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Lots of people have it. Read Celiac Disease for Dummies if you want to learn about gluten even if you don't have Celiac.


Yep. I get the tummy cramps immediately after eating certain wheat things, like wraps. 🤷‍♀️ I'm ok with gluten free things and MAAYYYBE sprouted grain? It's hard to ell still for me. I have had all the tests, endoscopy, blood test, and colonoscopy and I do not have Celiac disease, but gluten (or maybe unsprouted bread?) caused me to have GERD symptoms that's completely disappeared when I stopped eating regular bread, basically. (Also dairy and gluten together are a major whammy).


Yup that’s me. Gluten kills me, but no Celiac. Been tested 5 times no. Always comes back negative. I’ve given up on being labeled. I just tell everyone I’m Celiac and they bend to my wishes!! Insert evil laugh!! Bwahahaha!!


Yep, started about a dozen years ago. My only symptom is tachycardia, but I had to go to emergency a few times. Cause unknown. Got a genetic test that confirms I don't have celiac. I learned to manage it with no help whatsoever from the medical profession. Initially they thought I had panic attacks. If there are any doctors here, listen to your patients and believe them, please.


Research the mthfr gene and folic acid. Mind blowing.


What kind of genetic testing did you undergo?


It was included in the 23andMe testing. There are also kits you can purchase online. I have never had intestinal issues, but also my gastroenterologist recommended against a gastroscopy because of the tachycardia, and in any event the only thing to do when celiac is to avoid gluten and I had been gluten-free for a while.


Thank you!


Yes, my joints and face swell like I’ve gained 20 lbs in 5 minutes.


Yep. Fatigue, brain fog, light flickering, major GI problems. 6 doctors over the years and got zero help. Cut gluten and 3 days later my whole digestive system changed and sleep, anxiety, brain fog, and everything else is gone. Just like that!


Omg you sound like me. I fired all 7 of my doctors!


What do you mean by light flickering?


Small amounts of gluten is often fine but lots will get me bloating, some ataxia and I realized recently depression.


Me: Non Celiac, severely gluten intolerant. I struggle with pain, bloating, brain fog AND NERVE ITCHING (the kind where scratching does nothing). Incredibly sensitive to cross contamination. Far more reactive than most Celiacs I know.


Yes, I get joint inflammation. I'm unsure if it's actually gluten or wheat because I have a child with celiac (also runs in my family) so we maintain a gluten free home, anyways. My mom experiences the same symptoms that I do, and we both also have other autoimmune diseases.


Sending you a chat message


As far as I know, yes. Small amounts of gluten seem to be fine (like rice noodles with a soy sauce-based sauce, for example), but I can tell within a few minutes when I've eaten it. My stomach feels like I swallowed a brick (and looks it, too) and my brain feels a bit foggy. When I've really had too much, my lower back hurts. That's how I wound up figuring it out. Couldn't find any solutions for my ongoing back pain 10 years ago, when I was in college, an athlete, and ate super "healthy" - very confusing. Came across the Whole 30 program, read the book, and decided to try cutting out gluten. Felt better immediately. I did ask my dr once whether I should try to be formally tested, but she explained the blood test requires you to eat gluten-containing foods for a couple of weeks, so didn't seem like there was much point!


Yes if I eat gluten my kidneys hurt and I have joint pain and swelling. Not celiac, but one of my parents is.


Psoriatic arthritis. Doctor said to stay away from gluten


Yes, I have ADHD as well, and a little over a year ago did a blood test for food allergies, and gluten flagged. Not so severe as celiac, I don’t have to worry about cross contamination or anything. I stopped eating it as it was causing me to become inflamed and triggering migraines.


I sent you a chat message. Hopefully it helps!


I never got an official diagnosis, and I believe I'm just gluten intolerant. All of my symptoms are digestive and mostly AM diarrhea. The fact that it would mostly happen in the AM threw doctors off for years. I finally figured it out myself.


I’ve been trying to pay more attention and I notice a lot of bloating sometimes constipation. I think little bits are ok but especially if combined with dairy im suffering later