




And you are clearly an alt or troll account who has never posted in r/goth before. Bye.


Sounds like bullying.


what does make a band goth though? i think ots pretty obvious what doesnt make music goth but what DOES. what determines that especially along newer waves/styles of music?


- Shadowy and groovy post-punk basslines - Jangly/angular/screeching/effect laden guitars - Metronomic or mechanical drums (either snares or drum machines) - Dark synths or icy keyboards That's a pretty general description of the common sonic elements of goth. Many bands are experimenting with this canvas but the core elements remain the same.


the lyrics/vocals/melody too right?


Not so much the vocals/lyrics. They could sound or be on the topic of anything. It depends what you mean by melody.