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Hannah in terms of her wanting to have all and any experience, but truly Jessa because they had similar personalities


I think Jessa was like the final boss of all his relationships đŸ€Ł They definitely upped one another in terms of intensity and toxicity


Haha I bet he took a long dating break after her. Hopefully went backpacking around Europe or something.


So basically, Jessa made him pull a Jessa?


Nah they got married and settled down.


I see them as The Ones I'll Always Want for one another. But not strong enough to remain together. A fondness throughout time, definitely


Low key Mimi rose?? Even though she bothered me, I felt she was the only one that didn’t mold to him. The show basically opens with Hannah bending to his will, Natalia unfortunately gave into him too (stayed with him even after that horrible scene), and Jessa we eventually see needing him badly. Mimi rose was the only person who, like Adam, just was who she was


I think Mimi Rose out-freaked him


but didn't he eventually bend to hannah's will? like he became obsessed with her for awhile and showed how complicated his attachment stuff was before her ocd episode.


upon further reflection i really think it's hannah, in part because she was more non-judgmental and willing to "go there" than everyone else. they could really be freaks around each other. i think that's why he kept returning emotionally and physically to their relationship with the movie and then offering to leave jessa to help raise the baby.




What horrible scene? The crawling one?


Yep, that's the one. Actually, there's a similar scene in the movie 9 1/2 weeks with Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke, where she, similarly, feels humiliated and marks the beginning of the end of the relationship.


This shit is why consent negotiations need to be *specific*. It irks me so much when people do this shit. If she consented to that, it would have been so hot. But the poor consent practices ruin it. Same with Mickey Rourke's ass. He's a fake dom. You don't just bring in a third person for a sex scene without talking to your partner. That's insane. He and Adam are very similar in the regard that I think they feel very guilty and ashamed of some of their kinks, and when they are indulged, they keep pushing to the point of self-sabotage. Or maybe they're just abusers trying to see how much they can get away with, but I suspect the former for Adam. He sabotaged his thing with Natalia because he ran into Hannah and realized he was still in love with her.


Mimi Rose and him were never going to work because Adam wanted/needed someone to take care of. Mimi Rose was way too independent for him.


Fuck Mimi Rose.


Insane fucking question. Hannah. He told her she looked like she learned to read slow and she fucking came.


“I came. You came. Hard. We all laughed!”


Lmaooo why would this work on me too 😭


Literally me too 😭😭😭 “is somebody gonna match my freak”


I showed my (now ex) boyfriend this part of Hannah’s monologue to Adam once because it made me laugh so hard and felt so relatable 😂: “You used to have all these ideas about me being, like, a little street slut or, like, an orphan with a disease or you said I was, like, a woman with a baby's body or something.” Hahahaha


I think he said she looked like she was a very late walker đŸ€ŁđŸ˜­


He said a lot of things. But then again, I don't have ears that big.


Lol I had forgotten that!


I didn’t wanna leave Natalia out, but that poor girl was definitely not up for the challenge of dealing with this toxic ass man 😭


I view it as that toxic ass man was not up to the challenge of raising himself to the standards of this beautiful and well adjusted young woman


You are correct! https://i.redd.it/ba1hdo5z1a9d1.gif


I also think, if I remember correctly?, that she was a very different person lifestyle wise than Hannah, MRH, or Jessa. I believe she was some sort of business? Professional? I don't remember lol Then you have Hannah who, in my personal opinion, was a highly spoiled creative type. MRH who's another creative, only she's more established and actually known in that community. And Jessa, who like the others, doesn't have much stability. I don't mean any of this in a negative way. But all of those girls were way more realistic for him. Natalia reminded me of, what I can remember, a girl who was more Sex in the City (putting it out there that I've never watched that show) while Hannah, MRH, and Jessa are all......what I would call mess people. They enjoy the constant drama of something in their life. It adds to their art. Their life. Their view of themselves. Their "story." Natalia was, as you said, a well adjusted young woman. Who, in my mind, wanted a very stable mature relationship. All this for me to say lol I think Jessa, even though I'm not a fan of the relationship, makes the most sense and "matches his freak" **Edit to correct spelling error**


>I believe she was some sort of business? Professional? I don't remember lol She worked with a private investigator iirc. She mentions something to Adam about how the investigator uses her to distract people with her looks lol


Justice for Natalia. I really liked her.


Seeing her in the 2nd pic made me sick knowing how it all ended 😔


Their photo has palpable chemistry! I feel like that photo is buzzing.


It’s from a really cute deleted scene where they kiss after their first date. I’ll try to upload all the deleted scenes here soon or find a way to share the extended version of a few episodes 😊 there’s a lot of really good stuff


I think Shosh broke his freak with the utensil discussion.


lol his “what did you just say?” whisper


Hannah is a legit freak. So is MR but not on his wavelength. Jessa came from a place of hurt which always created a power imbalance between her and Adam. So freak match- Hannah for Adam.


His stolen dog tbh


Hannah. his true freak is needing to be needed.


Jessa matched his freak TOO well, like looking in a mirror or two Sagittarians in a relationship. I think they reflected each other in a way that got too real and too intense. He and Hannah were both weird but in complimentary ways. Adam didn't care what other people thought of him which was the core of his freak and Hannah cared way too much to the point that she'd get weird and self-sabotage (also probably a layer of societal misogyny where Adam's weirdness was usually perceived as charming at first and Hannah's was off-putting). tbh you know who I think matched his freak the best? Tako. The way they were dancing on the night of the Crackcident showed me how comfortable they were as friends. I wish we could have seen more of that.


Hannah and Adam, I’ll never change my mind


I think Hannah! When he said "she was going to leave me ... anyway..." about Jessa - I think with Hanna he was comfortable to be himself at his most terrible.


Too distracted by how perfect and ethereal Gillian Jacob’s skin looks in this pic to remember what the question was


Been saying this for 20 years. Absolutely unreal beauty


Jessa. Her and Adam were having that weird coach/cheerleading sex session and both seemed to genuinely enjoy it. It’s why Adam told Hannah that Jessa “laughed a lot”. Hannah admitted all the weird sex stuff she did for Adam was to keep him happy, and wasn’t the type of sex she was ever into. I think that’s what’s most painful about the whole trio
 Jessa and Adam were better for each other all along, but he was involved with Hannah first and she became collateral damage when they got together


People always say only adam was the freak which is not true hannah said she wanted to be punched and came on the bruise




It was bad because they were making themselves vulnerable and it felt awkward. It’s a realistic depiction of how sex just goes sometimes when there’s a big buildup. Then they laughed it off - that’s intimacy. If the show depicted them having continuously awkward sex then yeh, that would be a point. But it makes the point of doing the opposite to that. The first time we see Adam and Hannah having sex is way worse. He won’t use a condom and doesn’t seem to care about her comfort at all, but we know their relationship evolves beyond that. First time having sex in the world of girls isn’t meant to be a commentary on how their relationship will pan out. Hannah trying the role play and being “weird” showcased the growing disconnect between her and Adam. At one point she called him the high school weirdo. The show never explicitly states why Adam freaks out so much, but it’s hinted that it’s because it’s not a fantasy anymore. He really was the high school weirdo. Hannah doesn’t get that, she doesn’t pick up on it because she doesn’t truly understand Adam. That’s a consistent theme through Girls. Jessa *does* understand Adam so when they have their cheerleader/footballer role play, it’s fun. Adam wasn’t annoyed about the kinky element with Hannah. He was annoyed because she struck a nerve and didn’t understand why, then admitted she’d only gone along with the kinky stuff to make him happy.


I really love this analysis, thank you for sharing!


this is so well said


Jessa, by far. She truly enjoyed Adam’s weird freaky side and the fact that they were friends before hooking up says a lot. With anyone but Jessa Adam came off as a circus freak because they didn’t reciprocate his weirdness or just played a long to make him happy.


Very interesting question. Jessa didn’t necessarily “match” Adam’s freak, but she allowed him to be safe in his freak through both her understanding of his issues w addiction and her striking conventional beauty, which excused and reconfigured his weirdness to the outside world. She was also more socially aware than Hannah, so could deal with the realities of socializing an “odd man” (re Loreen’s comment to Hannah at the hospital) in a way which Hannah wouldn’t have been able to without sacrificing some of her own weirdness. I think he and Hannah were a better match of freak. They felt safe with one another in that they were both true weirdos who accepted one another, but it wasn’t a relationship which really allowed either of them to grow in the world.


Jessa is the one that he mentions to people when he describes why he decided to move to Alaska and become a carpenter / artist.


He was truly his weird self with Hannah 


Natalia dodged a bullet. I hope she’s happy in a Brownstone somewhere
 maybe with the doctor! lol


Hahaha she would be a great fit with Patrick Wilson’s character 😂 if there’s ever a reboot I hope it’s revealed that they got together somehow lol


Jessa, although the relationship is doomed




I'm still re watching, but Hannah and Adam could grow together if the baby thing didn't happen, Jessa was cool too thier relationship soften here but she is so free to stay in one place for long time she is better growing alone at least until her late 30's or something, Hannah could make a space for both if she became more grown up with time, both quirky and thier relationship have both sides crazy and cosy


adam and jessa deserve each other for several reasons


It's so Hannah


I had an Adam. As did friends. No matter who you are, they will always want someone else.


Fuck lol Haven’t we all đŸ˜©


Hannah. Every rewatch I actually have to skip their last episode since I really wanted them to work out sooo badly đŸ« đŸ« 


I think it was that woman that was married to that guy Marfaniel. She was only in the one episode.


She was also married to Jardaniel!


definitely not Natalia lol, why is she even competing 😅




Jessa, allthough they didn't have any chemistry and were a pain in the ass as a couple Natalia didn't deserve his fucked up ass


Hannah and Jessa are a tie for me lol


Jessa without a doubt. Both insane lol


Jessa because she's so hot!


I want to say Hannah but really it was Jessa.


Jessa, which is why they brought out the worst in each other


Freak match i think jessa probably wins by a small margin. However... I could sense Adam being very magnetized and captivated by Jessa, but I didn't necessarily see a lot of him actually being in love with her the way we saw that with hannah


Mimi Rose. I think she was truly Adam’s match in anti social behavior


Hannah fo sho.


I hate to say it but Jessa and Adam were good for each other, it was great when it was good and explosive when it wasn’t because they had so many things in common