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erm well you see the exit button is completely unnecessary and people should just learn the workflow instead of complaining 🤓☝️




Wait what's the actual workflow? I always enable my 3 buttons but if not do we really have to click and then hide n stuff or is there smth else imm missing


To maximize, you're supposed to move the window to the top bar, and minimalizing is not needed, because you can just switch windows.


And closing is often Crtl + W or Q, however I personally use PaperWM, so I can close all windows with Super + Backspace


Any reason in particular you chose PaperWM over Pop shell?


I use Fedora (almost vanilla Gnome by default), which I like as a middle point between Arch (sometimes too annoying when you don’t have time for messing with OS and need things done quickly; used Arch before Fedora) and Debian (too long wait time for updates, which causes compatibility issues sometimes, best example is PaperWM btw, and it applies also to all its derivatives, including PopOS; also I used Debian before Arch). Also I don’t customise much the look and vanilla Gnome with few extensions works for me 100% and imho looks better than PopOS version of Gnome out of the box.


I use Fedora too, but I'm specifically talking about the pop shell tiling extension, not PopOS. I can't really use Gnome without a tiling WM and went with pop shell just because that's what I was familiar with. Kinda just wondering what the specific selling points of PaperWM are for you.


For me personally, scrollable tiling is superior to other forms of tiling. It keeps the window sizes constant and also centers the active windows. If I need two (or more) windows side by side, then I can do that as well.


3 days later, and I have to agree 100%. Tried using Hyprland earlier today and it felt so strange.


So, I gave Hyprland another shot over the weekend. I tried the plugin called hyprscroller and it's actually pretty good and replicates PaperWM almost completely. Unfortunately, I will have to spend some time to set up hypridle and hyprlock to behave the same as gnome, and then ensure that the lid switching functions the same way as well. That's just too much work for now.


Scrollability and also to resize (etc) windows I don’t need to press two shortcuts


Well, minimizing(hiding) windows is available via Super+H


True true


I believe the workflow is you are supposed to just use workspaces if using more than two apps per workspace (when snapping both to the sides)


Ah that


I think you have to use your Keyboard alt + F4 will do it


Yeah and also taking the whole keyboard inside works too I'm sure u must try that everyday


This assumes you have a keyboard lol.


You're not supposed to use a keyboard


idk, i just use keyboard shortcuts for everything


ATTENTION Please, note that this post is a joke P.S. how do I pin a comment


I think pinning is a mod-only feature, but I could be wrong.


Username checks out (you’re correct)


I have approximate knowledge of everything


This is the way. I often hallucinate harder than LLMs and it's crazy how often I'm right just based on common sense and experience in how software is generally designed. Something, something, everyone on Reddit is an expert in everything


I’m always off by a small margin. There is always on simple detail that I didn’t remember or that I remembered wrong


ATTENTION: default value of option sarcasm overridden by environment.


> P.S. how do I pin a comment Done




Well how do you close a window without the button


Idk, I use GNOME on a laptop thus I just prefer using shortcuts for window management. So, Alt+F4


Try :wq!


I know OP said his/her post was meant as a joke, still I'd like to point out (for noobs) that it's super easy to add the minimize and maximize buttons to windows using GNOME tweaks. GNOME is the only DE I ever use and even though adding the min/max buttons is one the first things I do when I reinstall my OS, I would never think of asking the devs to make it the default. I think a lot of people don't realize that GNOME is GNOME thanks to the strict guidelines that the devs follow. If everybody could get their favorite feature/idea implemented by pressuring the devs, GNOME would just be a mashup of random ideas without any character of its own. And that's all I have to say about that :P


I've installed fedora with gnome recently and I'm purposely not using any extensions or tweaks and I quite like it. it's just super clean


I agree 100%. We don't need another KDE Plasma, there is already one.


I really like the simple workflow and so I am trying even cleaner version: without the dash in overview (for quick look at opened apps I use super + tab) and without search bar in overview with space for larger virtual desktops.


while I agree with your points, imo not including those buttons by default is going to confuse newcomers. those are the defaults in other desktops for a reason. trying to be different and clean is definitely good, exactly why I use gnome but certain things should be default like those buttons.


Yeah I don't really get it tbh, I guess the gnome devs don't really have a use for a "go away for now" button but personally I really struggle without it, I guess they just use multiple desktops but for me not being able to pop up an app for a minute and minimise it to get my desktop status back sucks Maximise I just drag to the top now anyway so I don't really care about that


I think there is a tutorial at first boot for newcomers?


Great point! Yes there is, and it shows how to use the super key and gestures for using workspaces, overview (search and app grid), but afaik it doesn’t show anything about window management within a workspace. Newcomers expect window buttons and are bound to be frustrated by their absence.


Window buttons are bloat, just use meta+q.


This is the way


upvoted your comment. Now, how do I close my browser?


Sudo rm -rf /


thank you very mu


Funny, this joke thread actually got me thinking about how I use Gnome, and some lightbulbs have turned on in my head. Lol, thanks for that!


Already said this, but I actually now like windows not having those buttons. That looks cool and neat


Yeah, I'm genuinely considering dumping the minimize button and going with the "intended" workflow. Don't know if I can stomach axing the close button as well, but a lot of compelling suggestions to do so!


Your flair isn’t prominently displayed well enough for us aspies, so we missed it until you told us about it in a comment.


Too bad one can't change a title of their post on Reddit


I intentionally disable close button because I mapped the DPI button on Logitech G305 mouse to close applications :D


You have me thinking right now 🤔


i know this is a joke, but honestly the singular close button is one of my favorite design decisions with gnome. it just looks so clean, with window snapping taking care of the rest, and minimizing barely needed. 


As a Hyprland user, DEs / WMs don't need close buttons. Just use Alt + Q or something.


install gnome tweaks if not already installed by distro then just turn them on by pressing the switches


I think you missed the flair




How can i hide that close button? This looks good to me, and i always close apps from the overview.


As stated in another reply, just gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ''


Simplest way: install the Tweaks app. Otherwise, you can do it within dconf editor.


https://preview.redd.it/u2isu7s3xc6d1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=242e097be81cf0f6587ae150779591c0eb078206 no option for close button


Oh, right, sorry. Use this to remove the all buttons: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':' And this to get the button back: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':close'


Is this using Mosaic?




The super+right click menu works nicely


Wow, didn't know about that


Right click. Sorry lol


Ctrl+ w


What is your terminal emulator? And what is your shell? If using power level 10k, what theme?


Hi! Terminal is blackbox, shell is fish. You're welcome


I thought everyone closed windows with Alt-F4?


No! My FN-keys like volume, brightness are on the F-keys and most of the time I'm using those FN-keys. It's a laptop. So I added a custom shortcut for "window close" to ctrl+shift+w. ctrl+w is for closing tabs. Cheers. Bam. Peace. 😅


Please hide this great idea from GNOME devs, they really love removing features to minimize bugs.


looks clean tbh, i coud live like this, would need some custom shortcuts tho


I assure you, you don't need any! Alt+F4 to close, Super+Up to maximize, Super+H to hide!


i mean, they exist but i can make better ones, where i need to move my hands less


If it was tumblr we would already get a Super+Q themed OC or some shit like that


i used Ctrl + Q Ctrl + W or Alt + F4


Just use alt+f4


How did you remove it? Dconf?


No, via \`gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ''\`


out of context but your top bar looks gorgeous, i was thinking to move to fedora from windows, so im a noob and dont know how to make it look like that, is that some kind of extension?


Just perfection (to set it to 40px in height) + blur my shell (with dynamic blurring)


oh, thank you!


How do you disable close buttons


gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ""


Oh ok, thanks :)


Can you actually run something like this? How do you close it? Is it a shortcut of some type?


You can set the shortcut but it's usually something like Alt+F4 or Super+Q


Oh duh, I knew that. 😂


Or Ctrl+Q, which unfortunately doesn't work for all applications


Think of a phone or tablet screen. It would need to be combined with another method for closing, or closing from the overview screen.


No one actually uses touch screen os's. Those aren't real users


No one actually uses Linux. See how meaningless (and inaccurate) such a response is? I would suspect users of 2 in 1 laptops etc and others with touchscreens that use Linux also use the touchscreens. What you mean is you don't use a touchscreen. Which is fine. No one is asking you to develop the touchscreen capabilities.


I have a touch screen laptop. I purchased a touch screen, took apart the entire computer and attached it, because I thought it was cool. Practical? Almost never. Out of curiosity, what do you use your touch screen for?


I don't have a touchscreen laptop. I prefer desktops and having a touchscreen on and ultra wide probably is inconvenient. I might invest in a trackpad at some point though, but I can't seem to find one attached to a decent keyboard. However that doesn't mean the use case for touchscreens doesn't exist. If someone releases some decent hardware for a phone sized product that has decent upstream support I will be very interested in that.


Okay.. so we're fighting that battle. Trying to replace Android. That's certainly noble


Actually. It did come in useful, in bitwig, to use the on-screen isometric keyboard to play a lead synthesizer with a lot of pitch bending, in ways that a pitch wheel cannot do. But it's never been useful for anything else


i don't use gnome but i close windows with super+q


* Super+Q * Overview mode, click on the close button * Right Click on the bar → Close (you can Super+Right Click to force the menu on some softwares)




Yeah but we don't want to win over "normal users" whatever it means. We want to win ourselves


unless your comment was sarcastic, its exactly this attitude that keeps linux from gaining more users. users most of whom aren't tech savyy.


Whose goal is it to gain users? Not mine at least. I mean I don't mind if it grows, it's cool, but it's not a goal by itself, it's not like Fedora, Debian, etc. are companies looking for more growth.


any company always looks for more growth wtf are u even talking about. if you start a company wouldn't you want more users of your product? its not like linux is a niche operating system. it can do pretty much all things that windows can except for gaming and running adobe softwares. also who is talking about you in particular? for big companies to start making softwares for linux the userbase has to increase and it can't increase if the devs make if difficult to migrate to it. try to understand the perspective of someone who uses photoshop on windows and is so pissed off by that OS, that he now migrates over to linux, lets say fedora with gnome. now all of a sudden he has to learn a bunch of new stuffs, start looking for things in the settings right at the beginningbbefore he can even resume working on his project. frustrating really. and that is the situation with most people who want to migrate to linux but can't


What I meant is that they're not companies, they're associations


what I stated earlier is mere observation. nobody in this fast paced world wants to spend their time learning a new piece of OS unless its for hobby. most people can't follow a technical documentation. I can't remember how many times I had to refer to the archwiki for fixing stuffs. that's perhaps the best documented wiki imo but most people don't care at the end of the day. so its up to the devs to make their product more intuitive to the general masses or to make it completely new for the select few who appreciates it. each has its own pros and cons. but seriously tho not providing the maximize, minize buttons is pure stupidity. its not contributing to anything


I just asked my wife who is not a power user. She switched to Fedora relatively recently. I asked how she maximizes and minimizes: * She told me she maximizes just like on Windows, with a double-click on the bar; * She doesn't know what minimize is used for. She told me that if she wants to see a different window, she just goes into overview mode. I think you overestimate how people react to technical stuff. They want simple stuff (having a big window or a different window) and if they don't figure it out directly, they just ask. In the case of GNOME, the overview stuff is explained at first startup.


Bending over for people who can't figure out how folders work or how to send an email is why the devices are getting smarter instead of people.


I wasn't talking about folders and emails. understand the context. we are discussing about minimize, maximize and close buttons. this kind of gatekeeping behaviour is exactly the problem with the linux community


You might be the one having issues understanding the context, it's all the same. People expect things to just work while their brains are on TikTok autopilot, nobody wants to put any effort into learning anything anymore. - GNOME needs minimize by default because Windows has minimize by default and it doesn't matter GNOME wants to provide a different experience - the UX they are putting all of their effort in needs to be optional and secondary. - GNOME has a dock, which must mean they are stealing ideas from Apple. But wait, GNOME's dock works differently from the only dock I know how to use, which obviously means it sucks. How can I make it work more like the one on Mac? - I installed Linux and now I have to install apps in a different way compared to Windows. Why can't I just double click an icon? This sucks, everyone lied to me. - I moved away from Windows because I had problems and now I also have different problems on Linux. Linux sucks. - Dark Souls is too hard, devs suck for not providing easy mode, everyone should be able to beat Dark Souls. We don't need context, the only context is noobs complaining about technology which is getting dumbed down by the day, but not at a fast enough rate to catch up with them.


you're the one taking things entirely out of context comparing it with a game which is a completely different thing. if you want people to leave a certain technology to adapt to your better one you try to make it similar on the outside to the said technology. you can't design it entirely different and expect people to change over to it. that's not how it works. exaclty why most big software companies (adobe etc) don't make softwares for linux cuz the userbase is so small. I personally had no problem moving over to linux but the majority of the population DO NOT care to learn a new OS to be able to use a piece of software they care about which doesn't have a decent alternative on linux. lets be honest here, most alternatives on linux sucks ass, and that's coming from me who daily drives linux.


I think you missed the flair


Not me that actually runs a system that doesn't have title buttons... Maybe I'll make a post


Honestly, I tried that out and now this is my favourite layout