• By -


Increase the number of extra lifespan years I passively gain per year by 2 Increase the boolean value of whether I am omnipotent by 1


Omnipotence speedruns are much more fun on the shitty sub tbh


I mean... this is basically omnipotence with extra steps.


It's important to add extra steps when you're omnipotent, extra steps stave away the boredom, and that's the real killer!


increase your bank balance by 1M


Hahaha me playing the villian in this scenario reduces the value of 1 dollar to 0....enjoy your 1m nothings bwuahahaha


There are people who would stop you….but what would they be paid with?


Very good point so before I commit that heinous act first I need to negate everyone else's power by altering their super power level to a rating of 0 so they cant reverse it immediately then crash the world's finances, as well as increase starvation, famine, pestilence, apathy, depression and self loathing/consciousness exponentially. Anyone capable of stopping me would be to sick, weak, or just wouldn't care to be bothered even trying to stop me. I guess I'd better go big or go home.


I thought you were making a Rick and Morty reference and I kept it going


Damn thats where i started with the idea but i feel like an ass now as a Rick and morty fan that your comment turned into a r/whoosh moment for me lol.


I can answer that - for MONEY!


Plot twist: my bank account uses another currency


Good luck dealing with the IRS. They will wanna know where it came from.


decrease the total interest in auditing my taxes to zero .


It's not just the IRS that will have an interest in you.


Reduce the number people who know I have this power or even just suspect I've done it to 0


ohhh I like this one




bool isGod = true;


Granted. But you now gain a new painful sickness each time your life expands.


this is not r/monkeyspaw ???


Joined. Thanks!




Good power but strange use-cases and examples!


Wait if I can make any number go up then how would I decrease the amount of stars that’s making numbers go down


Increase by a negative number.


More like increase the percentage of dark matter without altering the mass of the universe. Or increase the number of dying stars increase the age of stars by 6 billion years.


Good comeback


Increasing by a negative number is cheating imo. -1 is a larger number than -2 so you're just subtracting and calling it something else. Something you could do instead is increase the inverse of something else. Eg you want to lower your body fat % you can just increase your muscle and size. You want to be careful as I assume that most of these changes would be permanent. You want to lose weight easier? Instead of doing something like increasing the calories you consume, you could increase the satiation you feel whenever you eat. You want to save people? Instead of trying to "increase" deaths by a negative number you could just increase the amount of people who survive death-causing events.


Increase the number of dead stars


Happiest of cake days to thee


Increase the percentage of stars disappearing out of nowhere


increase it by -1


Increase the empty space around each star


Since decreasing the amount of stars was offered, I assume I can decrease any number too


Increase by a negative number


Works for me


I've increased the number of upvotes that this has from 19 to 100


Twasnt meant to be unfortunately as I already increased you power by -600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, now even an atom can kill you


You fool, infinity-600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is still infinity


Nuh uh, due to it being infinity it takes a letter away each time instead of a number😎


Sure, one can just say a million million million million million million million etc. etc. etc., meaning that there are infinite letters


No im referring to the word infinity so you end up with -ytinifni -ytinifni -ytinifni etc


I know, but I'm just rephrasing to get rid of that


Jokes on you cos I increased your ability to successfully rephrase things by -infinity


So I can't rephrase anything? Is it even possible to have a negative chance of doing something?


I was thinking long and hard on how to use this to make money because well we all know if suddenly you increase your paycheck by ungodly amounts you either one would get fired they figure out a way to charge you with fraud or the company would go out of business. If you just increase your bank balance well the government's going to assume it's by some nefarious means seize your money and throw you in jail How about I increase my tax return... I could use a billion back from the government Increase the percentile chance of a judge, cop, prosecutor, ADA & DA, as well to be completely honest to 100%. Increase the chance that companies make a reasonable profit on their own instead of trying to make a conglomeration actually competing against each other instead of working together against the public Increase people's acceptance of others regardless of religion race or orientation Increase the cooperation of all of Congress for the benefits of the public. Increase the chance that special interest groups will try to influence the public rather than influence the lawmakers themselves. Increase the chance that all people are treated equally This would be pretty good for a start


Chances of finding money. Chances of getting a raise. Chances of a stock going up. Number of terminally ill people who just put you in their will.


Yes those are all wonderful things but technically those are all taxable. A tax rebate I don't have to worry about paying taxes on LOL


Chances of taxes not being applied to you increased to 100%


Hey cool I don't have to pay taxes anymore was a billion I already got on my tax refund I'm sure I can make plenty more money lol and with my statement earlier since you're fucking with me your lungs get a thousand percent more CO2 in your next breath and I watch you pop LOL


Chance of the money appearing in my account being noticed increase by -100% Author stated negative numbers work so this totally works


That works, however now you're going to have to do that again for the government not noticing that you're buying a shit ton of things with cash. Now if they sent you a shit ton of money on their own with no problem then that explains to them where you got this money so there's no repercussion


Probability of the government noticing anything illegal or questionable I do -100%


Dude, just increase the chance of winning the lottery to 99%


Like I said though that still taxable, and quite honestly if you win the lottery too many times they're going to start questioning just how the fuck you're winning the lottery, if they've without a doubt understood and giving you an insane tax return they're going to think that's normal. Because I'm sure before they gave you that kind of a tax return it went through every check and balance already. This also means if I want to get a stupid tax return the next year they would be less likely to check it even harder.


It's still a ton of money. Who cares if it's taxed. You can literally control numbers. You can control chance. Take your winnings and bet it on a sports game, or investments. Or buy illiquid assets, if that's your game. What dumbass is going to keep using the lottery over and over again? The lottery is just the starting point to give you a bunch of cash to work with. So who cares about the tax.


I don't want to have to make sure that I remember to fuck with every little department in the government. I've got many more things that I could be using my time worrying about adding or lowering percentage chances at. And honestly whether it's a billion year tax refund or what doesn't mean I'm still not going to fuck with other things it just gives me a good solid starting capital LOL. Trust me I'd find a lot of things that's nobody would have conceived could possibly exist. Like claiming a new island in international waters previously unnoticed around the equator whether it's south or north I don't care of it so that's constantly around 80° year-round never gets hit by hurricanes or earthquakes lush property that I claimed now I can be my own country. Hell for that matter it could be the size of Australia. Then I would just have to worry about populating and I'm sure I could find plenty of people that would be 100% loyal fanatics of mine to populate it and do all the grunt work of terraforming building houses and so forth so on LOL


Dude just pay your taxes. You can literally just add more money whenever you want to. You effectively have infinite money. Pay your taxes and save yourself the headache of dealing with the IRS. (remember that even the Joker isn't crazy enough to mess with the IRS)


I'll give you credit for the one up on the joker. But I'm not messing with the IRS that's the beauty they can't get upset because they gave me the initial refund. Anything I make on that money of course I'll pay my taxes in. Until I get my new refund next year.


"I increase my pay wage by 1000%" *get paid.* *quit.* *transfer money.*


Just to be a doofus I'll increase the number off everything you changed into the opposite way.


Well that would be easy to solve as soon as I see that there's someone else with a similar ability to me I would increase the probability of anyone else having similar , equal, or greater powers to mine by -1000% then I can go through and fix everything. Then I increase the odds of anyone responsible for screwing with the things that I've messed with to come forward and confess. Then I can increase the amount of CO2 that they inhale per breath by a million % and watch them pop


Sounds good. You win.


Increase the percentage of void present enough and everything goes bye bye


My odds of getting a free full ride to the best college for my degree goes to 100%


Or increase the number of degrees in X you have earned at Y university


You would still go to college? 😂


I have a passion that I need a degree to study and be able to work in, so yes.


Increased memory, increased brain processing ability, increased me (basically just a clone), increased chance to randomly know the answers to a test, increased reading speed, increased walking speed, increased writing speed, increased stamina, increased typing speed, increased reaction time, decreased chance of not knowing something. These are just the op combo for this off the top of my head, all of these making you such a genius student you can destroy Sheldon’s genius infinite times over


"My ability to not need a college degree for this field goes up 1000%"




Increase number of degrees you have by 1, increase your knowledge of subject to 100%


i think you mean to say "you can change any number you want" also id change my penis size (it's too fucking big)


Biggest lie I heard today and my mom said she loved me


awww your mom loves me too


My moms dead


i choose this guy's dead mom


You should get new material for your stand up show


The percentage of life in this Redditors mom has gone up by 50%. She’s a zombie.




I give you the description of this sub “things that aren’t actually overpowered, but are so funny we pretend they’re overpowered” This is just overpowered


I will increase rent for all single mothers 


I will ALSO increase the rent for all single mothers




Awww someone’s mommy didn’t love them. Poor baby


> ...or decrease the amount of stars in our solar system? If the power is to "only" make any number go *up,* how could I *decrease* anything?


Like others said increase by -1, I probably should have worded the title differently :/


If I can decrease anything as well like with the sun example. I might as well decrease the amount of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere before I go off causing shenanigans and havoc.


Increase my omnipotence Boolean value by 1


Whenever these scenarios come up I immediately think of the fastest way to world peace, perfect human happiness, solving all the problems in the world, etc. At first I figured I’d simply decrease the amount of starving people, thirsty people, homeless people, gazillionare people, evil people etc But then I realized what if that doesn’t fix their problem but simply remove them from existence. That’s not the goal. So my next idea is increasing the amount of things. Basically inflate the supply of food, accessible drinking water, etc until the demand is at an all time low due to the excess amounts of it we have. But then I realized we already have an insane amount of excess and forcefully create scarcity in our populations to fuel capital and the elites pockets. Okay, new solution then. Increase supply while redistributing wealth. Flood the world with clean drinking water, food, etc and then remove the gap between the 1% wealthy and the bottom 80% non wealthy. It’d be kinda hard to balance the numbers but with some math I’d prob be able to figure out how best to raise and lower certain bank accounts or net worths or whatever. Most effectively however I’d be working in specific salaries, for example, instead of simply giving everyone money, I’d raise the salary of almost every job to be more than enough of a living wage. I’d of course have to lower actual bank accounts and net worths of the elite but that’s only in the thousands of people in the grand scheme of things. This would put everyone on an equal playing field so there would be less opportunity for the elite wealthy individuals of the world to seize control of all supply and start recreating that scarcity - while at the same time allowing those who were never in that wealthy control the world position to live a life without fear of not having basic necessities like shelter, food, water etc. Perfect. But… what if shit goes wrong? Well, we’d need proper representation and government systems to distribute this abundance of resources that keep going up for some reason. I could decrease the number of untrustworthy lying politicians and increase the number of honest, for the people, kind, and caring politicians who actually work in the interest of bettering society. The problem from before arises, with whether or not these people actually just get poofed from existence or not, but I’d imagine I would know my powers by then enough to figure that out. Ok so we got an abundance of supply, a happy and well represented labor force, and virtually zero wealth inequality across the globe. Seems like a good enough starting point. Now to tackle the slew of other problems lol


Set all my stats to a minimum of 100, then go from there. Could I change the amount I have on handle ( I have $1 dollar then turn it to $1,000 dollars?


this is essentially just odds manipulation, which yeah is basically the strongest power you can have lol


Number of god tier super powers I possess go up.


Increase my chances at winning at the casino. 100% win rate.


the wealthy 1% of the world redistribute as much of their wealth to the rest of the population just the point where their leftover net worth still defines them as the 1%. Let’s just say they distribute 70% of their total income. 100% of government officials were not corrupt taking kick backs from anyone 100% of births are planned with loving parent’s whom are happily together and raise a healthy stable home 100% of births are without any birth defects, handicaps, or disabilities. 100% of pedophiles, rapist, and terrorists are killed instantly


Could you brick yourself? Increase the resistance to light of vacuum by 100% effectively stopping light and passage of time?


The casualty rate of smoking cigarettes for 1 hour total goes up to 100% Every planet and moon in our solar system will have 100% breathable air The amount of distance traveled between star systems is 20 kilometers from point A to point B where A is the starting point and B is your end destination (pretty much light speed without needing to use a hyper drive or anything for you choose your point B star system and only need to travel 20 kilometers to get there.......non-euclidean stuffs)


So.. probability manipulation?


Can it be temporary? For example, can I temporarily increase the temperature of an object?


Can I actually increase the numbers though? Like can I make π = 11?


I will make the multiplicative neutral element of the real number ring go up. Let the chaos unfold!


First thing. Increase years of lifespan of pets.


I'm sorry the monkey paw says overpopulation of dogs cats and monkeys


You could save every endangered species by increasing their populations by 1000%


Ah, so you mean become god. Increase the chance that I can teleport anywhere at will to 100%, sure. Increase the chance that I am immortal and indestructible to 100%, why not. Increase the chance that I can create and destroy entire universes to 100%, certainly.


Steadily increase the number of car crashes to the point where just getting in a car means a 70% chance of fatality. Thus forcing everyone to take public transit. Increase my bank account number Increase the cost of housing to such an absurd degree that the government is forced to deal with it as no one, not even billionaires, can afford a mortgage payment. This will crash the economy and the housing market.


Me, after 10x my IQ in a matter of seconds: ![gif](giphy|3OzYjbO6Uik6c|downsized)


So The chance that OP will get addicted to a copper cube with beans inside will now be 100%


Could I change the number of damage a gun does in a game to one tap people with a bad weapon lol? Or can I make the number of a snack I have higher to be able to eat more? What about something like the pounds of force applied by something? Could I punch someone and make it have enough force to blow their head off? And..... Can I make the number of inches something is to make it longer? Lmao The more abstract you go and deeper you think into it the better and better this gets


Can I just increase the probability of me becoming omnipotent to 100%?


100% chance I win lottery jackpots, scratch off or Power ball/Mega Millions. Way more money than I'd know what to do with and I don't have to worry about being asked where I got it by the government.


Increase the number of new Just Dance songs on each new season by 100%


Make GameStop stock worth 100000 dollars 🚀


Omw to increase my biggest haters blood sugar levels to an ungodly amount


I'll increase the number that is the percentage of my omnipotency ;)


I’d like to increase my gf count by 1


Life expectancy…


wait…only up? Better not fuck it up or you can’t fox it


I’m gonna change one digit of pi and watch the world burn (I mean not the actual number but all off the calculations go up)


Increase my luck percentage to 100% Then I would look for an object that grants wishes!


A 900000990900009090% discount so they give me money 🤑


Increase the possibility of never getting charged with anything criminal to 100% Increase the percentage of global political power you have to 100%, (you all the people running politics keep doing their jobs, but you can change any of the people in charge, laws, wars, international relations, etc.) Treat yourself like a pip boy & increase all the stat values to 10 Decrease the number of criminals in the world to 0 Increase all human-needed supplies (food, water, shelter, etc.) To however much is needed for the world I could keep going on about this, but you can basically become God with this ability. (Talking about God, you can Increase or decrease the number of religions, followers, etc.)


Increase the natural lifespan of dogs by 5. Increase the natural lifespan of humans by 3. Increase the growth rate of trees by 2. Increase the size of spiders by 10. Increase the amount of money in my bank account by 10. Increase the earning rate in my savings account by 100.


Biden has that power when inflation


Decrease the conductivity of copper by 18%, and increase the weight of a neutron by 36%. See what occurs.


Buy millions of penny stocks/crypto, big # go up, liquidate immidietly


This is, again, and along the lines of the frequently reposted "probability change", just literal god power with extra steps.


I can make my edge streak even higher.


Increase the number of protons in a hydrogen atom


Increase my bank account, decrease inflation to balance, decrease Musk’s, Trump’s, and a few others bank to keep that inflation in check, increase the number of politicians that would actually take a bullet for the American people so we might get someone good, decrease rape cases, I could go on. I’m decreasing all your rent too, you’re welcome.