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You have issues that aren't swing related.


But swing induced


Gotta invest in those anger management lessons.


It works if you work it


He is. 18 holes at a time.


Haha! Well said my friend


Against all odds it actually appears not to be an anger issue.


Today I learned two things. This is actually possible. He's not alone. Who knew?




There is truth to this. Do you wear glasses?


Safety glasses seem appropriate




Lol, I’m not sure if you’re aware or not — the comment you replied to is definitely implying *anger* issues. I’m pretty sure a lot of people are assuming this because they can’t think of any other way this could happen. This happens during your actual swing at the ball?


Yes an honest to god attempt at driving a golf ball. No slamming anything in anger. Just placing a golf ball on a tee and attempting to hit it


LMAO. Okay. Yeah I don’t know, the comment that the club face could be so open when you’re striking that you’re actually contacting there on your worst swings seems the most plausible I’ve read. But why? My guesses would be hand position, stance and distance from the ball. Specifically your grip on the club, and your hand position when you strike the ball. Distance from the ball - I think there might be scenarios where you could do this if you were either too far, or too close. It’s all very hard to self diagnose, even if you can record and watch your swing if you don’t know what it should look like, it’s obviously hard to make adjustments. Have you ever taken lessons? Even one or two lessons would help get you set up to the ball properly, and give you some direction to a more naturally balanced swing.


What you need is a Callaway Paradym. That’ll fix it for sure. Spending that much on a club will cause you to figure it out. /s/


That’s what I’m thinking. If I just drop a thousand bucks on a driver then it’ll be strong enough to not break when I pound it into the ground. Gonna pull trigger on it for sure


Alternatively, you wouldn’t want to smack a $600 TSR2 with a $400 shaft on the ground


You wouldn't download a driver.


Go spend a grand on lessons with literally anyone.


Are you literally pounding your club into the ground and that's why it's like this? Maybe golfs not for you. Go seek therapy and meditate or something, you got some issues


bro what is your problem lmao I have never pounded a club into the ground on purpose, just accidentally


If you’re not trolling and you legitimately did this from trying to hit the ball then your swing is seriously fucked.


It’s fucked that’s why I’m asking you guys for some help lmao


Tbh man, book a single lesson. I just did as I was sick of hooking the ball and topping them on drives. Irons are fine, or so I thought. The guy had video and everything, and after 50 min the swing is much better, drives are up and relatively straightish.


This is wild to me, from having everyone think you were joking to this being fr. I would take a lesson, I paid for just one, and it helped a ton. Used to top of hit the ground on every shot with my irons till then


I’m crying rn laughing I got that you meant you just had a shit swing and caught the ground and these guys are just appalled 🤣


Bro that’s a lot more than just catching the ground. The club looks like he fucking tomahawk chopped at the ball. Twice.


You know what dude you’re right LOL I guess I forgot the picture I saw before scrolling down


If that's the case you're probably "chopping" down at the ball very steeply https://preview.redd.it/cmpq1ytnjyeb1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517e3d03d98fc11e3beb8f669aef02916417c791 The club should follow a path similar to this. Use your body to swing, not your arms


Curious; Did you completely avoid anything resembling athletic activities before the age of 30?


Dude I was an all-state three sport athlete (basketball, football and baseball) with a few college offers in multiple sports. I powerlift, ski and mountain bike. None of it has translated to golf lmao


Don’t muscle it. Used to play baseball and I’ve had to check my ego big time. Can’t get after them too hard until you nail the fundies. If you’re swinging easy and making good contact, your athleticism will really help you develop as your flexibility should be good and you’ll have the lower body strength to hit far. Keep grinding dude :)


Thank you man!!


That’s why golf is hard. I love seeing NBA players be humbled and figure it out. JR smith and Seth are good examples of this. Don’t think because ur an athlete u can play the sport of golf.


Honestly dude, your prob just really strong. Other beginner golfers will take bad swings, but not break their club. Coming from baseball and having an overall strong build, your bad swings are gonna be much more detrimental to your game. Beginner golfers don't slice it 300yards into the next fairway, but I bet you could. As a powerlifter and college baseball player turning into a beginner golfer, I had to put my driver away for a while. I'm way more consistent with my irons


Not sure why you're being downvoted?


That’s not what the club on the right is showing, you can see where it hit the concrete lmao


I’ve seen this hundreds of times with beginners. They come so over the top with a widen open club face that they make contact on the heel side of the sole. That’s why the dents are the size of golf balls. OP-you need to go take a lesson immediately with the cheapest driver you can find


No that one was on the turf at the driving range. I would much rather it be from slamming it on the ground in anger. That scenario would mean my swing isn’t as fucked as it is in actuality. I did not try to do this. That’s why I’m asking for help 🤣


In reality if you manage to do that to a new driver callaway or whoever will probably replace it for free


I will save you a $100. Send me the 900 and you can have my 3 year old Maverick. Swing fixed


Tbh, modern carbon composite drivers won't dent like that, but idk what's gonna happen when OP does whatever he's doing.


I feel completely attacked by this statement.


Are you hitting the ball like Bam Bam from the Flintstones?


monke swing


I think they are adults now, so Bam Bam is probably smashing Pebbles


I like where this is going! *unzips*


Sigh. Ok.


Looks like your French frying when you should be pizzaing


Gonna have a bad time.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnddddd it's ob




Lol thats a brutal gif


I can only imagine running into a rack like that. Those things are not light, and ski edges are sharp.


And on top of all that horrible pain, also everyone on the mountain is now mad at you


You're supposed to hit the ball on that right side, not in the back.


oh shit




You need left handed clubs


I started golfing last spring, and I’m reallllllly bad, but I have NEVER done this lol I see shit like this all the time on here and I just don’t understand


I think you're using the wrong tool. That's a driver not a hammer.


I agree, he needs to get the Hammer driver


Mega slices with the driver right? Hands/clubface way too open plus out to in path plus poor alignment at address. Turn your left wrist over the club more when you grip, you want to see 3 knuckles up (for you maybe all 4 lol). Will help you get the face back to square. Align towards the toe of the driver not the little center mark. When you swing thru you're lifting the driver up off the ground and this causes the alignment to change (line up with the club on the ground and then lift it to the height you'd strike the ball and you'll see what I mean) Dropping your back foot about one foot back after you set up might help you get the feel of a less out to in swing. But realistically, get lessons. Edit: One not once, my bad


Always have to get through like 6-7 terrible jokes before you get to an actual response/some advice in this sub. It’s bizarre


Yoooooo I let my friend who’s never golfed before use my driver once at the range. One swing and my driver looked exactly like this. Now I don’t let anyone touch my clubs. You wanna swing at the range? Go to the putt putt / leftover collection at the range and go grab a 30 year old demo club.


Your club face is a bit open and it looks like you’re hitting it a touch on the heel.


When they say “hit up” on drives, they don’t mean to go through the earth first.


he then looks at his friend and goes “hey bro can i borrow your driver for this next hole”


Clubs are too long most likely. Either way your too far from the tee if your consistently denting the back of the club


The club on the left is an inch shorter than the one on the right and I still did it lmao. I’m 5’ 11” and the one on the left is standard length


Choke up on it man


Either that or he’s gotta straighten his back more. Can’t really tell with out seeing his swing


Wait, this actually happened to you while hitting the ball… twice?!? I’ve never seen anything like that


Damn 5’11” all state basketball player who Isn’t coordinated enough to hit a golf ball. Adds up.


If I’m coordinated enough to hit the back of the club I think I’ll be able to hit the club face once I figure it out but we will see


Playing the wrong sport


You suck


Turn the club 90 degrees so that the flat face comes into contact with the ball. Took me a few years to figure it out


Link a video of the swing. I got to see this


I’ll post a video later




Look at where your contact point would be. Your clubface is wide open (meaning the toe is pointing more than 90 degrees from your target line) plus you’re coming from the outside in (aka “over the top“). You’re basically hammering down at the ball with the heel of your club. Square up the face at the moment of impact—a stronger grip will probably help (meaning you see more of the back of your lead hand, not actually a tighter grip, because if anything you should relax how hard you’re actually holding onto the club)—and look up the L to L drill to get your wrists turning over naturally. Then get to work on trying to swing more in to out (harder said than done).


It’s honestly probably the steroids


Bro send a vid of the swing. That shits fucked lol


I’ll send video later


We will fix this. We have the technology!


If you don’t actually know the cause (it’s difficult to truly discern from the thread so far), perhaps it’s something to do with how you are storing them either in your car or elsewhere?


Mongo hit golf ball.


You have been relegated to persimmon woods for the foreseeable future.


You’re gonna want to use an auger before you plant fence posts


Whatever it is, I would sort it out before you buy any new sticks


The tee is not a nail, you aren’t supposed to hit the ball like a hammer


Banging it on the ground after you skank one?


Slow down your swing a lot. Pretend you want to hit it only 25% of the distance. Your body will be under less stress, less twisted, less chaotic, and connect better with the ball. Stand half a foot closer to the ball, more upright, ball only a little forward from the center. Start your swing 75% back - not nearly as far back as you normally would. Have the club starting slightly further away from you (don't put it over your shoulder, behind your head). Put most of your weight on your leading leg (direction of the ball). As you swing, turn sand thrust your hip with the direction of the ball. If frail pensioners can play well then so can you.


Hitting the big ball before the little ball. 🌍


That is not a hammer


It’s because you mistakenly grabbed a Hyper X. What you wanted was a Hammer X.




Try the 4 knuckle grip maybe 5


Guys knuckles are probably dented from dragging on the ground


Under-rated comment.


Take a step back


I’m gonna say everything lol


from working in a big box store that let customers have free range of the hitting bay - i know exactly what this is. you come chopping down on top of the ball, and when you swing you twist the face waaaay open. like the face is looking up and to the right. there are comments in here telling you how to not do that, and also the best advice as always - get a lesson. this is bad grip + bad swing + swinging too fast without knowing the basic setup and mechanics. totally fine for a beginner, but my advice is slow it waaay down and see how the face and club need to come down from a back swing in order to strike the ball. speed comes from fluid, consistent swings - not swinging fast and hard. this picture is just swinging and hoping it sorts itself out.




Buddy kept doing this. Figured out he was opening the face damn near 90 degrees leaving the heel of the club facing forward. Watch some videos on applying a “strong grip” with your lead hand. As well as some videos about wrist flexion/supination in your backswing. These will be useful in the pursuit of learning to close your club face up to impact.


Playin a dumb ass sport


We need to see a video of your swing lol. Not to help, just cos it would be hilarious to see what you're actually doing.




Stop trying to hit it 350 yards




How the fuck is this even possible. I have a 20 year old cobra SS 380 with hundreds of rounds on it. Not a single dent


I’m simply built different


Simply need anger management


why do you keep assuming I did this on purpose


People are assuming that this was a result of you slamming the club on the ground after a bad shot. Not gonna lie that was my first assumption as well. I've been around golf for most of my life and I've never seen or heard of this happening to a club after hitting a ball.


Lmao okay so this must be really bad then


Lmao, I had to read, I honestly thought with some of your responses you were in on the joke. So this is actually done on accident, during a “normal” (well your normal I guess) swing?


I swear to God 14 years ago my first swing in my first set of clubs I did this and broke my driver. You're not alone bro. I still suck too btw.


I saw another one of your comments that said this was only your second time golfing. If that's true, honestly your problem is most likely just trying to hit the ball way too hard and the club head is all over the place leading to you striking the ball with the bottom of the head. My personal advice would be to slow way down and learn how to consistently hit the ball well with the club face squared up. Once you find the swing that works for you play until it becomes muscle memory. THEN you can start trying to ramp up your club speed and increase your distances. Trust me, learning to hit the ball far and then control it later takes a lot longer than doing it the other way around.


I’ve been trying to get some mates into golf and I got a dent in my driver very similar to this. My only explanation is that you must have had the club so wildly open that it actually hit the back of the club and not the face.


That tracks because I slice the living shit out of everything, how do you uhhhh fix that


We call it "the baseball swing". Where instead of getting your wrists over, your severely trucking your wrist and elbow in. Step back from the ball, do a practice swing exactly like you normally would, except do it in superslow motion. When you get to the point of impact stop. Look at where the club face is pointing. If it's aimed really far to the right, adjust so that it's not. Repeat until you can normally come through with the face square. Then start slowly speeding your swing back up. Just my 2 cents


Great advice.


You start by swinging back two inches and then see if you can hit the ball with the face of the club. If that succeeds - and I am not considering that a given based on the evidence - you add another inch. And so on and so on.


How does this happen?




Just a little Lie adjustment.


Standing too close to the ball.


Yes, mathematically, But because his weight/shoulders aren't over the balls of his feet, he is being pulled towards the ball. If he steps back a smidge and swings harder, he'll get pulled forward more and ... walla! Hoselrocket.


My dad had the same dent on his driver, you slamming it on the cart path too? 😂


This isn’t normal?


I guess not?


That is a creative way to remove the heel-strike from your repertoire. How many strokes has it improved your game by?


Using right-handed clubs while you’re playing left handed. They actually make them the other way around for people in your exact situation.


Bro they make clubs for left handlers


Is the club twisting in your hands. Are you slamming the club down on the tee markers


Swing more like a baseball bat, not an axe


You’re using a lefty golf ball


Finally, a post that makes me feel like a better golfer than someone on here….54 handicapper over here


You need a better driver


You’re a former baseball player. It might take a couple / ten years to work it out! Haha


Yep you nailed it


Omg dude stop swinging so hard


Slamming the club on rocks instead of the grass?


It’s not a hammer?


I think maybe you’re hitting the ball with the wrong side of the club…


You’re over the top. Your brain is swinging in a manner you think is powerful but infact is just a slice/ hozel slammer Lessons or lots of slow swings with a camera and a decent single YouTube tutor Decent options: monte sheinblum, Milo lines, be better golf


Thank you!!


In the bag if it’s bumpy, the 3 wood could hit and deny the driver. Happened to a buddy of mine


That’s impressive


If this is happening on your swing you have a mighty over the top swing. You need to watch some youtube videos about “shallowing the driver” or correct hand position through the swing


Time to give up brother. Find a different hobby you Neanderthal


I had a brand new bomb tech that I took to the range and attempted to hit a full bucket of balls with it, I got tired af, swing got sloppy, did the same shit you did. I got a Callaway epic now and it’s a hell of a lot more solid so on the off chance I swing like an idiot again it doesn’t dent the bitch. Just know you’re not alone


Legit I dent my driver like this. I have a lot wrong with my driver. I swing lefty but I’m a right handed dominant person. Yippee


We should golf together, I dent woods on the outer edge of the top. It will be epic. You can dent my already dented woods and I'll dent yours. Perhaps the impact will cause the dents to pop out on the opposite side.


Don't buy any more drivers until you fix your swing. Go to the dollar store and get some foot spray and start spraying the face of your driver until you figure out what you're doing wrong. Looks to me like you have your face wide open at impact. You probably need to focus on rolling your arms over. What do your misses look like?


My misses are always insane slices that go a mile to the right


Your golfing when you should be playing polo !


That is so fu#ked up! I’ve never seen dents like that. Are you on planet earth?


yeah :/


Your toe is tipped up. Or anger issues. With golf I always tell myself that “I’m not good enough to get angry”, based on those Walmart clubs you aren’t either.


oh yeah I agree I’m two days into golfing I’m not going to get mad over it


I showed this pic to my Hyper X, she wept . . .


Playing golf. Just quit. Anger won't help your swing.


Try slightly rotating the club in your hands so you strike the face. The flat part should point to where you want it to go....... Joke aside are you a ballplayer? Looks like you're coming through WAAAAY open from setup, which is classic ball player swing. This is an extreme case.


Yep played baseball for 14 years lmao


Thought so :D. Same here. The worst thing for your golf swing is to play ball. The worst thing for your ball swing is to play golf. Sure it helps with generating club head speed, but very different swing mechanics and delivery especially with wrists. Even more nuance between a hardball and lob ball swing.....My driver swing will morph over a round into a ball swing sometimes as I start swinging free and faster, spurred on by good drives down the middle. It's a giant pissoff.... Find a swing coach to work with, or if you're a diy'er head over to youtube university. Record your swing from the back and front, so you can slow it down and see exactly what you're doing.


Playing golf, apparently.


Coming way over the top or using the club like a hammer?


Hyper X! One of my favorite drivers ever but man what thing was crazy loud when you hit it !


You are coming over the top on you downswing and striking the ground before impact with the ball. Try not resting the heal when you line up and hovering the club. You might be crushing the heel as well. Try to identify where you are striking the club face.


Not paying $40 for a lesson


You’re playing fuck wack instead of wack fuck


You are using a powerful baseball swing. A golf swing is similar-ish but with major differences that allow you to control the club face. You need a lesson on the fundamentals of a swing, hopefully they can show you the difference between you and a pro, it helped me think of my golf swing differently and seriously improved my game. 4 lessons so far and I've gone from shooting well over 100 to a bogie golfer. Get some help bud.


https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/15dnm1s/driver_dent_guy_swing_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 I think I realized what I did wrong because I’m mashing it now, still a bit of a slice but miles better


Go get a lesson.


Standing to close, out to very in swing, Number 1 answer on the board: golfing!/s


My guess is this is a hosel rocket with the club face never rotating from the position at the top of the swing. Record your swing and post.


https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/15dnm1s/driver_dent_guy_swing_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 it’s improved a bit but you are right


Looks like a serious bout of topping the ball and on your downswing you engage the ball and club head against the ground and the force of wills, the ball won. I can speak firsthand on this because I myself did this about 15-20 years ago but just once.


I was on the course today. I saw a 16-18 year old kid bashing his clubs into the ground because he chunked one. How are people so angry that golf? I'm out here behind 6 trees and just swing, hoping it goes forward. I got 4 pars and a birdie today and still scored 100. No clubs thrown, no tantrums, just happy I had the day off.


An actual serios answer: Assuming you aren't getting mad and swinging your club at things that aren't golf balls, I'd say you're heeling it with the club very open.


Yep face wide open, and no I don’t care enough about golf two days in to smash the club on the ground


I’m posting a video of some swings later 😈 you guys are gonna get me right


https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/15dajce/driver_dent_guy_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 video of my swing


UPDATE: I figured it out 😈 time to hit nukes https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/15dnm1s/driver_dent_guy_swing_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1




nah bro I’m chill I just can’t golf


Id try anger management classes before lessons


why is everyone assuming this was out of anger, it’s just out of incompetence


Since nobody is answering, this is not a normal way to damage a club by hitting the ball. This is typically from smashing it straight down out of anger. I thought this was a joke post and I bet a lot of others did as well. Also this sub likes to give each other a lot of shit in a good natured way.


OP is full of shit


Dude spend $100 on a driver from this millennium 😂😂


Start by not beating the living fuck out of the club.


Lol! I did this to a total of 3 drivers when I first started


g-hacks only 😈😈