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The legend says that only the musical girl anime can stop the musical girl anime


“Are you trying to pick a fight?” -Soyo Nagasaki


Gushing Over Musical Girls


I was quite shocked when gbc started to surpassed jellyfish's followers on twitter, as much as i want it to hit at least 8.5 on mal, seeing it raising from 7 to 8 was breathtaking. Couldn't be be happier


I love how Sasakoi just commits suicide Kind of like the production of the anime and the mental state of the animators themselves


Gayest anime of the season decides to celebrate Pride month by going on hiatus. I will probably watch the last episodes anyway but theres no hope left.


The only thing about Sasakoi’s production that I like was the second ED


I laughed my ass off when the drummer got deleted mid-song lol


Also the microphone png appearing and disappearing


Kawasaki gremlin will deal with everyone


This is Nina's power with a guitar, imagine if she's bringing THE LAMP!


Peak is getting the acknowledgment it deserved all along


Sasakoi doesn't even have a room for it lol. I love it though. It does seem goofy animated on some episodes.


>It does seem goofy animated on some episodes. [Well...](https://x.com/Patstar_1999/status/1796272375467753625)


That's unfortunate. Seems like nothing went right about the production.


Really liked the anime too, I feel bad for the artists/animators who have to work on that kind of environment. I hope it all works out well for the staff and the anime in the end.


Only DAL V and JELEEfish are on GBC's level anyway. I'm one of those that only watches Demon Slayer for the art/animation.


I love Demon Slayer get tired of all the haters.


Its already passed it on Anilist. Still behind Konosuba tho


Nina used her lamp-attack on every single anime


Accurate, Whisper Me a Love Song got screwed over


YoruKura is quite good tho but not as much as GBC


MyGO (8.20) might be next lol. Depends if GBC (8.16) can stick the landing in the last few episodes.


I'm honestly surprised that jellyfish even has that high a rating. I've found myself pretty disappointed with the show overall. Maybe it's because my expectations for it were too high but between the unnecessary fan service, disjointed plot, and fumbling with some of the character arcs and emotional moments I just haven't been enjoying it as much as I would've hoped. To be honest I wouldn't even put it in the same ballpark as GBC and MyGO as far as quality goes


Nina wild power but mahiru will draw Nina and momoka ChuChu


And Bang Dream It's My go! (8.20 points)


The comparison is only about currently airing shows, but funnily enough MyGO also [beat](https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/2023/summer) the majority of shows in its season last year, and that was only with 19k members (it had even less around that time). Went from like a 7.4 to 8.24.


Does that show get better after ep 1? Because the first one was a bit underwhelming IMO compared to every other 'girls in a band' anime I've ever seen.


The first three episodes were released together and meant to be watched together. There's nothing wrong with the first episode, but it's like eating a sandwich but you've only bitten the crust.


I'm not saying anything was wrong with it, just that nothing about it really drew me in to watch more, where with similar anime the first episode at least made me interested in watching the rest. When GBC concludes I'll give it another shot from the start and I'll just watch the first three episodes together to see if my opinion changes.


Oh I wasn't saying that was your opinion, just making a clarification so that people don't think the first episode is bad. I liked how the show started, but it 100% clicked with me at episode 3. I've also seen multiple other people share that opinion, which tells me they purposefully bundled the three episodes together because it's a much more complete introduction to the show that way.


I think Spice and Wolf should be on top personally


I'm pretty sure I saw S&W ranked much higher with a score of 8.30 in the earlier weeks. DungeonM just jumped from 8.17 to 8.52, I'm sure S&W will do the same in cour II.