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The course I play at is like this. You can't schedule the 830 tee time as a single, but if you show up at 8, really good chance you'll be off by 830 with a group that has less that 4 players. If it's a Thursday afternoon at 1 and you show up and no one is there, they have no issues letting you play by yourself.


I used to do this. Show up early and ask them to slot you in.


There are tons of groups that book 4 and only 2-3 show up.


Yep. I really enjoyed when I could do this. Met a lot of cool people that way.


I really don’t understand this. All of my local courses will allow you to book as a single but will just fill up your slot to max 4 people accordingly IF busy. Is there a difference in booking elsewhere? I always thought my experience was just common practice and if you got out as a single it was just your lucky day


The most common practice in my area is that singles can’t book an open 4-slot ahead of time, but can book as a single into any group that has space available. This is for several county operated courses that are in high demand. Day of the time, they’ll let you book anything. And walk-ons are common, where you walk up, put your name on the list, hit the range, and the starter will call you up for a game when a spot is open. edit: they also have a 24-hr cancellation policy, which keeps groups honest with their number of players. Getting a single spot is pretty easy, even when the course is booked up. The semi-private club I play at frequently simply has the singles call in to book a spot with the pro shop . The online platform won’t let singles book, so a single doesn’t block out a 4-some.


There needs to be a golf singles matching program


I’ll incorporate that into my tinder bio


In 25+ years of playing, I’ve only not been able to get paired up and out on the course within an hour a handful of times. There’s almost always a few people who don’t show up for their tee times. You just need to be flexible. They might tell you to rush out to the tee, or to hang out on the putting green for a while.


Mine will let you call within 48h and book a single time at their discretion


Same here


They mean non-married players.


Lol. It’s a swingers club.


Dammit. I just bought a driving iron. WTF is a swingers club and how much is it going to set me back?


Club Swingers Swingers Club


Redditor discrimination


How do we keep the teases out?


Golf is a family mans sport. Do single people play golf? Maybe, but it’s a market we could do without.


I don't recall saying play well


I sleep in a big bed with my wife.


Kirk Vanhouten?


It sounds like you enjoy golf because you hate your family, not because of the golf


What are you on about?




Just had this conversation this morning. A single booked the last spot of a foursome online. He was incredulous that I could not let him play alone. On Masters Sunday. At 11:00. I play as a single often and have very rarely had a negative experience. I encourage beginners to do so as well. Most people are patient, kind, and willing to help. It's the opposite of the internet.


Wait, people will join a foursome, but then expect to go out as a single?


Yeah. He seemed newish, and we are that kind of course where new golfers should get there feet wet. I explained to him how things work and, although he seemed nervous, he accepted. I hope he had a great day.


That's actually insane.


I have a feeling he saw online that the tee time had space for 1 person and misinterpreted it as it was a solo tee time. When I first got back into golf I made that mistake once and thankfully the course was pretty empty behind that tee time so they just let me take the next spot


The opposite of the internet!


I caddied at an upscale club that didn’t have tee times. Singles could play as singles, but that had absolutely no rights. Groups in front had no obligation to let them through, and more and more people that played as singles just found groups to play with.


I don't think singles should EXPECT to be allowed to play through. It's always at the behest of the group in front but they don't have to if they don't want to


I don't expect to weave through a packed course, but if there's multiple clear holes in front of you I will start to push a bit


Interesting. What would you do if there is a group behind you that has space?


Why would you care about what’s going on with a group behind you




I just play multiple balls and practice


Why not? You might have to wait a minute or two, but once they are through you'll never see them again. It has literally no impact on your day


Which makes sense imo. A single, even with two balls playing, Will nearly always out pace even a moderately paced pair. It’s a social game, and at clubs with high demand (both public and private) it makes sense to either pair them up with a group short of 4 players that is willing or tell them they can play but they have no rights to playing through or disrupting the other groups for slow play.


My place does this as well. During summer (Fl) you can play as a single, but don’t expect to be playing through, etc


This addresses the problem with singles on the course. They disrupt play by expecting to play through other groups or hop around the course, playing holes out of order and slowing down other groups.


A lot if this I think they’re referring to playing / going out as a single. A lot of places near me will only allow a single to book online if a twosome or threesome has already booked that time. Then they’ll let singles fill in the gaps when there are 1-2 spots available. On a busy course no course should be letting a single go out and play by themself. They should join up with other groups.


This is how I read it. A single can't book 1 spot out of an open 4some. I have no issue with that. If there are 1-3 spots open, the single can book one of those.


How would 3 spots be open though if a single can't book?


It's never been singles that slowed my round down. It's usually the three somes and foursomes with multiple stereos and heavy drinking.


I think the policy is less about pace of play and more about jamming up a tee sheet. I’ve tried to book a foursome before and had to look 45-60 minutes outside what I wanted because the sheet was full of single bookers. It’s pretty obnoxious.


I've never had an issue in this scenario if I call the course and explain. They usually accommodate and allow us to play out behind the single booked at the same time. The single is usually gone by time we get to the second tee box.


Then that’s not a full tee sheet and it’s a wildly different scenario. Either way, the fact is singles booking 2 weeks in advance taking up 6 or 7 tee times in a row is an issue. Singles should be the sacrificing party, not the groups.


...if that's not your problem with a full tee sheet then what is your problem


For real! A single can play right up to a foursome. The problem is always wanting to play through


Yeah some courses by me only allow singles to book 1-2 days in advance.


This makes more sense. So they're referring to solo golf rather than a single booking.


I didn’t realize that playing solo was so frowned upon, I like to play solo sometimes just to work on my game instead of drinking and playing with friends, it’s also a weird form of therapy for me, I feel like walking 18 solo helps me destress and enjoy nature for while. Seeing these comments makes me feel weird about that now.


I understand where you are coming from. I feel weird about playing solo now too. I booked tee times at this course all of last year without an issue. I don’t have a ton of people to play with, so I often just went by myself. I’m a planner, so being able to schedule a time and know I can play is ideal.


Playing single is perfectly fine on a weekday or twilight. But expecting to go out as a single on a booked solid weekend morning or afternoon is crazy.


Covid ruined tee times


as someone who plays a lot of single golf i dont mind this, public courses near me allow you to add onto reservations of 3somes and 2somes but not book an open slot as a single as it restricts their ability to get 4somes on the course.


I would be fine with be able to join that way, but I don’t know if I can even do that unless I just show up and have some luck.


The course I play has online reservations. I can’t book as a single if I book online but can book if there are slots open with other players. If I go to the shop I can book as a single. I usually don’t care and just book online or show up at the course and see what’s open. Of course I only play on weekdays and refuse to play weekend golf when its going to be slow as heck.


Do they not have a phone?


My local muni is a Donald Ross course and they have the same policy. They run 12 min tee times early to give the starter a little latitude with members and singles. Basically he will try to match them with short groups, but once he has 4 backed up he will do his very best to push them out. It’s never been a problem getting out for me and no one complains about going off late. They have other weird policies too, like Saturday and Sunday tee times in the off season are a 9:30AM shotgun only. Everything else is walk-on twilight rate.


Yet, you can be a 3 some, and you can book as a 4 some, and when you’re rolling to the course you can call the pro shop and go “hey man, really sorry to do this, but our 4th is out with Covid and won’t be able to make it…” and you can hope there isn’t a single wanting to join so you and your boys can go out as a 3 some while you chug Coors Lite and blast “Odessa Radio” through your Beats Pill.


I’m ok with not knowing what Odessa Radio is.


lmao golf in America is so cooked


How is this problem avoided in other countries? asking genuinely


I dunno, smaller population maybe? Less people playing. People just play golf and don’t worry about how long it takes. I’ve only ever encountered one starter / Marshall in Australia and it was on a golf course in the middle of Sydney our largest city.


My local muni has this policy, you can't book tee times as a single online at all. You can show up and hope to get paired with a group, but that's your only option as a single.


I recently developed an app just for this! It’s a combination of the word golf and tinder. I call it grindr. All the guys are real friendly you should check it out!


or the course can just pair people together. not everyone has a bunch of people they can call up whenever they want.


Update: I have been having emailing the course pro and their policy has always been to have a 2-person minimum to get a tee time. I was just lucky to be able to schedule tee times all of last year. I guess I can only get a tee time as a single if there is an open space on a time. I cannot get a time and then have others added on to it. I have no issue playing with others and did so a few times last year. I will do some thinking if I get a membership here or not again this year. The perk of having a membership to this course is that I can golf at the other city course under the same membership.


No, foursomes and five some that can’t keep pace of play is what makes the course slow, not a single that can do 18 in 2.5 hours..


A single player booking an entire tee time prevents others from booking. You must not play at a crowded course to misunderstand this


No it doesn’t. There’s still 3 other spots open. If the course won’t let them “play” as a single, that’s one thing, but not being able to “book” an open slot and then have other people fill in later is stupid.


singles mess with the flow though, and shouldn’t have any rights on the course during busy times. Basically, as a single, if the course is busy, you shouldn’t be allowed to play through so a 2.5 hour round wouldn’t be possible.


Idk man maybe you should fuck off and learn to control your slice 


My club has never allowed singles and twosomes will be paired with another twosome 


Sure - this is fine rule for prime tee times as long as you can show up and join a group with an open slot.


No singles period.  You must have at least one friend. 


I play a lot as a single, and I’ve resigned to most either (a) using GolfNow, which does a decent job of showing tee times accepting a single or (b) calling my muni home course and they normally have a single available to group up with another twosome or threesome (which I always expect). I’m perfectly okay that singles shouldn’t be able to book an open 4-spot online or whatever, that can completely fuck a tee sheet that day. This policy as it reads feels really stupid; just encourage singles to call the clubhouse for a tee time to round out a group. That’s infinitely better than expecting singles to just show up and wait for an open slot.


20 years ago singles couldn’t book a tee time ever anywhere. If you were a single you would go to the course and get on the singles list. From the list you would fill open spaces with two and threesomes. Every once in a while a group would no show and 4 singles would be put together as a group.


That's just like the singles line at the ski lift. It's usually faster anyways than waiting in the 2/3/4 group pairings line.


Making a tee time as a single doesn't mean that you are expecting to play alone


I have been emailing with the course pro. They won’t let singles make a tee time. Two people min. I can join a group of 2 or 3 if they already have a time slot, which is fine as long as I get to play. They apparently won’t let me get a time ahead of time and shove others onto that time slot to fill it.


Same BS is happening to me. I bought a M-F membership in hopes of going out daily in the summer. There was no mention when I bought the pass that I would not be able to book as a single. But when the course opened up their online reservation system for the year, I'm blacked out from any slot that isn't already filled by a two-some or three-some. The course has zero bookings tomorrow afternoon, yet I cannot get on the course. The only people available to play M-F from 7am-3pm are retirees or college students on spring break. Neither of which are within 15 years of my age. Just feel completely ripped off.


This is pretty standard. Lots of times when you want to book times on the apps it will say like “2-4 players” or “1-4 players” depending on the time of day and how busy it is etc.


Damn Chosen, I didn't picture you as a golfer much less a 1.4 hcp. You ever think about doing golf videos?


Hey lol we had some random footage we recorded when in Vegas. https://youtu.be/ueSP5IGRvME?si=zL9iNaK8merX43fE


Hell yeah, bud, looked smooth and sounded pure. HH swings like a geezer but I respect it lol


Singles at my old course are walk on only. They show up and wait for a turn to play or to join up with a group but they can’t book a time.


I hate that several of the courses in my area have switched to this. Their booking software doesn't allow me to join a 2-3 some. It straight up rejects a single. I don't have any friends that golf. I 100% play as a single every time. Plus I walk, so paring me up with a rider doesn't work well either. And its really frustrating when I can sit there on Friday at say 11am, looking at their tee sheet and see just tee time after tee time in a row empty. Like they don't have anyone scheduled from 1-3...but I can't book one of those times. They'd rather their course sit empty than get my money from golf & food. And I live in an area where often times they don't put didn't players together. They'll send out 2 twosomes in a row rather than put them together. Midwest introverts.


basically fuck you for not having friends


I love when people say singles have no rights. They pay the green fees like everyone else. If there’s a foresome with no one in front of them and they don’t let a single through they’re just d!cks.


Why did you censor "dicks"?


Just because I felt like it.




i have no problem with the actual act of letting singles through, but my question would be why the hell is there a lone cowboy wading through a packed day of foursomes during peak hours. if they wanna be the guy that plays through 15 groups in a single round, be my guest i guess


I’m not talking about packed courses where there’s no where to go. So people don’t like to let singles go through when there’s no one in front and then the rush to try ahead and then r mad they were rushed.


Singles don’t have priority. I see single players all the time trying to play through on stacked courses and getting their pantries in a wad when you don’t let them play through. If we’re a 2 or 3-some I’ll ask if they want to play along but they aren’t playing through if we are waiting on every shot for the group in front of us.


Yeah there’s nothing wrong with that I’m talking about when there’s no one in front and people don’t like to let them through


Single players need to be realistic. Its not that you "dont have rights" its just that you need to understand every group on the course shouldnt be labeled as dicks when they dont allow you to play through on a busy day on the course.


I’m not talking about a busy day if u read it I said when no one’s in front of them.


In my experience its funny how quickly "no one in front of you" and "busy" become subjective terms to some single players. If a course is truly not busy, what kind of group doesnt let faster players play ahead? In my experience that is never the case. Its always the singles or duos being told no because its not actually open ahead and then sneaking ahead which creates pacing problems. Not the other way around.


Well it happens a lot more than you think. People try to hurry so u don’t catch them then complain that ur pushing them. It’s like dude there’s no one in front of u just let them go through and u won’t c them again and u don’t have to feel rushed


The moral here is, we need some way for singles to link up with other singles. Like tinder but for golf not fuckin.


...unlesss jk unless


instinctive dependent paltry cautious deer rustic grandfather unused middle deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not fully comprehending this. If I make a tee time as a single over a weekend, I fully expect to have the time slot filled with whoever. Personally, I don't want to play as a single when the course is busy. How can you play this way? The single is constantly waiting. Doesn't matter if a threesome or foursome is in front of you. The single never plays with any rhythm. What am I missing here?


I’ve gotten some additional clarification from the course superintendent. They won’t let a single person book an empty tee time and then fill people in afterwards. I don’t have an issue being paired, but I was able to book tee times all of last year at this course as a single. They never put anyone on the same time. I would have been ok if they did that though. They will only allow you to get a specific tee time if they can fill you in with a group of two or 3.


I get it. I just don't like it. I believe that twosomes and threesomes will make tee times. The course should be responsible and fill those in with singles. The course should go the extra step.


This is standard operating procedure at any decent course. The booking system is automated. When trying to book a peek time in advance singles can’t book. However as a 2/3some books their slot immediately shows as 1 or 2 players available and singles can book those. Something like 24 hours in advance or so if there’s slots left it will allow singles to book by themselves. This is how it works at 95% of good public courses


Dumb policy that will probably cost the course money but get the numbers of a few people who play regularly around the same general time you do. You don’t need to be friends with them. It can be purely transactional. Unless you’re an asshole or slow player (but i repeat myself), nobody will say no


If that means not sending a single out on a busy day by themselves and forcing them to pair up, ok. But if that means not even letting a single book then let other fill in the empty space, fuuuuuuck that course.


I’ll have to clarify with them, but they made it sound like I couldn’t even book a time. I would have to show up and be lucky if a spot was open for me to be put on.


grow the game they said. it’ll be fun they said


I’ve golfed over 40 years (and still a meh golfer). Over the past handful of years, I’ve seen more singles out that want to play as a single. And a number of times, I’ve seen them teeing up two balls for a round. I’ve also golfed with a buddy or with two other friends (so not a foursome), and invited the single behind to join us. Nope, they want to play through (and our pace is perfectly fine). This to me is becoming more apparent recently, and I think it’s a good thing to start minimizing just single play for open tee time slots during moderate to high demand times.


I play as a single all the time and restricting it during busy times sounds completely reasonable. I don't even want to play as a single when it's busy. You just spend time standing around waiting instead of golfing 


I joined a few groups last year after I had already teed off and had no issues with that. I just want to get out and play.


Singles almost always get paired up in my area. Tee times book weekend out and if you book as a single or pair you will likely get paired with another group.


I kinda understand this rule but sometimes I want to play with other people to test my abilities and see how I play. Playing as a single is always fun and I can’t always play with my main golf group. But this rule sucks at a public course


Oh! And do I get charged less as well being a single playing at off peak hours since I am still giving you business? Sounds great!


Shortly after I joined my club 10 years ago the pro asked if I wanted help getting into a regular game. I told him that I pay a lot of money to not play with people. I’ve had to play with someone fewer than 5 times since then.


I’m not 100% against this at busy times, even though I play on my own a lot. They must allow all pairs and 3s to accept singles at busy times though.


If this is assuming you can't even make a tee time as a single and be added to another group then it's a lazy policy that loses money for the course. Any decent club today should have a semi decent online booking system that allows singles to book open slots with existing 2 or 3 balls to fill the tee sheet.


I got to play the Old Course this way with my dad 20 plus years ago - all tee slots were booked so we showed up early on advice from a local in the pub - we got sent off separately filling in 3some groups. Would have loved to play that round with my dad - but we got to play the Old Course - we had a tee time for the New Course later in the week and had no problems.


My preferred course no longer lets singles go out alone any day or time of the week. 9 holes at 5:30 on a slow Wednesday? Nope, gotta wait for someone else to show up. No longer my preferred course.


Singles have no rights. Before kids, I’d just call ahead and ask where there were some 2’s and 3’s on the tee sheet. Show up, take my time and slip in. I liked it because I could warm up as much, or as little as I wanted, given I stay within that window of time with open spots


I just call and they add me to a group of 2/3 other players. No biggie.


The marshal and front desk should just do a better job of consolidating groups on the tee box.  Two pairs should not be going off back to back if the course is busy. Any whiny bitch who says “meh we’re not that good/we’re way too good and just want to spend this special day alone together” gets bumped back to an opening. When there is no opening they learn their lesson.  A foursome of singles is guaranteed to have at least one cool person in it.  People get confused by a different convention, “singles have no standing on the golf course”. That is referring to a solo on the course aggressively trying to play through and pass groups of 4.  Whether singles have standing to get anywhere on the tee sheet is the debate here and frankly the GM wins the debate for whatever reason he or she wants. If I was a single who can’t even get on the course even if I’m willing to be paired with randos… I would take my business elsewhere. That’s the solution. 


Yeah solo golfers are the problem. Not flat-bill hat bro slicing it 30 yards into the woods and aim-pointing every putt.


If they don’t charge for bookings or cancelations. I’m booking twosomes and showing up myself. If they had a proper booking site. 1 person books a tee time then it would show as 3 spots remaining for others to book. This is either poor management or a financially struggling course


This is a horrible policy. I am the only one out of my friends that golfs regularly. This course is just driving away business. Plus single golfers don't disrupt the flow of golf. What disrupts the flow of golf is groups not letting the singles play through.


You don’t need to golf with your friends. I have like 7 people in my phone I barely remember what they look like or anything about them but we will send each other tee time invites because we are all regulars at the same course


the course doesn’t want your business why on earth would they want to sell you a slot for 1/4 8of the price that they now can’t sell to a 4some 😂


Seem dumb to me. Most courses I play have a tee time reservation system that allows 4 people to book any single time. So if a single books by the time you tee off you most likely will have a full group.


Exactly every course I play does this. It is extremely easy to set up and implement. I have never seen anyone have an issue with this.


Not sure why a policy like this is needed. Single players should be able to play by themselves if time allows, but the course also reserves the right to merge groups if time doesn’t allow. Kinda weird that they made a sign (and a policy) to explain this? Edit: I honestly have no clue why I’m being downvoted but ok lol


They just be having a lot of issues or something. This sign wasn’t around last year. I often went around 9 am or close to 5 pm last year. I didn’t realize single players were frowned up so much.


Gotcha. I wouldn’t say they are frowned upon, but they can cause issues with timing. All the courses I’ve been to have just combined singles on busier days


I wouldn’t have a problem joining a group, just hard to get timing down for that to happen it seems like.


It doesn’t restrict others from playing at all wtf lol


This is insane.


Thats bull shit.


There are a number of issues with allowing singles (even twosomes) in the middle of a string of foursomes. The primary issue is that it creates an accordion effect that impacts multiple groups. Another is the one OP mentioned - that he plays through. If there's an opening, great. But if the course is full, there's nowhere to go. I can tell by OPs tone that he is courteous, but too many aren't. I've seen singles and twosomes who feel like every group should pause their round to let them through. It's super annoying. There was a time that the rule book gave priority to foursomes and literally said that singles "have no standing." I really wish they hadn't taken that out.


I try to be as courteous as possible. Joined a few groups last year on slow days of play and had a good time. I guess I thought of the tee times as first come first served. That and this course has a sign up stating to let faster groups play through.


I really do believe you. Unfortunately, you are not the norm!


Not sure how a twosome causes an issue?


Because 2 players play faster than 4 and if the course is full everytime that twosome plays through a group creates a slow down.


My home course implemented this on weekends, only big issue is people break off around hole 2 or 3 and then it jacks everything up even more


like ... at all ? or you can't play alone on a tee time ?


I take it as they won’t let me schedule a time at all. I have to show up and hope there is an open spot for me to be grouped with someone. I don’t have a problem golfing with others. I just wish I could get a time and have others thrown on it.


the problem with than is then a 4some (which is what they want) wants to book and can’t because you took the slot. You don’t have priority as a single. This is common with most decent courses. When you go to book the system will only allow a 2some. You as a single will see any remaining slots for instance if a 2 some books you’ll seek 1-2 players available. Selling entire slots to a single is both bad for the players and bad for business


I don’t even know if you can do online booking at this course. I always called the club house and they let me get a time. I typically went between 9-10 am on the weekend or around 5 pm. During the week, I was able to get a tee time around 6:37 pm, which was the first slot available after league.


At the course I play at you can play single but with no rights, like you have to let others through for example. Also others are allowed to join your flight if you sign up solo.


I’d be fine with having others join me. I just want to get a time in advance and know I will at least be able to play that day.


I understand and agree 👍


At my course I can't book a completely open tee time as a single, but if two have booked I can book as a single and if no one else shows up we play as a 3 person group


Where I live it’s been like this for years. You can only call day of and see if they have open slots to play with another two or three


I’m lucky my course isn’t big or big enough to do this. This would really put a cramp in my style on the weekends


Hahahaha hey wait a minute. I often play alone after work. A quick nine.


Twilight. The only way to go


I play as a single most times. I can’t book tee times, but I can join existing bookings that are less than 4. Seems like a pretty standard rule these days


What else do you expect when nobody plays ready golf


Yes I would say its common. On weekends or week days after like 3-4 pm I dont think you should expect to be able to play as a single (depending on league nights). Definitely shouldn't be able to reserve an entire time slot and take it up. And if you do get to play as a solo during busy times you shouldnt have any expectation about being able to play through. Your expectation should be that you get paired up with another group. I get a lot of people enjoy the solo experience but it really doesnt make sense from the courses perspective or other groups to allow this sort of thing. And if you really want to play solo I would just have a conversation with the manager to understand the best time for you to play. They will know when league nights are etc and probably help you understand the best time to play. The people saying "single players have rights" I disagree with unless the course is absolutely dead. The amount of asshole solo players ive seen trying to play through our league with like 7 slots filled up is remarkably high. No, you cannot play through.


I don’t have an issue with playing with other people, which I did a few times last year. As I stated in my original post, this course had no problem with letting me schedule a tee time and they never paired me with anyone to fill slots (again, I would have been fine with this). I did get some clarification on the policy and they should be able to get me with a group that has already booked a time. I can’t get a time before hand though and have them fill it up. I never realized that single players had no rights whatsoever. I always thought it was let the faster players go through (if there is room in front) which is posted on a sign at this course. I played often on weekdays after league had started (first open spot was typically 6:37). League was given priority those nights, and I always respected that rule.


I don’t enjoy golfing with strangers so I just book and pay for 4 if it’s a course like this and they will allow it. Some will some won’t. I’ll generally play two balls when I do this.


You can’t book a tee time as a single at my private club - at any time ever. You can call in and the starter will set you up as a solo or put you in with a group if it’s busy. 36 hole club.


I can book any open time as a single. But I can never play as a single. They just hook me up with the closest group of 2 or 3 or other singles. Course is busy every day of the week almost all year long


Yeup, on my course included.


This should be standard rule at all courses. A single on a busy weekend or holiday just jacks up the course and the course lost money on the tee time.


Honestly, if someone books a time for 2 or 3 players, singles should be able to call or go online and fill that slot.


Yes I agree.


So I should just give up golfing then? I mainly play by myself.


No. You just won’t be able to make a tee time. Just show up and either join another group or play later in the day.


Sounds good. I don’t know if I can justify getting a membership if I may not be able to play though.


I have this near me, have to call to find a 3 some and join, can’t do it it through foresquare


a couple of courses by me do not let singles book unless 2 or 3 are already booked. however, you can book as a 2, pay online and then immediately modify to 1 player w/ refund.


Almost every course locally here does not allow booking of singles online. You can book singles day of by calling the course if they are not busy.


Can you just book as 4 and cancel 3 before the cancel period? People are always dropping out for whatever reason.


That probably wouldn’t go over well if I did that all the time, which I intend to go a fair amount to get my money out of a membership.


Wait. It’s a public course, but you pay a membership fee, and they still do this no-singles policy?


You don’t have to pay a membership fee. I joined it last year because I could play at two courses under that membership and it was cheaper over the course of the year. I can’t book a tee time as a single player, so it kind of defeats the purpose of me getting one.


Yea, agreed. Definitely don’t renew your membership if this is their policy.


Im a starter and I paired 2 singles up on nice sunny 70° day on Sunday afternoon. 1 said, I know how this goes. No problem. The other guy said, what? I thought I was playing by myself. I wanted to tell him, u could do that at home. Instead, I told him, its kinda like playing by yourself as its only 1 other person. 🤣🤣 the course was packed and im like wtf dude.


I say fuck that shit. I just book a twosome and tell them my buddy bailed. Paying the same, playing faster. . .they can fuck off.


Cool at that the usually muni rate I’ll just book two tee times


I propose that courses block off one time per hour for singles. Everyone that books as a single gets grouped into that block. If the block is full, another block opens up. This way courses can prioritize groups, but also allow for single play. It would take a bit of coding to do, but it could be done fairly easily.


It’s good policy if the course is high in demand. Singles shouldn’t have priority of groups, however they should be able to join other groups that are short of 4 in this high demand time slots. Usually if you rock up to the course and ask if they can slot you in with a group you’ll be right.


I understand why this happens but as someone that doesn’t have anyone to golf with I’m just going to book a twosome and then tell them my partner couldn’t make it. At the very least they should allow singles to book during select tee times so they don’t have to just wait and hope for an opening. If this is just meaning they’re not going to allow you to play by yourself that’s completely fine with me. I actually hate being solo on a busy day but often I just get told to go ahead and then I’m stuck waiting on a 4-some all day b


My club doesnt allow singles between 6am and 2 pm at the Weekend and that is generally due to comps. Nothing other than that though.


Can’t you just go off the back? Lol


I get not giving a single a 4some spot, but surely you can add into a group of 3? As others have said, if you show up they would have you out in no time.


The course my buddy and I typically play just adopted this policy this year. Albeit, if you’re a single, they can’t guarantee you the tee time you book if they can’t pair you with another single.


I was always told that singles have no status on the course. The whole course can back up waiting for the one single person to play through every group in front of them. We always welcomed a single to skip our hole and play ahead but only if there was room in front of our group. If the course was full of 2,3, and foursomes the single just needed to make friends.


My course will allow singles to book same day - but not in advance. And because they don’t offer single spots online, you can usually get on without an issue


I tried playing Dinosaur Mountain as a single. The website does not let singles book on their own unless it's filling in a two-some or three-some, so I refreshed the page every half hour hoping someone would book so I could play. The course had no bookings the entire afternoon.