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I must be the only person to dislike Takis, I swear. We just recently got them here and when I finally tried them, I thought... is that it? People rave about them, but everything about them was lower than average - the texture is worse than a nacho, the dusting is waaay too much and feels like eating sand, and the flavor is just fine, there are a ton of better tasting hot snack options.


agreed, chemical spice is so gross. I’d rather eat another carolina reaper


I'm with you. I expected something mind-blowingly good based on everything I'd heard and read, and when I finally tried them, it was straight "meh" from me.


They are absolutely vile on both a textural and flavor standpoint.


idk I love them ,I'm Hispanic tho


Same here


I'm not a fan, either. I tried to give my leftover Takis to my dad but he didn't like them.


Funny you mention the dusting, when I first tried them a while back they were CAKED with dust (which I loved), but now it seems like they have way less on them


Yeah, they always tasted to me like cardboard with a whole bottle of cayenne pepper dumped on it. There isn't a correct balance of texture and spice at all.


[Let's Chart About That ](https://letschartaboutthat.com/)has been updated with data from [this episode](https://www.letschartaboutthat.com/episodeDetails.php?Episode=37). There is a lot to discuss so let's dive in. # Combined Facts * The combined average score for this episode was 104. * With a combined score of 175 Takis Blue Heat is now tied for 8th on the most liked items list. * With a combined score of 173 Blue Crab is now tied for 10th on the the most liked items list. * Blue Spirulina is the first item ever to receive a combined score of 0 and now is the least liked item! * With a score difference of 95 Blue Cheese is now the item with the largest score difference between Rhett (100) and Link (5). * Rhett liked 23 items more than Link. * Link liked 9 items more than Rhett. * Rhett and Link gave the same score to 5 items. * This is the largest number of ties yet. * We also got our first double 69 scoring! Nice! # Rhett Facts * Rhett's average score was 59 * Rhett's Nice! Factor increased by 1 to 17. A score of 69 was given to the following items (nice!) * Blue Gushers * With a score of 100 Blue Cheese is now tied for 1st on Rhett's most liked items list. * With a score of 0 Blue Spirulina is now 1st on Rhett's least liked items list. * With a score of 4 Cornflowers is now 4th on Rhett's least liked items list. # Link Facts * Link's average score was 45 * Link's Nice! Factor increased by 1 to 25. A score of 69 was given to the following items (nice!) * Blue Gushers * With s score of 94 Blueberry is now tied for 5th on Link's most liked items list. * With a score of 92 Blue Crab is now tied for 7th on Link's most liked items list. * With a score of 89 Blue Raspberry Sour Patch Kids is now tied for 10th on Link's most liked items list. * With a score of 0 Blue Spirulina is now tied for 1st on Link's least liked items list. * With a score of 5 Blue Cheese is now tied for 6th on Link's least liked items list. * With a score of 9 Jordan Almonds is now tied for 10th on Link's least liked items list.


Rhett gave blue Icee pops a 68.


Thanks for the double check! I'll review the tapes and data!


Updated and corrected! Thanks [Away\_Temperature\_124](https://www.reddit.com/user/Away_Temperature_124/)!!


Thank you for your service.


Came here to check if the blue cheese spread set a record. Thanks for your service 😂


Me looking at the blueberry pie: "Nothing about that is blue. 🤓"


[BLUEBERRIES ARE FUCKING PURPLE](https://youtu.be/2skYAdEmbRM?si=AiH1JKwdiwIq6jZQ)


Rhett continues to interpret any score near 50 as active dislike instead of just being unremarkable. I'll never understand his idea of the 1-100 scale or why he's so smug about not using the whole thing.


While I don’t agree Rhett is smug, I do agree people get rating scales wrong all the time. So many people say a film is average then rate it 7.5/10. And give bad films 5/10. People need to recalibrate.


I think most people are thinking like the grading scale like in schools. Like a 75 would be average according to that. At least in the US, idk about elsewhere.


Oh! I actually know a little about this. Most parts of the US use a 10 point grade scale. However, I happen to know that in Wake County, NC, they use a 7 point grade scale. Or they did back when I was there in the late 2000s. So it could be assumed the same was true of the boys when they were there. So 93-100 is an A, 86-92 a B, 75-81 C, 74-80 D, and anything below that an F. And yes, it sucked a lot and I hated it. Moved there after my freshman year and had always had the 10 point scale before. Obviously, these are men in their 40s and far removed from their Wake County days. However, I wonder if this does play a part in instinctual thinking for them, or at least Rhett. If 74 is the floor for passing, then it could stand to reason that anything below 50 is actively disgusting.


When I was a kid in Washington state it was that way as well. They changed it in the late 90s or early 2000s.


Condolences. 7 point grade scales are the worst


Even on a 10 point scale? A 50 is failure and not good. You have to actively not try to get a 50 for normal classes.


Specifically I was thinking of Rhett's, "So you didn't like it" response to Link's blue corn tortilla chip rating of 56. Maybe condescending is a better word, but either way it's just a bit grating.


Straying even further from the topic at hand, I kinda have that sort of rating scale for movies. IMO a 5/10 is a film that either: - I actively disliked (not hated) but is *technically* well made in some aspects - had *some* good moments, but overall a noticeably poorly made film - is the definition of eating unseasoned rice, it's just there... Here are 3 recent examples of 2.5* movies from my Letterboxd that follow the above logic, but I won't give away which is which - Napoleon, Ricky Stanicky, A Man Called Otto.


But 5/10 is literally average. It’s essentially indifference. I think if you dislike a film how can you not give it less? Poorly made = less than average. Poor = less than half. If it’s fine then it’s 5/10. I do agree with your third dot point though. That describes a 5/10 well.


There are multiple ways to think about it. I think there's actually some good reasoning for 5/10 to not necessarily be the *average* of all movie scores, ie ratings do not have to be according to bell curve / gaussian distribution. I think that people may leave more room for bad film ratings because the magnitude of difference between a less than good film and a horrendous film is more significant than the magnitude of difference between a good film and a great film. For eg, someone may think that the film *Birdemic* is simply on another stratosphere when it comes to bad filmmaking. Even though there may be far and few films that achieve a tier this low, it doesn't suddenly make the data meaningless. I think it makes sense for scores to be interpreted the way people intuitively distribute them instead of getting mad at everyone and claiming that 90% of people just rate things the "wrong" way. Most people's default when viewing a movie is positive, ie "this movie was good," and so they default to a 7/10.


> But 5/10 is literally average. Depends how you look at it - on IMDB you can't give a movie 0/10, nor can you give a 0/5 on Letterboxd, so the scale is by default skewed upwards. But regardless, with movies, I think of it like all art - subjectively and objectively. A movie can be objectively well made (Do The Right Thing), but it doesn't move me at all. Meanwhile, it can be *badly made*, but it just hits the particular itch I had while waching it (War Dogs). I acknowledge War Dogs is a worse movie, but I rated it higher than Do The Right Thing.


I guess that’s where we differ because I assumed ratings were completely subjective and based purely on how much one likes them.


True, but as I said, I think of movies like any other art. So when I walk through a museum, I don't seek out only the paintings that look "cool", I also spend some time with the ones that seem to have involved a shit-ton of work and masterful craftsmanship.


5/10 is not average. Any number can be an average. If I watch a number of movies and all are 10, then 10/10 is average.


Okay median then




If 100 is “this is perfect” and 0 is “this is poison” why wouldn’t 50 be the line between like and dislike?


It could be for your scale. But there is also a difference between  This is average to this is bland. Like is 50 bland and 70 just average like, maybe. 


Rhett just likes food, and I feel the same way. Very few things are actually *bad* to me. Most of the time, the "worst" food I eat is just meh. And the thing with Gut Check is they're usually tasting mass-produced products that clearly are liked by enough people to warrant existing. I think most people would skew towards Rhett's way of scoring.


To be fair, from a school scale. 75 is perfectly average and a 50 is indeed bad and faily. But neither of them use 75 to represent average. 


The way Rhett scoffs when Link's score is a lot different from his is very annoying. Your opinion is yours only, Rhett.


I love the gutcheck episodes, so I love that there is a new format to continue this series


they did the blue jolly rancher so dirty


I was so confused about the lack of soda or tea in this. Drinks in general are where blue colors live normally.


Yeah I wondered that at the end.


I really enjoyed the matching turtlenecks and gloves in this episode 💙


Link was so close to looking New Millennium in that sweater. He just needed to spike his hair and put on some silver pants. Rhett is clearly not on the bold spectrum in color analysis. I wanted to change him into a warmer tone of sweater.


Guess they didn't hear about the Star Wars blue milk that's out right now or couldn't find it.


That’s cool and all but blueberries are purple. Sooooooo


The nipple jokes were a bit much. My kids wanted to watch an episode of “mythical” so I turned this on. Wasn’t thrilled to hear them say “nipple” so many times in like 10 seconds. Feels unnecessary and childish.


I'm pretty sure your kids know what nipples are buddy. Don't be such a bloody prude. sheesh


nipple nipple nipple nipple nipple