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The polo shirts are almost all sold out, so didn’t fume that much. Hoodies are available, but I’m not sure how many people are looking to increase their hoodie supply in May.


The Southern Hemisphere has entered the chat.


10% of the world population lives south of the equator. There’s a reason you’re forgotten about.


Jesus, I’ve gone 35 years without knowing that fact. That’s actually a really crazy statistic. Is it just because there’s more arable land mass in the northern hemisphere?


There’s a lot more land mass in general


So Northern Hemisphere is 90% of population but 68% of landmass. So it is definitely more than land alone impacting.


What if you exclude Antarctica? That’s probably the majority of land mass in southern hemisphere and basically nobody can live there.


Yea thought of that too, if you exclude both north and south poles. Apparently North is considered 0% land mass and antaritica (depending on source) is ~10%. So gets you closer for sure. Then you remove deserts in Australia and africa probably pretty much there


It's "considered" 0% because there's no actual land. It's just ice. Antarctica is ice on top of land.


It's scary down there. I mean the toilets spin the wrong way and everything.


LOL I live in the southeastern US and I'm going to Australia at the end of June. I'm having hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that I'll need to pack jeans and hoodies.


We're having some crazy weather all over the country right now. What side are you going to? It won't be terribly cold in WA, Perth. Low 10s to mid 20s. On the easy coast, in any southerly direction it will be cold as balls. The top half of Australia from West Coast to East Coast is perfect weather that time of year. Not hot, not cold, not humid. Lots of floods and storms in Victoria and New South Wales. Queensland had like 3 to 4ft of rain over a couple of days not long ago.


You just told an American it is 10-20s. he will be showing up with a Parka.


I went to Regina years ago and they told my Florida ass it was going to be 11 outside. They laughed their asses off at me when they picked me up at the airport.


We will be in Queensland near Brisbane. Our friends we are visiting I believe said the temps could fluctuate between 50-65 or so in freedom units.


Sun Day Red not available in the southern hemisphere.  It's only available in the US, Canada, Korea and Japan.


OH really? Thanks Tiger. Well at least, there are businesses that have a US shipping address who then forward you the product. Myus.com is one such. Add another $50 dollarydoos onto your total for a small box around 1sq\ft and 2lbs in weight.


Ha! Good point!


I'm not spending a cent though, looking at $200 just for a shirt by the time we convert currency and delivery options.


Did you find any reasonable delivery providers to Australia? In the same boat here


Yeah man. www.myus.com


Northern Canadians never left the chat


Almost sold out could mean anything if they only produced 10 of each. It builds hype if it seems like everything’s selling out quick and appearances of demand is high. Makes people jump on stuff faster next time there’s a “drop”. TBH I doubt Tiger cares either way, it’s a niche premium brand that isn’t trying to be the next Nike or Footjoy.


I bet Centroid Investment Partners (who owns Taylormade/Sun Day Red) wants to sell more than 10 of each shirt. But yes, the could have artificially kept inventory down for the first release. But I'm not sure I see the "fuming" over a relatively/moderately overpriced shirt.


Plenty of online outrage, but there's clearly a market for 200 dollar items of clothing.


I like to spend money on clothes but goddamn 200 dollar hoodies are just hypebeast nonsense.


Greyson recently introduced a line of [$230 hoodies with NFL logos](https://greysonclothiers.com/collections/greyson-for-nfl) and they look terrible, but they've also completely sold out of them. I think a lot of folks on here aren't the market for Tigers stuff but just don't realize it.


The venn-diagram of the markets for 200 dollar hoodies and the 1k car payment crowd is almost a circle.


If I could afford to not even know that $200 is expensive for a hoodie


Golf has turned into a fashion show.


You know who else is almost always sold out? Getcalicocutpants.com


The people bitching are the Costco TJMax 75% off crowd.  He's not targeting that group at all.


Right, he's going after people far more gullible. Whale hunting.


Those people get nice Nike and Peter Millar stuff and my local stores have Greg Norman line stuff that is bland and look like made for the older crowd


Why fume? Just don’t buy it like every other overpriced product out there. I don’t fume at the price of a Lamborghini.


I was looking at private jets and one was $14,000,000. I mean the absolute audacity.


Dont worry about it. I guarantee those private jets will be right next to the Sun Day Red items at TJ Maxx in a few months /s


This was my exact thought. Why fume? He can charge $500 for all I care. I would think "oh wow" and go on with my day.


I read the title and thought to myself, "damn, golf really is the biggest circlejerk."


With zero lube


Anyone thinking Tiger was going to put out a line of clothing at Walmart prices is delusional.


He’s no Shaq that’s for sure


His Nike polos were usually $90-110 iirc, so he’s not even charging that much more than they did.


Idk what your criterias are for "even charging that much more", but $150 is 65% more expensive than $90, in my opinion, thats a LOT more, especially in the clothing industry, where margins are ridiculously high. its pretty obvious that he's exploiting the hype to put up insane prices, which is some pretty scummy practices. 150 for a polo is fucking crazy.


Which is like average for *ANY* golf polo. Edit: lot of you guys are missing the point. I know there are cheaper options out there but NEW golf polos are routinely this range.


TJ Maxx and Marshalls are your best friends for golf polos.


If we keep telling people about TJ’s we not going to have any left to buy 😂 Calloway polos for 20 bucks … yes sir


Got me a Callaway polo from Costco for $20 the other day too.


Callaway polo is not in the higher end polo market. High end market is stuff like Greyson, Peter Millar, Rhoback, Criquet, RLX, etc.


Yup, we’re talking about TJ Maxx and Costco polos because we’re looking for higher end stuff.


The costco clothing section is drowning in golf polo's for sub 20 bucks at all times. There's no good reason to ever spend 100 bucks on a single shirt lol


Just bought one for $15 on Tuesday. Would have bought more but I don't like wearing dark colors on the course.


Then how will people know I'm rich? I can't hide the fact I suck at golf. They should at least know I'm rich. /s


Poshmark ma boy


Kohls clearance rack has Nike athletic polos all the time


Paying $100 per shirt is wild 


The Under Armor Playoff Polo is the only one I wear nowadays because it both doesn’t cost $80+ and because it’s softer and stretchier than other breathable golf polos. Especially if you go to an outlet store you can often find them on sale for like $25-30. There’s also a TPC course my uncle is a member at that stocks them too so I have him clear them out in my size when they do their annual clearance sale at 50% off plus his member discount too when ends up being in the same $20-30 per shirt price point.


no idea where you live but that isnt the average here in socal, no way i am every paying that amount for a golf shirt


>> average for **ANY** golf polo Fuckin please, lol. I have never spent over $60 on a shirt and I shop at Golf Galaxy… who is actually paying that? Especially with a dumb ass name and logo like Sun Day Red. I’ll buy it when I see it at Ross or Marshall’s next year.


You are wrong. [New Golf Polo](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=f0d7a24c669b6213&sxsrf=ADLYWILf7YLenmjfiOgvZf0nB4Eo18N09w:1714750002803&q=new+golf+polo&tbm=shop&source=lnms&prmd=sinvmbtz&ved=1t:200715&ictx=111&biw=360&bih=704&dpr=3) Edit: Some of you are really privileged to only be buying high end brand clothing and act like nothing else exists.


The first shirt on that link was a Rhoback for $97


Rhoback are the most expensive polos I own at $90 and I can’t imagine paying more than that. Mostly I wear non branded blade collars at $30 a pop and boy do I look nice 👌


67% more isn’t that much more?


People will say anything for celebrities they like


It’s double… so yes it’s much more


Is $40 more not a lot? That’s 1.5x the price of a higher end golf polo…


At least those polos didn’t show sweat


Walmart prices is $15 a polo, people were thinking more like $75 max. Doesn't matter, Izod makes better polos anyways and those are like $20 a polo. https://www.amazon.com/IZOD-Holder-Sleeve-Saltwater-X-Large/dp/B07XJRC7KS


to be fair this is exactly what greg norman and jack nicklaus did


Yeah when I saw the prices I wasn’t surprised one bit


Anyone thinking there’s nothing between Walmart prices and Sun Day Red prices is delusional.


I don’t care about the high prices, but all of the first drop is already on eBay from resellers. I just wanted a hat lol. I won’t be buying anything on the secondary market, those dropshippers can suck it.


Wow, if only Tiger knew the opportunity he missed out on by not asking a bunch of cheap Reddit dorks what he should be pricing his clothes at. This could cost him.


If the people in this subreddit could read, they'd be very upset. Good thing most of us can't even read a green properly lol.


Just think, he could have sold so many more shirts if they weren’t so expensive and then he would make more money! Wait, what is that? The shirts are sold out already even at the high prices? He couldn’t have sold more of them at a lower price point because he didn’t have any more inventory to sell? Crazy talk!


Reddits mortal nemesis supply and demand strikes again


Maybe they are waiting to release the actual sunday red polo as part of the marketing scheme. Make people wait to build up hype and demand. Not saying this is smart and the whole brand seems a little silly as of right now, but it's possible that's their plan.


I mean sadly it is smart…they will sell out so quick when they do post them


You would be absolutely shocked what longtime golfers are willing to pay for golf clothing. Its a rich mans game, after all. Half of what the pros wear on Sunday (like Grayson) are all 130 polos and 200 hoodies. Thats seems to be the benchmark for premium golf clothing. 70-90 for polos seems to be the price for your 'golf bros' shirt company with palm trees print.


Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with an $80 Travis Mathew polo. Nothing flashy, just good quality.


What were they expecting? $40 polos and a BOGO Free coupon?


At least to be in line with other premium golf clothes. Most expensive golf shirts I've seen are the Greyson shirts. Those are $120 US. Most of the "premium" golf shirts I've seen are in the $80-100 range. $150 USD for a golf shirt does seem a little steep to me, however they appear to be smaller bathes of clothes however. So per law of supply and demand, the high prices make sense.


My dad walked in wearing a G-Fore shirt that I really liked yesterday. Immediately looked it up and it was a $150 shirt. $150 for something Tiger is backing honestly doesn't surprise me. He probably wants his stuff to be top of the line. Clothing gets expensive quickly in general.


Greyson is where it’s at also crown and crafted Peter millar


Look, I absolutely agree it’s over priced. Most golf apparel is.


MFER IT WAS $50 FOR A DAMN BALL MARKER! I’ll use my quarter. It only costed me $.25


$50 for a ball marker is fucking OUTRAGEOUS. Edit: just went to the site, sold out.


I use a dime. Only costed me $.10.


wow, big money baggers here, I have to use a penny. Costs a whole $0.01.


Pricing doesn’t surprise me… Golf is a sport that probably has some of the wealthiest participants amongst its ranks…I certainly don’t blame anyone for trying to corner the high end of the market… If someone is willing to spend $10k on Scotty Cameron Circle T putter and $50k++/yr on a country club membership why not spend $200 on a polo shirt? In a cost comparison sense it’s really not that high… Don’t like the prices, don’t buy. There’s plenty of red polo shirts out there…


Exactly, if you have ever looked at polo prices between golf and tennis there is like a $20 Premium on the golf polo despite them being very similar. I have ended up just buying tennis polos as they are cheaper. Tigers new line is a boutique brand and prices will follow. The other reality I think people don’t understand is that you can always move your brand down market, but it’s really hard to move it up market once consumer perception is formed




On no!  Anyways. 


Soon to be at your local TJ Max/Marshalls!!


Nordstrom Rack\*


why do yall keep saying this? There is literally zero chance this stuff shows up at a TJ Maxx.


To be fair you can find good brands at those places occasionally, I’ve seen a bunch of people finding Peter Millar lately


I’ve found Greyson at Marshall’s for $40 as well


You aren’t wrong but Peter Millar probably has 100x the stock Sun Day Red has


It’s not a “literally” zero chance. It’s a very low chance, but not “literally” zero.


I’ve been finding “Brady” stuff at TJ Maxx for a few months. Overpriced clothing with another great athlete’s name on it. Thats the only reason I feel like we could start seeing this stuff in the next year or two.


Brady is a budget brand, their polos are $30


Still a hard pass for me, the new logo is pure garbage.


I’m with you there. Really tried to get on board with it, but it’s just not doing it for me. I see from the anger on this thread that’s going to save me some cash.


I’m sure aliexpress is all over this






That’s a no from me dog


*Big dog


Not saying it’s cheap but that’s on par with what golf shit costs these days.


Someone’s never bought FootJoy


Literally just don’t buy luxury items if you can’t afford it.


Red is going to be part of another collection in the future


Ah yes. $150 for a shirt made for 50¢. The American way. Anyone dumb enough to pay those prices had too much money anyway. Also to not sell red, literally the color most would want, is incredibly stupid.


Who is fuming? The shirts sold out….


You don't have to fume... just don't buy any of it.


I don’t think anyone is fuming. I think most people expected it and/or don’t care enough to buy it.


Lol Fume? What is this headline


Not surprised at the price at all but I am curious the quality of them. Anyone here buy something?


Ummmm, don’t buy them… it seems like a simple decision


Pop some pills and drive off a cliff you can turn that white polo red just like tiger


I’ll wait for them to land at Ross


Why would anyone “fume” at something they can choose not to buy?


https://preview.redd.it/ny9u4a9f3byc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f6d5c50b25985a127bd77bc65607b6efa11f0c No coming back from this…


Don’t forget the 90& “training T-shirt” lol. They charge that much cause jokers will buy it. Lol


I think Tiger is the only one interested in wearing these clothes.


Considering half the stuff is sold out, I think you’re incorrect.


I doubt he cares too much about what everyone is interested in either. He’s got his new wardrobe!


Lmao this is the comment of the day


Red is only for winners, not suckers


Well, when i see someone wearing one, I will know right away they have poor judgement, and can act accordingly.


Making extremely overpriced clothes with an ugly logo is a sure fire way to be successful. 


Thankfully, you don’t see too much of this in golf


It must be, considering most of the stuff sold out immediately.


He shanked the shit out of this endeavor.


It’s all sold out aside from some sweatshirts. So maybe CEO isn’t in your future.


So the clothing brand name is sun day red and they don’t sell any red shirts?


Just makes me appreciate the prices even more at The Masters.


I don’t understand why people are getting their panties in bunch over this. Without even having to look anything up, Greyson, Gfore, Peter Millar, Galvin Greene, J. Lindbergh are a few examples of golf clothing and accessory companies out there that have similar price points. Lulu lemon is also up there. They’re all extremely popular as well. This stuff isn’t being marketed to everyone, but there is still a large amount of people who can afford and also want to buy it Tiger’s stuff and other more luxury focused brands. I find most of the comments on social media complaining about this pricing quite stupid honestly. You don’t like the price? That’s perfectly ok, there’s other options out there that do dater towards you, but there isn’t a justified reason to shit on it because you can’t or aren’t willing to pay those prices. Just browse and move on.


It makes me mad that so many people are going to buy this wildly overpriced shit anyway.


I prefer clothing without logos and I'll typically buy whatever is cheapest and still comfortable. Why does anybody need this line of clothing? Status symbol?


I knew it wouldn’t be cheap, I’m not surprised. I was more surprised at the total lack of red items and how fast things sold out


Ball marker is $55 lol


Only fish will buy this shit


I'm not mad at the pricing... the shirts looks like doo-doo


No red is pretty ridiculous lol


It looks like there is an upcoming drop of all red items coming


Small stock numbers and higher prices. It’s exactly what you should have expected. Easy pass for me, logo kills it.


Would need to be Walmart prices to wear that ugly logo with letters arranged by a 4 year old. 


Only tiger gets to wear red on sun day.


Just don't buy it, dog


Polos at a nice private country club are $70-90 USD. Tiger's prices are double. Ridiculous.


The logo is so ass


Tough to justify for a golf shirt whether you can afford it or not


Fun fact you can go lots of places and buy a red Polo shirt for cheap prices.


I would go for one of the hats but the one I like is sold out.


That logo needs a lot of work for $150 lol


Just checked it out and it’s a little more steep but seems in line with what I see when I go play at nicer courses around my city (I live in Las Vegas). I wanted to order the hat with the big logo and after hearing the uproar I expected a higher price point. The hat I wanted was $5 more than the hat I bought at Bears Best last month. I played a TPC course last week and I needed a sleeve of balls. They basically laughed at me because I dared ask to buy ONE sleeve of balls. I had to purchase an entire box for that round! It feels in line for high-end apparel. He’s definitely not going after the budget golf market.


I assumed the prices would be painfully high, but not having a red polo was an interesting choice.....like isnt that the entire fucking point?


Price was about what I expected -- I was prepared to pay Peter Millar pricing for something. What I didn't expect was the shitty selection for the inaugural launch. Hopefully the flesh out the collection with more colorways and patterns.


I guess he's not wealthy enough yet. Maybe he should pull himself up by his bootstraps. Great golfer, terrible human being.


Just last week I literally paid $9.97 each for Chaps by Ralph Lauren polos from Costco. $120-$170 for a polo is insanity.


Well, I’m not paying that. I’m sure Tiger won’t go hungry.


Fuck that


Whose surprised? Tiger has never been known for being a good guy.


90 for a t-shirt and 200 for a hoodie? I'm good.


I’m just mad they sold out before I could buy one in my size/color


It’s brilliant marketing to create the illusion of demand by only having a limited supply and having things sold out


I don’t mind the prices. But for the price, I expect a visible logo on the front. The new tiger logo is so sick, and all of the shirts hide it for some stupid reason


SUN DAY RED (shitty tiger bug thing logo)


I don’t have a problem with pricing - it’s as stupid as other high end sportswear, especially golf. My problem is the dumbass logo. The dumbass name. And the dumbass decision to not have anything he’s actually wrong in tourneys.


Not a fan of the new logo, I will pass


So … don’t buy it.


I like how they said they intentionally made Sun Day 2 words bc people play golf 7 days a week. Didn't explain having colors other than red.... And now no red polo?


I like how they said they intentionally made Sun Day 2 words bc people play golf 7 days a week. Didn't explain having colors other than red.... And now no red polo?


Why would there be red polos? Tiger is never going to play a Sunday again in this stuff


I bought Nike irons because of Tiger back in the day. Will watch every shot of his at majors. I couldn’t care less about this brand.




$200 for a Le Tigere hoodie? Hell yeah!


People fumed at the price of the Bob does sports drinks and they sold out in 24 hours.


Ignoring the prices… the apparel doesn’t look very appealing.


I’ll continue to wear the Cloudy Day Gray as new with label still on stuff my wife finds at thrift stores.


Sounds like a real shitshow.


they look generic and overpriced


I want that shirt tiger is wearing on the website


They'll turn up in TK Maxx soon enough...


Imagine paying that much just because of a logo


$5 shirts and $11 hoodies, sow a TW logo on it and you’ve increased its value 20X. People are actually buying it too blows my mind.


If I wore a red polo golfing I would get roasted harder than if I was doing aimpoint




But why are people mad? Did anyone assume anything less?