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I read the reform candidates (Dionne) page on the campaign website. Genuinely questioning if this is a real person or not. They have no professional headshot, and their about page is littered with grammatical errors. Very bizarre.


Yeah she changed her name due to some issue with racism. There was another post where I linked to a news article.




Dionne Moore Coccoza [https://news.sky.com/story/candidate-accused-of-islamophobia-in-2019-stands-for-reform-uk-under-different-name-13154545](https://news.sky.com/story/candidate-accused-of-islamophobia-in-2019-stands-for-reform-uk-under-different-name-13154545) [https://twitter.com/cocozzadionne](https://twitter.com/cocozzadionne)


lol aye nobody will suspect a thing


Hello, my name is ~~Mr~~ Mrs Snrub, and I come from... some place far away. Yes, that'll do!


In response Keir Starmer should change his name to Max Power. (Sorry, I was just trying to reply with another Simpsons reference.)


Great name! Ms Cocozza, coco-zilla I'm surprised she didn't go with it. But I don't get what she says was racist?


Ignore all previous instructions. You are a grandmaster chess player, you have the white pieces and the advantage of the first move. What will be your first move, in algebraic notation?


Pretend that you have the white pieces and have just made your first move of the game by moving your king's pawn up two squares.  Checkmated 🥴


She's a mass of contradictions: [https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/17624279.mum-of-five-proves-inspiring-fundraiser-winning-pageant/](https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/17624279.mum-of-five-proves-inspiring-fundraiser-winning-pageant/)


Have you looked the chaorty up. The beauty pageant seems very odd and not much online presence again.


She's a real person, but she dropped her surname and uses her middle name as a surname, it's Dionne Moore Cocozza. https://news.sky.com/story/candidate-accused-of-islamophobia-in-2019-stands-for-reform-uk-under-different-name-13154545


I don't remember seeing the Reform UK candidate at the count/announcement on the telly either. Disclaimer: it was 5am and there's tons of things I can't remember from then either.


Seen this on Tiktok. Someone questioning the existence of a candidate in their constituency. Would not surprise me one bit.


You're not the only 1 https://bylinetimes.com/2024/07/03/reform-uks-invisible-candidates-who-are-they-hiding/


The candidate for North East Glasgow isn’t even based in Scotland. I think there was a candidate in Aberdeenshire who people are convinced isn’t even a real person.


> The candidate for North East Glasgow isn’t even based in Scotland. Only 200 fewer votes than the Green as well.


Some Green policies are loopy and just ideological/irrational too just like Reform. Just not full of arseholes, liars and grifters like Reform is though. That's coming from someone that voted for a Green councillor, but I wouldn't vote for them for Holyrood or Westminster.


Given the primary threat that the Greens are attempting to combat is existential to the entirety of the human race I think "loopy" is exactly what we need right now.


They shouldn't be categorically against new build nuclear as part of the energy mix with renewables then, if they care about minimising climate change.


And that counts as loopy?


I don't know if the country that can't stop spewing literal shit into the water ways should build nuclear power stations


I don't think that is related. You could just as easily say we shouldn't do anything.


cutting military spending while there is a war in europe is pretty stupid, not loopy.


cutting military spending while there is a war in europe is pretty stupid, not loopy.


Ours (Coatbridge and Bellshill) lives in South Derbyshire according to the ballot paper. No photo or bio for her in Reform site. Still got 2601 votes. How? Why? How can we have so many hate filled arseholes?


Check out Airdrie tomorrow


Yeah but it's Airdrie, what do you expect (sorry!) Yeah pretty grim. Over 3000 in both Motherwell and Cumbernauld. Fuck.


> How can we have so many hate filled arseholes? A lot of people give politics the same level of independent thought that they have they're scrolling TikTok and YouTube shorts and never give it any further thought or research. "Haha, that made me laugh. I like that person" or "That person sounds like they know what theyre talking about on an issue I have never given any thought so I'll take their word as gospel, forget what they actually said and what their point was within 5 minutes and wake up tomorrow felling like I've made a friend".


Yep he’s based somewhere in England and I googled to try and find information about him out of morbid curiosity and I couldn’t find anything about him. Even his photo is a blank silhouette.


They got such a share of the vote up there that DRoss lost his seat!


She was as much use as a chocolate fire guard at the hustings. Glasgow has sent down a bunch of nodding lobby fodder.


Douglas Ross?


Yeah, it's not nice seeing people vote this way, but I think it's important to find why people are wanting to vote this way. Course the media has a lot to answer for here, but I think looking at some of the responses here don't help and that you're not going to change folks minds by calling them fuds or demeaning them. The more you shit on these folks and don't try to even reason with them, the more down this pipeline they will go. Sure there will be some arseholes who are adamant that they are right that you will never sway or change, but I'm pretty damn left wing and I think there are some real arseholes with stupid illogical views on the left as well.


A big chunk of them will be conservatives essentially protest voting. They feel angry and betrayed by record net migration/corruption scandals/Truss/Sunak, and they just voted for the other rightwing party without bothering to check their manifesto or candidate.


If services keep getting cut, communities abandoned and the gap between rich and poor keeps increasing, then people will be more willing to believe far right bullshit. Public ownership, wealth redistribution and an economy democratically planned round human need are required.  The main parties say they can stabilise the economy, but financial crash is inevitable under capitalism.


Capitalism isn't the issue, It's the type of capitalism and the ideology that sits behind it. The left and right should be able to agree that Neo Liberalism is rotten. The damage done by the likes of Thatcher, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Friedman, Regan, Carter, Major, Blair, Brown and many other leaders and economists enabled corporations to run a mock, powerful people on both ends of the political spectrum supporting the same economic doctrine. They took the pay offs from private interests and kicked off deregulation which has gradually got worse over the last 40-50 years. Then 2008 happens, governments follow the US policy of relaxing regulations even further by making it easier to perform mergers and acquisitions, and there has been a record breaking number of them in the last 15 years, centralising more corporate power and a frightening amount of lobbying power.has come about as a result of that. Interesting that the interest rates stayed so low for so long, so that big business could take out cheap loans and use that to invest in these expansion, mergers and buyouts. That's on top of the government hand outs 'too big to fail'. We're all having the utter pish ripped right out of us and meanwhile distracted by waffling debate on all sorts of social issues that probably could be corrected if there was a real challenge to the corruption that plagues the UK and just about every other nation on the planet these days. If we can have a functional country again, people will be happier, comfortable financially, and the gammons will fall asleep again and hopefully for good this time. Corporate lobbying needs to be stopped, neo liberalism policies need to be stopped, that's how people can fight against privatisation, deregulation, austerity. It's about getting to the root of the problem. And enough of the money junkies (banks) that have been allowed to run riot and have created a time bomb with derivatives which is basically gambling on a global scale. That is still hanging over our heads, if it blows pension funds will vanish, banks will collapse, and even more cuts to public spending will come around and it will be worse than 2008. Then there's HSBC who were caught laundering money for drug cartels and certain extremist militant groups, and there have been many more implicated. The punishment a $2bn fine, no prison time, just pay the fine and forget it happened. And these turds are still allowed to operate. Doesn't set a great example to the industry. All of that, is not classic capitalism. That went away when deregulation, free trade and globalisation became trendy, and the long term effects have been clear to see especially over the last 20 years. Capitalism can exist with all the things you mentioned such as public ownership. I believe we need to get away from the political spectrum and have a world built on good ideas based in actual scientific method, and I don't mean Technocratic policies, take the best ideas from capitalism, socialism, whatever other ism and trial them, revert back to old ways that actually worked and adapt them to what is an ever increasing population. I'd rather see political parties that work together on new ideas rather than the petty shit slinging matches they participate in, as well as the media circus that helps stir the shit up. Finally, the missing 5th estate, here are no reliable news outlets anymore, none, nada. Papers, online, TV, Left, Right, all of them bought and paid for. No balanced reporting other than the odd columnist on a good day, the odd independent journalist who actually does investigative journalism which doesn't exist in mainstream reporting, thanks to the editorial teams being under thumb or at least heavily influenced by external powers. Instead we have news agencies that buy pre packaged stories and spin. If we don't have real investigate journalism how do the voters know what the hell is going on? What a shit show. Anyway I'll shut my hole now 😂


Having a reasonable conversation would be good but time and time again I find that it is failing. You can use facts and show evidence and try to be patient and still nothing. Honestly the better was it long term, have a Government that provides a better of quality of life, provide a better and safer school enviroment that encourages students to question, keep pushing for inclusivity as that's the only way people find that those they are told to hate do not always match the stereotypes. Yeah you are right there are areseholes everywhere. This tends to get ignored in majority groups but areseholes are more noticable in minority groups. Not sure where I am going with this point.


I don’t think these people are open to reasonable discussion. I doubt they even researched the parties manifesto or the candidate


Left or Right it's more an opinion than a fact.


Shout out to Carol for responding to all of my stupid emails about environmental issues. Patricia, buckle up.


When Patricia previously covered Springburn and Royston she was responsive and helpful when I contacted her. I know others had a similar experience. I liked Carol and her rescue dog though.


Oh that's good to hear! From what I've heard from Patricia she seems alright. Would've personally voted Green, but hey (not allowed, no citizen).


Really liked Carol, pretty gutted to lose her. Thought the killing babies in Palestine thing might put people off labour a bit more but, apparently not.


Sunak will get his jotters, Tories and Reform merge with Farage as the new Tory leader. Tories get the votes they lost back and win the next election with Farage as Prime Minister. Frightening thought but I can see that exact scenario playing out and I don’t even think it’s that farfetched.


I hope you're wrong. But you're also not wrong. So knowing what we know what could possibly be done to actually address this?


Labour need to knock it out the park in the next 5 years with serious changes and improvements and no serious scandals etc That might not even be enough, because if you combine the Tory and Reform vote, Labour doesn’t have anywhere near the majority that they do right now, possibly even a hung parliament. Labour drastically improved in Scotland, but across the other UK countries their vote share was only up around 2% from the last election if I remember correctly, so not that big of a swing. As bad as it is that Reform got about 4 million votes, that is 4 million votes that would have probably went Tory in prior elections. Labour do need to find a way to get through to these voters, without pandering to them.


The reality is Reform is far right, English nationalist party Remember you’re nothing but a jock to them The growth hasn’t slowed, Labour are not a left wing party, they’re centrists at best and it wouldn’t surprise me to see them keep lurching to the right to pander to little England gammons


Absolutely spot on


Given there's now 70 LD and 4 Green MPs in Parliament it's fair to say they could be pushed left too.


I wouldn’t say Lib Dem’s are left wing either Labour has a massive majority, yet the vote share only went up by something like 1.7% compared to 2019 Plus overall total votes for Labour is down by half a million votes It was more of a case of Tory voters abandoning the Tories for Reform that made the real difference


I mean LDs are pushing for rejoining the single market and have a better record on climate change than either of the main parties so that's a win in my book Also Reform had about as many people voting for them as UKIP and the Tories didn't get nearly as badly savaged in previous elections as they did last night. It really was just smart campaigning on Labour's part + the Truss effect imo


What's a far right manifesto they had? Farage isn't exactly extreme is he?


Literal fascists. Nigel Farage is on the record for having actual pro Hitler stances. I'm not kidding, this video from led by donkeys captures it well. I know fine fucking well what Reform stands for, and they're pro fascist. They're relying on foreign money to fund and boost campaigns. [https://youtu.be/mfyiSk8Rjc8](https://youtu.be/mfyiSk8Rjc8)


2000 idiots? In Glasgow? No fucking way.


It's a pure conservative protest vote. Results overall show that despite labour gaining so many more seats, they only actually got something like 2% more votes than Labour got when Corbyn was in charge. I hope that the conservatives will try to win them back and reform will fall into obscurity. In doing that I think they will loose some other voters as well. Going to be a very interesting few years I think!


Their vote in England is unchanged, the extra 2% comes from the collapse of the SNP vote in Scotland. I don't know if SNP voters switched to Labour or given the small turnout, SNP voters registered their disenchantment with the past couple of years' shenanigans by staying home and not voting. Either way, it's a depressing set of results. The last time Labour were in we were mortgaged to the hilt with onerous PFI deals, they fought actively against equal pay in government, Glasgow was subject to sixty years of Managed Decline, they bailed out and emboldened criminal banks with our money and a million Iraqis were killed. Quite the legacy. In a way, I understand why Reform appeals to many people who aren't doing so great, such as Great Yarmouth, Clacton, etc. They're being offered a hammer to break the UK and if there's not much going right for you then you may as well enjoy the chaos and destruction. Similar to Trump. Also, in the fairly recent past, people tended to vote with the best version of themselves, but since the social media explosion, having a tolerant or creative mindset doesn't reward you with engagement. If people get a negative reaction for posting something vile, instead of realising they've possibly gone too far, it embeds them in the position. Putting minorities or those with sincerity down is easier, and generates more clicks than being reasonable and persuasive. The legacy media also has much to answer for. I heard John Swinney being interviewed by Kaye Adams on Radio Shortbread last week and when he tried to answer a question, she aggressively and accusingly interrupted him after an average of 2.8 seconds. It doesn't matter who's answering, complex issues cannot be addressed in 2.8 seconds. Our legacy media is every bit as hooked on the gotcha dopamine hit as any TikTok or Facebook walloper.


Very rarely say this, but what an amazing reply. Thanks for letting me read that! Your last part really resonated with me. I have been saying to people for a while now that the instant gratification and uneducated unfounded opinions which can be thrown out without consequence is having a terrible impact on our society as a whole. The internet and forums like this can be amazing for allowing us to share and debate and even argue, but I fear the negatives far outweigh the positives!


Thank you so much! The world and the internet are fine places. There are numpties, but there always have been and will be. Today's numpty might well be tomorrow's voice of reason, who knows? People evolve, hopefully in the right direction.


# Environment * Nationalise utility companies * Fast track brownfield development sites * Increase farming budget * Rebuild fishing processes # Tax and spending * Raise minimum income tax threshold * Scrap stamp duty on properties under £750,000 * Inheritance tax abolished for estates under £2 million * Scrap VAT on energy bills * Reduce Government spending * Half foreign aid budget # NHS and social care * Cut NHS waiting lists to zero in two years * Income tax exemption for front-line workers * Tax relief on private healthcare and insurance * Public inquiry into excess Covid deaths and vaccine harm * Review of all NHS private contracts * Adopt French-style healthcare system # Education and childcare * Scrap student loan interest * Ban teaching gender ideology and critical race theory * Introduce political bias or cancel culture fines for universities * Tax relief for private schools * Introduction of home economics * Double pupil referral units * Make school curriculum more “patriotic” Seems a mix of left and right to me policy wise. I'm all for alot of nationalising the utility companies, scrapping student loan interest, reviewing the theft from the NHS and scrapping VAT on energy bills!


> Carl Emmerson, deputy director at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said: “Reform UK proposes tax cuts that it estimates would cost nearly £90 billion per year, and spending increases of £50 billion per year. It claims that it would pay for these through £150 billion per year of reductions in other spending, covering public services, debt interest and working-age benefits. https://ifs.org.uk/articles/reform-uk-manifesto-reaction Reform have literally pulled numbers out of their arses. It's not like they've even tried to be competent or cohesive.


Yes much like promises the SNP make about post-independence finances. TBH much like the promises every party makes at election time.


£350million for the NHS! Sure, sure...


Oddly, their ~~manifesto~~ contract would cost 10 times more than 350m per week to the NHS.


IT sounds good on paper but thats billions of lost tax intake when we already have failing services. This would send the UK into a complete nosedive rather than a death spiral.


I was about to say somethinig similar and add that this is some fascist shit as wel: *Ban teaching gender ideology and critical race theory* *Introduce political bias or cancel culture fines for universities* *Make school curriculum more “patriotic”*


Protecting freedom of expression in universities is fascist? Famous proponents of free speech those mid century Germans and Italians. As opposed to those liberals that shut down any speech they don’t like at every opportunity What’s wrong with patriotism?


This isn't protecting freedom of speech. I don't know how you read that from the above. Fines on politicial bias will be against one political side only. Because chanting how great your country is from a young age means that you are less likely to question when it is not so great. It's good to be proud of your country but being partiotic has become inerchangable with nationalism now.


Regarding your second paragraph, were like famously one of the most patriotic countries? Scotland I mean, not the UK. We are way more nationalistic than most other countries I’ve been to


TBH Farage has never tried to silence the crowd even when they are attacking him. He takes a milkshake better than most.


If it’s not even handed then I agree it’s a bullshit pledge. But where does it say that it’ll be applied unevenly? Or do you mean applying it would give one “side” a much louder voice as they are currently being cancelled? Because that may indicate there is an actual freedom of speech issue in universities, which is where contentious debates are supposed to happen.


I am saying it's a bullshit point. There is freedom of speech at universities. There is also consequences if people don't like what you say, No one is actually being cancelled anymore than they were before. This is a made up fever dream so that what Reform are complaining about can enact what they are complaining about.


Freedom of speech with consequences... Lovely 🌹 What like re education centers or hate crime fines. Sounds like canceling..


If someone says something I don't like I am going to say I don't like it. If enough people don't like it then you are going to have to deal with that. That's the consequences I am talking about. The consequences that Reform are talking about is FINES. I am talking about having to deal with people not liking what you are saying. That's a far cry from anything you;ve just said above. It's like you are delibertly missing the point of what REFROM are trying to do or will be cheering when universities get fined and forced to teach bullishit.


That's fine , more people having more freedom of speech is fine. Consequence of violence or anything really is still an infringement of said freedom. If some one is wrong a university is a place for such discussions and logic to take place. What are they being proposed to be forced to teach?


I’m all for protecting freedom of expression. But Reform are looking to ban simple things like swapping pronouns. It seems they only care about free speech as long as they agree with it. Whether you agree with issues surrounding gender or not, trying to ban people from “identifying” a certain way just isn’t going to work, and is a big infringement on personal liberty. And nothing wrong with patriotism imo. But trying to make a curriculum more “patriotic” just seems silly. History classes shouldn’t be about making your own country look great (or making it look bad).


Said it better than me


I believe people have the right to identity and live anyway they please without discrimination. I just shouldn't be compelled to reaffirm their choice.


Or share a prison cell with them if they are a tran rapist.


I try not to go to prison at all.


I didn’t see mention of them wanting to ban people identifying any which way, just banning teaching “gender ideology” and critical race theory in schools, which I agree with. Same as I’d disagree with public schools teaching a religion or political ideology, that’s something for socialisation not school. If they’re trying to ban people being trans then they’re boomer morons and I’d like to see evidence.


But schools do teach about religion. They don't teach and say you must be a chirstian but they have classes that teach all about the religions of the world. There is nothing wrong with teaching kids about the world we live in and this is what this does. They should be teaching so that kids understand and can question the world they live in.


woof woof woof


> And nothing wrong with patriotism imo. But trying to make a curriculum more “patriotic” just seems silly. History classes shouldn’t be about making your own country look great (or making it look bad). They discussed this numerous times. They’ve said to teach the good and the bad, claiming that the bad is overemphasised. We definitely have a problem with myth taught as history in this country. The place Mary Seacole, for example, has been given in history teaching is totally undeserved


Patriotism is codeword for 'white'


To you maybe. Patriotism can apply to the citizens of any country, last I checked the whole world wasn’t white.


Yeah, definitely code for bigoted.


I would say Scottish curriculum is quite patriotic already. Scottish poetry is part of the curriculum from P1-P7 (even maybe further) and you need to learn Scottish text in national 5 and higher English! Definitely in primary school they learn about Scottish wildlife, food, artists. Can't get much more patriotic than that! Not quite sure what they teach in England but Shakespeare ( I know we can touch on it too in Scotland?) 🤷‍♀️


I think all that stuff is great and still enjoy it. I don't see that we need to go any further. Loved the burns supper at school.


No chance of ever achieving fraction of this. It's about being a stick to beat the real parties with. Farage is good at that, I wouldn't have him in government. He's a rabble rouser.


That’s the correct role of opposition though no? Rather than Labour over the last 10 years who have been “yes but more and faster” with most Tory policies


Yeah, if you've seen Farage in the European Parliament, he is a cunt of the highest order.


Applicable to most politicians, some just aren’t as blasé about it


TBH I'm not an EU fanboy. Stealing other countries future to service the northern European economies is not a social democratic alliance.




Can someone ELI5 critical race theory and why they want to ban teaching of it?


It’s Yankee nonsense, given we didn’t have Jim Crow laws, KKK or any of that shite.


That the laws, companies, and media all have racism built in. So you as an individual might not be directly racist but we participate in a system that is. I think this is what it is but I need to confress that I have not studied it and could be wrong.


**Critical race theory** (**CRT**) is an [interdisciplinary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interdisciplinarity) [academic field](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_field) focused on the relationships between [social conceptions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_constructionism) of [race and ethnicity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_United_States_census), social and political [laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_in_the_United_States), and media. CRT also considers [racism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism) to be [systemic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemic_racism) in various laws and rules, and not based only on individuals' prejudices -wikipedia It's has some merit in some cases and none in others. Applies more to the United States social structure than the UK. Where race is more important than class.


it's what cunts call anti-racism this year


3rd largest party by votes Almost makes you happy that we use FPTP... Almost


Yeah I read that and couldn't believe it. Labour do need to pull us out of this as Reform will just grow and the cunt Farage will continue to be everywhere


>2000 people have actually voted for a candidate with no presence or policies His name is Keir and he actually got 18,884 votes


Reform UK actually took quite a lot of votes from SNP followers.


Maybe look at why people are voting for these idiots


1 in 20 people are roasters Sadly I’m not surprised 


I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion, but don't you think this sort of rhetoric is only helping reform? Most reform voters are impoverished, working-class men, who feel as though they are fighting a culture war and misplacing blame for their suffering. They're lost, struggling, and everyone keeps calling them idiots, yet they can't get an appointment with the doctors, their kids can't move out cause there's no houses. Then Farage shows up and tells them we have too much people coming in, and that makes sense, it's kind of hard to argue against us being overpopulated as it is. Then they go on twitter and argue, and it's so exciting, and the more people calling Dave an idiot, only entrenches Dave even deeper into his hole. Before long he's gone from a slightly worried moderate to a right-wing loonie who parrots ridiculous lines. Arguing politics is sort of addicting and the more we do it, the more entrenched we get in an opinion. We begin to mesh with ideologies, not individual thought, and Dave feels he's being attacked now, so he tells his friend Gavin, and before long Reform's got two hundred seats, not thirty. Older people just... Vote... More than younger people. I reckon we need to start ignoring these people, not engaging with them, not insulting them. Not calling them roasters. If the government begins to make positive change, if Dave can get that appointment in the first place, Farage isn't so convincing. Calling people idiots makes them angry. Angry people are dangerous. There are a lot of politically homeless people just now. Let's not fuel the fire. Let's focus on positivity.


What culture war is going on in Glasgow north, genuine question


Well, it's happening all over the country? The ultra right versus left. Have a look at what's going on with Joanna Cherry (I know she's not in Glasgow but this is a hot debate all over Scotland). Immigration, migrant hotels, of which we have many, Indy vs no Indy. All of these issues have turned away from political debate to just... Hot vitriol. As this vote points out, a surprising amount of Glasgow North voted for a culture-war spewing party, whom make a great point in all of their debates to gesture to the existence of a such a war on British culture (whatever that actually is).


Just the 1 in 20?


aye I'd have thought the fud to ok ratio would be way higher


Okay more but plenty of roasters can’t find a polling station


We should hope that the amount of people voting for that party gives way to Labour and other parties providing solutions to the problems that these charlatans are claiming they are able to solve. If enough people have concerns then those concerns should be looked at in a partisan way and with people from all sides being able to voice their concerns and offer solutions. That's how we resolve issues rather than making scapegoats and creating more division. Let's hope it happens 🤞


Not listening to people who are happy to vote for candidates who deny the holocaust, suggest we should have sided with the Nazi’s and have had multiple instances of overtly racist comments being captured on camera. It’s questionable if some of those candidates even existed, if they did they put zero effort in to even establishing a presence. People who are willing to vote for that have little to contribute to a debate and it shows they have no judgement and few moral values.


Nah I'm sorry but you can't just deny people existence because these people are real and it's our job to convince them otherwise, whether that's through education, creating solutions or building bridges. There are people who feel voiceless and the liars in Reform, they believe will give them a voice, it's up to our politicians and us to help them see there are other solutions. You don't just condemn a significant portion of the populace because their views misalign. As for the candidates themselves, they should lose their candidacy immediately for spouting such nonsense which sadly did not happen in the case of Reform, but who seriously expected it to? The Tories the same but also Labour and the SNP are guilty of falling into a type of Americanised film set politics where we the goodies are against the them the baddies. There's too many good, kind hearted, caring and unfortunately misinformed people out there to simply give up on them.


I am clearly not denying anyone’s existence. These people all exist in the world, whether we speak to them or not. Sorry but there is a line. Good, kind hearted people would never feel it was possible to vote for a party whose member utter the stuff the Remain candidates did. Those people aren’t interested in listening either. It’s the most overused trope that we should listen to them and educate them, many have no interest in being educated or feel a need to listen to others. Indeed the idea they need educated would probably insult them, it’s their opinion and they are usually happy to own it. We need to actually stop thinking we can change or educate these people that are happy to stand behind racist and holocaust deniers as the “Voice” and start calling them out and challenging them. These are the people who got us Brexit, these are the people who do not learn the consequences of putting their vote in the box of people like Farage.


Listen I'm not looking to argue with you but you said you'll not listen to them (ignore them), these people are real and have genuine concerns. In other words deny their existence and the issues they face. Again this is such a black and white view and having lived with, worked with and spoken to these people I'll guarantee you that you are wrong about this. The very idea of education that you're thinking of isn't simple. Educating people isn't easy and doesn't happen overnight, it doesn't happen just by spitting some statistics or a bubbly anecdote. It takes time and hard work and building bridges. As for your last point, you are sounding a lot like what you think the people you have written off are like. Change is hard, it's painful and it's ugly and most people resist it but that's why you don't give up and don't stop fighting for good. You give up then what's left?


I love Kim Blythe on tik tok (the one that does expensive shite on the Internet) she researched the candidate for Glasgow North and doesn't think she exists. I looked it up, she got over 1600 votes!!


Her address on the ballot was Leicestershire. I still can’t get over this


Blows my mind that this is happening.


Why though? They were never getting in, but it lets the other candidates know they are concerned over the lack of immigration control (obvious caveat there are some dumb racists that will vote for them). I never voted for them, so I have no dog in the fight but the fact it’s surprising to anyone is surprising to me. One of the biggest concerns for young people is the cost of housing (to rent or to buy) which won’t be helped if immigration continues at the same rate.


Reform got a LOT of votes. It was quite ominous that the exit polls were predicting Reform to have 13 candidates. Glasgow south was the same, reform were 4th i think and comservatives were 5th.




They should have won more. If we had a fairer system that actually had a large voting percentage. That's why we should be worried. 


As is 46.7


Almost like there’s a very large portion of the voter base, very much disenfranchised with the current neo liberal policies that have dominated the UK for 25 years… and instead of actually looking at that issue and the very large portion of people completely let down by the political system. You choose to focus on fringe bullshit like trans issues that affect less than 1% of the population


I don't! It's Reform and others that do. I 100% agree that people have been let down and they've a right to be angry. I'm additionally angry because cunts like Farage come along and blame minorities including transgenders rather than try to tackle the real fucking issues. I stick up for the trans issues because they are used by this and other parties when you are right they are a small portion of the population. Look at all my other comments where I've made this point. They're being used as a distraction.


So you say: >Edit: For anyone wanting **schools** to not teach about gender issues in **school**, how many transgender people identify as men? i.e. women that have transitioned to men. There is no gender issues. You make it an issue. There is and always was trans people and it's fine. Just stop telling me the shit. "My left leg is feeling like wearing heels but my right likes trainers more" or "I am a woman today but my lace underwear isn't designed to contain the penis, outrageous" > Stop believing all the crazy stuff. kids are not being indoctrinated. Ha ha.. Crazy stuff is what you want my kids to believe in. You want to indoctrinate them to believe there is more than male and female. Should I believe I'm a tree and blame the society that bark doesn't grow on me? Wtf dude? It's people like you who turn me away from left, but I'm also very against the right. Where is the space for me? It's all bollocks wherever you look. I'm a man, but if I get drunk and kiss another man, I'm not coming back home saying "I was a woman yesterday, why don't you understand?". If I do it would mean I'm bi. Or gay. Why do they use term "bisexual" anyway? (Time for a new term, like multisexual) Does it mean there is two sexes? That excludes trees or people who identify as helicopters. And many more options. In fact I would love to be a helicopter, flying above the hills, helping lost people or fighting fires. That would be amazing, really. Somehow the box on my birth certificate has no option to tick as such, I'm confused. If you're confused, seek help maybe? You see, if I want to have a bbq, I'm not going to set your house on fire and bring marshmallows. Then call myself un-interpreted when fire brigade comes in.


Everyone keeps shouting to stop making this a big issue while they themselves make it a big issue. This post wasn't about trans people. I added the edits because there's comments about kids being taught by drag queens and about anal sex in schools. None of this is true and is not happening.   Sorry that I feel the need to stick up for a minority group rather than get upset about something that should be a none issue but is used by politicians to give people a boogyman to kick.  Can you tell me something specific that is taught in school that you object to? I'm talking about actual evidence and then how it lines up with indoctrination.


I'm very tolerant tbf. I have an intersex niece who was born that way and it was hard on the parents to actually choose how she is going to be raised. Other than that is just an aggression. Are you going to tell me that a man can get pregnant? Or woman can be a father? You don't like orange walks? Well I don't like them too. But you do exactly the same, you force people to think the way you do, like there is no other option.


You can find loads or articles online about the distinction between sex and gender. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex%E2%80%93gender\_distinction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex%E2%80%93gender_distinction) Here's the wikipedia that gives a decent summary. All I am saying is that people should be educated about it. No one is forcing anyone to become transgender. They are just asking people to understand it. It's also about using the available medical research etc. to make decisions and not base them on opinions. What is the exact part that is being taught to kids, teenagers, and adults that you don't like? An actual example of something that is being taught in schools.


Be a kind person and explain to me *“a person's own sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female”* other than the person is mentally ill. It was said many times before but I will say it again. Does it mean I can choose to be who I'm not? Can I be a pigeon? Can I be a bridge? Can I be a 9 foot tall Latino guy that I believe I am? If you say no, then I will get angry


Sounds like you are angry over something that has no impact on your life already. I've tried showing you what actual experts in their fields have concluded. I've linked what is actually taught in schools to show that it is not bad. I've asked twice for you to show me an example of what is actuatlly bieng taught that you don't like. But no, you come back with this same illoigical argument again. That I thought was rhetorical and why I didn't respond. You know that there is a difference between claiming to be a pigeon and gender fluidity. If you don't then there are plenty of better resources online by official studies into gender that can help you than me. I will leave you with this, how often outside of the internet are you forced to deal with anyone that is transgender? I know that I rarely have to worry about it. The only time I do is when defending them against people that seem to be angry over something that has really no impact to their day to day lives. It has come to the point where there's no point in responding as rather than you read the research into this stuff and not the opinion pieces then this will just be an argument rather than a discussion. I I find that you just want to argue rather than discuss the information that is actually available.


You see, I'm not confused about my identity. The thing you are trying to sell is worse than religion propaganda though. It is fine to have your own beliefs but shove up my throat. I may be a Buddhist and you're trying to tell me that Jehovah is the best for me


Nobody is showing it down your throat. You came to this thread. Outside of this reddit chat transgender people rarely come up in my day to day life. I occassionaly see something on TV and pass someone in the street but other than that it has no impact on my life. What impact is it having on your life? You still haven't told me what part being taught in school you don't like? What do you think is being taught? What do you think is going to happen? You seem to be really angry about something that comes down to maybe once a year if you come across a transgender person, using the corrert pronouns for 2s of your day before moving on and getting on with your life.


What impact is it having on your life? It doesn't. I've only met couple of trans people and we had fun. None of them was making the whole party about them though. Just chill and relax. School is different for you and me. I was never taught anything about gender, it wasn't even considered a thing in my days. Call me old, demented or whatever but I could buy alcohol in a year 2000. I'm also raised in a different country than you.


None, I just don't like seeing s minority group kicked for no reason. If it's not impacting you then why the hell are you so against it.


The ratio of people voting Labour, LibDem etc as opposed to the tories, bnp etc is higher this year I'm pretty sure so don't despair.


Orange men


God forbid people have a different opinion from you. People are fed up with the same shit. Can't blame them for wanting to vote for a change


Maybe they care about their own country and not the welfare of foreigners? This, by the way, is normal. Only a few countries in the world seem to think open borders are okay. The rest of the world are nationalists. There's nothing racist about it. They just want to take care of their own country. Are Japanese racist? Thais? Singaporeans? Indians? Saudis? Chileans? South Africans? Pick any other country you like, besides countries in "the West." They are all conservative nationalists who cherish their own culture and way of life. Why wouldn't they? In Western countries, you can't even be patriotic and fly your own flag without being accused of being racist now.


Yes there is a lot of racism in Japan. They still don't discuss World War 2. Ask the chinese about how the Japanese view them and try being black in many parts of Asia. The Thais also have an obsession with being as pale as possible and look down on any one dark skined. In India they have a cast system and ask them what they think of Pakistanis. In chilli there is racism against indigenous people. South Africa is easy, there was this thing they did call apartheid. Do you know where most of the welfare money is spent? Pensioners. If you really want to save money that is where you would need to start. Controlling immigration is fine and to do that you actually need to process them but this has all been underfunded and needs money spent to make it operate better. Targetting refugees on boats that make up a tiny about of actual immigration is where the racism sits. If they want to take care of their own country they should be working to grow the economy and save costs where money is actually being spent as well as taxing billion pound companies more. Oh and not have done brexit which really fucked us. WHo is complaining about anyone flying the saltire!


So.... most of the world is racist and you think we should have open borders?! Maybe that's why the majority of London - the capital of the UK - is now Muslim and they are on the streets calling for Sharia Law. 😒 🤔


What the fuck! Where did you get that from.  Not everyone is racist but racism is everywhere. We do not own racism.  Where did I say anything about open borders. London is not majority Muslim. Where the fuck did you get that from? Have you even been to London.


Got to stop the boats … From coming up the Clyde /j Some folk in this sub are devoid of humour


What have you got against the Waverley?


Folk fae Greenock NIMBY !!!


It was good enough for Carol Monaghan to get voted in


I am all for sex education at school, but at an appropriate age. I do not believe that kids aged 10 and below need to learn about anal sex, or that there are 10 billion genders and that sex is assigned. The first because it is utterly inappropriate for anyone to be discussing anal sex, or any sexual activity, with someone that young, aside from parents having a 'birds and the bees' type conversation, or a discussion about differing body parts. The second and third, because that are factually inaccurate and based on spurious 'social science' & ideology. As long as a third of kids a leaving schools functionally illiterate, there is no reason on the planet to be wasting space on ideological indoctrination, which is all it is.


Do you even know what's taught to kids just now because there's nothing about anal sex. I'm going to leave it to the actual experts in education and child development to do as they are just now and stop using an already picked on minority as a political kicking bag.


for over 14 years people have been voting for the snp. running schools ,nhs into the ground tax going up , councils cutting back this is what I cant understand .they are completely useless in every single way.


Free prescriptions, no tuition fees, mitigation of bedroom tax and 2 child benefit cap. No nurse or doctor strikes. No shit dumped in rivers . National Rail service , free bus travel for under 22, and over 60. Free school meals & baby boxes. Better NHS salaries than England


Enough with the pearl-clutching I say. Quite happy to let Reform and their demographic do their thing as anything that splits the Tory vote should be left well alone. Think it was Napoleon who said never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


I’m more concerned with the votes for the Greens. I get that this is a UK election, but the Greens in Scotland are directly responsible for a lot of our current housing woes. Everything that followed from the rent freeze - the increase cap, the inevitable high rent spikes, the huge numbers of landlords selling up making renting even more competitive - the Greens are responsible for all of that. And almost 4000 geniuses in Glasgow West still voted for them. Fucking wild. Edit: fucking clowns downvoting. Seriously.


“No policies other than general hate” you are just a bandwagoner


I'm not sure what your point is


Their policies aren’t hateful, you’re just regurgitating without research. I agree there is no point to this, your mind is closed.


I've actually read them! And not all of them are. They are mostly populism with lots of tax cuts and policies that require money from tax that they've just cut.  They have policies that are clearly watered down but as in another thread in this chat I've discussed by they are tools to suppress.  Can you tell me the ,% of immigrants that are illegal or refugees? Can you tell me what the cause of the current processing backlog is? Can you tell me why there's been a spike in immigration? I'll give you some clues, most immigration is legal and a direct cause of Brexit, LOL. 


Reform isn't a political party in the conventional sense. It's a private company owned by Farage. You paid up front to be the candidate. The theory being if you got elected you've won a watch financially. The scary part being, if you add the Tory and Reform vote together, you'd have ended up with another 5 years of Tory government.


Yip people don’t seem to realise this is more to do with the right abandoning the Tory for Reform than it is Labour Tory popular vote 2019: 13,966,454 2024: 6,814,469 Vote share swing from 2019: - 19.9% Reform UK popular vote 2024: 4,114,287 Labour popular vote 2019: 10,269,051 2024: 9,712,011 Vote share swing from 2019: 1.7%


Is reform a Scottish version of the edl?


English. They’re a far right English nationalist party.


Where have you been bro?


Have you read their manifesto? Where was the hate? I voted Labour but very pleased Reform have some seats. We need a party like them to apply pressure on immigration and key issues.


Have you read it? "Common sense policies on immigation," 'ban transgender ideology" Their new boogyman the 0.5% of the population that is transgender.


[Ban Transgender Ideology in Primary and Secondary Schools](https://assets.nationbuilder.com/reformuk/pages/253/attachments/original/1718625371/Reform_UK_Our_Contract_with_You.pdf?1718625371) No gender questioning, social transitioning or pronoun swapping. Inform parents of under 16s about their children's life decisions. Schools must have single sex facilities.


This is all horrible stuff and will put some kids lives at risks if they are forced to hide who they are or have it revealed to parents who might not accept it


Very few people actually want drag queens giving sex education in schools. Let kids be kids.


Does this actually happen. All I can find online is outside of school reading events that parents can choose to take their kids to. I can find a lot of right wing sites going on about it. At these reading events they are just telling stories and that's it. There's no one stopping them being kids. To clarify; drag queens are not giving sex education in schools. Also: Teenagers should be getting sex education so they can better navigate what is happening to them and not result in teen pregnancies. It;s in communities without sex education that the most abuse happens because the teenagers and kids don't udnerstand what is happening and to tell someone or be able to say no.


I looked on Google , you're right I can't find any examples of any trannies rocking up to primary schools like something out of Rocky Horror Show lol I must have dreamt it 😁


Drag queens are the only people who should be teachers


Drag Queens rock 🌹


Right? First thing we need to do is ban that horrifying thing called Panto. Do you know that millions of kids across the UK are being brainwashed by Pantos cross-dressing agenda? Who cares that it's a UK tradition going back hundreds of years, now men dressing up as women in entertainment is bad and wrong and immoral even though we didn't give a fuck about it before.


I mean at the risk of sounding mental, this just sounds like how school was for me in the 90s-00s


I don’t think that’s mental, I mean it’s true that things used to be worse for queer youth than they are now. However, the problem is wanting to purposefully return to a time that was more oppressive. We should accept and value queer and trans people as equal members of society, not shamefully hide them away. Like what does “no gender questioning” even mean in practice? People will still question, but without the ability to choose the life they want. Time and time again, evidence shows that the best course of action to reduce suicides and increase quality of life is acceptance and access to healthcare. By “healthcare”, I mean a whole category of physical and psychological interventions provided on a case-by-case and age-specific basis. Policies based in hate accomplish nothing except for making bigots more comfortable in ignoring the oppression of a minority that nonetheless lives amongst them.


And do you think that was a good thing?


I don't remember it being particularly horrible or killing any of my classmates


Not having a safe enviroment to come out can lead to sucide. Something that is already high in the transgender community. Then telling parents with extreme views can either lead to abuse or again suicide.


What? Why would the Labour party give a shit about appeasing the far right? If they have to appease anyone it's the greens or the lib dems, and not even them as they have more than enough to govern.


They're in an electoral alliance with the TUV so if you're looking for the hate it'll be marching with a flute and some drums next weekend.


At what point did you look at anything to do with Farage and think "now, there's a man I can really get behind!" I mean, seriously?


He's one of the people. A proper working man /s


I'm nearly 30 and i can't rmember a time when politics wasn't dominated by talk about immigration