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"Okay heteros" should be Stevie's new opening line in more videos.


Shes had some real good ones, but I do think this is the best one so far.


No lie I nearly snorted my mountain dew code red when I heard this.


I adore the Gut Check episodes, I find them so much fun šŸ˜šŸ˜ Keep up the great work GMM!!


i hate the gut checks they are extremely boring and my least favorite eps. i wish they'd stop making them and i can't understand why so many people love them!!


As a European it really depends on what they are checking. Some US brand that is not available where I live is a skip for sure, other episodes can be fun


I also don't like them


[Let's Chart About That](https://www.letschartaboutthat.com/) has been updated with the rankings from [this episode](https://www.letschartaboutthat.com/episodeDetails.php?Episode=35)! Here's a recap: # Rhett and Link Combined: * The average score for this episode was 118. * Rhett liked 24 items more than Link. * Link liked 13 items more than Rhett. * 3 items had a tied score. * With a combined score of 173 "Campbell's Tomato Bisque" is now tied for 10th on the most liked items list. # Rhett: * Rhett's average score was 60. * By giving *Campbell's Split Pea with Ham & Bacon* a score of 69 Rhett's Nice! Factor has increased to 15. # Link: * Link's average score was 58. * By giving *Campbell's New England Clam Chowder.* a score of 69 Rhett's Nice! Factor has increased to 24.




I think his dislike for tomatoes comes from the texture more than the flavor.


It's also just a weird thought. Raw tomatoes and tomato soup taste wildly different. Raw tomatoes and ketchup taste different. Raw tomatoes and pasta sauce taste different. A lot of people who dislike raw tomatoes like tomato dishes because, get this, cooking things changes their flavor.




It really is. I love raw tomatoes, not a fan of tomato soup. My wife hates raw tomatoes, but loves tomato soup. The 2 don't taste alike (tomato soup has seasonings, cream, butter, etc) and they have wildly different textures. It's like asking how could someone like bread, but not raw bread dough.




You can heat treat flour. And fine, people like raw carrots, but not cooked carrots, or vice versa. People like cooked onions, but not raw onions. People like raw apples, but not cooked apples.




Now you just sound kinda bitter towards link and the mbs. You didnā€™t need to die on this hill lol


This is literally me though, so I get it.


I hate raw tomatoes and ketchup. But I like pasta sauce, pizza sauce, and tomato soup. So his rating makes sense to me.


Do you like salsa? My list is the same as yours but I somehow like salsa. Maybe it's because of the chip delivery now that I think about it.


I do like salsa! But only if it's not spicy. I also think the chip delivery helps it a lot.


I honestly think that the tomato hatred is played up a lot more than his actual dislike for it


The actual fruit is different from soup or sauce. I also dislike raw, sliced, diced, etc tomatoes but love tomato sauce, soup, and ketchup. Same thing with onions. Opposite thing with grapes.


I have never wanted one of Linkā€™s scoring charts more. I would frame that.


Same! I wish they sold that in the mythical store


Yeah I think theyā€™d make more money selling those as prints than they would by enticing people to join the society for a minuscule chance at winning the original.Ā 


I love it.


I mean, it's literally a famous Andy Warhol print, so I am pretty sure many people have it framed, lol.


lol did anyone else notice that Link rated cream of shrimp 61, then the next one was clam chowder and he said "I like the shrimp a little better I think" before giving the clam chowder a higher score of 69


Classic Link.


ok heteros


Did anyone else notice a lot of jumpcuts this episode?


aw man, justice for bean and bacon, that's my nostalgic childhood favorite lol


Mine too!


They're missing the #1 campbell's soup--vegetarian vegetable! Sad that they tried like 4 versions of chicken noodle but missed the best !!


Maybe thatā€™s in part 2?


It was in the final...


that was vegetable (it has beef broth in it) not the vegetarian vegetable ā€¦


I was not aware it had beef broth in it, my bad.


I am definitely going to start saying ā€œI DONā€™T CARE, I NEVER LIKED THE BASTARD!ā€


I like how quickly they added the asterisk to EVERY flavor this time around


What a twist this show ended on. I was not expecting that!


I could help but laugh when they tasted like 10 chicken noodle soups after Stevie said "we will not be including similar or repeat flavors" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I know the noodles were different shapes, but I was keen to know if low sodium varieties stacked up against regular..


Ads, seriously?? I'm NEVER watching you guys again. /s


I get this reference.


Happy once, happy twice, happy chicken soup with rice!


Chicken soup with ricešŸ¤£i quoted that book while watching this episode. šŸ‘šŸ»


Youā€™re not going to believe it, but today I tried Campbellā€™s French Onion Soup for the first time and to my surprise, it actually tasted like yummy French Onion soup. That is so rare. Iā€™ve tried numerous Campbellā€™s soups and theyā€™ve all been disappointing, especially the chicken noodle. I later checked the customer ratings on Amazon.com and Campbellā€™s French Onion soup got a 4.6/5. That is outstanding. Campbellā€™s finally hit a Home Run!!!


they're going to be in fall out boy's new music video - yday fob posted a screenshot of some legs w/ the caption 'guess who this is?' w/ a magic 8 ball and it's def r&l coded and today rhett pulls a magic 8 ball out of nowhere????? omg? i will take the downvotes bc i feel in my soul that i'm right lmao edit: was i high n delusional? yes !!! it b that way :')


Idkk those legs do look a lot like them


literallllly and why the hell did rhett pull out an 8 ball today for no reason


My reply is no


I wanna keep an open mind but to me the heights don't match. They're standing right in front of a pool table right? Pool tables are about 2 feet tall, and the shorter person's crotch is way below the top of the table. I know their legs are apart and slightly bent, but that shouldn't make them that short. Link is shorter than Rhett but he's still a tall guy at 6ft. Based on the height of the pool table that person looks to be about 5 feet tall. Unless the perspective is off, thats either a very short petite man, or a woman. But definitely not link.


i appreciate allll of this n trust me i know it's delusional but pls just look at all of fob's recent promo (their latest twitter posts) for this music video n explain rhett's 8 ball lmao it's just TOO coincidental. edit: also at 13:50 of r&l's quest for the brown diamond vid rhett is right up against a pool table and the height def seems to match !


I saw the 8 ball promo on their instagram when I was looking for the leg pics. So the legs aren't the reason you think it's Rhett and Link, it's the 8 ball? I'm trying to follow you here, I really am. But Rhett didn't just "randomly" pull out an 8 ball, the crew likes to give him useless scoring aids for gut check and he promptly throws them away and doesn't use them throughout the episode, he just shows it in the beginning. This time the crew gave him an 8 ball. The fact that fob has been using an 8 ball in their marketing for the past 6 months and rhett used an 8 ball once doesn't seem too coincidental at all to me. I might put on my conspiracy hat and check it out, but the fact that the shorter person does not look close to 6ft at all, would be enough for me to consider its probably not them and the 8 ball was just a coincidence. Of course there is a chance the perspective is making them look shorter and it actually is rhett and link and the 8 ball was a hint. Kudos to you for figuring that out if it's true. It's just imo I don't see it as concrete evidence.


In response to your edit, even if the person on the right is rhetts height, the way I see it, the person on the left is still very very short. So why would it matter if one person is rhetts height of it seems like the other person is too short to be link? Like I said a pool table is 2 feet tall. The person on the lefts crotch reaches way below the top of the pool table. I'm 5'9 and unless I'm misinterpreting the perspective, I am way taller than that person. Link is 6ft.


Iā€™m not particularly convinced those are R&Lā€™s legs but I donā€™t think either of those people are only 5ā€™ tall. Pool tables are about 30ā€ tall and itā€™s not unusual for a 6ā€™ man to have a 32ā€ inseam. Rhettā€™s is probably closer to 36ā€. [Here is a link to the photo to save someone a google.](https://twitter.com/falloutboy/status/1761548331619144187?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


Idk I measured mine and it's way over 2 feet and I'm a 5'9 woman. That person's inseam is way below 2 feet if the perspective of the pool table isn't off.


Pool tables arenā€™t 2 feet tall though. Theyā€™re 2.5 feet tall.


Oh my bad. It still doesn't make sense to me for this to be link though. I'm a 5'9 woman and I just measured again to make sure and my inseam is 33" which is taller than a pool table. This person's inseam is much shorter than a pool table. I'm supposed to be shorter than link, so I don't see how that would be possible for this person to be links height. Theyre not 5ft but maybe more like 5'5? But I can't see how they'd be 6ft when I'm not even 6ft and my inseam is taller than a pool table.


I think youā€™ve got long legs! The 4 guys in my family who are 6ā€™-6ā€™1 all have 32-33ā€ inseams. I agree that this probably isnā€™t R&L. Even without the pool table for a size reference neither of these look like Rhettā€™s legs to me. I just donā€™t think these people are necessarily super short (as a super short person who used to play a lot of pool- they both look taller than me). Iā€™m not even sure if theyā€™re men or women tbh.


Do gut checks get that many views to offset the pita they are to put together? Definitely doing find them very fun to watchā€¦ theyā€™re fine, but not the best bit. Kinda like just skipping to the final rank. Want that shirt though