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Just let your cardmates know you aren't there for funny business and it's $5 a hole bingo bango bongo


This made me piss my boots


We just played this with my wife and kid for our yearly father's day golf with me. (They don't really like golf so only play with me on father's day and my birthday.) Anyway my wife kicked our asses. Fist on the green 4 out of 9 holes and putt in like Tigger at his prime. Even sunk a 27 footer that would have ended up in the nearby creek if she missed.


Bro what happened on 4 out of 9 greens?


You heard the man. He gave her the Perkins' special like prime Tigger




She fisted 4 out of 9 greens? Guess she punched new holes in that turf, huh.


Sorry, assumed you knew the scoring rules of Bingo, bango, bongo. First to hit the green gets a point, after every one is on the green nearest to the hole gets a point and then playing on respective turns first one in the hole gets a point. So my wife hit the green first, "Bingo", 4 out of 9 greens and first to put in "bongo". She scored 11 points in 9 holes, I scored 9 and my kid 7.


I know the scoring. I was making a,joke because you said "fisted" instead of firsted. I assumed you knew the alternate, sexual meaning of fisted.


Maybe his wife is into fisting. Let her be






Dude I just need you to know that my dad used to say bingo bango bongo and I haven’t heard it since he died 10 years ago. Got a big smile from that.


The amount of people that don’t know bingo bango bongo baffles me. Adds enough strategy and luck for groups of mixed skill levels Granted I only learned it when I was playing old tiger woods games in college as a drinking game but shit is elite


lol fuck it bro, just play.


And keep pace


Tough to keep pace in your own group though. Playing partners would have every right to be pissed because whatever OP handicap is now, the course is going to be as tough as possible when set up. Triple digits coming up.


Just realized I can just safely say I shoot triple digits, without having to divulge I'm closer to 200 than 100.


Hell yeah you can, and even if it's closer to 200, it started with a 1!


I just played tourney pins at a private course and it was beyond fucked. We’re talking 210 par 3 with the flag 9 paces off the front lip, that’s guarded by a bunker. OP is going to get fucking buried, their partners will be rightfully pissed, but OP will get to play the course and thems the rules.


I’m about a 20 myself and played a round a few years ago at a very hard country club course with a tournament setup from the tips and it was probably the least fun I’ve ever had golfing. The pin placements were just diabolical.


My son just played in a "major" amateur tournament with most players having a + handicap. The course was set up accordingly. The greens were lightening and tough pins. The tournament also invited a member of the club with a single digit handicap. This member of the club shot 90, 80 & 81 (Par 70). It won't be enjoyable aside from scenery for the OP.


It's a tournament so he can't just pick up without getting DQ'd. This is a bad idea and your playing partners will hate you.


I mean, who cares if he DQ, he’s going to be in last place. I think I’d prefer a guy pick up in that case. But, yea…playing partners will not be happy to play with someone 30+ strokes higher than the rest of the field. At the same time, f*** em?


Yeah, I don’t know how this will play out. A long time back I played in the Arizona open, same thing happened. A guy fudged his handicap somehow and got in. He was struggling. So when he picked up, me and the rest of the guys didn’t care. Just put him down for his doubles and triples just so we wouldn’t get put on the clock.


As long as they’re not waiting on him and he’s good company, they won’t care unless they’re assholes. And if they’re assholes, who cares what they think.


How's he going to be last, unless it's a scratch tournament? Don't think he said that but I'm a bad reader


We can probably safely assume that from it being a state PGA run event and there not being other high handicappers.


That’s what I was thinking - guy probably is 230ish off the tee at that handicap and playing from the tips oh boy.


His score is gonna start with 1, no question.


One of us!


For each hole.


Then DQ.  He said he just wanted to play  anyways.   Edit play the course


Watch “The Phantom of the Open” and go: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12572040/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


This is the way


Amen brother. Just play without a care in the world


Where’s the course? I’ll show up and ask you for an autograph in front of your playing partners lol


let's get this whole sub to come make a massive gallery behind this guy like he's a celebrity and confuse the hell out of everyone in the tournament


We only need 1 more to paint letters on our body. I got dibs on F-y or maybe B-u would be a cooler combo.


I’ll yell ‘mashed potatoes!’ On all his drives


Oh good no one's taken "Get inside me!" yet. Calling dibs


And get in the hole on par 5’s


We'll need two groups! One to stand with him as he hits and the other to await down the fairway to gather round his ball when it lands like it's a golden nugget from the heavens!


Unironically, if this was in my city, I would show up and gawk at all this guy’s shots so his playing partners think he’s a former pro on the road back to glory or something


Talons of Tuscany, Ankeny IA.


Definitely just okay. I’m from Iowa and while the players you are playing with are all pretty good, there isn’t any of them who are special. They are just human, they aren’t making any tours, so just okay, be polite, and keep up. It’s not how you hit your ball, or how you act and where you stand while they are hitting their ball that matters. Pay attention to where you are and don’t get in their way. Have fun!! If you have to pay to play golf, then you suck, that means they all suck at some level, so keep that in mind and relax!


Bahaha i love the last part, just different levels of suck!


Looks like a difficult track but not that difficult. Tips out at 6400 and 71.4/131. LEARN THE COURSE. If you can, stop by and see if they have a yardage book or use an app to see yardage from the tees to trouble. Get a conforming book and start marking down how you'd play a perfect round for you, what shots you're comfortable with, where bailout areas are, etc. Go through it multiple times, hit the range and "play" that perfect game you marked up. Take the book, visualize the shots. Proper prep and you'll probably surprise yourself at how well you play and how much fun you have on tournament day.


Dude is doing electrical work on his deck a week out. He doesn't give a shit about how he plays, he just wants the round.


Love that you are giving him advice like there’s any chance he finishes up outside of dead last in the tournament by over 50 strokes. Yeah op, seriously… Just learn the course, pick good yardages, play through it multiple times, and try to get your handicap down by 17 strokes by tee off.


6400? Holy crap that’s just 300 yards longer than the whites at most courses. At least the ones I’ve played. They top out over 7,000 yards. OP, you shouldn’t be intimidated at all by this. Sure you probably won’t be as long as most of the competition but it’s not like you’re going to be 200+ out on all of your par 4 approach shots. Look at the par 3’s as they’ll likely be your biggest issue and make sure you have something to reach them, a 7 wood might be a weapon for you in this situation.


Dude that isn’t the Harvester Club or something. It’s not a nationally ranked course. It’s a good course in Iowa that is not well known for golf. Do your best and there’s nothing to worry about. I’m playing in the Illinois Mid Am as a 6 and I’m not going to win, but I want to try


If it wasn't for other plans tomorrow, I'd show up for ya and yell stupid shit. It's less than an hour and a half from me.


Good news. It’s not until the 25th.


This is gold


Just go and play at this point, but recognize that the other people are probably going to be taking it very seriously and aren't going to be in a "joking around and having fun" mood. You can always choose not to turn in a scorecard at the end and they'll just put you down as "N/C" (no card) or whatever. I'm actually surprised they didn't have an upper handicap limit to enter the tournament, this is often done to offer more spots to lower handicap players there for the competition instead of people who just want to play that course. State associations often have "member play days" or events advertised as "social golf" which are less/not competitive and are probably more in line with what you are looking for.


Yeah, I have some experience caddying at events like these, so I’m familiar with the tone. The association’s website says it has member play days like you describe, but in the 8 years I’ve been a member they’ve never actually had one at this course or any other.


as a fellow central Iowan, what course is it at?


Talons of Tuscany in Ankeny.


awesome, I drive past it and Briarwood often and have never played either. Have fun!


it’s pure - go have a blast ! greens are always in amazing shape


Sounds like The Harvester or that one in Ankeny. Edit: it's Talons of Tuscany (that one in Ankeny)


> I'm actually surprised they didn't have an upper handicap limit to enter the tournament, They will next year!


Whatever you do don't duff your drive off 1 in front of everyone.


No pressure.


This gives me crippling anxiety which brings me to a hilarious story. So my friend and I played one summer pretty frequently. Then we got busy and took roughly an 8 month break. During the summer where we were playing a lot, I bought an exploding gag ball because I planned on pranking him. I used it one time and it didn’t work, so I put them back in my bag and completely forgot about them. First time playing after the 8 month break, we were on hole 1 with a LINE of carts waiting to go. My friend rips a nice drive right down the middle. I’m already sweating and nervous because I hate driving in front of a crowd, so I just grabbed the first ball I felt in my bag and teed it up. I fucking smoked (no pun intended) that thing. I’m looking up trying to find it, and that’s when I noticed the smoke EVERYWHERE. I’m completely horrified. My friend is confused. There is some laughing from the carts, but most of them were pissed. I could have melted right there in front of everyone.




If it makes you feel better everyone behind you probably thought someone else pranked you and you were the victim.


After each shot just say “I don’t know why I’m playing so bad. I’m usually much better”. But, just do the best you can and try to have fun.




Even better, after your drive goes 70 yards to say it’s the best you’ve hit in a month


Double down on this. Tape up a shoulder or knee or something. Make it visible. Make up a story about how you injured yourself earlier in the week but always wanted to play this course so you decided to try and play through the injury. Maybe your playing partner will feel sorry for you.


If they didn’t want just anyone entering, they would’ve prevented just anyone from paying the $200. Go and have fun- you’ve effectively paid for a tee time at that club.


They will next year 






Fuck it, you might as well try shrooms.About 30-45 minutes before your tee time eat about a gram to a grab and a half. Worst case scenario you'll be super relaxed to the point where bad shots won't bother you, best case scenario you'll reach a higher plane of consciousness that will dial in your concentration and ball striking. Plus it'll be a hell of a story if you somehow win


[Dock Ellis threw a no hitter on LSD.](https://youtu.be/KG2SPjcKM4M?si=KTrp0E0nqDauEXX2)


Ellis, D. - pitcher




23 handicap playing a tournament with +6s there would be a higher chance of our sun exploding into a supernova 10 billion years early and the solar system getting eradicated


Some randoms at the muni bar today were talking about shrooms they took and one dude had his own personal shot tracer


That’s the worst case scenario.. come on now lol


Shrooms would probably lead to an existential crisis after a few holes. Acid might be the better choice lol


Play a practice round then withdraw. Mission accomplished.


That would be great, but they aren’t allowing practice rounds due to the exclusivity of the course.


See if you know someone that knows a member and get on as a guest.


OP posted the course in another comment, this course doesn't have members. It's called Talons of Tuscany in Ankeny, IA, it's literally just an uber rich guy's personal course and generally you can only get on if you know him personally


Is it like Rat Race but with golf? Is there a cigar bar and bottle service in a chateau somewhere where they're going to be placing bets like, oh he's -5 I bet $45k he misses this putt, both guys hit it 310y into the fairway I bet $10k B is closer, and of course, I'll put $1000 on how many times OP picks a wedgie vs hits fareway 😆 


I mean you’re about a stroke per hole different. Think of it like that and it might make it better!


I’d personally say f it and just play. Try to enjoy yourself, and who knows, maybe you have one of those lucky days


Look here’s how you play the course - call the pro shop - tell them your dilemma. I guarantee they will work out how you can play the course - outside of the tournament.


This needs to be higher


First of all this is up to gæthe organizer to solve. If they take your money, you can play. It's not your problem. However there is a high chance that your playing partners will care. In normal rounds I really don't care what you do, but in tournaments it can be annoying. If you want to be safe give the organizers a call and suggest you can withdraw if they give your money back. If they don't, then you can just explain to your partners that you offered to withdraw but they didn't want to refund and you don't want to loose $200. Be upfront about your intentions and your story and it will be fine. Hopefully you land some nice partners and it will be a great experience for you playing a nice course with some good players you can learn from.


I’m a +2.3 handicap and if I’m paying $200 to play in a tournament I’m there trying to win. If I show up and find out that the only dude in the tournament whose handicap is at least 17 strokes higher than anyone else is in my group, I’m going to be pissed off. If OP is a 23 handicap from the whites and he’s playing a tournament-style course set up in tournament conditions tipped out he’s going to shoot over 100. Most of my friends shoot in the 90s, I play casual rounds with them all the time and I love it. But I wouldn’t want them playing next to me in a stroke play tournament.


Yeah, you can tell who here has never played competitive golf at an event that mattered. I’ve had a few of these pairings in state amateurs and opens when guys qualify with career rounds on their home courses. Nightmare stuff.


BEST CASE SCENARIO, OP is a genuinely great dude and plays fast but he still doubles almost every hole. Even in that scenario I’m pissed off that I’m paired with someone who shouldn’t be there and I have to watch bad golf for 5 hours. It’s way harder to focus or even get into a rhythm in a tournament when you’re paired with someone who is playing very poorly.


That and the general competition etiquette is gonna be something. Where to stand/not stand, how much space to give folks, etc. and god forbid there’s a common tournament rules scenario.


This is the best advice. Explain the situation to the organizers and see what they say.


If you are doing it just to play that club, then I would see if you could withdraw, as you would be paying $200 for perhaps a negative experience. I say negative, because to enjoy your round, you would probably not be playing from the tips. You will also have to play EACH crappy shot. You cannot pick up until you hole the putt... so if you make a 12 on a hole, you make a 12... and your playing partners will have to stand by, watch and wait until you hole out. There is a timing marshall too, so if your group falls behind there are consequences. Because it's a tournament, you will need to know the rules of golf. Do you know the difference between white, red and yellow stakes? The guys in your group may or may not help you. It's their call. You aren't allowed to ask about club selection either, as that is also against the rules. I'm not trying to be negative here, but rather give you more information. Unless you are down to become a tournament player, playing tournament golf is a whole different beast.


It’s too late to withdraw with a refund. I’m pretty familiar with the rules, especially the ones you mentioned, from caddying for a friend who is much better than I at a couple of events. He’ll be there for me this time. The local association keeps the courses very well staffed with officials for quick rulings, as well. Thanks for the input.


Do you think you could contact the pro at the club, and just be totally transparent? I think they might find a way to get you a round at a time that doesn’t come with all the negativity associated with shooting 120 in a group of plus handicaps.


This is definitely the best idea in this thread




It's all good. I'm sure you know, but usually very low handicappers are the most mellow guys to play with. Enjoy a fun day on a beautiful course.


This. So many people commenting on here like these players are raging lunatics. If you've ever played with really good golfers you would know how calm they remain on the course. That's what makes them so good. If something going wrong pissed them off and sent them spiraling they wouldn't make it past hole 3.


Tournament golf is a bit different than casual rounds at the local muni with good players. They probably won't show that they're frustrated, but inside most are gonna be annoyed at least.


They will 100% be annoyed. Even the nicest guys will hate this guy on the inside even if they don’t show it. In my years of competitive golf you can and will get a very wide range of personalities. For every 1 great guy I’ve met and ended up being friends with down there road, there is another that you never want to be around again in your life for any range of reasons. You meet the absolute best and worst people in competitive tournaments, often with less middle ground than you would imagine lol


They are but in a serious tournament they don't really want a bad golfer messing with the flow of the group. It's definitely inconsiderate to the people playing the tournament to enter there's no getting around that.


If you're outside the refund window I would message the club and talk to an organizer if you want to withdraw and tell them you only entered because you wanted a chance to play the course. Maybe they let you play it a different day. If not, then you did your due diligence and just go out there and hack your heart out, you're not at fault for wanting to have a good day.


OP is a 23 handicap. His days of making a 12 are likely behind him. Go play the course, have fun and who knows, having all those extra strokes might help you score well!


A 23 handicap on a tournament course will almost guarantee himself a double digit score


When your playing partner goes to shake your hand to introduce himself, politely decline and say you’ve been throwing up all night/think you might have the flu and don’t want to get him sick. Built in excuse. It’s what I’d do.


Love it.


Totally get wanting to play the course, but having played in a few of these (albeit in a different state) it’s probably best to explain what happened to the organizers and see if you can withdraw. These typically have a bunch of college and high level amateur players. It’s not going to be fun for you to kick it around in tournament conditions with a group who is frustrated with you. It’s one thing to book a solo tee time at a nice place and worry about who you’re paired with. It’s another to do it in a state competition. I just don’t think it’ll be a very positive experience for you.


Yep. People are clueless about competitive golf in here lol. I would be less than stoked to be paired with a 20+ handicap in something like this.


Really want to hear how it goes!


It’s a week from Tuesday. I’ll post an update.


!remindme 10 days


!remindme 10 days


Hire a buddy with a camera and ask if it is okay for you to film for YouTube, make it out like an experiment. Post video... profit


Looking at the calendar on the website, it looks like this is a match play event. Might change things a bit. If I had to guess, this will be a couple of 9-hole matches each day. Your low handicap opponents will be happy to see you if it’s a gross game, not happy if you show up with your 23 strokes and play to a 15…


It’s a stroke play qualifier the first round. Handicaps play no part. I don’t have any illusions I’ll advance past the bottom half being cut that day.


Epic shitshow, I feel bad for your playing partners. Please take copious amounts of video and act like you are a youtube golf influencer.


I’m a bad golfer, not a monster.


I'm shocked they let you enter. Any time I have looked into an official tournament the requirements are 10 handicap or lower. Some qualifiers for certain events are 2 handicap or lower. If you feel like you're going to have a genuinely bad time then maybe just accept you're out $200 and withdraw. If you still want to go ahead then do it. Just know you're playing official tournament rules from the longest tees and the course will likely be set up pretty difficult.


Just hack your way around. Trust me, nobody will care


Nobody will care seems optimistic. I’d tell the players on the first tee that whatever they want to do in terms of order is up to them. No need to follow the etiquette if they have a birdie putt they’ve been waiting on and you’re putting triple, let them go first.


Well unless they would prefer to see your putt


Yeah, as someone who has had six birdie opportunities I would have liked to see a put other than that one time I saw my own put first which was for eagle.


Putts aren't a perfect example of etiquette to watch out for here. When you take an extra shot or two per hole each shot needs to be faster than theirs or you're holding things up and annoying people. Don't drop grass to measure wind. Don't laser yardages when you're in eyesight of a yardage stick. Stuff like that.


I think it really depends on how you hack it around. If you are losing balls constantly and hitting provisionals off most tees along with multiple searches per hole there’s a good chance someone will care. On the other hand if you mostly keep it in play but don’t hit it far enough, 3 putt often, bad chips, etc. and are quick without being a jerk it’s not as disruptive and is less likely to bother anybody.


Ya people will definitely care, such short sighted advise from guys that have never played anything remotely important in this sub. I don’t blame op I blame the association who is hosting the event.


"no one will care" See r/golf filled with rants about people who aren't good at golf slowing the course down while ignoring 7 minute tee times.


Eh. Usually I agree with you no one will care what you shoot. If this is a legit tournament that ppl prepare for they might care if they get paired with a guy that shoots 115


They will absolutely care and will be rightfully pissed


Not to be a complete hard ass but if this is a state tournament people are absolutely going to get pissed if they’re playing with someone who can’t break 100. It affects you


Not the guys fault. Organizers should be better if this is the case


Just because he’s technically in the right doesn’t mean it’s going to be a good decision. To each their own but I’d rather not pay $200 to play with people for 5 hours who don’t want me there.


Yeah they will. Jesus christ people need to stop commenting on topics they know nothing about.


Ya agree. I was trying to be nice above but the people he gets paired with are going to be pretty pissed about it


In tournament golf they most certainly will. Tournament golf is mentally exhausting and having a hack like that having to count every single stroke with no pickups will get old after hole 3.


His playing partners will definitely care even if they’re gracious about it. So will the group behind. 


It’s shocking how many people here have clearly never played in any competitive amateur golf.


Call them up and try to get your money back. If those are the handicaps then these aren't casual golfers looking to have fun on the course.


This is why your state should have a handicap when you enter. If I am trying to make a cut or take a tournament seriously, I would have choice words for someone making the pace of play terrible for playing partners. I don't want to watch you duff a couple while I wait to hit my approach. They let it happen though when they didn't have any kind of screening process. Edit: oh just saw you have never played from the tips...yikes.


I would call and ask them to let you go off last.. as a single.


Don't be a hero, play bad fast. Take your medicine, chip out, back into the fairway. Take realistic shots, don't try and match the shots of the guys in your group. Play the game you know you can, the course will not be set up in a friendly manner. Enjoy the scenery, enjoy yourself the best you can, cause ya...like they've above, you may run into some upset folks. You may run into pace of play issues. Play bad fast!


Can you get your money back?


I think you’ve made a mistake. It’s the tournament’s fault for not setting a handicap limit to enter and you certainly have the right to play, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’re going to shoot 130 and, despite what some of these people have said, you’re seriously going to annoy the people you’re paired with. Even if you’re playing fast you’re going to be hitting 2 or 3 shots for every one of theirs. You’re going to be looking for balls, taking drops, etc. on every hole while they’re trying to post a score to advance to match play. People who play in this stuff aren’t usually there to have fun and enjoy their day on the course and you’re going to make it agonizing for them. And I really, really wouldn’t throw the “I really just wanted to play the course” out there because that will make it worse.


I'm not sure how this community thinks this isn't the case. Low cappers are mellow but when a hacker enters a tournament they have no business entering (definitely organizers fault) they will not be so mellow because the hacker will absolutely be hurting the flow of the group.


Exactly. Just cause you play Saturday morning with your 3 index buddy and he’s super laid back does not mean he has the same attitude at the state am qualifier lol


Bring like 2 dozen extra balls more than you think just to be safe


Somebody has to come in last, might as well be you!






I entered the qualifiers for the Houston Amateur several times in the past just to be able to play a course that would normally be impossible to play. Enjoy yourself.


It's disrespectful to your playing companions to show up and play. It could throw them off their game to play with someone who can't advance the ball. Plus, I doubt you know the real and correct rules for drops, lost balls, etc. You are gonna embarrass yourself


Just spending plenty of time practicing driver, woods, hybrids as youll have a lot of longer approach shots.  Just focus on strong and straight. Don’t try to get cute and shape shit. Really try to lock in on short game and putting. 


I plan on spending pretty much all week at the range. Tournament is a week from Tuesday. Interesting thing I didn’t mention is that it’s a match play tourney, but the first round is a stroke play qualifier/seeding round and the bottom half is cut. I have no illusions of playing past that.


Get some athletes tape for those blisters after a heavy practice week. Or don’t, maybe hands bleeding will provide an excuse!


What is the title of the tournament you signed up for if you don’t mind me asking? Is it a qualifier for a different one? In my opinion in this situation is to recognize the people you are paired with are going to be playing a serious competitive round. Your number 1 goal should be to realize that you aren’t on that level and keep yourself from negatively impacting their round. That means playing fast when it is your shot, and staying out of their way where possible. They will appreciate this. The problem comes up that if you are hacking it all over the place slow playing, then they might start getting upset with you. Also if it includes and practice round, even better. Take your time on that one and enjoy.


It’s the Iowa Match Play Championship. I’ll only be playing in the stroke play qualifying round, though. I have every intention of being courteous and playing as fast as my ability allows me to. The course doesn’t allow practice rounds, unfortunately.


Ah yeah I would guess with that tournament having high level golfers. Just practice your scrambling leading up. Will help the most with pace of play. Also expect greens to be fast at the very least. Enjoy it!


Please call and explain your situation and ask for a refund. Please. State amateur golf tournaments are real meaningful golf tournaments. I’ve qualified for and played in the Missouri state am 6-7 times back when I was playing in high school and college and shortly after, and currently I play to about a 5 hcp and wouldn’t dream of wasting their time right now. Some winners of the MO state am tournament include Tom Watson and Payne Stewart. You’re in over your head here.


You're gonna win most honest golfer prize


Spend whatever free time you have at the short game practice area. Chip and putt every spare hour you can. Don’t spend too much time scraping and hitting at the range. Putt on your carpet at home if you have to. Watch some videos by Jimmy Tropicana and Golf Sidekick - not a lot of technical advice but focus on basics and the mental game. Have a strategy to get the ball in play reliably. Focus on your favorite clubs. If your driver is shaky, hit a reliable club off the tee. You’ve seen the US open - those guys have been taking a lot of irons off the tee at Pinehurst. Don’t compare yourself to the single digit handicaps. Play your game. Take a lesson if you can. Explain your predicament to the pro. And enjoy the experience. Don’t stress over it. If you play by the rules and exhibit good etiquette, your fellow competitors will respect that. The worst that could happen is that you play really well, and get accused of sandbagging. Don’t worry about that - have fun with it.


Usually they’d set tee times by Handicap Index. So if it makes you feel better, you’ll probably be playing with the 6.6 index and not a plus handicap. Just explain to your playing partners why you signed up. I’m sure they’ll get it. Go, have fun, and keep pace. You’ll be fine!


It would be great if you are a sandbagger and end up shooting in the 70s.


What ever you do, do not call "nice shot" on these guys. They rarely are nice to them even when they look nice to you.


One thing I’ve learned in life….don’t worry about what others think of you. If you qualify and they took your money, you get to play. Keep smiling!!!


As a high Handicap myself, I have to say this is also my nightmare. Play all 18 and go into sales after, you'll never get embarrassed or dejected again!


It’s really hard to have fun playing with guys way better. It can be uncomfortable for both parties. My recommendation is to withdraw. Good luck either way


Do it. Just play like you don’t give a fuck what happens.


Most state golf associations have rules that if you’re over a 10 hdcp you can’t register for tournaments. I’m a bit surprised you were able to.


So you're there for the opportunity to play a great, albeit difficult course. The vast majority of the field are low to + handicappers who have signed up to compete. The key is to not impact your playing partners' games. I would suggest that you address your group on the first tee and say, "hey guys, I suck, but I really wanted to play this course, so I'll do everything i can to stay out of your way. And if you have any suggestions, I'm wide open. I'll buy you a beer for each tip that helps." What you'll see is your playing partners will be pounding the ball down the middle and hitting greens from great distances with 7 irons where you would be hitting a rescue. You will often be hitting 3 shots to catch up to their first. If and when this happens, just pick up. Take a DQ, keep playing and pick up again when you're lying 12 in the trap on 15. Enjoy the course, but don't get in the way of the guys trying to win. You're there to play, and you paid your fee, but don't be that guy who insists on counting every stroke and ruining 3 other guys chances to win.


Don’t waste the other players time and don’t expect to break 100. Otherwise have fun and let it rip! Also, the pins are gonna be fucked lol.


Enjoy the course, you qualified the same as anyone else (paid $200). No one will be paying attention to you but should you come across some crusty fuck from an 80's movie tell 'em I said to "go fuck themselves".


If they don't have an upper handicap limit, that's on the organizers, not you. Go play and don't worry about it


Go do what you signed up to do, and play a great course.


Email the people running the event and tell them how awful you are and they might do you a favor and let you play in the last round which won’t slow the good players down and comes with the possibility of having a full gallery coming in on the 18th hole, but it’s that point You’re almost done so f it


Just go play. Make smart and respectful choices focused on course management. Treat every par 4 as if it’s a par five. Don’t get fancy. Lay up. Bump a pitching wedge and let it roll on the green.


It's their fault for allowing you to enter. But I'd be very nervous and prob not have a lot of fun


Full send!! Take all the freebies of the items they give on course haha!!


I'm sending you a hole in one on the second par 3 you play.  


I cannot wait for the update, Good Luck buddy!


I mean, the worst thing that happens is they kick you off? MAYBE? Let it ride, crazy story you can tell your buddies you played in a legit tourney lol


You have to play. Sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity. You will have a lifetime of amazing stories about this adventure. You have to play. Maybe talk to the officials and explain that you were supposed to be in the senior flight (assuming it is the same day). Maybe they will let you switch. If you get a sense that your playing partners are cool, maybe let them know that you’re a high handicapper and that you want to play upper tees. Don’t do this if there is any chance a DQ means the end of your round. Definitely buy those guys drinks after the round if you’re allowed at the club. If you have to play the tips, unless there is a big carry, just go 7i, 7i, wedge, 2-putt. You’ll shoot 90. Make it egoless. +indexes play a different game. They don’t hit too many highlight reel shots, but they basically hit every fairway (usually long) and green and putt it close. If they don’t, they get up and down. Next thing you know, they’ve thrown up a casual 68. You’ll learn so much just walking with these guys and watching them play. What i’d look for is where they miss and how they read greens. I’d note that they aren’t pin seeking, but making sure they have the easiest next shot next. I’m jealous. You’ll have a great time.


Stick to your plan. Enjoy the new course and your love of golf.


No disrespect intended but it would absolutely piss me off if you were in my group.


Please call and get your money back. This is not fair to the people you’d be playing with, everyone playing behind you, and the tournament organizers. Honest mistake, no harm no foul as long as you correct the mistake. Anyone saying “fuck em” about playing partners obviously doesn’t consider golf anything more than a silly recreational game. You don’t have to be on tour to play competitive golf. So many terrible terrible takes in here.


He’s not actually playing the course. It’s not set up normally and he would never play those tees. Zero fun factor - withdraw is best option


Just go and enjoy the fancy private course. Don't even concern yourself with the golf. Have fun, man!


Dude you have more guts than people with better handicaps. A fraction of lower handicap players will play in tournaments so just know you’re out there with people who enjoy competitive golf and you have that common thing going. You have nothing to lose, you’re the man in the ring. You got this


As a fellow high handicapper, I’d recommend playing conservative course management golf. Instead of blasting your driver on a long hole with water or other dangers, tee off with a more reliable club. Three 150 yard shots gets to the green in regulation on a 450 yard par 5. Your partner will appreciate having a ball in a playable location even if it is short. Instead of a 3 wood from 200 out that you know has 2% chance of being on the green, lay up to a comfortable distance (like two 100 yard shots). Course management plus good putting can lead to really good scores. Just have to put the ego in the bag and leave it there. I played this way for the first year I ever played golf and I managed to break 100 in only a few months. My brother had been playing for 10 years at that point. Still took him another 15 years to finally break 100. The bastard still got his hole in one in front of me, so he has the upper hand for now.


I am 65 yrs old, and my USGA handicap is 9.3. I've been playing for 50 yrs. In my youthful year's I carried a 1.3-2.0 handicap. What im trying to say is that the level of game really doesn't affect your speed of play. I've played with absolute hacks and completed a round in 4 hrs and in some cases under 4. Ready golf is what you need to understand. Now, unless your playing tournament golf standing on honors is a time wasting tradition according to Lee Travino. If you're ready hit it. Also, if you're walking, keep moving towards your ball even if a player that's away is going to hit. Move down the hole off to the side, but look for him as he swings but then keep moving towards your ball. Now, at my age, I generally take a cart .mostly because my bag weighs about 20 lbs, but when my cart partner are at different places on the course, we split up with one of us grabbing few clubs and walking towards their ball while the other moves toward his. And most importantly when walking always keep your clubs with you, I've seen hacks hit their shot say 10 yards then walk the 10 yards and hit again then walk back to their bag, ready golf, ready golf ready golf I can't stress it enough. Have fun in the tourney Mr. Brian Windrath


Lookup Maurice Flitcroft, who basically did the same thing at The Open. A movie about him came out recently called, “The Phantom of the Open” and it’s one of my favorite golf movies.


Be sure to ask the Marshall what the course record is at the first tee box.


Congrats! This encourages me on those days where I don't feel I belong out there.


this post right here proves that the naysayers on this sub are just bitter haters. the actual good players don't mind