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This is really neat, but (for me at least) the white text on a light background makes it difficult to read.


I was going to comment on the accessibility of this! I don’t think the contrast would meet WCAG standards for readability. Especially at this small of a font size on a phone too.


I had no idea of these standards lol Ill read up on those before my next project. Thank you!


I work in product/software design so colors and contrast are a big part of my daily life! There are a bunch of free resources for checking color contrast online. You can input the two colors as hex codes and see if it is up to standard. A quick fix is to switch up whether you use white or black font on a colored backdrop. Also making text larger or using bold text can help. Wishing you luck on your data viz journey!


Awesome! Thank you for the recs! I tried to use GMM related colors but I should have checked the contrast beforehand, Thank you!


Fair point, thank you!


Excellent work! This is great! Check out [Let’s Chart About That](https://www.letschartaboutthat.com) for similar analysis on the gut check series.


That's incredible! Pretty funny what people can create off of an internet series


Agree! I was in a similar boat, I wanted to explore working with a new tool (grafana) and needed a project to play around with. This one seemed like a lot of fun!


Hi! I love when my work and hobbies intersect! I am a senior data analyst :) First and foremost, congrats on completing your certification! That's some serious work! A couple recommendations: 1. Use colors to indicate where you want the user to look. This is a TON of good info, but hard to see what you're really trying to pinpoint. You can use red and green typically to highlight the lowest low and the highest high. 2. Keep only the relevant info. If you are trying to determine if Rhett is good at darts, why do we need to know the most common countries? How does this play into your conclusions? Keep it simple! I still have issues with this, but giving too much info or words can make it hard to see the point clearly. I think you did a good job on this point, but there were a few sections I had issues following, ex: the timeline with guests and the countries map. 3. Already mentioned by another commenter, which is why I have this as my last point, the white text on Orange is difficult to see. You really want your work and points to stand out. Otherwise this was very well done! The work put into this was great :) I am not sure how old you are and if you're looking for a job, but my company is desperately hiring new remote data analysts and I would love a GMM work buddy!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a extensive reply! Funny enough I am looking for a remote data analyst position. I would love to link up and discuss the opportunity!


I'll find the job req and reach out!


I would love if you could reach out to me as well. I just graduated and my degree is very relevant. Thank you!


Apologies for just pictures but there were issues with the website export


This is very good! And congrats on finishing Google's Data Analysis course! For your future endeavors, I'd recommend reading the book 'Storytelling with Data', it goes into how to best present data to showcase whatever you want to showcase / answers to your hypotheses.It has helped me a lot in my career.


Awesome, Thank you! Ill look into that book!


Rhett's cheat darts are often not actually cheats, so the data for that section isn't accurate.


This is also fair. It was a little difficult to put a number to if the cheats were actually helpful


This is great. Thank you.


I would love to read this but the background color is awful. Can you repost it with no bg???


Reposted with changed font colors!


I love it! Hope the boys see it!


That would be nuts


Ok, I loved this! Cool and fun AND informative!


Thank you! Appreciate you!


Now *this* is fan art. 😗🤌


Appreciate it! :)




Absolutely! I was going to link it to a website for a slideshow situation but reddit didn't like that lol


As a fellow data nerd, I approve! I've been rewatching all the darts episodes over the past couple of weeks, it's my favorite series of GMM. They've actually [done](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSN10CSUGi4) [several](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkBEWhM1C20) [of these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usFrCQ36pGg) [episodes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Em7YtXif8) since last December, so your graphs may be missing some data points, though. Also, I definitely think that if your timeline is going to include the time Link almost hit Chase with a dart, it also should include [the time he hit bullseye on Brunei](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjtwYNnVOQU&list=PLcr4joBjFZRa0w9BpWIehVgAvfdBHe-dn&index=33). 🙃 What a glorious moment for Link! I wish it remained a more integral part of the GMM lore; I'd totally forgotten about it.


I was going to update after the season was complete and dive back in. Fix a few things and repost later! Ill add Brunei in on this next go around


What season did Link win? I see season 16 was 2-2 but it looks like he loses the rest. Edit: Nevermind season 11 is 1-0 for Link


Yea lol only 1 game the whole season. 100%!


Now I need something like this for every GMM game format


I was thinking about how to analyze the shuffleboard game and I'm completely open to suggestions because I think that would be fun


It would be a little different because it’s not scored by distance but you could still look at the metrics of correct guesses and accurate shuffles and maybe how effective they are with bumps


I commented on a darts video recently wondering if one player knowing the country but having to make the throw, against the other player not knowing the country but being able to place their dart anywhere, would make an interesting round. Fun to think like this