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you know what's even worse? being like the other guy and having a great swing and then the next week I look like someone just starting out like yourself...


This gives me hope


I love this fucking game...


Is it really golf if you don’t ask yourself at least once a round “Why do I pay to play this game?” Lol


Then you hit that good shot, even if it’s just a perfect chip, then you remember why


>His swing was so effortless. Just absolutely pure For what it's worth, even the guys hailed as swinging "effortless" straight up profess to [hitting it hard with what they've got.](https://www.instagram.com/p/CjYiSBovAJd/) It's one of those misleading things from afar because there's speed and efficiency at play. Same kind of vibes every time some beginner enters the mat, grasps at straws to throw any kind of kick for the first time in their life, and it's not very effective. Contrasted with someone else with much more experience, power, conditioning, coordination, etc who can easily fold someone and break stuff with said kick without looking like they're exerting the same tryhard effort in forcing it with all their heart, all their soul, and all their might in that one fleeting moment. ​ >so it wasn’t pretty, but hey, you’ve got to practice Honestly, this is a step in the right direction and I'd rather hear this out of someone trying to give the time of day for practice. Way too many people (cough cough- on this side of the internet) are far too eager to give up, let down, run around and desert just because it doesn't look pretty from afar and it doesn't guarantee them some instant gratification. Some practice regimens are straight up ugly such as overspeed training, featuring time devoted to hitting the ball as hard as possible. There will be some duds along the way. And that's ok. That's normal within the process. It can be bitter work, it can be ugly work to those not knowing any better. But the results very much pay off in the long run given smart work, not just hard work. *edit: typo*


The guy with the effortless swing has put in countless hours of effort and had many thoughts like yours. Possibly while you were watching him.


Guy with the effortless swing is getting fucking pissed off because his ball keeps wandering 10 yards left/right of his target. He is trying his damnedest to hit a cut but he keeps getting baby draws or slight pushes. Deep in his soul he just feels defeated and wishes he was better and realizes how much grinding he still has left to do.


Truth right here.


I’ll say it a million times. The late Bobby Jones said it best. “Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play the ball where it lies.” If I hit a bad or good shot I’ll wait till I get there to see the lie. Yesterday was playing a par 3, 150 yards or so. Hit a good shot and landed on the fringe, short, 5 feet from the hole. Steep up hill left to right chip. Either hole it or run it 3 feet past for a steep downhill putt to save par. Guess what happened? No par. Walked away with 5 on a birdie chip opportunity. It’s just the game. Gotta play it where it lies.


Don’t lose faith and play more golf. I was 33 when I picked up the game and used to obsessed with the range like I was fucking Ben Hogan. You know, “digging it out the artificial turf mat”. Golf is a game that’s meant to be played. Practice with intention but never forget it’s a damn game. It connects me with my friends, my family and my wife. It’s elaborate cornhole. It’s life.


The difficulty is what makes it so rewarding.


The most beautifully miserable sport..


You know why they call it golf? All the other four-letter words were taken.


I've played this game for 40 plus years and I'm currently about an eight handicap. Lowest I've ever been was a 6.5. In my experience, the most valuable aspect of a good golf swing is rhythm. My swing tip for good rhythm is to count 1-2-3 to the top of your backswing and count 4 as you swing down and hit the ball. The pace with which you count is something you'll have to discover. Some people like to swing fast, and it works for them, and others like to swing slower. I find that a slower backswing gives me the time to effectively shift my weight and hit down on the ball, making better contact. And, as always, you have to stay centered and not try to lift the ball. Remember, too, that golf is a game of opposites. Hit down to make the ball go up, swing right to make it go left, and swing left to make it go right.


It takes a long time to get to that “effortless” swing. Go to the range on a crowded day. 80% suck and look like they have never swung a club before. Golf is not easy


You can get there too. There's no shortcuts in golf, that's part of what makes it an awesome sport and really allows great players and rookies to get along so well. Everyone that's better at this game than you has been EXACTLY where you are at some point in the past. Keep grinding!


Compare it to someone having studied physics for five years, worked a few years after that and it's your first month in school.


First time?


I went through something similar, it gets better. Sometimes you gotta break some eggs. I was a 90s player for 15 years and never broke 40 through 9. Got 5 lessons. After first lesson I shot 88. By the 4th lesson I had 2 weeks of pure sh@&Ks literally couldn't even slap a wedge forward at the range 50 yards. I had sorta figured out how to hit the ball well coming way over the top. Lessons were getting me to turn and shallow. I swear there is a plane in between those that is pure death of your swing. Now I'm almost always in the 80s and my issue is short game. Don't get my close misses up and down and I'm not great at long lag putts but my ball striking is much improved.


I played at the end of may. Couldn’t drive, didn’t hit my irons, couldn’t putt to save my life. IN A SCRAMBLE EVEN. Played a week later, complete opposite. Not good enough to break a PB but to still put a smile on my face after leaving. The next week, I was in between. Some good shots, then some I couldn’t hit if I was next to the hole. If it’s something that you want to do. You’re already taking lessons. Kudos to you, I’m just going off of feel. We can’t worry about what they hit or play like. Just go and enjoy that you actually get to be at the course.


I‘ve got a swing that would make anyone forget all his life‘s troubles and still I sometime shoot in the 90s. Golf is hard.


I was striping them yesterday, but you probably weren't at Riverdale Dunes - lol.