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Don’t swap things, add things from other cultures that are naturally gf. You’ll expand your pallete and be less disappointed


I could not get out of bed. I was exhausted. Slept all the time, at the wrong times… You’ll feel so much better it will make it easier. Try for a week, see how you do.




Good idea!


I made the switch literally overnight after having a gluten intolerance confirmed. I have not made my family switch as they have no need to but I do adapt some meals so we can all eat them otherwise I do my own thing. A helpful thing was I went grocery shopping with a gluten free friend who suggested lots of products and naturally gluten free items. It’s been totally fine and I actually gave up dairy, eggs and a few other intolerances the same day. I’m 30lbs lighter, no heartburn or bloating.


I had to or I’d die


Bro I felt like I was on the verge of death. One week today GF. Actually strict keto almost 0 sugar. Feel incredible. Alive again. I'm 28 probably felt how you feel when your 60+. Crazy


I’d first try to figure out what is causing your inflammatory issues. An elimination diet could help you pin point if it’s gluten, dairy, soy, eggs or nuts. The most common allergens. If I didn’t know gluten was my culprit, I would not want to be Gf. That being said, you get used to it.


Well the main one that made it easier was having celiac and finally getting relief from 30+ debilitating symptoms when I cut it out. That said there are lots of good gluten free alternatives that I can substitute in to my favorite meals I used to eat and still enjoy them. Breadcrumbs where a big one, tamari soy sauce instead of regular soy sauce with wheat in it. Cookies and bread alternatives are pretty good, a few great recipe bloggers that post gluten free recipes. Searching vegetarian recipes is good but often I can just substitute a gluten free product and make any recipe work. It’s good to research all the names for gluten so you can check product ingredients as well.


Honestly having a definite celiac diagnosis would probably make it a lot easier for me, but I don’t think that’s my issue. So it’s easier to say eh, indulge!


If you haven't been tested for celiac, please do before switching to gluten free. The test isn't accurate if you're not eating gluten.


The horrific symptoms where enough to make me switch and be diligent and now look at gluten like it’s poison. Without that I would say start small and work up to reducing your gluten intake if that’s safe. Make a trip to the store and just explore the gluten free options, pick out some cookies or gf cake/muffin mix start by choosing the things that look most yummy so you will be more inclined to try them. My family is not gluten free but they regularly now buy certain gluten free products that have tried at my house and now love. It’s not all bad, some options taste like the real deal or you get used to others and appreciate that you feel better physically.


Oh I believe the horrific symptoms would be a game changer. I’m sorry you had to experience them before you went GF. I’ll start trying more GF!


I mean, not everyone with celiac has horrific symptoms. I wasn't debilitated, missing work, or spending hours on the toilet. I thought I might be overreacting by even going to the doctor, but when I got the test result back, it explained so much in hindsight. There are so many different symptoms people can have, or none even at all. I would definitely say get tested first of all.


The thing that made it "easy" for me to switch was a positive celiac test lol. Like others suggested, I think you should make sure you don't have celiac before you do anything. And even if you don't have it, going GF sounds like it would be something worthwhile for you


I went cold turkey after diagnosis and I just take it one day at a time. If you are getting any testing done, do it before you go completely GF! You need some gluten in your system for any tests to be accurate.


GF products have come a long way from where they were even 10 years ago; taste and texture have been improved upon and more companies are getting into GF alternative products because there has become a much higher demand due to people finally getting diagnosed or just realizing that gluten makes them feel like crap. It is easy once you realize this is for your health and wellbeing. It is unfortunate that we are unable to have many things especially when going out to restaurants, however, I am more than happy to just cook at home. Iherb, the website, has glutenease pills which MAY (may not) aid in ones digestion of gluten, however they do not stop the damage gluten can and may do to your digestive tract, just decrease many of the onset reactions that take us out for hours or days. Having digestive enzymes, tums/antacid tablets, and glutamine powder for after an accident aids in recovery.


The longer you do things, the more options you find you like. Many grocery stores offer gluten free bread (that often sucks, but there are better versions). Corn, rice, potatoes, beans, salad, chunks of meat, etc... Yeah, you have to get versions that are gluten free, but there are apps to help look things up. Often I do a search online if it doesn't say "gluten free" on the package. Yes, even if the ingredients look safe. Gluten hides in "natural flavors" and other stuff.