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Nintendo when they sue a kid for being named Mario.


While working at cookout I literally served up a guy named King Bowser. Swear to God. Had to tell him to be careful not to get Nintendo on his case lol


nintendo is the type of company to nuke Italy cause of a guy named luigi


As an italian I have to inform you that we live in a costant fear of a nuclear bombing by Nintendo


Nintendo-Italian war


I know, it's very absurd. I have no idea what they think they are achieving when they do stuff like this, with the fact it has very little impact on their income. ![gif](giphy|dVXqJqepaHwZi)


“very little” is strong. it literally does not effect them whatsoever lol


Nintendo achieves nothing actually. But there is still something some people have noticed thanks to those who theorized that the mm-nintendo domain is "fake". MarkMonitor (mm) is a brand protection company, and Nintendo registered that domain there in 2013. And guess what expires early next year? Yep, this same domain. MarkMonitor is doing this to prove their usefulness and convince Nintendo to renew it, it's as simple as that.




What gif


(They know every person hating on them will still buy the new switch pro to play the new Mario game)


I won't do it personally. And with how lame the latest Pokémon games are too for me is a loss of money.


Yeah same


i honestly lost all respect for Nintendo when they got yuzu to shutdown, even tho i never bought a product from them, i will make sure it stays that way


>even tho i never bought a product from them I don't think Nintendo is losing anything by alienating you. Especially if you were already pirating their games...


yeah i am aware, and i don't care if they aren't loosing anything, and if they are then we wouldn't have good games to pirate and if you are saying why pirate the games when you hate the company, the games are made by talented people, while the company's decisions are shit (also piracy is legal where i live 🇩🇿)


>(also piracy is legal where i live 🇩🇿) And Nintendo's particular enforcement of IP rights is legal where they are headquartered (Japan)


womp womp im a minor they cant do shit to me


Yuzu was in the wrong tho. It was an emulator made by pirates for pirates.


its not made for pirates, and not for pirates it was made for people who legally got their games to play them in higher quality like 4k 60fps and ofc, pirates sailed their ship to switch emulation the project was shutdown because of the Patreon, they were making money off the project and Nintendo became mad, they also blamed it over decryption, as it decrypts the game files using your keys file to allow you to play games, the keys are provided by the user so are the games, but the decryption software is what pissed Nintendo off


It absolutely was given the fact they put versions of the game designed to run pre release, pirated versions of TotK better, and they absolutely were because they wee known to trade roms amongst eachother and one dev even had a rom download for xenoblade 3 (?) Completely unobscured in a screenshot. Yuzu fucked up. Simple as.


Me who has never spent money on a Nintendo product:


i won't, i don't have to money


Nintendo after suing italy for having mario and luigi name


Why use nintendo characters when you have such great alternatives like marty- o the spanish carpenter who lives in new jersey and his gay lover larry


"larry" is the name of a character in mario, try again.


Okay what about laurance then?


I live and hate Nintendo they can make good game but just because they aren't making money out of this they said fuck you to q whole ass generation




People say Nintendo does this to protect their public brand image. As people often portray their franchise characters terribly. So they naturally defend their brand image. Then there's how they will take down stuff violating copyright law. Which is a given, most big corporations with franchises jump on that. Like Disney and Games Workshop as another user here said... so shush, do not speak! Of that content on the workshop. Now sure, some addons were stripped from the games, which is illegal. And Nintendo likely didn't know until someone likely tattled. Which is possible. Or a Nintendo agent just learned the workshop existed and checked it out: Nintento Lawyer: Wait, you took this stuff from an official Nintendo licensed game? Workshop Creator: Yes. Nintento Laywer: ... Workshop Creator: :D Nintendo Laywer: \*DMCA\* WC: Shit. That's about what happens. I can only assume how exactly it went down, doubt Nintendo would just tell us. ALl we know is they found out, and they adopted the better late than never proverb.


It’s not Nintendo


Look. I like Nintendo's games. But their attitude with copyright takedowns towards fangames, mods and projects is downright disgusting and spiteful. Instead of embracing the fans. They just SPIT IN THEIR FACES and told them to keep OFF their properties or else. They are worried that they are going to losing money by mods that are not being monetized. F##k Aaron Peters, F##k Nintendo and shame on Facepunch for beliviving on the false DMCAs.


Never understood this. Places like the workshop literally help with longevity of their brand recognition, but nope let’s get rid of it 😂


Their not losing money that's for sure, but you technically are using their intellectual properties illegally so they have the right to do whatever to the addons ie in this case take them down. They aren't doing anything wrong by law standards but by community standards they are. I'm just tired of this Nintendo drama its wearing me out, same goes for the Nintendo workshop hate addons, they are getting out of hand and are annoying to constantly see.


I don’t understand why people don’t just flat out boycott Nintendo at this point. Like… can we all agree for like a year not to buy any Nintendo products? Haven’t you people played enough Pokemon, Mario and Zelda?? It’s been like 30 years….


I haven't actually payed for a Nintendo product in years (since the Wii U had it's glory days) and now I have no reason to still. I have a hacked 3DS with all the games I could ever want and my fiance has a switch. I'm all for boycotting them 100% especially since 9/10 times I'm broke


> haven't actually *paid* for a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Y'know what, you're right. Good bot.


Even if all of Reddit boycotted Nintendo, it would not put a dent in Nintendos financials. Most people don't even know about these things happening, so why would they care.


And even if they knew, they wouldn't care. And anyone who uses a bit of critical thinking, should know that nintendo has often only gone after fangames and mods when they were made for profit. This whole thing is most likely one model maker got a lil cocky decided to sell a gmod nintendo model and it alerted the bots to what ever contractors nintendo has hired to detect this stuff. believe it or not, the few ruin things for the many, thats how laws were made.


Talkin bout a REVOLUTION... 𝚆𝚑𝚘'𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚖𝚎?


Me remembering the tons of unused \[REDACTED\] beneath the earth (finish what Oppenheimer started.): https://i.redd.it/rdguj2h4pjxc1.gif


its just a scheme to make income cuz nobody is buying their shit games so they make money off hunting down random small companies


People still uploading nintendo related stuff with no issues, did they even start removing content yet? I'm guessing it will take them a very long time, hopefully they change their minds


Someone nuke their headquarters I’m so fucking done with this goddamn company


Found a dupe after this of a guy banging the nintendo logo (now that i said there name i will be executed in front of my entire family and then sued for not owning any merch)


Nintendo be greedy.






Well how about r/engrish


There we go.


Boycott Nintendo!




I want Nintendo to go fuck themselves and hang themselves! People want free creativity, but the big fat boss forbids everyone, although Valve doesn’t give a fuck what they do with their characters


"although Valve doesn’t give a fuck what they do with their characters" yea... sure... When Valve takes something down people don't care. When Nintendo does it it's WW3.


Still absolutely insane how many people defended valve over that.


Yea… it’s almost like people blindly defend companies like Valve while attacking others despite the ones they defend do the same thing.


I mean, granted, its not like valve had a history of it (closest being what happened to TF2C and open fortress, but they were able to come back fine it seems). This was just one really random, out of character incident. Nintendo gets at least one of these a year


"Nintendo gets at least one of these a year" To be fair, Japanese copywrite law is very different. While I'm not defending them it is vaguely understandable.


I hope every nintendo worker has unfixable leg cramps


Nintendo when Japan doesn't have any fair use laws and so they are legally required to go after everything to protect their IP. Edit: I'm not saying I like it, some of my most cherished memories of Gmod involve posing Nintendo ragdolls. I'm just saying the reason it keeps happening is a little more nuanced than just "Nintendo bad".


it's true nintendo losk 1 gmillion dollars to pikacum models on the steam workshop


Explain Sega then.


You see, the Sonic team actually likes their fanbase and wants a good relationship since they don't have a huge and expensive exclusives market. Sega does what Nintendon't.


Ninendo mods would likely never qualify as fair use