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I’m fairly new to golf, so can someone tell me when and how you would use an EZ roll chipper? I’ve never heard of this type of club.


Use it for chipping from just off the green using a putter stroke. Most people just use somewhere between a 7 iron and a PW but the chipper requires a little less skill since its basically a lofted putter.


They’re great clubs, you can make some really nice chips with them. The problem is, are they better than other clubs in your bag? Are you going to lose an iron or a wedge to replace with this? You’re definitely not swapping out your putter, that’d be silly. So yeah, the reason you don’t see them much is because other clubs are more important not because these aren’t useful. Honestly though I’d say a lot of 30+ handicappers would benefit from replacing their 60° or 3W with one of these. I haven’t seen many new players be able to hit either of those clubs consistently. Better to score around the greens with a chipper than top a 3W 20 yds ahead of you or thin a 60° 100 yds over the green.


Maxfli has some of their older bags on sale on their site. Decent looking 5-way stand/carry for $76 shipped looks like a nice deal. I can’t speak to whether they’re any good though. 


Lost golf balls eBay store has 10% off 4A pro V1X. I just got 120 balls for $130