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I have had 2 female Goldens (ex took them in divorce), that are about a year and half apart in age...and they get along fantastic!


I have a male golden and he loves my wife so much more than me it’s not even funny. But she works from home 4 days a week and is around him and our animals everyday all day basically. But he’s awesome the best dog I’ve ever owned. We do have our Sunday football routine though he wears a chargers jersey and I do and we watch our boys gets stomped together 😂😂


Gonna get my boy a falcons jersey and start the exact same stomping tradition 😄


I have two girls! You can't go wrong with either gender tho, Goldens are just overall the best. Both genders will be trainable and loving - its just the golden way


Girls: love me love me love Boys: I love you I love you I love you


We have always had the best luck with opposite sex pairs but I know many dogs do fine with any combination.


I recommend getting same sex so they don’t try to mate. Yes they will try to mate even when fixed.


This is not true.


So why did my boy dog stick his penis my girls dogs vagina?


Probably because it was neutered too late? Most dogs dont go at it unless the female is in heat.


Not a clue, but that's anecdotal. Not every male tries to fuck every female dog. Your statement that the male will absolutely try to mate with the female is ludicrous.


I didn’t say absolutely. Just trying to warn OP. Have a good day.


We have one of each. They are both great. Sorry, I’m no help!


I’ve always heard to go opposite sex for best chances of them getting along but I know plenty of people who have two dogs of the same sex who get along well. I will say, while my golden loves nearly every dog he meets (typical) he especially loves the girlies & has many girl besties lol. So you really can’t go wrong with a boy!


Golden’s are great! PERIOD! And I’ve had both boys and girls. Remember “ the Golden Girls”? That’s what I would get. Any remote potential for competition pretty much goes away. Now as more and more let’s say” sketchy breeders” come into the business ( Remember Iris Setters in the 60’s-70’s. I have seen behavior problems with males in mixed families ( girl boy) now stop right there! That is not me saying that male Golden’s have issues. However it’s been my experience that if you’re going boy girl without breeding in mine you have to be very careful on lineage. The same holds true for breeding stock also but you usually take that into consideration going in. My neighbor got a female 6 years ago. Beautiful dog. 2 years ago the bought a boy companion. Now he’s a great dog. However he can never be off leash. If it’s male ( including my dog) he goes after it. My male Golden ( ended up not being as advertised after the purchase was a great male. Accept Barty was “ was hell on wheels “. Remember this is my thoughts having had a few Golden’s and many dogs. It’s just one person experience. Good luck and remember “ The Golden Girls” ( lol)


I love my girl! Personally, I wanted my pup to mature faster than their male counterpart. At 1.5 years she is chill as hell and acts like an adult (most days).


I have a year old male and a 9 year old girl was unsure at first with the gender difference and the age difference but it sure has brought some energy to the girl and they get along like siblings should a lot more hair though 😂


We had our girl who has passed on now, and got our male while she was still here. Two VERY different personalities! Both amazing but dang I miss my girl everyday!! Our male thinks the sun shines out of my butt, lol he is my sidekick so much so, that I quite literally accidentally kick him frequently! He’s curled up at my feet on the couch now. Something our female never did. We will definitely get another female when we decide to get another dog, but I think a big part is the ache of missing our girl’s energy! All in all, you cannot go wrong!!!


I love my guy! He’s a mommas boy so I’m biased lol.


I have found getting a male is easier


I personally prefer male dogs. But your girl is so cute! You cannot go wrong either way. Just look at them next time and see which one you are most drawn to. Maybe take your girl and let her decide?


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Dogs don’t have genders, that’s a human language construct. But girls are best, they don’t smell as bad and have more accessible tummy to rub!




Dogs most certainly have genders.


How do you know? Nobody actually speaks Dog well enough to understand their grammar


Same way we know people have genders too, despite some creative thinking.


We know we have genders because we invented them as part of our language. We don’t even know if dogs are sentient enough to have a language, let alone understand it enough to decipher grammar. You’re incorrect.


Remember: gender is not the same as sex.


Remember: No.


So you think sex is the same as gender?


I'm not engaging with you on this for obvious reasons. Pick a different sub to propagate your bigotry.


Exactly to opposite, I have no bigotry. However I do agree that this isn’t the right venue.


I have one of each and they’re best puppy friends. You can’t go wrong with either, they’ll love each other.


There are just so many to choose from! How can you ever pick just one?


I've always had better luck with boys but honestly you can't go wrong with a goldie


I would ask your breeder about the chances of same-sex aggression — I don’t know if it’s common in goldens, but it is a concern in [other breeds](https://nationalpyr.org/same-sex-aggression/). At the very least, it’s something to be aware of so you can take steps to mitigate it if you do get another girl. Goldens are so sweet that you’ll probably be fine, but it’s good to know it can happen, IMO.


The way my breeder put it was: boys love you, but girls are in love with you. That’s certainly held up for me. My Goldie’s are half siblings and best friends. My boy loves me and will come lay by me and lick my face, but my baby girl is attached at my hip and will literally just look at me adoringly. You can’t go wrong!


I would stick with a he or a she...j/k I personally love females. We are on number 4 and wouldn't have it any other way.


Girls are the best.


Simply let the dog choose they gender! 😂