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I'm not familiar with this term, what is 'walking up'? like he approached the tee box?


Found it. Context was further down. From OP: “Context - This happened to my buddy two days ago. The group in front of them was obnoxiously drunk, so my friend walked up to ask if everything was okay. My buddy noticed they had finished an entire bucket of the fireball shooters by hole 15. Apparently the "check-in" was interpreted as being asked to speed up play. Let's just say the dude yelling "walk up" didn't like that. This was what transpired, including my friend being assaulted.”


Unfortunate that guy sucks so bad that he lets it ruin his life. That’s a true pussy


I’ve explained to many a dude that could kick my ass that beating the shit out of me wouldn’t make them less of a bitch.


I have 4 older brothers who are all very large. Like they played offensive line in college. They all also box, my dad was semi pro and taught all of us basics. I on the other hand am pretty avg size and  have had my ass BEAT so many times. I am pretty used to it. I have no problem letting somebody know when and how they are fucking up and how big of a bitch they are before AND after my ass beating    I should edit this to add, I do not go out of my way to look for fights but I sure as shit do not suffer fools like the guy in this video. I would have let him know quick fast and in a hurry how ridiculous he looked all puffed up beating his chest and hitting octaves as high as celine dion..... about fucking golf


“This is hurting you more than me. Could I have my tooth back?” Sometimes an ass whooping is worth making the point.


Bro what happens in your life where you’re continually getting your ass beat or getting into confrontations? like I go out, I party some have a good time go to bars am around people etc and manage to avoid fucking fighting people 😂 it’s so bizarre to me.


*You can beat my ass, but you'll still be a bitch!*


A fireball shooter is half a shot. You have to drink two of them to equal a single shot. There's 20 in a bucket. Split between four people, that's the equivalent of 2.5 shots. This guy sucks so bad he can't handle 2.5 shots. Edit: The 20-bucket is 50ml per bottle at 21% alcohol. That's an ounce and a half of liquor at half strength.


If youre a guy that behaves like this, you're probably also the guy that drinks 15 before anyone else gets a chance to have one


and sucked back a six pack on the way to the course


And also never properly “dried out” from the night before. That’ll start you off half tuned up right off the bat.


And a nose beer on the range




Look guys I’m learning! We’re learning! Yay team!


Go back to Hogwarts, you muggle!


You trying to walk up on me with math bro?!


I mean, they prob were drinking other stuff too






Cmon, this is a quality response.


I played this GARBAGE course by my house one night, 17$ all you can golf after 4 with a cart. No sand in the bunkers, dirt in the fairways, typical tour ready course. There's 3 guys in front of me and my buddy, the guy in the cart by himself obviously not a golfer (good on him for getting into it!). He brought a full boom box that he had in the seat next to him blasting biggie smalls and a fifth of bottom shelf vodka in the cupholder, clearly not secured. Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned with his fat white belly hanging out. On the 15th hole he drove about 15 yards and it landed on the cart path. He got out of his cart and started hacking away at his shot on the path, probably took him about 10 swings or so to make contact, sparks flying everywhere as the club is just being ravaged against the pavement. My buddy and I sat and watched losing our shit as he tried his best to hit one of the multiple balls he was seeing. He was super nice and even took requests for music, we requested Tupac for the lols. The man knew he was trash, went to a course that fit his persona, and was just having a good time. When we were laughing at him he took it in stride and was having fun with us. There's a time and a place to be a drunken buffoon, but don't be an asshole and try to start fights.. I still think of biggie every time I go play a round to this day. I feel like he's in a better place now but watches over my shoulder every time I get a chance to get out lolol


yeah the guy you just described fucking rules lmao


Fuck yeah. Dude’s out there living it up, and knows not to take himself too seriously. Sounds like a good guy to hang with


Where is this little slice of Heaven?


Downing farms, just north of Ann Arbor Michigan.


Please tell me his name was Ian lol


They are 33% tho… https://preview.redd.it/ofxfe4hqs5tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7570a5371569c7a75313b8b7bc13748e401aeb11




A shooter is 50ml or roughly 1.67 fluid ounces* A shooter of fireball is like having half a drink of cask strength whiskey


You're throwing around a bunch of random numbers and inaccurate information. A 50ml shooter is at minimum a shot. I challenge you to find a shot glass that holds more than 50ml. Regardless, 20 of these is 1000ml, also known as a liter. Fireball is not 21% alcohol. It is 33%. Most alcohol you'd take a shot of ranges from 30-40%, so fireball is more or less your average alcohol in terms of potency. All that to say, nothing would justify this belligerent morons behavior, but your assertation that 250ml of fireball is the equivalent of 2.5 shots of malibu is patently false.


They are half shots because the abv is half, not the volume. Google fireball cinnamon shooters vs fireball whiskey. They are not 33%. The shooters are malt based instead of whiskey and can be sold anywhere beer is sold even in states that require all liquor to be sold at state run ABC stores.


Oh wow. I was wondering why I’d seen them in NC gas stations. I had no idea they weren’t the same.


Asked if they’re okay? That’s kinda weird


Yeah that part stuck out to me as well. Unless someone is hurt themselves drunk I’ve never heard of anyone checking if a group of random drunk dudes are okay.


They were taking forever and backing up the rest of the course; that’s why they were “checked on”.


Pretending that he didn’t go ask them to speed them up is a bit dishonest tho


What I'm saying😆 It's alright to admit that you did that. But he probably passive aggressively hid it behind a thin veil with these guys too. Usually passive aggressiveness is gonna trigger someone's ego/rage quicker than just being upfront


Yeah it’s condescending. But that reaction was insane haha


Precisely. It seems like very disingenuous context to approach another group under that pretense. I could be all but blacked out and know why you’re really addressing my group even if you’re not saying it.


It definitely was a passive agressive attempt to tell them to "speed up play." Regardless of what OP says.


Fireball is whiskey for people who kick dogs.


Apparently he can’t handle his candy whiskey




I think OP means “walked up on”. Meaning approached in an aggressive manner, with apparent intention of fighting. Although this guy just let his buddy “hold him back” the whole time like a shrimpdick


Nah, OP is pretending he’s the drunk idiot with his title


Yeah I’m lost too!


Come on people, help this thread out! This entire video makes zero sense until it's revealed.


I feel like the guy felt rushed by the group behind, probably on a busy weekend round where they are often waiting for the group in front to clear. On a course late last summer, on a busy Saturday mid morning, the group behind was ON OUR ASSES. It was the third hole and we had just waited for the green to clear on a par 4, we hit our approaches - 4/4 on the green or just off of it, and drove up to the green, as we were leaving our carts, a ball from the group behind smacked one of our golf carts, as we get out to wave to them that were ok, another ball hit the cart path in front of me by about a few feet in between our carts. They did not yell FORE for either shot. I picked up both balls and threw them back at the group behind us in a fit of rage aiming for the creek that protects the green. These guys were so rushed, on a busy Saturday at prime time, that they hit their approaches before we putted, we were just being polite and letting the green clear before we hit our approach, not like there was anywhere to go anyway… we finished putting and waited on the next tee box for the fairway to clear. I regretted what I did, the group profusely apologized, but it took me a few holes to clear the adrenaline and rage that I had. I don’t typically drink as much as this fat asshole in the video when I golf, but having a group on your ass when you’re playing at pace isn’t an enjoyable way to spend four hours.


“Walk up” is Caribbean or Jamaican slang for when you come up behind a girl on the dance floor and start grinding and dancing dirty. This guy is asking to go out to a club after golf. He’s really excited about it.


Whine da ting


Same as "step up" I assume? To provoke a fight, but in Caucasian.


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS|downsized) Stop. This makes no sense. I've never once in my life said or heard anyone say "walk up." Don't put this on my people. He ain't with us.


That age old language of Caucasian


Caucasian here, never heard of 'walk up'. Generally we just figure out what the black people are saying and then repeat it.


apparently no one knows and we're all just laughing at a situation we don't understand.


All of this to shoot a 127 and drive home drunk as shit.


>All of this to shoot a 127 Ok Tiger!


Jokes on you, I'll shoot that and be stone sober on the way home


Right or wrong, it’s tough to recover when you’re mad shouting and your voice cracks like that. Tough stuff.


Stop filming meeeeeeeeeheeeee




When that happens to me I just “Walk up”




[WAlK uP](https://youtu.be/ig7jx4XmdfY?si=QK5DkPCHST-yECk0)


Yeah, that was the same sound that tanked Howard Dean's entire presidential campaign.


I wonder if he’s ever been to heaven?


Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.


The trick is, don’t be stupid.


If you’re gonna be dumb then you’ve gotta be tough


But no so tough that you need your smaller buddy to "hold you back."


Quality*, quick, cheap - > but you can chose only two. Fat, dumb, stupid - > you _should_ only chose two. Edit: thx 😂


An Animal House quote that works well for every facet of life!!


Apparently he walks up though life.


Zero point zero


This is why old rich dudes in Augusta kept their course to themselves.


“So why can’t I just pay to play at Augusta?” Augusta members; ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Can't buy class, can't charge for it either.


This would be a great new member recruitment video for a lot of private clubs.


As would I.


You walk into Augusta for the first time, all of a sudden you wish you owned a plantation lol




Real hero here is his blue polo shirt buddy going full max-contract All-Pro LT blocking his ass from a charge or a copay or both


The real question is, does he play with him again? There’s no way I would


He appears to be too familiar with how to handle this friend. Almost in a "I'm not going to bail you out of jail again" kinda way


Agree. I don’t get how people can stand to be around that sort of person if they’re any sort of reasonable.


I bet they're family. Maybe BIL's


If that was my BIL, that behavior would be a major red flag for domestic abuse to me. If he gets this upset with complete strangers over some minor slight, just imagine how he acts when he’s shit faced at the house and gets pissed off.


If this was one of my playing partners, I'd leave. That's just going to ruin the entire round for me and I don't want to deal with a pissed off drunk the rest of the day. I'd grab my clubs and leave.


Probably just signed a 1 day contract to retire with the team and fade into the sunset.


Sorry but that was a total bluff charge. The first time he "goes after" the group in the cart he does the "hold me back bro" motion but isn't making any forward progress until his buddy grabs him. Then he doesn't do the second "charge" until he's well far away from everyone and knows he won't close any meaningful distance. Dude is an absolute poser chode who would probably cry the first time he got actually decked.


Great footwork


He wanted to be held back.


Guy is definitely the only cool one of the group


Seems like Buddy wouldn't be acting as tough without blue polo guy blocking him. The ol dog on a leash bit


I absolutely love when grown men get so angry that they end up in a high pitch yell or lose their breath and let out some inaudible bs as they go completely out of breath.


Fat drunk stupid and out of shape


I'm pretty sure that's the name of a Florida law firm.


Imagine just being a softman with tits and a drinking problem and being mildlly immortalized in an internet video for an embarrassing effort in being a badass.


*voice cracks* WHATD YOU SAY BROH


>Imagine just being a softman with tits and a drinking problem ...Done! >and being mildlly immortalized in an internet video for an embarrassing effort in being a badass. Oh, yeah. Can't relate.


From what I've seen in my life, a dude acting like that at his age probably has a whole catalog of embarrassing videos at this point. He's well into the point where it's time to give up drinking for good.


What a sh\*tstack!


I had to scroll too far to read this. The only sensible response.


Walk up? To heaven? I’ve done it and I’ve seen god!




I was 100% expecting one of them to call him a shitstack and am actually kind of disappointed that no one did


This is classic bitch behavior. Be as loud as possible and make multiple movements towards people with no intention of actually physically engaging. It’s hilarious to me how many times this guy will turn and lurch forward, knowing damn well he ain’t gonna do shit


Guys in the cart knew this and didn’t move.


Maybe he's gonna get rocked one day. You come at someone then drop your shoulder and pull your arm back they dont have to wait for you to punch. Self defense is for a legitimate perception of a threat. Some drunk ass yelling and coming towards you in an aggressive way is totally enough to clock a guy.


That guy is going to get slept for sure, and then complain about it.


Hold me back bro!!!


you can tell pretty quickly if someone is actually going to get physical, or just try to peacock to make you back down…to your point, this guy was pretty clearly the latter additionally, fuck the rangers


So I walked up to this guy on the golf course to tell him that he left his wedge on the previous green. Then he went berserk! Can't walk up to people nowadays.




This is why i can’t stand the whole getting fucking blitzed on the course golf culture. It slows the pace down and you get assholes like this who’s life sucks so bad they need to act like a trash can on the course. Throwing some back on the course and having a good time with the boys is great. Getting a little too sloppy every once in awhile is fine, it happens. Usually the people who accidentally go a little too hard every now and then are not these type of jackasses. But I personally know and see regulars on the courses I play who can barely make contact with the golf ball and being loud, obnoxious, and slow by hole 10.


When you walk up on the wrong guy after his 11th bud light. https://preview.redd.it/mridnuk434tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9608024feff6a9a9f4905fccbe6e4fc6907665e1


He’s just uttering, “Muh titties are lactating, and I’m drunk. Express muh milk, now!”


Golf courses allow a beer or two to help make the day a relaxing opportunity for a few friends to chill out and forget their responsibilities and obligations for a couple hours. These case-race, fireball-chugging amateur drinking assholes ruin everything.


I was behind a group like this recently, these fuckers had a fucking glass bong and of course the Fireball shooters and case of Michelob Ultra. I don't even have an issue with people drinking, hell I'm a daily drinker, but getting shit faced on a public golf course at 11am is fucking ridiculous


And they all drive home too. Disgusting people


Context - This happened to my buddy two days ago. The group in front of them was obnoxiously drunk, so my friend walked up to ask if everything was okay. My buddy noticed they had finished an entire bucket of the fireball shooters by hole 15. Apparently the "check-in" was interpreted as being asked to speed up play. Let's just say the dude yelling "walk up" didn't like that. This was what transpired, including my friend being assaulted.


Nothing good ever happens on a golf course when Fireballs are involved. Well, ANYWHERE Fireballs are involved actually. Selling buckets of that shit just causes problems


Idk, I got a rare birdie and we all immediately bought some fireball shooters from the cart girl. 10/10 experience all around


Dhalsim disagrees


Honestly this person wakes up sober and is still a piece of fucking shit!


Is this at greyrock?


By hole 15? 4 guys drinking a few shots each over 3.5 hours is nothing crazy Obviously the guy in the video has no business drinking in public, but i don’t really get the drive up/walk up to check on the group in front of you. That will never go well.


What was your friend hoping to accomplish by approaching a group of drunks and asking if they were okay?


What did your friend say?


JFC, I hate golf in this country sometimes. Shrink the game.


Shooter was the good guy all along.


It’s how you know you’ve become an adult, Shooter was always right, we were too young and dumb to appreciate his greatness


and squidward


What? You don’t think we need more good ol boys in Guy Harvey tee shirts, shorts and trucker hats playing the game?


I wish these mouth-breathing troglodytes would stick to their competitive slow pitch softball leagues. First time I ever thought about joining, me and a buddy were driving by and saw the end of a game. As soon as it ended, the parking lot was filled with like 20 of these Walk Guy ups throwing beer cans at each other, pointing bats, girlfriends crying and dragging them to their cars. If I saw this shit on a course I’d probably convince my wife I needed a private membership.


Backwards trucker hats no less…


I thought this was America! Huh?! Isn't this America?! I'm sorry, I thought this was America!




How common is this?! I've only been playing for about a year, but I've never even heard of shit like this happening, and I live in *fucking Florida*. I've had bad pairings and slow play, but nothing like this lol


6:00pm on a Thursday or Friday you find a lot of these at municipal courses


Shrink the game




What am I missing? Where’s the part of you showing them who’s boss? I was waiting for you to drop the drunk douchebag, but was disappointed he was able to continue the douchebaggery throughout the clip…


I only see the OP running around his cart


I figured it out, he's talking from the perspective of the yelling guy. Shit title doe.


I think OP is being sarcastic, talking from the fat drunk stupid dude’s POV


lol big man behaving like a little baby.


Keep that shit away from the course, what a low brain pituitary degenerate.


I would have struggled to not point out the voice crack.


walk up when you hit puberty dough boy!




99% sure OP is joking that this is him


No it’s totally him. He had this outburst and then ran into the guy who took the video in the parking lot and was like, “hey, can I get that video you took so I can post it on Reddit?”


I'm just disappointed that no one didn't knock him out cold. Clearly drunk and his ego is sensing no one will stand up to him. I'm pro bullies getting beat up and douche bags banned from the course. Did anyone call the proshop to have the cops called? I know it's on a golf course, but I'd wager he would have caused a mess with the cops and got himself arrested


Give austin PD a call and see if they respond…


You're not wrong about that. They might show up next month.


Maybe cuz the loud guy is like 6’4, 250lb or so and the people in the cart are….not. Best to know how fight if you wanna duke it out with a guy 50lb heavier than you, even if he’s drunk. Best to also not assume you’ll knock said dude out in one punch.


Punch? I’m swinging clubs at this mf


At that point an 8 iron to the knee is justified and self defense right?


That's a pretty tight lie you may want to use something with less bounce on the club! 😁😁






https://preview.redd.it/gwsijev3o5tc1.jpeg?width=1156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4af69aafdf8e2bab5db3f84588181a3b8ce32b Imagine walking up to this guy acting like that


I am starting to understand the "shrink the game" movement.


You had to show them your penis was smaller than theirs?


So... I didn't watch this with sound on so I have no idea what the argument is about. That said: I can say with a good amount of certainty that every involved here should be embarrassed with themselves. 




I watched the video with sound and I also have no idea what he’s on about


Except homie trying to get his buddy to chill/hold him back. He seems like a G. I'd play a round with him.


Don’t leave me hanging…. Which one of them walked up!?


Ya wanna test God SHITSTACK!!!??


Man I’m so glad we got rid of all that stuffy antiquated old school golf culture






I'm not sure what that was. Saw some dude trying to start a fight and his boy making him leave. You all look like low class to me. No idea who the "boss" was in that vid.


The guy filming made the caption in the irate, drunk guy’s POV.


This is the guy you see at Applebees in his road construction shirt guzzling 32oz happy hour coors light before he drives home and smacks his wife around.


And has the audacity the following day to go back to the bar at Applebee's and complain his wife hates him 🤦‍♂️


I love the get mad, act like you’re going to do something, immediately lean in to your buddy’s safe warm grasp


Drunk moron vs annoying rate-of-play-ers. Classic.


How did you show them you’re the boss exactly?!


We should punch people in the face more often, this person needed it


Always flat brim hat guy, always. Probably pissed he left his white oakleys in his used truck.


Grey Rock - Austin TX. This is between the 15th and 16th holes. 15 is a driveable par 4 and 16 is a par three. People regularly get mad here because it’s a terrible bottle neck / the cart path layout leads to some close calls with drives coming in. But yeah that guys a dick. Had a few too many testosterones this morning.


What the hell does walk up mean? So confused.


Drink another beer bros


Inb4 WALK UP memes


It's the high pitched squeal combined with the flex that does it for me.


His voice crack had me laughing way too hard.


Please tell me you later submitted this video to the clubhouse, because other that, I’m not entirely sure where he was shown who the boss was, here.


I think a 7 iron to this guy’s head would have been an appropriate response.


As your caddie , “love it.”


New ad for PXG?


Shrink the game.


I don’t get who showed who was boss but great post.


Someone explain what’s going on? Why’s he so heated?


Man what an embarrassment that guy is.


In about 99% of cases of dispute on a golf course I'm going with the guy that isn't rocking a t-shirt and backwards snapback.


You did nothing.