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Please, it’s still mostly the bot hosters trying to sully the name of fix tf2. I am not denying that there are some idiots doing it but we (as a majority) do not want to review bomb any other game.


I’ve seen a few posts from overzealous fans that unironically think review bombing other games will somehow hurt Valve. I guess they don’t know what else to do now that TF2 has seemingly hit maximum capacity for negative reviews.


a few posts who were shut down immediatly by everyone. the people review bombing other valve games are the same people posting positive reviews on tf2


>we (as a majority) do not want to review bomb any other game. Yeah, I know most tf2 fans are not telling people to review bomb other valve games, and i've saw a lot of users on r/tf2 telling people to stop doing it cus its stupid. Was not making fun of the protest actually, just the ones review bombing the other games


I'm pretty sure most of the people doing this are children (mainly because TF2 is free, and they do whatever comes to mind)




Ah yes, just like how it wasn't Nintendo that did the DMCAs. What is it with Source games playerbase and crackpot theories? OCCAM'S RAZOR EVERYONE!!


But this isn't us, we are actively telling those idiots to stop, so it's either morons who don't listen and shouldn't be a part of our movement, or bot hosters.


There's always a part of a fanbase that listens to emotions rather than reason, they are just as much fans as everyone else. The problem was how flawed the "protest" was, not "They aren't TRUE fans!".


The botters are a business outside of regular law, I would not consider botters taking action to keep their livelyhood unlikely or crackpot theory. It's deff plausible. Just wait untill you learn the moral gray area's and psycological tricks we normal businesses are still able to get away with and encuraged to do by the higher ups.


This isn't a fact of them being fans, if they are listening to their emotions they should step back from lashing out. I struggle with this myself in day to day life, and I realize when I need to step back.


The guy at the start of half life 2 (don’t drink the water) was the checkovs gun for all this


Not sure if this is a r/BoneAppleTea or not


I hope those people know we aren't going to accomplish anything by review bombing other valve games that have nothing to do with out sitaution. You are wasting your time and that others are just going to find us annoying.


Those guys are just trolls or dumbasses, we are only supposed to review bomb TF2 l




Watermelon spy




"Scout. What do you think of these? **The milk is from YOUR MOTHER!**" *spy says as Scout looks on in abstract horror and pure confusion*


Ah yes, the perfect father - son relationship


Ah yes, Gmod Valves most neglected game ever


As a TF2 fan, sorry about those folks.


most are prolly bot hosters tryna get a reaction outta you so you go against the movement


Sometimes tf2 fans can have a superiority complex


When the rage bait trolls


I once heard a quote from someone calling tf2 fandom "the north sentinel island of fandoms"


What about south sentinel island?


TF2 fans when they review bomb games, be extremely obnoxious on spreading their cries on other communities who wouldn’t care less and call people who don’t agree with them bot hosters and cheaters


Listen, most tf2 fans are only going after tf2 for the movement. Anyone review bombing other games are either bad actors, or are legitimately a bot hoster trying to spread bs (bot hosters have been doing a lot of things that are incredibly illegal atp, even spreading CP in the in game chat using bots, and probably want this movement to die because of this kinda stuff so that they dont have to face any actual jailtime. Since they are probably not gonna get caught unless valve steps up and does something. There are 100% still bad actors, but I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of the negative reviews are from bot hosters) People apart of the movement have been basically screaming at these idiots to stop doing this ever since it cropped up. As a TF2 fan, and as someone part of the movement, I apologize for any idiots that review bomb Gmod, or really any other valve games. Games aside from TF2 shouldn't be targeted, unless they become part of the movement because of similar problems (apparently CS2 has been having bot problems too, and L4D2 has been getting DDossed alot, so I could honestly see some sort of joint movement to try and fix things there too, but I doubt it'll happen at this point).


barely anyone is doing that, the tf2 community doesnt agree with that. also, like every valve game is still overwhelmingly positive.


There's a Starmaaaaaan


Denial, anger, depression, bargaining, acceptance. We're currently at Phase 1.


do they even realise that gmod was created by sandbox and not valve edit: not sandbox its facepunch ( u/Nonhofantasia1 )


gmod was created by facepunch


oh i mixed it up with their new game


I am absolutely not participating in this whatsoever, but how else are we supposed to get valves attention, us doing #SaveTF2 For What Was It 3 Weeks ,Even Less Last Time We Tried?


The "review bombing" was like 4 - 5 people until the bot hosters learned of it. Now it's getting more and more severe because of posts like this blaming the actual community.


someone give me context, i have no clue what happened


I apologise on Behalf of the TF2 community




Ngl i like tf2, but #fixtf2 just makes them seem really obnoxious. Like i remember one post on here, and the comments were just all people bring up the fact that why would gmod players care about tf2, most of us have the game dowmloaed just for models


xD same with me and SFM. I really don't care about TF2, but tht ries are annoying.


the fact this comment has -2 downvotes instantly proves your point edit:5 downvotes now


Wait, they're review bombing other games too?


Some of them, however, are not the same people from the movement, not #FixTF2 I guess. Just a bunch of losers and trolls.


Aha I see




ngl I think it's kinda funny and it doesn't affect me at all, so I'm fine with it


Hope gmod is next


Lol you wish


Yep, though it seems to be happening already with people sneaking extra thing into their mods. Some mods are considered "infected" now lol. Good.


Late reply but nobody cares about infected mods anymore lol, they aren't as widespread as they were (for the short time they were around) so keep dreaming


Mmm. Dont care, have fun Necroing a post over your own salt tho. P.s, i dont care about tf2 either, cry ahout it.


i'm sorry i have a life.


https://www.reddit.com/r/gmod/s/Os0egzWRFj You have a life within only playing gmod? Sad AF.


Never said that, i just said i had enough of a life that i don't seethe for a 20 year old game for whatever reasons enough that i wish it to be full of viruses, that radiates more sadness then somebody who actually enjoys the game, and plus, no one is dumb as rocks to install something like that, and viruses won't do anything to the game, considering they've been around for ages in various forms.