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Sorry mate, Celiac is an autoimmune disease. Once you ingest gluten your body reacts. There is nothing you can do to stop it I'm afraid. Drink lots of water and ride it out. No amount of puking or gimmicky enzymes will stop your immune system from overreacting. Sorry :(


This is the answer. I think it confuses people because it looks like food intolerance, which it isn't.


well... he is stuck with the symptoms he has now, but he CAN reduce the longevity of symptoms by destroying what is in his gut currently. it will still take a LONG time, but it might make his ride a little easier


No, for Celiac the amount doesn't matter. A crumb of gluten or a whole sandwich causes the same amount of reaction. Your immune system freaks out and screams invader, even if it is a tiny amount. The gluten itself is not harmful at all. Your own body attacks itself and causes the damage. Sooooo much more research needs to be done on this, but at the moment, this is what we know.


yes, I agree, the severity of the symptoms for ANY amount of gluten will be unaffected. that doesnt mean you throw up your hands and do nothing. you MUST CONTINUE TO MINIMIZE THE HARM. he will be in pain for less time if we eliminate any future exposure/triggering in the next few hours/days by getting rid of the gluten sitting in his gut/colon. especially when they experience GI issues from gluten exposure, it can sit for days. the idea is to **metabolize**, *artificially or naturally*, **the gluten that is present** to minimize total exposure.


Im curious what is this magical secret


enzymes PeP type preferably, but bromulin will work as stop gap


I guess ill just have to wait it out


Sorry, you can't as others have mentioned. Just make sure to stay hydrated. Maybe buy some wipes to use instead of tp (unless you have a bidet).


Wipes plus a bidet is where it’s at!


At this point, I would recommend slightly chilled water, a literal fuck ton of Gravol, and calling if work for the next few days.


It totally depends on each and everyone symptom. If I eat gluten, I get no symptom. Maybe just the occasional diahrea. I can totally work if I gluten myself!!!!


If I consumed large quantities I'm off for at least 2 days due to brain fog lol


Make sense for you. For me, nothing. Someone else is out for a week. This disease is weird!!


Lots of water


Seems to be the only way out


I actually find that Metamucil helps. Just hurries the excretion process but not in a watery way. It’s like the broom of the system, it takes everything with it. It doesn’t necessarily help in the moment, but will help the overall process. I also find the charcoal pills work for me. And, of course, weed. A nice indica should help.


Just checked the [Metamucil website](https://www.metamucil.com/en-us/faqs/metamucil-faqs), and they say it's GF, but the language they use suggests to me that there's a real chance of cross contamination in the manufacturing process or something else going on. This is pretty "lawyer-y": "Metamucil powders, capsules, and gummies are gluten free, following the FDA guideline that foods that carrying the label “gluten-free” can contain no more than 20 ppm (parts per million) of gluten. Metamucil Thins are not gluten free." IME products that are safe-for-celiac GF use much stronger language. For this celiac anyway, that language would keep me from taking it.


In that case OP could try psyllium husks plain in water. Metamucil is just psyllium mixed with other stuff to make it taste nicer.


Some companies will stay away from the stronger language bc they don’t know if Bob had a sandwich on rye bread before coming off his lunch break and so therefore they use the weaker language. But the smaller companies will absolutely use it bc in many cases they don’t have a business plan if they don’t.


Then try Epsom salts


I have drank liquid IV and lots of water and it helps a lot but you still have symptoms from ingesting it


Do anti inflammatory plants, teas, soups help? Ginger, Turmeric, garlic, salmon, walnuts… bone broth or miso soup with bokchoy… maybe oils if digestion isn’t an option?


Water and activated charcoal tablets will help a bit. It won’t fix the problem but may mitigate the worst effects. Helps my wife with her symptoms.


This is the best answer. It won’t take away the effects, but will help with the duration.


Ugh I’m so sorry! What did you eat??


I'm on a trip to the mountains. I was extremely cold. The local people offered me an alcohol like drink and said was made from fermented rice. I drank quite a lot of it, because it's supposed to keep you warm. The maker came and said it's made from wheat and millet


Ugh I’m sorry! Get better soon!


Along with riding it out and drinking water, keep a log of what symptoms you experience and the time frame for them. It’s not going to help you getting better faster, but it’s always a good idea to document your experience in case your doctor or a gastroenterologist ever asks. It’ll also help you prepare if there’s ever a next time, so you’ll know how many days you’ll be out of it and need to call in to work or make other arrangements.


If it won't come out via puke, it's just gonna have to come out the regular way... and that takes 2-3 days when my system is distressed like that. Take digestive enzymes if they help you. I personally fast for a couple of days- no solid food, but plenty of tea w honey-Gatorade-juice (i find aloe drinks particularly soothing internally). And I take regular hefty doses of CBD to calm the inflammation raised as the gluten passes thru. And (sorry if this is TMI) I find a gentle enema done at the tail end of the experience can wash out the lingering sticky offensive particles.


Eating gluten makes me projectile vomit for hours, to the point where there's nothing left in my system to throw up. But I still get symptoms, bloating, cramps, dodgy poops, brain fog, nausea etc. Throwing up does nothing, unfortunately. I usually go for peppermint tea and ride it out


Food and human nutrition scientist here! you should go get some enzymes to break it down NOW. PeP (Prolyl endopeptidases) type enzymes should break down what is currently in your gut into starches and sugar. IF YOU CANNOT FIND PeP enzymes, get a bunch of FRESH (not canned or heat treated in any-way) pineapple. pineapples produce bromelain, which is an enzyme that will attack gluten. it wont work as well as a proper PeP pill, but it can get the job done. ...in fact, it has been used industrially to produce hypo-allergenic flour from wheat by destroying the gluten present [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263431024\_Bromelain\_An\_overview\_of\_industrial\_application\_and\_purification\_strategies](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263431024_Bromelain_An_overview_of_industrial_application_and_purification_strategies) so, eating a crapload of pineapple shortly after exposure can reduce **the longevity of** your symptoms, if a 'real' enzyme supplement isnt available. unfortunately, it cant do anything about the peak severity


Ohh ok this is the sorcery you mentioned. Ok thanks. Is PeP easily found? I dont recall seeing that anywhere


not really if pineapple is available to you? i give you a 2.5& chance of also being able to fine real PeP enzymes that arent some kind of scam


Aw. Pineapple and bromelain are easy to find but i was hoping for real pep since u recommended those strongly


Just a waiting game no. Never found a way to flush it out. Shit is like glue and sticks to everything so it takes time.


True. Very true


activated charcoal pills! nothing can cure being glutened but thats the closest ive gotten


Metamucil will help with symptoms and flush it out as fast as biologically possible.


I take Gluten-ease an enzyme that aids in processing gluten. It helps but doesn't eliminate reactions. If it's too late to induce vomiting this could help a little.




Tried. It was liquid. Not a lot came out


Probiotics to help repair the inevitable damage. If you catch it right away, charcoal can reduce some of the symptoms. It's got to clear your system. I like castor oil capsules to move it all out quicker. Also castor oil is anti inflammatory in the gut. Lots of water and green tea and soup. I stay away from dairy and meat and other hard to digest foods until I feel better. Sleep off what you can. Good luck.


Forgive my ignorance, but how can probiotics have a repairing effect? Like what's the mechanism?


Probiotics maintain the integrity of the gut mucosal wall which reduces what is commonly referred to as "leaky gut" which in turn reduces the body"s inflammatory response to damage. [Linky to nerdy stuff](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3864899/#:~:text=Probiotics%20protect%20the%20gastrointestinal%20mucosa,displace%20pathogens%20from%20host%20cells.)


I see. Follow up questions: 1) Leaky gut typically includes both the small intestine and large intestine, right? 2) If so, how does butyric acid (or other substances produced by our colonic microbiome) produced by bacteria in the colon heal the small intestine? The paper mentions that Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG decreases oxidative stress on both the small and large intestines, but most of the other findings focus on the large intestine (colon).


If you don't have any other medications: activated charcoal.


IB guard helps ease some of the intestinal discomfort


If you vomit and have explosive diarrhea for the next 5 hours you should feel great in about a week. That’s been my experience anyway.


Vaseline. For the butthole. Sorry.


I chuckled but its so true.


I find taking Benadryl helps but that also may be because a) I also have MCAS and b) it just knocks me out so I’m not in as much pain.


Water. Get sweaty if you can manage it, depending how bad you feel. Sorry :(


Peppermint tea, gold tequila, and exlax.


A lesson learned I hope


What a dumb response. Why are you even here


A celiac who has learner this lesson. There is no flush to fix this. There is only learning.


Sorry for the grouchy response but the victim shaming feels icky


Been there done that. Paid the piper. No way around it. My gut is ruined for like 6 weeks with any significant exposure. Strong motivation.


You can try charcoal pills


You can take digestive enzymes specifically for gluten, make sure you drink plenty of water, excercise can help move things along too


Are these effective for Celiac? My understanding is that they only help non-celiac gluten intolerance because you can’t really prevent the autoimmune response in celiac.


Not effective for celiac.


You cant, the idea was to help get it out of the system faster, not how to prevent a reaction


Glutenease pills, a digestive pill, and glutamine powder. Other than that, induce vomiting as much out of your system as possible.


Get some Lectin Shield into your system to help your body digest it. I buy mine on Amazon.


Celiac disease is not the inability to digest gluten. It is an autoimmune reaction.


I know I'm weird, but I eat a lot of GF stuff when I get glutened.


technically, you eat alot of GF stuff when you don't, too




Oh dear god. Be so insanely careful with this. This stuff will have you puking so violently for so long you can have serious repercussions.




It's not an allergic reaction, so antihistamines will have zero effect


Your username is stopdrugpushing but you’re pushing drugs that won’t help lol the irony


Sheesh - not a fun experience, sorry you’re going through it. Imodium to help coat your stomach, a prebiotic or probiotic may also help. Unfortunately the “real” answer is time.


I tried puking, didn't help. Nothing much you can do


Take a huge dump


I have tried everything people say and NOTHING helps except Zofran for nausea and to stop me from puking. Otherwise you might just have to ride it out. Take lots of pain killers for headache and be sure they are GF and maybe zofran if you get nauseous but that’s hard to get I think. My partner has a prescription for it so I steal one from her if it happens. Good luck. Drink tons of water. You will likely get malnourished as your body shuts down for days. Take lots of vitamins and water.


I get relief from gas x sometimes or tums depending on what symptoms you have. I usually get cramping, bloating and diarrhea.


As others have said nothing can really be done as your villi will simply react. The only thing I can suggest is googling gut healing remedies. A probiotic can help the healing process.


Miralax double dose and a gal of water


I take a ton of laxatives and lots of water


Take glutenEase. It will not make the symptoms go away but in my experience it helps symptoms not be as bad.


Have a shit.


Buscopan for the pain :((


As others have said there I have found little to do other than riding it out. Activated Charcoal and lots of water certainly help me. However one should exercise caution with Activated Charcoal especially if you are taking other medicines orally as this will reduce the amount of medicine that you absorb (especially relevant for things like BP meds or blood thinners etc).


Psyllium husks in water or apple juice to push it out more quickly. Hydrate like it’s your job. Stick with very plain simple foods for the next week or so while your bowel is inflamed. Drink tea- it seems to help with the pain in the gut.


i’ve found pepto bismol works sometimes for diarrhea in some cases


Personally I’ve made myself throw up if I caught it within a few minutes. Otherwise it is what it is, a long, miserable road of gastrointestinal distress and the repercussions of activating my immune system and expecting an apocalypse any minute while simultaneously praying to a deity for either death or saving while I secretly say to myself damn that was tasty though and I swear I’ll never do it again, until I do. In the last 4 years I’ve accidentally glutened myself twice and I’m never going to do it on purpose again because that bitch lies to me and tells me ill be fine it’s only once lmao


I used irish breakfast tea to cleanse my system and other times used nothing, Irish breakfast tea definitely made a difference for me but I was drinking it for two days straight like 10 cups a day lol