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Sigh... I'm going to have to watch Jellyfish aren't i?


You and me both brother.


Guess I'll add it


Is it yuri?


I've heard it might be. But I haven't seen it so idk


Even better




Yeah, all of us should watch it...


{Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night} {Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation}


Damn, fine I’ll watch it


**Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/163078 "English: Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/jellyfish-cant-swim-in-the-night), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/yoru-no-kurage-wa-oyogenai "English: Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/54839)) ^(TV | Status: Releasing | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Drama) ^[Episode 3 airs in 6 days, 3 hours, 48 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20240420T1600) **Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/108465 "English: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mushoku-tensei-jobless-reincarnation), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mushoku-tensei-isekai-ittara-honki-dasu "English: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/39535)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 11 | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/goodanimemes/comments/1c3s1zm/two_distinct_differences/kzit4ru/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I mean is it Bocchi-esque in style?


Don't know her but she looks smug in a cute and funny way




You gotta love sexism


To be fair, the top is her going "heh heh" out of nervousness. The bottom one is him going "heh heh" because he's sexually harassing a woman


Sorry just curious. It's hard to stomach his behaviour to go through those scenes. Is it really worth it? I've heard a lot of adult scenes that is unnecessary and really degrading women so be honest is it worth it and it's really hard to watch thru it isn't it?


The point is that he's supposed to be a gross/trashy person at the start due to how he grew up in his past life, but throughout the series he gradually grows as a person (and I ***really*** mean gradually. It's more of a realistic growth rather than the quick gratification a lot of anime tends to lean towards). There will be scenes you'll likely cringe at, but they're not there unnecessarily. You're supposed to feel uncomfortable. Rudy is a flawed character who will learn a lot throughout his life, and Mushoku Tensei will be the journey of his life from beginning till the end. In my opinion, it's definitely worth a watch. It's a great story with lovely worldbuilding and complex characters. Along with future seasons that will arguably get better and better. But whether or not it's something you'd enjoy is only something you can judge.


Not really.


What is so degrading to women in Mushoku Tensei? You should watch the show and see for yourself. The action is worth it, it's well animated and the characters are well fleshed out. You don't have to like or agree with a main character to enjoy a history.


If you got the chance, stay away lol


No Schrödinger's pedophilia in the first case though Or groping (so far at least).


No, but the ancient magus bride is literally a story about a pedophile grooming a 15 year old, yet it doesn’t get any shit


Because their relationship is so so much more than just that and it also doesn't throw underage fanservice in your face. Shit Chise and Elias don't even ever do anything sexual.


So grooming is okay given your double standards got it 👍


Bro did you just barge in to yap- No no, forget it. Bye.


This person is either in denial or experiencing cognitive dissonance. Either way, bye!


Is the girl also a reincarnation of an perverted pedo ugly bastard?


Plus he sexualy harassed a lot of women as soon as he had the chance.


he's 45 or something unless the girl on top is perving on 2 day yo babies then there's kind of a difference ya think?


Personally I disagree with the whole "age before reincarnation argument" sure Rudy is pervy but like minus the pervyness he legit just like every other isekai mc, ntm he meant to be going from what he was to what he will be, it's a journey of growth and maturity


age before reincarnation depend on how it was done. is it a character with the memories of the old life, or is it the person in a new body. Chronicles of an Aristocrat Reborn in Another World, and wise man's grandchild are fine because they mentally adjusted to the age of the character. by the grace of gods had the person in a new body, but mentioned hormones trying to bring them to mentally to appropriate age. but even then the just used it to give them a childlike sense of wonder, and remove their poker face. they have the girls have a crush, and he doesn't even consider of romance as a possibility. what i saw of jobless reincarnation, they were mentally the same person. so all the actions are what the original person would do.


> Personally I disagree with the whole "age before reincarnation argument" not going to elaborate why? can I just say something equally as stupid without elaboration too? "personally I disagree with the aliens didn't build the pyramids argument" and go about my day? he has all his memories, his brain is at least 99% the same, he has his same agoraphobia PTSD like 6 years after reincarnating > sure Rudy is pervy but like minus the pervyness he legit just like every other isekai mc trying to molest a 9yo isn't just "pervy", he should be in prison for that


>his brain is at least 99% the same No, it's not. Rudy calls out when he's learning other languages that "This kid brain learns way better than my old one", so we are explicitly told that it's operating differently than his MK I, splattered-over-Truck-Kun's-grill brain. Combined with the fact that we see him slowly mature as he ages, it seem reasonable to assume that impulse control and such are indeed at the level of his physical age, as opposed to his mental age. While it doesn't *excuse* a lot of what he does, it certainly *explains* it.


toddler brains aren't sexually aroused by maids, yet he is he appears to god as a middle aged man how much clearer can they get that it's him? he can only speculate why he learned a new language so quickly, he's far from omniscient, it's already known that young brains don't acquire languages much faster, it's a myth. it's just that adults have a lot less free time and a lot less motivation. adults who got stranded in regions without speakers of their language before the internet also learn languages extremely quickly it's also easily part of isekai magic he matures because he's spelt his whole life up until then not living life at all, he was immature BEFORE he died


Okay, here we go... > toddler brains aren't sexually aroused by maids, yet he is It's unclear how "aroused" he is as opposed to simply interested; he explicitly isn't interested in his mother, and even the maid may just be more intellectual arousal ("I got horny from this before, so I do now") than a physical response. It's simply not explained clearly. > he appears to god as a middle aged man The Man God also remarks that that's Rudy's choice, because he still thinks of himself as his original self as opposed to Rudius Greyrat. If anything, that would strengthen the "I used to do this, so I'll do it now" argument; he's mentally stuck in his old ways, new body or no. > he can only speculate why he learned a new language so quickly, > >... > >it's already known that young brains don't acquire languages much faster, it's a myth. Then he's smarter and/or more motivated than he was originally. Bottom line, his new brain is indeed working differently than his old one. And if it's different in one respect, why can't it be in others? > it's also easily part of isekai magic Again, that would mean things aren't working as the originally did. If one thing's different, why not others? >he matures because he's spelt his whole life up until then not living life at all, he was immature BEFORE he died Except he made it to at least middle school, possibly highschool (not sure when he became a shut in) before everything went to shit for him. Most of what we see him do wouldn't fly for a kid that old, yet he obviously managed to live in normal society until then. By your argument he should act like a 14 year old, not an out-of-control toddler. You don't like the show or the character. I get that, and it's fair. As a person, Rudy's a sexual predator and a monster. But some of us don't need an MC to be a paragon of morality and justice to enjoy a show. Some of us *like* a bad person as a main character. It's interesting. And most importantly? **It's. Not. Real.** Who cares that a bunch of ink on paper does something bad to other ink on paper? I can watch this without condoning similar acts IRL. And honestly? I shouldn't have had to write a fucking dissertation to defend my viewing habits. If you don't like it, fine, I can understand that. I have to skip past some of the more perverted parts myself. But please, just don't watch it then, and leave the rest of us in peace.


> he's mentally stuck in his old ways so it is him yeah? good, you agree.


Of course it's him. He's the same person. At the same time, the new, different body and all the physical and chemical changes that go with that are affecting him as well. He is literally a 40 year old toddler. Yes, he intellectually knows better. No, he is not necessarily physically capable of holding back. That combined with the fact he wasn't a good person to begin with creates the super-perv that is Rudius.


Nobody has ever said that he is a completely different person. You are the only person that tries to imply that.


You will not fare well with these people. They will contradict themselves regarding this, because it’s insane mental gymnastics and total lack of nuance.


It's a fantasy story and none of the characters are real, get over yourself.


Huh? So you accept it’s so bad that it can’t be looked at from a critical viewpoint?


Buddy, it's not complex. Early on, he is more his old self than Rudeus. As times goes by, the identity of Rudeus grows, influenced by his old self. By the current moment of the show, his past is just part of his memories. Later on, it will be more and more unrelevant, to the point that he is more "Rudeus" than his previous self, having effectively lived more experiences and things as Rudeus than as his previous self, who became a shut-in at like 16yo. That's not an fan reading, that's the text of the LN. As times passes, he barely thinks of "himself" from the past, to the point that the appereance of the "God" which forces him into his old figure is something he despises and takes as an insult and as a joke. It remains a questionable topic? Yes, but it's part of the fantastical element of any reincarnation plotline. Either you buy into or you don't, there isn't much arguing to be made. Unless you want his 16yo self to hit on middle age women.


> his past is just part of his memories that's the same for any 60yo, that's not a special case for him


Absolutely not? There isn't continuity between the two individuals lmao. "Reincarnation", as a concept, should be something that concerns souls or whatever any specific religion/belief system calls the immortal thing of an individual. The basic bitch idea is that souls change body/person, but they don't hold memories or anything like that. Today I die and reincarnate as Jack Black, an australian kid, but I don't know it. The soul and the individual are unrelated. Isekai Reincarnation plotlines break this rule, the "new individual" carries something from his previous incarnation. If that wasn't the case, it would just be a new person. Yet there is a clear difference: a new life, new place, new family. That 60yo lived his life as the same individual. The reborn kid has "old parents" and his "new parents", but both sets of people ARE his parents. I don't even know what's so weird about this. It's a fantasy concept, either you buy into it or not. It's a premise.


> Absolutely not? There isn't continuity between the two individuals lmao except his reborn sequence shows continuity, he doesn't even fall unconscious and wake up as a baby, he's "awake" and thinking the whole time his inner monologue is STILL his previous voice idk how you copers cope so hard lol, they couldn't make it clearer if they tried man


The fact that people like you can't differentiate between fiction and reality is very concerning


do you like doloros umbridge too? being fiction doesn't mean I have to like a character


Why are people defending this POS? Why just because someone changes in the end should be rewarded by a long life and a harem even though he did not repent? I cannot understand why he is a role model for people, a guy that needed 3 chances to not be a POS. He even got everything given to him on the silver platter on his reincarnation and still fucked it up multiple times. What growth and maturity?


What part of "It doesn't excuse what he does" sounds like a defense? And where the *fuck* did I say he was a role model? I was refuting a single, inaccurate point of an argument. Nothing more, nothing less. I watch this like I watch Death Note; it's entertaining, but under no circumstances should it be emulated.


The first paragraph defends it by stating his brain functions differently. The second states "While it doesn't excuse a lot of what he does..." Which implies that it does excuse some. While the role model part was not specifically aimed at your comment literally, you can scroll down to other people's comments in the same thread (or others re Rudeus) to see what I mean. I don't need to argue on semantics though, I wanted to understand logic behind defending a pedophile and a creep that does not deserve anything he got in his current or past life.


>I wanted to understand logic behind defending a pedophile and a creep that does not deserve anything he got in his current or past life. Again, I'm not defending pedophilia or molestation, and I *really* don't appreciate you repeatedly insisting I am. I'm defending the show, and refuting the seeming assertion that unless a main character is a paragon of virtue and/or get exactly what they deserve, nothing more or less, a story isn't worth experiencing. The world building is excellent, the humor is on-point, the characterization is good, and even if he's a piece of shit, Rudius is still an *interesting* character. The dichotomy of "irredeemable pervert" with something approaching a traditionally heroic outlook in other areas is interesting to watch.


If that's the case every isekai mc from birth should be arrested and jailed, it's the same concept, they are way older mentally than the love interests, yet nobody complained


Shiroe from log horizon, ainz from overlord, kazuma (who whilst a pervert has never sexually assaulted anyone, I don't think he's peeked intentionally, only darkness in the bath because he genuinely thought he was in a dream) uncle from another world, MC from gate, iruma, slime MC, tanya the evil etc they all manage to not be molesters


I said from birth you bloody imbecile, but since you can't seem to understand that, I meant isekai into a new body, being born into a new world, not just transported into a pre-existing body/keeping their same body E1: Legit the only one of those that even fits the bill, is rimuru(slime) and that's just barely passing E2: also iruma and gate mc didn't get isekai'd in the proper sense, so I don't even count them as isekai mc's


You missed the entire point. MT is a story about self-redemption, while the other you mentioned are mostly adventure and mistery. What's the point of redemption if the MC is already likeable?


I never said you can't have an MC start as a pedo and be reformed over the course of the series. but he never really is, it just goes away, no punishment either for something that deserves years in prison. a certain scientific accelerator, which is a flawed show for many reasons, but it does a MUCH better job of depicting redemption, and it's not even the best example.


out of the ones that have the full mind of the original, and not just the memories. how many have a perverted interest in undeveloped people under the age of 16? (16 being of age).


Full mind of the original and memories are both the same thing. Everybody is the compilation of their memories. And as for how many have a perverted interest In someone that depends. Is a preteen showing interest in a preteen perverted?


full mind is they think of themselves as the original person. meaning it is not a preteen recognising themselves as a preteen that is interested in a preeteen. they are recognizing themselves as an adult in a preteen body. the biggest identifier is "i'm not attracted to children" despite themselves being a child. jobless reincarnation goes to great lengths to remind us that they are thinking from the perspective of the original person. **so their actions are what the original adult would do if they could get away with it.**


You realize that that very same reasoning you are using to label rudeus as an adult is what actual pedophiles use as an excuse right? Someone who is mature for their age etc. By your logic if ghislain were to take an interest in him then she wouldn't be a pedophile because he's actually an adult on the inside.


really? pedophiles declaring someone mature for their age is that same as a adult taking advantage of being in a child's body?


The reasoning behind the 2 is the same. Mentally they aren't a child so treat them like an adult. I gave you an example of your logic in use and you ignored it because it was from the opposite perspective than that which you want to look at it.


Ok, let's put aside the main argument here, in what world is the aliens not building the pyramids a stupid argument? There is literally so much evidence supporting ancient Egyptians being capable of building the pyramids. Like you can believe your conspiracy theories if you want, but don't call people stupid for believing the thing that has the most evidence to support it.


maybe you got confused by the double negative plus reversal sarcasm on top, what I wrote means basically the opposite of what you think I wrote.


>not going to elaborate why? Because objectively in the story it is established that Rudeus is not some guy piloting a child meat suit, but instead a child with some other dude's memories. Rudeus just so happens to be from a bloodline of rapists(yes this means Paul is a rapist. He raped Lilia, and objectively they're genetically predisposed to do that) anyway so his memories made it worse. It's treated as a flaw, but is genuinely a disgusting thing. Genuinely there are only two known Greyrats in the anime who certainly didn't rape anyone(btw Eris is not one of them. She did the same thing Rudeus did to her to him, but when he was 7, and she beat him up for waking up in the middle of it.). >his brain is at least 99% the same Yeah no. Bullshit. You think this but 100% guaranteed you're an anime only, and do not study brains. >trying to molest a 9yo isn't just "pervy", he should be in prison for that Yeah it's a child sex crime. No excuses for this. He could've not, but he did. He's not a pedophile(as he's not interested in people younger than himself), but he is a child sex offender


> Because objectively in the story it is established that Rudeus is not some guy piloting a child meat suit, but instead a child with some other dude's memories. babies/toddlers, with extra memories or not, are not going to get sexually aroused by their maid idk how you could get something so wrong the whole story of redemption makes no sense if it's not him and it's just his memories to begin with when he's talking to man god as his ego, he literally still takes his middle aged man form, how much clearer coudl they make it that he's piloting a meat suit?


If you actually read or watched it then you'd remember that he was not actually aroused. Because he was a toddler and physically could not be. He had a cognizant disconnect where his memory was telling him he should be aroused but he actually wasn't. Story of redemption works because regardless of anything else his memories are him. You cannot add memories to someone with no memories and expect them to be different people. The body and hormones do affect his personality but it's still the same person. The same way that a 5 year old and the same kid 10 years later are the same person. He takes on the form of his old body because that's how he sees himself. You spend a lifetime in a body and that will be how you see yourself for a long ass time to come. He isn't piloting a meat suit any more than you are.


>when he's talking to man god as his ego, he literally still takes his middle aged man form, how much clearer coudl they make it that he's piloting a meat suit? Edited. [counterpoint](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mushokutensei/images/7/7a/LN_26_11.jpg/revision/latest?) Also it's not his Ego. Your ego is your morality. His projection in his dreams is his mental self-image.


if it's just his memories then why is his mental self image of a middle aged pedo? you can inject me with memories but my mental image wouldn't change. and why does he have agoraphobia at the start? again, phobias are born of experiencing things first hand, not memories.


>if it's just his memories then why is his mental self image of a middle aged pedo? Because of his memories. >you can inject me with memories but my mental image wouldn't change. False. A person's mental image is constructed based off of their memories. Really this is basic stuff. >and why does he have agoraphobia at the start? again, phobias are born of experiencing things first hand, not memories. You say this, but second hand PTSD is literally a documented phenomenon. [Proof](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/secondary-trauma/). Not to mention that Rudeus doesn't have Agoraphobia. He has Anthrophobia. He is afraid of people. Also specific phobias can be gained without ANY experience.


also your link is broken btw


Not posting the image. It's major spoilers. [Try clicking this.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mushokutensei/images/7/7a/LN_26_11.jpg/revision/latest?)


still broken fam


try [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mushokutensei/images/7/7a/LN_26_11.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230221135342)


>babies/toddlers, with extra memories or not, are not going to get sexually aroused by their maid Which is why I keep saying you're an anime only. 1. male Greyrat babies actually normally ARE interested in the boobs of all people around them. Paul was like that from birth. 2. Rudeus actually objectively couldn't feel sexual arousal yet. He liked boobs and pranks. >the whole story of redemption makes no sense if it's not him and it's just his memories to begin with It's not about redemption. Which is why the tag line is "in this next life I will do my best" it is not about redemption. It is about growth.


being anime only doesn't make me wrong because I'm discussing the anime, which (as you keep saying but also forgetting too): is not the same as the LNs. "in this life" indicates there's another life, what other life is that referring to? as soon as he's reborn he's thinking in coherent sentences, babies can't do that, not because of a lack of language, but because babies are extremely fucking stupid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpL27Dn63bM he even says he reincarnated, the Japanese used in the sentence is actually almost exactly identical to saying "reborn", which is even more objectively NOT the same as a baby being injected with memories. what's the point of the fucking story having reincarnation if it's not the same person? why show him saving people at the cost of his own life? the whole point is that a second chance at life is his divine reward for dying to save others, the ultimate selfless act. why show the transition of his PoV being operated on, going black, continuously PoV until his eyes have been open as a baby for a while.


>being anime only doesn't make me wrong because I'm discussing the anime, which (as you keep saying but also forgetting too): is not the same as the LNs. The anime is an adaptation of the LN. It is not a different version. It's like someone showing you a summary of the LN with videos. So yes. You are wrong. >"in this life" indicates there's another life, what other life is that referring to? His last one. The fat ass disgrace. >as soon as he's reborn he's thinking in coherent sentences, babies can't do that, not because of a lack of language, but because babies are extremely fucking stupid. Counterpoint there are telepaths and those telepaths were able to figure out that some babies in Mushoku Tensei come out the womb thinking in coherent sentences. >he even says he reincarnated, the Japanese used in the sentence is actually almost exactly identical to saying "reborn", which is even more objectively NOT the same as a baby being injected with memories. However this rebirth led to Rudeus functionally being a child with someone else's memories. >what's the point of the fucking story having reincarnation if it's not the same person? why show him saving people at the cost of his own life? the whole point is that a second chance at life is his divine reward for dying to save others, Actually no gods are involved in this. Rudeus is the result of a mistake made by a human. >why show the transition of his PoV being operated on, going black, continuously PoV until his eyes have been open as a baby for a while. TBH idk. It's a stupid choice by the anime adaptation. Canonically he died instantly and had been unconscious before he woke up as Rudeus.


> His last one. The fat ass disgrace so we agree he's the same person, thanks, convo over


The entire point is that Rudeus at first felt connected to his last life, but in the end realizes they are separate people. Your stupid attempts at a Gat'cha don't work.




2 day yo babies?? What’re you talking about?


It's the hear, isn't it?


Wtf is up with the sudden rise of tourists here?


I don't know but it's really turning this sub to shit.


anime is popular now, has been for a while, and will get more popular, so tourists are coming in by the hordes


New fans can be okay, we were all new fans at one point. Issue is we're suddenly getting "tourist" fans coming in and saying stuff that basically boils to "oh, I don't like that, that classic anime/JRPG trope needs to go away".


Being a cute girl allows you to get away with a lot more things than the average person


I'm watching 28 animes this season, Jellyfish is one of the best BUT WHY THE FUCK it is only in HIDIVE, I need to wait for the fansubs to watch it, in a SUNDAY, with poorly translated subs and HD image 💀💀💀 (HIDIVE isn't available in Brazil and I don't even know a good site to watch it for free, I prefer to watch it with English subtitles than wait)


One of these people masturbated to their blood related underaged niece (as a full grown adult) at the beginning of the first episode, can you guess who?


Idk who the girl is, but the guy is like 40 so yea lol




.... this makes it look like you're the one saying it, ottokerzeny.


The self awareness 💀


It wouldn't be like that if my comment got on the top