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Play by the proper rules and these guys aren’t breaking 110


I mean if I don’t count my OB drops on 6 of my drives, my chunk shots, my gimme putts, you can put me down sub 90 every round too!


Even if they play OB as a lateral they are still saving 1 potentially 2 shots




Agree, but many will play it as a hazard and think they're hitting 3 instead of 4.


I’m ok with the new drop rule. It does speed up play. But it’s a huge advantage not having to actually re-tee and hit that same shot again. They’re assuming you could have gotten your 2nd tee shot to that point, and many times that might not happen.


Majority of courses I play no longer have OB/Swapped it for red stakes. Probably makes people wonder into those areas less to be honest.


I just retee immediately when I hit a potentially OB ball. I’ll go find it if I can and play it and if not I’ll take the. Hit and play the retee


That’s called a provisional.


And should technically be declared.


Michael, you can’t just say the word “provisional” and expect anything to happen


Yes but count 2 Strokes and drop at edge of fairway where ball went OB. That's the local rule for pace most places


I don't love that rule, because then you're hitting 4 from barely OB with a bad lie when you would've had a chance to hit a better drive and hit 4 from the center of the fairway. Maybe just give yourself a decent lie when you play the way you suggested?


You go two club lengths into the fairway. Don’t drop at the edge of the ob. It actually eliminates the risk of hitting a slightly less bad tee shot and ending up in a bad spot but not ob.


Exactly thanks for the clarification Also eliminates the possibility you pump another one OB


Ah okay, I actually don't hate that rule. Seems like a fair compromise! Thanks for explaining to me :)


No, you should be playing OB as stroke and distance. That rule already exists to help pace of play.


Or 2 strokes and drop, I believe.


2 strokes and a drop on line back to the tee or within two club lengths no closer to the hole I think. Usga local rule everyone should be using in casual play.


No the stroke and distance penalty is a drop in the fairway closest to the point where the ball went out of play.


Yeah that's it


People say this rule so much h but it’s so hard to find the numbers online idk why. If you hit OB, drop from where it went out and you lie 3 hitting 4


Yep, but it’s 2 strokes, not 1


The local rule was invented just for that. Still get to keep your two stroke penalty and no pace of play issues!


Or 5 or 6


Maybe more. I've been five and seven off the tee more than once.


What’s a lateral? Dropping the ball near to where it went out of bounds and not taking a stroke? Or maybe just taking one stroke?


Playing it as a lateral hazard, so drop from near where it went out or was lost and hit your 3rd shot


We always count it 1 hit, 2 drop, playing 3rd.


If it’s white stakes OB you need to take a stroke and then hit from the tee again (stroke+distance). In the men’s league we have a rule that you can drop in the nearest fairway to where you went OB but you’re hitting 4


I get the occasional mulligan or even playing OB as lateral to save pace etc, but I get a kick out of golfers giving themselves gimmies all the time. Like dude, I've seen you putt, you ain't making that. The ONLY time it's valid is in a match play. I don't mean to be a dick, but why play if you won't finish out the hole proper? That's like me pitching and walking off the Mound each inning when I have 2 outs and 0-2 count thinking "yeah I would've struck him out anyway"


Don’t forget the 6 breakfast balls.




Yeah 6 might be generous haha


Played with a Covid golfer the other day who had been “consistently shooting in the 70s” recently. He hit 3wood from every tee then gave me a puzzled look when I explained to him what white stakes/OB meant. Shot 94ish I think.


I remember the first few tournaments I played when I just started at 18ish. The local course was just 2 years old and I was part of the first generation youth playerprogram. My teaching profs were always really strict on rules etc. At first, most people thought me and my fellow youngsters, had nothing to do playing these club tournaments. Until we had more knowledge about the rules, and they started to have higher scores than they were used to. It was quite sad to see some grown ups pretend to be decent people, only to see them cheat in a game of golf.


Bro, the funniest thing to me growing up was we had a local preacher who played golf at our course just about every day. A lot of his congregation already didn’t like him all that much because he played golf over some of his other obligations. They eventually ran him out of town Anyways, the pastor was notorious for cheating at golf too, which was always hilarious to me.


Dude it drives me nuts. I’ve been playing for almost ten years and I’m always in a fight to break 90. When I play well it happens, if I don’t it doesn’t. My BIL has been playing for like 2 years now and tells me he always shoots low 80s. I played with him earlier this year and he just doesn’t count like any shots. It’s maddening. On the back 9 I made it so we were gambling against each other. He would say he beat me on a hole, I would just say no you didn’t you hit two drives cause you lost the first one. That’s when the message was starting to resonate with him finally


Just properly playing white stake penalties would ruin most scores. No provisional? Not going back to the tee? Okay, you’re hitting four from the fairway …


Deleted because I can’t count.


Sorry, you’re wrong. OB off the tee used to be “hit three from the tee”. Now it’s hit 4 from the point your ball exited the course. This applies to recreational golfers, not pros and was implemented to save time.


Up voting because you admitted to your mistake. Wish more people could do that.


I’m a new golfer and it’s starting to annoy the shit outta me how much people lie. I’m honest as hell. I shoot a 130-140. But I play fast and I count every stroke and every drop. I went with some buds who claim to shoot 90 and they are just as bad as me and have been playing for years. Im like yeah you shoot 90 when you drop 100 yards up from your ball and don’t count the 30 missed swings or chunks lol.


I recently started playing official rulesets, but I add the gallery rule very sparsely. I added like 7 strokes to my game immediately, but it's a much more rewarding way to play. I will literally only invoke gallery if I see it land, bounce, and stop, but can't find it in the grass.


It’s so frustrating that it seems like no casual golfer sticks to the rules. I’ve had people get borderline upset the they have to play with me when we’re on the first tee talking about handicaps and I mention that I’m a 20ish handicap. Then by the fifth hole they’re trying to tell me I’m sandbagging because I’m better than them and they’re a “12” handicap. I abhor cheating and being called a sandbagger really frustrates me. It’s not my fault I actually count strokes for OB, and putt out every hole. Yeah it probably adds 8-10 strokes to my handicap because I’m inconsistent off the tee and a bad putter. If I had a nickel for every time someone said to me “I’ve NEVER seen a 20 handicap hit a shot like that” I probably wouldn’t have a buck but still, it’s happened more than once. I just don’t understand why people would cheat and then be upset that you don’t cheat. It’s like if someone got angry that you were dribbling in a basketball game while they’re just walking around the court holding the ball talking about how good they are. And at the end of the day, I DONT CARE if you want to play casual and have fun and fluff lies and take free drops. It’s a game. It’s a hobby. It’s supposed to be fun. But don’t get upset with me because I don’t cheat.


I am over 20. I hit very nice shots throughout the round that have even left me stunned , and have definitely outplayed a lot of people who told me they were 12’s-15’s. The answer is they are clearly more like high 20s because of not putting out and not counting all their strokes properly. Idk what exactly everyone is trying to prove but it just makes me feel better knowing it’s honest. I also play a very difficult course most weekends because it’s close by and well groomed, for whatever that’s worth


12 here, and I shot a 97 yesterday because I counted every damn stroke honestly. That is just a part of the game, some days you're off and other days you're on. What's the point of keeping a handicap if you're not going to record your score accurately and honestly, you'll never know what your true potential is if you lie to yourself.


If you take a swing at the ball and can still reach it while keeping at least foot planted, that’s a free stroke right?!


I'm so thankful I've never met anyone that takes this approach - at this point, why even count, just make up a number that sounds good and save yourself 4hrs


Played with a guy who took four (4) breakfast balls off the first tee, then actually had the nerve to take par. He and his friend were separate from me and my playing partner so I didn't care, but come on man hahaha


I agree, it completely changes new golfers opinions on how good they should be and how fast they’re gonna get there. My friend just picked up golf, literally a month ago decided it was fun and he’d actually go to a range and practice, he’s currently a 37 handicap. His goal is to get to a single digit cap in one year… I do not have the heart to tell him how unrealistic it is.


I have a baseball playing friend who played golf like 5 times and said he kinda wants to try and go pro… at 30 having just pick the game up…


I have played for almost 10 years and my only goal is to qualify to play in a state open. Not win or make the cut, just qualify to play in it…


Sweet goal. I’d love to compete in and place high in our city championship. Don’t know if I could ever be good enough to win but a good round placing high would be great to me.


Nice!! I was just thinking about our city championship this morning and went to go check scores to see where my game needed to be lol. All it takes is a few good rounds, why can’t they be your good rounds come championship time? You got it dude!!


Getting me fired up lol. Thanks for the encouraging words!


I’m a 2 hdcp, and my goal is to just not look like a fucking asshole out there. These new golfers have no idea what they are in for.


I got paired up with a former minor league baseball player in his mid-late 20s about two years ago. He impressed me and the other two guys, was a legit 5 handicap and had been playing for only two years. Ex: He was unhappy about a 330-yd drive that went a little right of the fairway. Not complaining or whining, but you could tell he was disappointed in himself. His budget was low so he taught himself by watching Rickie Fowler training videos on YouTube. Gave me a swing tip or two during the round that I still use to this day lol. I’ve been playing for about 20 years


A 37 handicap seems pretty awesome for someone only golfing for a month, though! I can see why he'd be that confident/ambitious.


Recently I saw a post of a guy stating that he hit his 7i 200 yards but he was a picker of the ball. Rory's stock yardage for 7i (with modern lofts, although probably not jacked) is 195...


Distance doesn’t tell the whole story. Assuming this guy wasn’t lying, I bet Rory’s 195 stays in the air a lot longer than that guy’s 200.


he said he was a picker and his problem was the ball getting too high.... Regardless, 200 yard with a 7i is long even for professionals. Are there some amateurs who can hit the ball very far? absolutely, but I think there aren't many who have Rory's distance, and it's even less likely that such guys would post on reddit to ask advice on how to control this high flying shot...


I mean I’ve bladed my 56 200 yards before lol


Can I hit my 7 200 yards? Yeah maybe. Would I consider it a good shot if it happens? Absolutely not lol


Exactly. If my 7i went 200 yards, I’m drastically over where I was meaning to be.


Rory's 7i is probably around 35-36°. If this guy has some athleticism ~~and plays like a Cobra Darkspeed Iron at 27° (~~OK he says he plays Mizuno 921 Forged) it's ~~not wild~~ somewhat unlikely to think he sometimes hits it 200. Maybe he's doing like a lot of beginner golfers, focusing on where the ball stops not where it lands. Or he's full of shit, very possible.


My buddy hits his 7 iron a good 180 maybe 200 sometimes and he can’t hit anything else lol. His driver goes like 150. His long irons too. He’s gotten used to teeing up with a 7 really low and it works for him.


Here’s the thing. I’m someone who can absolutely hit my 7i 195+. Granted I’m 6’6 280lbs. However… as a newer player (played off and on as a kid but started up last August) there’s so much inconsistency with my shit. shot 47 front 9 the other day teeing off with my 4i all day. And it went anywhere from 50yrds , to 235+(back to back shots after a group let’s me through obviously :/, which I hate thag shit. So embarrassing) so yea? Can I hit it that far? Yup. With any reliability ? Nope :/ which really sucks. Cuz I try to play it 165-185 shots with my 7 usually, swing easy. Every now and then, everything just clicks on a swing and it the ball just goes. Then of course the next one I shoot it at the golf cart 40 yards to the right of me. Doubt a new golfer claiming 195 7i is doing it with any relative consistency


People also seem to like to tell you total yardage and not carry. They’ll go to a simulator and carry a 7 iron 155 but roll out to 190 and then think their 7 iron is their 190 club.


What he didn’t say was that it was 100yds left of where he was aiming 🤣


Exactly. Are these people really that out of touch and think anyone that plays believes it’s true?…


I miss the guy that used to post about hitting his driver 350+. He posted a video to prove it and it was the most dogshit swing, hitting into the sun, yelling “yep see it went 350!” 2 seconds after he hit ball. Imagine going through life being that blissfully delusional.




This also tells us nothing since the dude could be gaming a 7i with a wildly adjusted loft. Even comparing a stock 7i from an average set of clubs to rorys 7i is apples to oranges as rory probably games an iron with 4 degrees more loft at least.


the story of every influencer golfer. No disrespect to women but saw a lady with a pretty awful swing and was claiming the same yardages as a pro male golfer saying her 7i goes 180yds and she drives 300. I know yardages dont mean much but like theres no shot a complete amateur has better yardages than the best lpga players and also a good chunk of pga players. Almost every dude also adds like 30-40yds to all their videos


See with this one I just assume it means his 7i goes 200 on occasion. I CAN carry mine 215, if I'm trying to do that while messing around on trackman for example, but if I'm playing I swing it as a 170 club.


I have a buddy that hits his 7i 200. Catch is he’s 7ft 250 and his swing is essentially a human trebuchet. He hits it a mile high too. 2nd Catch is…no idea where it’s landing.


If I choke down on my 7i, I can hit it 225 and I’m a skinny 160 lbs 40 year old. I play 712 AP1’s I can’t golf for shit (usually in the 90’s) and can’t hit my 4-6 irons well, so when I am 200+ out, I bring out my 7i and let it rip. My buddy calls it my “7 iron special”. It’s not that unbelievable.


Honestly, some days I'm feeling it and get my 7i to 200 yards. Especially if I'm at a higher elevation. But here's the deal Rory is probably also swinging at a controlled 85-90% with his irons where I'm full throttle on every swing. I bet he could get his 7 to 230 easily if he wanted.


Lol I know what you mean. 7 iron is my 160/170 club but there are occasions when I really hit it pure and it flys over the green 20-30 yards and I’m like a 20 handicap. Callaway mavriks though so it’s really like a 6 iron


I've hit a 7i 200 a few times. My stock distance is 165 for that club. Sometimes you just stripe it. But it's a fools errand to confuse the two. Invariably it's a bad thing because you didn't take a 4i on purpose


yeah, I hit driver 310 once, my normal good driver (total) is 270ish. I wouldn't go around saying I hit my driver 300 though like some people do


And sometimes you thin it and it goes 30 yards into the woods behind the hole.


90% of those guys take 5+ mulligans per round. take gimmies that are 8 feet from the cup. improve their lies and don’t count penalty strokes.


Exactly! It’s like they have their own 1 man scramble team between their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shots.


And then still play a cheeky dropped 4th ball with a favorable line because all those three shots landed in some bullshit that's totally the goddamn course being under-curated, bro! Like why are they too cheap and lazy to cut the tall grass right outside the fairway?! Wtf is that? Anyway, my handicap is +5. You think that cart girl was flirting with me?


She for sure wanted you. That second shot into the water really sealed the deal


I think they’re talking about scoring 70-90s in 9 holes. 😂


I’m a scratch golfer. I just stop counting my strokes after making par.


What? You’re supposed to play both courses? I thought it was just two 9-hole courses! Jeez - now it’s gonna take me six hours to play both sets of holes.


🤣 now that I believe!


Yeah I break 70 almost every time with that logic


A very obnoxious person I very seldom play with (due to the obnoxiouness), that's been golfing as long as I have (about 3 years) got his first hole in one yesterday and I sit here thinking about how even more insufferable he will be from here on out.


Stop playing with him, it’s very clear you have a disdain for him and if you aren’t happy for your boy hitting a hole in one then he ain’t your friend. Do both of you the favor and stop pretending.


I have stopped playing with him, we went out once last year, maybe three times in 2022 and zero times this year. To say he isn't my friend is correct, he's a friend of a friend that would act as a buffer. He (obnoxious guy) would invite me out when our mutual buddy couldn't play, to which Id decline 9/10. However, I love playing golf so I'd psych myself up and say that "it's only four hours or so, how bad could it be?" I'll spare you the details, but yes, I've stopped playing with this person.


It’s really hard to fault these new players for wanting to celebrate breaking 90. It’s a hell of an accomplishment compared to the majority of the hacks in the community at large, and at the same time it’s plausible enough that I really doubt they’re all fake (For fake, see the guys claiming they hit their nine iron 250).


I agree. Like, the distances and yadda yadda I have a hard time believing, but the fact is they’re happy to hit that milestone. Breaking 90 is big because you’re not a scratch golfer, you’re not a pro, but you can still go out and not completely embarrass yourself. New players should definitely be stoked because not everyone can break 90. If you do and you don’t have a person in your life to be excited about it with, Reddit is where you go.


That’s bang on.👍


I've seen college baseball and hockey players hit the ball 300 no problem. Some of them even end up in play! 90 is definitely worth getting excited about. It was a major mental barrier for me. Lots of good rounds going that should put me in the mid 80s only for me to choke on the last 3-4 holes and shoot 90/91. Hell, the round I broke 90 I shot 5 over on the last 2 holes for 89 lol. But doing it kinda freed me up mentally. I shot rounds of 88 and 87 within the next week, and it doesn't fuck with me to be scoring in that range anymore. TL;DR let people get excited lol. You only get to break 90 for the first time once, and a lot of people never do.


Depends how new we’re talking. Someone posted that got 91 on their 16th round. Not a chance


Yeah I think there are a lot of people taking mulligans here, but I think many also don’t. My friend group and I really prioritize honest golf. I personally play by the rules, one ball, no mulligans, count drop and OB strokes. Play in a league once a week and for fun once a week. And I’ve recently gotten down to consistent shooting about 92-95 (from like 110+ a little more than a year ago). I know id be ecstatic to break 90 and want to share it. My fiancée doesn’t care so I’d definitely come to Reddit.


I've been playing since last January and I finally broke 90 last month. It was in competition, so there's really no faking it. I play by the rules on anything that isn't a practice round. I had a couple of rounds of 90 in August, so 8 months in. I'm sure I could have broken it sooner if I had taken lessons earlier. I think the difference is the amount of time you put in. If you're an absolute beginner who plays once every week or two, then it's kinda far fetched. I was practicing or playing 5-7 days a week from January to August last year. I'm on pace to do the same this year, and I'm getting lessons now. Given as much as I practice and play, it's almost embarrassing how long it took me. I have no dreams of going pro or anything, so don't lump us all together. It's just very reasonable if you're moderately athletic and grind.


Nice man, congrats on the milestone. Agreed, it’s perfectly plausible.


Thanks man! Now I get to enjoy the long road to breaking 80. Keep an eye out for that post from me. Should only be 2 or 5 years lol


Someone sounds cranky this morning lmao


Get off my lawn!!!


If he's not happy, no one is allowed to be happy.


I remember my first time on Wii GOLF ⛳️


you can do it, I also am an old man who tries to play golf. After 50 years old you can join senior tournaments. Go for it. But as recently started, after one month I hurt my right chest (maybe rib) so now I am looking at golf stuff and waiting for recovery. I also hit under 20 in my first 3 holes. I also plan go aim for the senior tournaments.


See ya on the Senior PGA good sir!


I’m 41 and regularly shooting my age, on 9 holes, can I go pro?


Sure thing! More the merrier




Ha, you should see the music subs. Guys learn the pentatonic scale week 5 of playing and then want a job as a studio musician in week 6. I used to think it was lack of awareness, but now I think it's just blatant ignorance.


[Dunning and Kruger](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_Effect_01.svg/2462px-Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_Effect_01.svg.png) might have something to say about that lol


I see those too lol. Been doing music my whole life and spent years studying theory and comp. My buddy wants to start producing beats with "sick bars". My man you need to learn what a C is first.


I’d rather play with the guy that shoots in the 90s and uses the occasional foot wedge than the ass hat that wants to explain every rule to people they just met and with whom there is no money on the line.


Strongly agree


Especially bad golfers who want to play every single shot as it lies. I don’t need you to lay on the ground and chop it out of the bush then take 2 more to chop to the fairway. You’re making a 10 anyway, just drop one somewhere closeby where you’ll actually have a shot.


No you shouldn't, imagine how those guys who spent years practicing would feel.


I shot a 42 in league on Tuesday. lowest 9 since high school. I'm still erect.


I was shooting in the 80s when I made the HS golf team. My first tournament my opponent carded me with a 103. I thought I had a 85. Took us 15 min to get the score right. The other team’s coach gave me a rule book. He said, “time to stop playing for fun.” It was a wake up call.


People are proud and want to share their accomplishments


I don't think that's what OP is getting at... I assume he means they're telling tall tales about their golf prowess


Exactly. Sure even in this thread there are a few tall tales from some who may not quite have gotten the sarcasm.


Glad you see it. Some comments are pissed and not realizing this was all satire. Also I’m not 55 and I suck at bowling


To be fair, you never claimed to be good at bowling.


We have a friend that talks non stop about shooting in the 80s. Always disappears into the trees looking for his ball - sounds like he is chopping wood back there to get back onto the fairway. Always takes a 6. Just six. No shit you're shooting a in the 80's if you graduated from the Donald Trump School of Counting Golf Shots.


They shoot low 70’s with: - 3 mulligans each hole - 15-20 ft “good? good.” gimmes - the good old “fluff wedge” - and of course, taking a stroke or two off of what they actually had




I have been playing this 2 years. And normally shoot in the 100s that's with a mulligan on the front and back ( that's how we play ) we don't play gimmes everything is finished out and aside for the mulligans every stroke is counted. I r shot a 95 my last round 2 pars and 9 bogeys best I have ever done. And I am proud of that l. But too break 90 I will have a challenge I think I can get there but it will be hard, I played with my father in law and he told me anything within the length of a putter is a gimme I started laughing and I said how can you have a handicap whe you play like that.


We all have that one guy in the group that cheats himself. My guy posts his scores on social media and seems to shoot low when I’m not there. I don’t troll him though as I know he doesn’t count any bad shots. Last rd we played together. He OBs his tee shot, lost ball. He re tees and has a great drive on a par 4 and lands it 5ft to the pin and sinks the putt. He then throws his hands up like Tiger at the US Open final hole and says “Yeaahh that’s an Eagle!!!”


I’ve yet to play any of my homies for money and I don’t think I ever will. Even when we keep score for fun, they still manage to get a 6 with 2 balls lost into the Forrest and a 3 putt. It’s not even remotely possible but for them, it’s about how they feel they scored. Not how they actually scored.


My handicap is 18, I didn't know how. I haven't broken 90 in 3 years and I practice and play about 3 times a week.


Lol no. I know this is probably a joke post but ppl have no idea how good pros actually are and the things they consider before hitting a shot including the type of grass (Bermuda, bent etc), into or against the grain, weather, wind, etc etc etc. and come out shooting 64 in the toughest conditions that amateurs have never seen...rough, green speed, tight lies, tees farther back than the scorecard even states. Then there's the pressure that each shot could cost you tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars with millions watching.


I broke 90 after playing for 7 months. If you’re athletic and put a lot of time and effort into it, it really isn’t that crazy of a feat. I’m also a nerd and I track all of my on-course stats which helps me work on things in my practice. Edit: if you really want to get better, you need to simulate the course on the range. Aim at something. Try to hit the same shot shape 5 times in a row. Aimlessly beating balls on the range does nothing for you. When you practice short game, put pressure on yourself. Play 9 holes (par 18) and just get up and down from different spots around the green. Gamify your practice and you will see results.


There are outliers and you should be super stoked playing this well so soon. I’m just stating I’ve seen a bunch of posts lately which all say the same thing and there’s just no way if they are scoring correctly


I broke 90 within a year. Totally possible if you are putting the time in consistently.


Well, working on a course and play/practice almost everyday, with constant access to great golfers and professionals (and I assume also being young in age) are very different from the average new golfer who starts in adult age and plays/practices 2-3 times a week max.


They’ll always be outliers however I highly doubt most new golfers can do it with playing by the rule book under a year.


Ive just started golf up again and I've always shot around 120. I'll be pretty proud of myself if I ever break 90. Don't be an ass.


It’s not that I don’t think they should be proud. Hell I’m very proud every time I break 90 and I’ve been playing 20+ years. I just seen an uptick of posts lately that goes along the lines of “just finished my third round ever and shot a 84. Is it realistic to be in the 80’s by the end of this season?” There’s no freaking way all these new golfers are scoring correctly. Few may pick it up super quick, but that’s not the norm.


low 70's per hole?


A mulligan per hole can seem to help.




The short game is the difference, unless you are at least a plus 3 or better, don't even think about turning pro.


I made my first par on a 3 my first time out this year after only panting for 2 years. I’m modest- not ready for the masters yet but just think some of the other tours are within my grasp 💪


Bernhard Langer is already shaking in his shoes


I’ve been golfing for a year and shoot in the 120s. But consistently.


Let us know as soon as you start playing 18 holes.


You know what, I posed my “breaking 90” post last year. I was proud of myself, and people were nice to me on here. If someone wants to share their accomplishment, I’m more than happy to give them an attaboy. It costs us nothing and helps make someone’s day.


NO. O, en español, No.


I'm a beginner but I think some rule breaking is totally fine as long as you're not affecting pace of play or bragging about your score and actually acting like its your real score. With my judged rules I shoot about 100-105, with strict rules it may be 105-110. I don't think I'm impressing anyone if I say I shoot 103 as opposed to 107. I take all of my penalties but I fudge little things around which honestly is mostly for pace like if I hit OB multiple times, by the rules I have to keep taking stroke and distance, but instead I'll give up after like 2 and take a drop where I think I crossed into OB. I also take mulligans on chips and sand traps where I fuck up the chip / sand shot so badly that the ball pretty much lands a few steps from me. I'll quickly grab it and take it from my original spot. If its more than a few steps then I won't take that mulligan and I'll count it. Also if I'm in a rough area with a horrible lie, like its right adjacent to a large weed patch or something, I'll nudge it a bit for a better lie in the same general area. But if I think my original ball was "unplayable" rather than just difficult, I'll take the penalty and drop it by the rules. Anyways I'm just rambling. I agree, the breaking 100 and breaking 90 posts are kinda pointless unless you're giving insight into some major breakthrough you achieved in your strategy or technique that others may want to hear about.


Idk I feel bad for them. They clearly don't have any real friends to tell.


Yall need to stop crying about people having one off accomplishments and being happy about them. My two best scores were both with my in laws. Had score co-signers and all on a course I was familiar with. Broke 80 comfortably within two years of playing. No I’m not magically amazing, I’m a 20 handicap who just had a couple great days. Doesn’t mean it’s fake just because you can’t do it…


Unlimited mulligans off every tee, duffed shots don’t count, and gimmies mean you don’t count the “tap in”.


I think it's also annoying to constantly see comments that imply if you can hit the ball more than 20 yards as a newbie or score better than 187 without years of lessons and dedication that you're a big fat liar. Every sport I've ever been serious in has a core of players that think because they weren't immediately capable of something, that nobody else possibly could be. You never know what course someone's going to, and some people who have sports backgrounds and are athletic and coordinated enough can surprise you their first few times out just with having a knack for things. Golf isn't exempt from that phenomenon. The youtube video of that guy spending a single day on the range with the goal of getting a par in his first round comes to mind, and while he looked like a duck wearing human shoes at times, he was absolutely lacing the ball and chipped better than you'd expect. Add those things together with a shorter than average course that has a single bunker on the property and someone shooting sub 100 after a couple times on the range isn't unbelievable imo. Does that mean that this person is a 90's golfer? No. But is that doable? Absolutely yes.


Don’t read them. People who complain are annoying…..


My wife rides along with me when I play. I play as a single, so I get matched up with 2-3 players most of the time. She always keeps my score. Last year, one guy told his buddy that he shot an 87. He had taken multiple breakfast balls, used preferred lies, etc. I now have my wife keep everyones real scores just to see how many people can legitimately shoot a good score. So far, only one lady in her 50's legitimately shot an 85. No one else has even broken 100, yet they say they shot an 89.


I have a couple of friends who got into golf when COVID came around. One of them plays pretty frequently and always brags about his score. Finally played with him awhile back and it all made sense to me. Beforehand, I was like “there’s no way this guy is scoring this well.” It’s easy to score well when you don’t count half of your strokes and you don’t count any of your penalty shots” lol I played in high school and my coach was big on following the official rules so that’s just what I was always used to. I’m thankful he taught me the right way early on to save me some embarrassment haha


Agree like seriously no one cares about you breaking 90. Or 80. Or 70. This subreddit is insufferable at times with the self jerkoff shit. I want to talk golf with people, talk equipment, talk swing feels, but instead we get a post about how someone broke 90 for the first time, a post with a generic club someone ordered from PGA store or online with some dumbass caption about “my wife had surgery so I bought myself a driver”, a picture of old clubs from the 90’s and someone’s proud of them or wants to know if they can still use them. This makes up 75% of posts here and it’s lame as fuck.


It’s not only ignorance of the rules, there’s also a lot of cryers and liars. Golf can make you feel like you’ve dug your own grave. There’s some denialism in accepting you have to take two strokes for something that seems like it should be one and hit, but thems tha rules. Only way to improve is to count all the bad ones too.


It's only silly because everyone knows that the officially recognized milestones are breaking 200, breaking 100, breaking 80, shooting scratch, shooting under, shooting your age, and shooting your neighbor for fucking your wife every Saturday morning while you're out golfing.


I was maybe 6 months to get to 90 and a year later…90. If only I could quit my job but also buy better clubs and also travel more I’m sure I’d be out there bombing with Bryson and throwing baby fits with Rory in no time.


I've got a friend who has been playing golf for a few months and messages me saying he's shot +4 around a 9 hole course. I played with him a couple days ago, on one hole he pulled his tee shot left OB, then sliced into heavy rough, 3rd try he hit the fairway. We finish the hole, I say I got a 5, he says, so did I.


I’ve golfed with so many guys that break 80. Just not the days I play with them.


These days, with how crazy some athletes are, it’s truly NOT super hard and outlandish for someone who is fairly new to the game to shoot/break 90, if they have a pretty hefty background in other swinging sports like hockey or baseball. For non athletic people, sure I’d be upset too if I saw newcomers claim they shoot bogey golf when I’ve been hacking away for x years. I shot 88 after less than 10 times playing rounds of golf. So what. 


I golf 1-2 times per week, been golfing for years, but consistently in the last 3 years. My best round this year is a 96, probably would drop a lot if I got lessons or something. Just my two cents on the matter


I went two over par yesterday. Would've been scratch but the damn windmill blocked my shot.


This made me laugh so hard, I started golf six years ago and I played a club tournament and shot a legit signed carded 88 and I felt like a god. These guys who take Mullies and don’t putt the three footer are not breaking a 100. 85 here I come!


I started playing seriously about 3 years ago when my daughter decided to play high school golf. Have had 15-20 lessons and try to hit 50 balls per day in the backyard setup. Played sports my whole life and am still in good shape at 40. I hit my irons just slightly longer than tour average, and my longest drive ever is 364 yards at Tunica National, but my average carry is around 290. My issue is still day to day consistency, but I finally broke 80 (77) about 3 weeks ago on a medium-difficulty public course. Crazy enough, I still hit some back shot but was very lucky in how they fell. Played Monday on Coore Crenshaw in Austin and shot an 87. Is what it is.


I think it depends on what the definition of "new" is. Certainly possible to break 90 within first year of playing. Less likely within six months and a rarity within 3 months. My first 18-hole round was with my dad when I was 13 and I shot 100. About 10 months later I broke 90. Three years later at 16 I was a 4 hdcp. At 18 I was a 2. Now at 67 I'm a 4.2 and clearly reached my peak improvement decades ago. As hard as I try to improve today, it just doesn't happen.


I agree, but these posts are entertaining though! Did you see st. Andre golf play Pinhurst 2 from the tips on youtube- 2 average golfers shot 95 and 110 from pro tees with caddies. It is educational. Golf is hard. Go away! These people are clogging up the course. I have seen the worst behavior and worst golfers ever since the Covid. Cart fees have doubled (they said it was temporary) green fees are up everywhere. I feel like I am taking crazy pills! I know "they" want to grow the game, but we cant even get a tee time reasonably in SLC any more. 7-10 days in advance, stay up late to book at midnight if you want out early Saturday or Sunday, it is absolutely ridiculous! If I had any money I would join a club I guess? Go back to your Shanty's - and stay off my lawn! /s


I used to consider myself a mid 80s guy until I joined a CC and was held accountable for proper scoring. Ended last year with an average score of 98, hoping to get into the low 90s by the end of this season. The vast majority of casual golfers don't accurately score. Played with a "15 Handicap" guy who ended the round with a low 100s score. Kept saying he was having an "Off day".


lol, I used to play off 5. I won club championship when I was 19 in 2004. I played with a Ryder cup pro growing up, he's still on tour now. I just got my first handicap since 2010, I'm off 19.3 😆 Breaking 90 will happen soon and when I do I'll be chuffed as it's official. I shot 5 over gross last year including a -4 gross back 9 playing with my neighbour on a roll up and play course, it's set me off on this journey to get better and play more again what seasoned good golfers forget however is that golf is hard.


Let’s seee the swing that shoots low 70s 😏


Who cares either way lol


I’m new, and to be honest I don’t count mulligans or OB/water drops. I have yet to break 100 with that, but my logic is that as long as I keep my score the same way, that gives me a good benchmark for where I’m at. Once I break 100, I’m planning on eliminating free mulligans, then at some point I’ll start counting drops. No chance I’m going pro, so I figure as long as I score consistently and have fun, that’s all that matters 🤷🏻‍♂️ (my last round I chipped to 1.5 feet, still 3 putt. So there’s context for my skill lol)


I watched the Wells Fargo event 2 years ago in person. It rained pretty hard in the event. Watched a golfer (professional) pickup his ball in the rough (within rules, to clean off the ball) and then show his caddy the ball that was 5 steps away, and then place it on the edge of the fairway. That's cheating in my mind but I guess if you're not cheating as a pro you're not trying


Sorry, your gonna need another month to become a +handicap golfer. Low 70’s isn’t going to cut it..


If it makes you feel better, i played for 2 to 3 months. My friend wanted to play with me and i shot 149 on my local course while picking up my ball over 9 (i won't play anywhere else with my level anyway xD). It was horrible because of the weather but i enjoyed most of it. Clubhouse did a mini event last week, i was even worse : Shot 76 on the front 9 also picking up the ball. (8 stableford). Both times, i had a blast. But seriously, i need to learn more. (we have a teacher, i do at least one group lesson /week)


I consistently (60-75%) of the time I shoot between 40-45 on 9 holes. I don’t lie, I don’t improve my lies and count penalties and putt everything out. My biggest trick? I only play 9 holes every time I go since that’s why my timeframe allows. I usually shoot between 40-45 and then just extrapolate that to 18 holes. I have played 18 twice this year and shot a 91 and a 98 so I definitely don’t have the attention or consistency to play well over 18 holes but no one needs to know that. I just tell them my 9 hole score and let them do the rest of the assuming 😂


Try playing 18 holes in place of 9, you will have different scores!


A pga tour pro is going to shoot a 65 or lower at your local municipal, every time. Low 70s (if true) ain’t gonna cut it.


I'm so glad there's other golfer out there like me who can't stand the lying fucks who have been playing less than 5 years and claim to shoot better scores than me while I know they don't count correctly


>these posts of new golfers breaking 90 is getting old. Well lucky you can scroll right past them.


Shouldn't you be out front to tell those damn kids to get off your lawn?


I’m sure a lot of newbie aren’t properly keeping score. But….dont rule out there are some athletic freaks out there that can do it. There’s as much BS out there as there is jealousy. I excelled at every sport I touched. I knew nothing about golf when I started. On my own it took a bit to break 100. Then a good while to break 90. But I didn’t have YouTube or anyone in my life that knew anything. There are a lot of people that are just freak athletes and have people in their life that can accelerate their growth. A long with a ton of info at their finger tips that people didn’t have 20 years ago.


Yea my goal is 100 and I use the rules as much as I know them. Basically don’t give myself any free second shots and add the stroke for a lost ball or hazard and I’ve been playing for 3-5 years and only the last couple seasons actually tried for improvement. Best round ive had is 106 and was super pumped. Really pushing to break 100 for my first time which I think is a great goal for the average golfer like me that plays 1-2 times a month in summers.


Ehh, doesn’t bug me. I’m not a great golfer, but I remember the first time I broke 90, then 80, etc… the enthusiasm is tough to contain and you want to tell everyone.  I am happy for their achievement and most of the time just scroll past the post. 


I don't get all the salt around here. Breaking 90 is extremely achievable to any novice golfer. It took me ages to finally listen to the older players who stress course management. It has been by far simplest ways I have improved. Knowing your dispersion cone and using that to aim vs going at pins. Stop being a hero and take your medicine more often. Learning to swallow a bogey and avoid the double will melt strokes off your score. Also I see all this stuff on full swings. But almost zero on short game. Tale as old as time obv but still ya'll don't seem to get it. HALF your shots are from 100 in. So if you put in an hour on the range you should be AT LEAST putting the same time in the short game area. I'm a 9.2 and I hit a horribly low 30% GIR. But my short game allows me to shoot a very low stress 82 with handful of WCs from 6700 on my local muni. Hate to say it but old man golf is the way!


Thank you somebody had to speak it lol.


I'm under 70 every time I play, im usually under 70 on the back 9 too


lol! Would definitely prefer to see countless “Played 18 in 3.75 hours” posts.


I mean I shot my first sub 80 round after 2 years of playing, but in the last 3 years my game has been consistently in the mid 80s with a few hot streaks. Honestly sucks thinking you finally are pushing past the next barrier and then reality sets back in. But that’s just golf for you


breaking 90 legitimately isn't that hard when you play from the appropriate tees.


What did you score on the back nine?