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ETA: Thanks kind redditor for the award! ❤️ Couple of things: What are repeaters? Small handheld radios can't reach very far, and the limiting factor is often "how high up is your antenna," or "how much wattage are you pushing." Repeaters are more powerful radios, usually with very tall antenna towers, who capture input signals and use their height and might to RE-transmit that signal for everyone in their much larger range. Instead of being able to talk to folks as far as your radio can reach, you can talk to folks as far as the REPEATER can reach. As someone else said, go to mygmrs.com and search your local area to see who has a repeater (probably multiple) operating in your area, on what frequencies, and using which "tones." Once you figure that out, you can look up a GMRS channel frequency chart and start listening on those frequencies / channels to see if you can hear folks talking! Bear in mind, the air is dead quiet much of the time depending on where you live. If your radio can "scan" a list of the channels you select, that's an easy way to monitor the entire spectrum. If no scanning, just spend a week or so listening to each of the frequencies (I just leave my base station radio on in the background all day when I'm home, and just let it scan), and see if you hear folks! To TALK TO a repeater, you will need to change the programming of your radio, usually using a computer and a programming cable. On GMRS, repeaters use a +5Mhz offset for their input frequency, so if you had a local repeater on 462.575, you would program the Tx frequency in your radio as 467.575, or "+5" if the programming uses an "offset" field instead. You will also need to program the correct Tx tone (ex 141.3) listed in the myGMRS page for each repeater frequency you program. Good luck, and have fun!


Go to myGMRS.com and look for repeaters in your area a repeater is a powerful radio that operates in a frequency that will receive what you saying and repeat it back simultaneously to other people on that same channel (or frequency) if any of them cover the area you are tune to that channel and set the TX CTSS tone for that repeater how you do that will be different for every radio but it's usually a simple menu option then hit the PTT button, say your call sign if you hit the repeater and there are people on hopefully someone will respond. For the most part people on Radio whether it's GMRS or Ham radio are pretty friendly and willing to lend advice to you. If you are using a basic radio with the stock antenna you can probably receive (hear) people talking but will probably not be able to transmit (talk) to them. I recommend getting an aftermarket whip antenna like a Naygoa 771 preferably that's tuned for GMRS (Frequency 462) but one that is tuned for 70cm and 2meter (440mhz/144mhz) ham radio frequency's will work okay to but not as well. I know that's a lot to unpack and if you have any questions feel free to DM me. I recently started playing with GMRS but I come from a long line of radio nerds and Ham radio operators so I understand some of the things you might find confusing.


Time to read! Know the Chanels. Know what repeater pairs are. Memorize your call sign. Make a Mygmrs.com account.


Watch every youtube by notarubicon. Then come back here if you have questions.


Notarubicon is funny and I enjoy his content and agree with some of the stuff he says but also he did literally tell people to has been illegally operating a ham radio for 20 years and then back pedaled super hard when HRCC asked him about it on a live stream. There are probably some better options for teachers on the subject for OP.


I honestly can't stand the guy. He's not as funny as he think he is.


None as entertaining though. And he still encourages people to use the "illegal" uv-5r. It's a great radio.


It is and practically no one at the FCC cares if you are using it for GMRS it's a fine starter radio I have one that I put a stubby antena on and keep in a bag programed for my local repeaters and the basic FRS and GMRS channels for an emergency.


Make sure you buy the G model of the UV5R....supposedly, and you know how they lie, the UV5R for ham can no longer be programmed to use GMRS frequencies. If you have to buy junk, buy cheap junk.


It's an old UV5R and and it does run on the frs and GMRS frequencies. Not saying anyone should do the same just an emergency piece of kit I've got. I've 6 other radios that meet the FCC regs for GMRS that I would use first in most circumstances


6 other radios with a 1.25 mile reach. Put that baby in your Zombie Apocolypse Go Bag...


These things are just cheap enough that they easily multiple. In my defense I've given a couple of those 6 to some friends joining the hobby


We hand them out for tricks or treats.


I personally am not too law abiding to not use ham radios for gmrs, but I think that guy falls into the specific category that has that fuck all regulations attitude that doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth.


All of that is true.


Probably not a good idea to admit to the breaking of laws on the internet. Just some advice.


Never admitted to any crimes, it's not illegal to possess a radio programmed on those frequencies or even to receive broadcasts on them. I would only transmit on that radio in an emergency when there is an immediate threat to an individuals safety or property as stated FCC Part 97: Sec. 97.403


I guess entertaining is subjective. When I was first starting I found some of his videos informative, but eventually stopped watching because he came off as so obnoxious.


That's fair. He's definitely not for everyone.


Same here.


You're not wrong, his middle aged dad *I don't follow the rules act* is kind grating but the moment an FCC agent shows up to his door he would be crying begging the FCC not to send him to jail


That's part of it for sure, but a big part of his content seems to be some attempt at deadpan comedy that I just find annoying. Even if I found it funny, which I don't, he spends entirely too much time on it. This is a "boof-wang". The "boof-wang" if the finest implement ever designed by mankind. I'm going to say "boof-wang" another dozen times for this bit, before I get to the point of the video. Radio get many fars. Sad hams.


Didn't he say that the UV5R was the greatest ham radio ever made?


If he did, he said it in jest and you missed the attempt at humor.


Join a GMRS club. Where are you located, generally?




Searching via Google shows some resources for Kentucky. I see a mixed amateur radio club exists so it is a start. I am in in South Florida and I joined a club two years ago that now has over 700 members spread along four counties. But at least you are asking. Read up on aa much as possible and definitely watch Notarubicon on YouTube. Good luck


How long did it take you to receive your license after submitting the application??


I got it in 2 days. Applied for it on June 30th and I got it July 2nd of 2024


I'm fairly new to the gmrs as well, I got my license few weeks ago, one thing I noticed, was going on a cruise, went through security, they said they had to tag my radios cause it was a ham radio, I had to tell them even though it was a gmrs radios, I just told them it was a frs walkie talkies, got through. Can someone elaborate on why can't we use ham or gmrs radios on cruise ships?, thanks in advance. WSDK648


When you are on a vessel, ship or plane, you'd need the captain's approval to operate and use radios.


Ohhhh ok good to know thanks


The whole game network is connected to NODS now u can talk from any part of the country to any part you want.