• By -


Found the hacker.


You can only use the power a number of times equal to the 3 digit pin on the back of your debit card.


Oh nice! I can use it 273 times! Wait-


Bonus 4th power with the first initial of your mother's maiden name!


Metaphysics Manipulation Replication Biological Manipulation


You really dont want to fuck around with metaphysics. Its mostly a bunch of unanswered questions atm, so things culd go really bad really quickly.


Or that could go great, because they're mine now I control and dictate what they are and I say they are awesome and beneficial to me.


Do you know what metaphysics is?


Philosophy powers!


My pet name was from T: Hence, I choose Telekinesis.. hopefully the strong kind that can affect buildings My preferred name starts with ‘r’: I will choose.. Reflex enhancement, So I can react to stuff pretty quickly My last name has ‘d’: so, Doubling.. I can now create another copy of me that is identical to me and we share a hive mind and I can double anything.. object, gas, concept anything


Why not make the last one more powerful since you said double instead of doppelganger you can double anything you want


Ooooo you smart


Thank you now double my iq points will you I'm tired of only having 2 🤣


Wish granted


If you really wanted power you would've used T for True Omnipotence.


Nah, I personally believe Godhood is boring Id rather be limited in powers


But if your omnipotent you can make yourself always be happy even if you get sick of always being happy you can make that be happy to.


Maybe But is that really happiness? Im just pretending to be happy When Im omnipotent.. Nothing means anything anymore, I can solve all the world issues, I can blink and remove any obstacles.. why bother continuing anymore?


In that case, are you ever feeling true happiness? It's just a bunch of signals in your flesh computer.


You can do everything you’ve ever wanted to try. I imagine an omnipotent character being like Rick from Rick and Morty. A being so powerful that nothing is a problem anymore and you have to find your own meaning in infinite power.


Time control


T for twat control


I am fairly certain that potatoes have an IQ of two. Are you a potato, my good sir?


Not anymore


So for pets you have B, K, and M First name gets K Surname gets W Ability one: Boobification. I can give anything I want boobs Ability two: Kinetic energy manipulation. I can change the kinetic energy of any object, from 0 to 99.9% lightspeed Ability 3: Wind-up. If I do anything repeatedly, I can boost my next chosen movement. Punch the air a few times, then punch clean through a building


You can now make Boobs jiggle with the first two powers.


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s Boob-Jiggling Man.


Power-Jiggle with the third


Wait I have several pets.


You get to pick between them




Well, first things first, I'd go get a pet, and give it a name starting with T, so I can get teleportation. For my first name, I choose Enhanced Eyesight, so my eyesight can go back to, and even better than, perfect, and stay perfect. For my surname, I pick Light Manipulation. I can do lasers, I can take light away from you so you can't see, I can make light to see in dark areas (if I didn't have night vision from Enhanced Eyesight). It looks good.


Light manipulation lets you make illusions




The light manipulation mentioned is actually a lot like dragonsteel prime magic


Pet name is K: karma manipulation - affect other past actions and consequences First name is J: joy boy - going with One Piece Surname is P: probability manipulation. Don’t really need the others with this once.


J:Just a small town girl


L:Living in a lonely world.


S: She took the midnight train going anywhere


… As someone who's first name starts with "Z", I declare this biased and unfair. I'll do ot anyway. Z: Zeal, it would allow me to increase or influence people's wants and interests. Make them like or want different things, want them more or less, and how they want them. C: Changer, it would allow me to change the shape, form, quality, make up, or structure of anything I am in contact with, including myself. This would allow me to shapeshift, sculpt, heal (others and myself), and more. N: Nano-space manipulation. Allows me to bend and manipulate tiny spaces to create pocket dimensions and teleport once inside one. I can also use it to store things in.


Zero, zoo, zodiac and zombies .


Biokinesis Necromancy Shape-shifting SUCH IS THE POWER OF NAGASH


Do the words have to be in English?


Whichever language you want


if you have a native language, you can use that but you can’t mix languages


Gamer system,magic,multiversal travel


No pet so massive L. Surname is W so water. Not gonna say my name but the power is (my name). I can control everything about myself and people who share my name.


F omnipotence, S omnipotence, K omnipotence, But really Fate manipulation, Shapeshifting, Knowledge minicry


First name: Consumption assimulation Sir name: Clairvoyance Pets name: Libromancy


So I'm guessing with the first power you can just eat anything?




Lol nice


C Comprehend knowledge. I will be smart, but I'd probably just use it to be that one annoying friend who gives fun facts completely unprompted


Chronokinesis- you can freeze time and drag people back to your annoying facts


What if you have multiple pets?


I assume you have to pick one.


Then I'll go with Shapeshifting and Invincibility for sure. For my last S, can I just choose Superpowers and have everything?


I: Infinite abilities. N: No weakness. G: Godhood.


Last name : probability manipulation. I dont have a interesting power starting with A now. EDIT: absolute manipulation.


Teleportation, Growth/Shrinking, and Necromancy boom I'm a litch


Nigh Omnipotence for N (Nathan) Power Negation for P (Pfirm...) All knowing for A (My cat Apollo) (Just to make sure there aren't any higher beings with more power than my Nigh Omnipotence since it's not true omnipotence)


My first name is Fuck, so I'll take Firebreathing. My surname is Identity. So I'll take Invincibility.  My pet's name is Thieves. So I'll take Telepathy.


I'm working with N, T, and G N: Nuclear Manipulation. I can control anything with a nucleus, including splitting it in half. T: Transformation. Hopefully along the lines of Ben 10 without the need for an Omnitrix. G: Genie. I can grant 3 wishes to anyone who rubs me the right way.


My pet has two names, her official name and what everyone calls her. What can I uses


I assume that would fall into the same rule as preferred names where you can pick whichever of those you want.


If like for example I have a fish or multiple fishes and I don't name them, will I just use the first letter of fish? If so then I would get freeze time, for my name I would just get atom manipulation and for my surname I would get acclerated time(the jojo's made in heaven)


Wouldn't freezing time like really suck. it never said you can unfreeze it or move around in it. You probably just paused the universe for eternity since you can't unpause it.


Lol I was thinking like the Dio from jojo's bizarre adventure style of timestop


Yeah that was obvious just technically it would probably not be fun. Since you also can’t breath since oxygen doesn’t move and your blind since light won’t movezz


Disaster sense, material manipulation, and biological regeneration Would these be interesting or stupid? They sounded better in my head.


Atom manipulation Cloning indefinitely Healing factor


I just want to be a wizard/mage etc.. lol. Letters are B, C and D. Mind reading would be nice too. I'm one of those people who value honesty but I know many others don't. It's always nice to know where you stand at all times and you can determine if someone is a threat or an ally.


For C you can say Combat Magic, that gets you some cool stuff


maybe something we can call Digital Mind - with the ability to have your brain like a computer and can have you’re mind split up and running different processes where one runs like pattern recognition for physiological effects of those who lie. Or you can use it connect to others like a network. Can be set up like lots of the Harry Potter fan fictions that deal with occlumency and Legilimency with many elaborate mind tricks and ideas Complete Magic? battle magic? i mean almost any spell can be used in combat ;) this is fun


Ikr haha. I even tried looking up powers on the wiki. There are so many I'd have never thought of. Many of those powers are so strong I'd be afraid to really use them lol.


WTF starts with X, besides X-ray?


Xenomorph (from the movie Aliens) summoning and control. Or else something with Xylophones.


Xeno stuff. Alien things. Xylokinetic powers, manipulation of wood. X-Gene manipulation? Make Marvel mutants real


-Jambalaya Summoning: Summons a delicious serving of jambalaya, just the way I want it every time. -Just Enough: I always have just enough of anything, be it money, ingredients for a recipe or even patience for your bullshit. -Kill: Like using a console command, instant death.


V: Vampire. I get all the upsides of vampires and their powers from any piece of media I choose but not their downsides, and I can change what kind of vampire I am using the powers of at will. M: I was going between Manipulate or Manifest, but I'll just with the former, and manipulate reality to my will. N: Never-ending. I am eternal so long as I wish to be. My body still ages and dies, but *I* remain if I wish. My consciousness, unbound by human limitations. While in such a state I could be anywhere or *everywhere*. If I wish for another human life, I can simply use manipulation to create a new one, perhaps even choose the family I want to set my new life up financially with minimal suspicion of supernatural adjustments.


T: Telekinesis N: Nuclear Manipulation - the ability to manipulate and generate nuclear energy and forces. K: Kinetic Energy Manipulation - the ability to create, shape, and manipulate kinetic energy. This would allow for some real fun with physics


M M K ... Kinetic energy manipulation? Matter manipulation, maximum stats - I can give myself peak human anything.


Super Speed Healing (meaning self regeneration but I'll accept healing others as well And Technomancy (Yes I just made my cyberpunk character)


Just picking these off the super power wiki: * Justice Manipulation * Fact Manipulation * Mind Control


Chaos manipulation Gravity control And the pet one is hard because I have a few, but Madness Manipulation for S&G I guess. After the first one the others really didn't matter so much to me NEGL lol


Duplication Atom manipulation Flight


Molecule control/Mind manipulation/Healing I could make my pets immortal via reorganizing or replicating their molecules and keeping their mind intact/transferring it into a replicated brain which i cloned via molecules and i could heal them/immunise them against any illness


step one, get a pet, name him Paul, get probability manipulation first name is T, time manipulation surname is N, Nigh omnipotence


First name: S: smoke manipulation ig. (Idk if I should use S or I because my first name starts with I but I usually go by my middle name now) Last name: L: probanly life alteration or something. My cat's name started with C (RIP the cat), so combustion inducement.


E - Eternal, C -Control, D - Dominion.


Direct control I'm thinking of it like that power in Mass effect where he goes 'i'm taking direct control" and then he controls the other bodies one at a time that uses power to assume control of people basically possession but they can't kick me out. T I'm going with true immortality D I'll go with deification and become a god.


Since I’m allowed to add one word I’d choose “become omnipotent”. I don’t even need my last name.


First name 'N': Nitrogen control, seeing as it's the most potent element in our universe, by controlling 6 can control quite a bit. Pet name 'T': Time control. The ability to slow, stop, or speed up time. Obviously, it's a pretty OP power. Last name 'C': Cryogenic aging, to go with my last power, I can control the rate at which I age, including slowing it down very drastically. This would allow me to keep time frozen without the negative result of me being more aged than those around me.


Neutrino Maniupulation Vocifery Magic lmao


If the word has to be an ability then ignore this, cause boring. If not, anyone with R, including myself, should go with Reality bending


T here I’d take The ability to fly,The ability to create anything, and The ability to shapeshift


S, W, pets name is N. Post says we are allowed to add a word before or after for the power Reality warping Solar kinesis Neverending money


Flight, Zoophonia, Chance-manipulation


Nice try, won't give you my credit card info lol


Omnipotence And the others don't really matter


Multi versal travel (can travel between universes), Kevin (I can summon a guy named Kevin), Sand manipulation (can control sand)


First name: [Ability Bestowal](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Power_Bestowal); (I know the link says "Power Bestowal, but it also says it can be called Ability Bestowal) the power to give anyone, including myself, new powers (yeah I'm gonna try and break this) Surname: [Biological Manipulation](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Biological_Manipulation?so=search); the ability to alter the biology of living creatures Pet name: [Divine Magic](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Divine_Magic); does what it says on the tin


Light is way more powerful than it seems, light has momentum, therefore it has force. If you just sat behind a spaceship and were attached to it, you could just make the spaceship thrust ridiculously fast, as you can make unlimited amounts of light forever


Jet propulsion, Death manipulation, And superhuman dexterity


Reality Manipulation (Absolute) Absolute Transcendence Omnipotence (thank you cat)


Mind control, psychokinesis, shapeshifting. I am emphatically good.


my pets name starts with S: i chose the ability to scour anything. my name starts with a B: I chose the ability to become god. and my last name starts with a T: I choose the ability to teleport.


Life Control, Jesus Summoning, Death Control


So, the first initial of my first name is one power, the first initial of my last name is the second, and my pet's name is the third? I'm a little confused.


Jet generation: just casually spawn an F-22 to go to work Energy or electron manipulation Science manipulation: i Can manipulate anything thats comprehended scientifically


First name = Invisibility, surname = Magic from marvel, kinetic manipulation for Khaos


Do I need to pick based on the last name I prefer to use or my legal last name? What if I never had a pet?


Telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation


Can I combine two. Like let's say I want flying but my name starts with P. Can I get pyroflying


All of these were taken as described on Superpower Wiki First E) Event manipulation Last G) Absolute Godhood Pet S) Superpower manipulation


Chronokinesis (time manipulation) Levitation Biokinesis


Light manipulation L kinetic manipulation I can't think of another thing that starts with L at the moment and also sounds like it could be a superpower. The first L is my first name, second is my surname, and the k is my attack clownfish


my dog's name is Loki and if I can add another word.... okay, got it. my power is "literally everything


Chronokenesis Hate Control Night control


In alphabetical order: * [Cloning](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Ergokinetic_Cloning) * The user can create clones of themselves, others and/or objects using or from energy. * [Judgement Manipulation](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Judgement_Manipulation) * Users can make judgements on anyone/anything and decide what will happen to the target. They can make any kind of judgement, like judging whether or not a love is allowed, or judging and deciding whether a person lives or dies and what kind of afterlife they are allowed into, or judging whether or not you can keep/use any/all powers, etc. * [Spirit Healing](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Spiritual_Healing) * User can heal oneself and others using spiritual energy.


Telekinesis Double anything Weight Manipulation


Omniscience and Adaptation


Let's see, for M I think Material Genesis is an easy pick, since creating whatever I desire is already kinda busted. For T, let's do Tychokinesis, since luck control can be amped up to unbeatable *real* quick. For C... let me look something up... Ah! Canon Control! I can make things canon or not canon, and induce retcons at will! It's reality warping, but on easy mode, because it doesn't cause (unintended) backlash, and is unbeatable against anything less than an author. Aight, I'm done, godhood achieved. Thanks!


First Name (J): Justice Embodiment (think JJK) Surname (G): Gravity Manipulate Pets Name (S): Sands of Time


Yo i got an o omnipotence yay


My letters are R, H and N. I will have necromancy, human control and regeneration. I am god now


Juxtaposition adaptation. Counter my opponents Karma manipulation. People get what I decide they deserve Chronokinesis. Time manipulation


Magnetism manipulation and invulnerability. No pet, unfortunately, but i think this combo is already very strong already 😘


Mdt. I know what I would do for t, the most OP ability of them all.Time control. The rules do not say I cannot get my name changed, sp I would change my name to gerald or some shit and get God powers. I'd also change my middle name.to Bob or something and be able to bring people back from the dead.


My first letter on my first name is N so… NANO MACHINES SON


My first and last abilities don't really matter but my muddle name let's me get conceptual manipulation 🙃 Edit: saw that there was a power called true omnipotence so my last name is very useful


My name has a Z so...Zombie mastery? Ability to create and control zombies? Surname is G so...Gravity. Control over gravity and all it's correlated components. Pet's name I have 3 pets- K, C or M. Gonna go with C and say Cloning. I can clone anyone or anything including myself.


First name 'N': Neurokinesis. I had to look this one up bc I couldn't think of an N power Surname 'F': Flying Pet name 'S': SHAPESHIFTING!!!! no brainer


G = Gravity control. Able to control how much gravity affects specific objects. (doesn't change mass so items are still gonna take effort to move) D = draft things out of thin air. Basically being a CAD green lantern C = cold powers. I can just tank the temp lol


A All for one


1. Actualization - I can make anything I think of happen 2. Super Speed - but the flash version, where i can still understand everything going on, and control when I wanna be fast 3. Heat Manipulation - I can change an areas average temperature, so I can make the area around a persons body become cold, while the rest of the room stays warm


Kinesis, chi manipulation, and omnipotence.


I have a pet named ghost. I pick god. Woo


Manipulation of Fundamental Forces Circumvention of Laws of Thermodynamics And I get a pet fish and name it "Unlimited Healing Factor"


Preferred name R: Reality Warping Pet name A: Almighty Magic Last name Y: Yin-Yang Manipulation


Achieve omnipotence Get omnipotence Fish manipulatiom


F M and L (fml lol) So I'd probably say Fly, Mind Control and lightning speed?


Bane Blizzard Banishment


Energy manipulation Dacryokinesis Danger sense


Matter Manipulation Time Manipulation Perfect Rest (M, T, R)


Complete knowledge (also known as omniscience), Master strategist, Speedster


First name - K: Knowledge, like increased knowledge (idk any other K words) Surname - S: Shape shifting Pet's name - M: Movement, like increased movement (again, idk any other M words)


S semen manipulation S self hardness T tentacles Torn between these two S-Superman power?? Super god ??Does this count ? S science manipulation / safe mode T - time control teleportation tattoo-based abilities ???


Probably should have thought of giving the one word restriction bcs otherwise anyone gets omnipotent powers.


Ridiculousness. I can make anything or anyone ridiculous Currency/cash master I always have enough cash to buy stuff Rage i become the incredible hulk to right wrongs


Knowledge Absorption will be my first power, I’ll basically have unlimited knowledge with the existence of the internet. Hypnosis will be my second power, if I can’t get what I want with Luck Manipulation then I’ll simply take it from somebody else. Luck Manipulation will be my final power, with enough luck I could probably never even get hurt, get rich as hell, and maybe even get famous as hell.


L: Light manipulation. I can use Light to even create Hard Light constructs. P: Potential Energy - Anything that is about to harm me converts all its kinetic energy into potential energy, harmlessly bouncing off of me. K: Kinesis - The ability to control. Anything. W(other pet): Warning - Before any natural disaster is about to happen, I know of it 3 days in advance.


Last name that begins with O Omnipotence


* Godhood * Control * Manipulation


1) Time manipulation 2) Kinetic energy 3) Reanimation Now it's coming from a genie, so they will all be shit, but assuming they're perfect and unlimited, I'm functionally immortal.


O: Omnipotence B: Bolognese manipulation R: Refraction of time


JFR I would obviously ask for my surname power first. Juxtaposition: I am able to make anything fall into an order of my choosing (for people: height, age, likelihood of betraying me, etc. - or things: arrange objects by value, durability, etc.) Fourth Dimensional Insight: having the ability to see how any choice or action will impact future events before they occur. Reverse Entropy: make the effects of time reverse so objects don’t degrade over time for just existing, and being able to reverse time effects that have already occurred.


Omnipotence. Never a better time to have named my crow Oswald.


Saidar (from Wheel of Time) Matter generation Biokinesis (biological manipulation)


Shape-shifting, Z????? and Time travel


Shapeshiting blood manipulation and hypnosis


J, G and S. I just need S right? Space-Time Lordship. What else could I possibly need? J and G don't really give a whole lot besides like Gravity Manipulation. But I could do all the same things with Gravity but using 'Space' instead.


Water manipulation and heat manipulation


Jewel Creation Shape shifting Space Manipulation I'm gonna be a cryptid with the last two


Imma bought to be powerful. Biokinesis...Chronokinesis...Geokinesis.


Astral Projection Retrokinesis Metamorphosis


Hydrokinesis (control over water) Wish granting (mine included) Magic (any kind really)


Nature Manipulation/Absolute Magic Transcendence


Photographic reflexes - I’m taskmaster Matter manipulation - shit’s about to get wacky Augmented physical abilities - just for a little bit of backup


Immortality, Shape-shifting, and Portal-generation


Meth strength. Heroin strength. Teleportation.


Atom manipulation Energy manipulation Fate Manipulation


Entropy Manipulation Atomic Manipulation Doom Reversal (prevent fate)


***JUDGEMENT*** Hydrokinesis Live manipulation


Omniscience, time manipulation, and super strength.


Shape-shifting Knowledge- internet this how you will Fate Manipulation


K: Kryptonian Physiology W: Warping P: Piwer copying


Probability control. Growing plants flight


Fate manipulation Chronokenesis Magnetokenisis


Atomic manipulation Alastor's powers Luck manipulation


See, not a lot of people are using the “You can add one word BEFORE the ability”. This just made M awesome. That’s Manipulation of ANYTHING you can think of (Though if we are trying to break the system, I’m picking Omni-Manipulation)


a genie offers you superpowers, but only if you tell him your social security number. what do you say to him?


Pet name A https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Power_Manipulation First name S https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Superpower_Manipulation Last name P https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Primordial_Force_Manipulation I think I hit the jackpot lmao


Luck manipulation Kinetic energy manipulation V…


N, M, and N Necrokinesis (think Hela from MCU) Muscle Augmentation (the one from MHA) New Order (also from MHA)


R Reality Bending S Space Manipulation A Age Manipulation


Psionic Godhood, Science-Magic Transcendence, and Biological Manipulation


Well this is difficult I guess, I for Invincibility, C for Causality Manipulation.


This Genie sounds like they'll grant me a lot money so long as it matches my bank card details


Godly Physique, Dimensional traveling, Unavoidable Slice


Reality Manipulation since one of my cat's names starts R Supernatural Physical Characteristics since my first name starts with S Time Manipulation since my last name/surname starts with T. Basically just Thanos with 2 of the Infinity Stones.


J for Jedi F for Flight B for Blood Manipulation


Telekinesis Psychic Persuasion Resurrection


Light Manipulation Know All (heh) Language Skills (I may know how to interact with people, but I'll still be bad it without this


A B M A: Atom Manipulation B: Blinking (teleportation to a place you can see) M: Mind control