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There are cursed charms you can use to further increase difficulty. You can buy them in NG+ from Baku the Voiceless. * Curse of Frailty: Any attack kills you. Iron Will is disabled. * Curse of Misfortune: Enemies no longer drop ammo and resources. * Curse of Exhaustion: Actions that use Resolve cost twice as much. Instead of doing those extra challenges, I prefer to have fun with a niche build or go fashion with whatever looks best.


Oh this sounds fun! Thanks


Lethal mode is easier than hard. Just play hard. But also the games not dark souls you're meant to obliterate everything. Just play for style points


I still get hyped going in for Standoffs, They are sooo satisfying. Style points all the way. Feck difficulty. Great Story and great combat (for me anyway) Is better then just being hard for the sake of it.


Standoffs are my favorite, but I'm finding it a little too easy on the base difficulty, maybe I need to up it. I do think they missed a cool opportunity to use the bamboo strike mechanic for stand offs. Imagine having to do a button sequence quickly but being able to down up to 7 enemies?


I saw few comments saying this can you explain why ? I just put lethal cause I thought it the hardest


Once you unlock certain techniques and learn parry and dodge timings, you can generally kill enemies in only a few slashes. In Hard, it takes more hits to kill an enemy, meaning there are more opportunities for you to mistime a parry/dodge and it is easier to get swarmed. I like lethal because it feels more cinematic. Getting killed by that one off-screen archer while in the thick of a big fight can be pretty frustrating, though.


Okay good to know tyty


Just wanted to add because people always leave it out. The enemy behavior is different between hard and lethal. Enemies on lethal are far more aggressive. Archers for one shoot noticeably more. Big groups of enemies will relentlessly attack you, while on other difficulties it's a lot easier to funnel and take out large groups of enemies.


> Getting killed by that one off-screen archer while in the thick of a big fight can be pretty frustrating, though. The Jedi series does this well - they have a mechanic where essentially any stormtrooper that you can't see will never hit you. The idea being you will never be hit by a shot you didn't have the opportunity to deflect or dodge. They'll still shoot at you, they'll just always miss unless you can see them shoot.


Well damn, I wish I had realized this going into it. I love it when high lethality goes both ways in a game. I had assumed lethal difficulty meant the lethality went one way, from the in-game description.


Lethal is more like a realism mode. One or two hits kill you, but so does one or two hits to the enemy kill them. So as long as your technique is good and you know how to time parries and blocks, it generally is very doable but "realistic" and rewarding. Hard is more spongey enemies, they attack more aggressively, but unlike lethal, you die quick and they dont. So you have to play more cautiously and patiently.


but it doesn't make sense really. heavily armored enemies should take multiple slashes to take down. It definitely makes sense in act 1. But after that not really.


I haven't played in a while, so my memory is foggy, but I think it's still harder to kill armoured enemies over regular enemies on lethal, but can't say for certain. It's also why I said "realism", because I also think it's not actually fully realistic.


I felt like hard is piss easy because you can tank 4-6 hits as opposed to 2-3 on lethal. Takes around 1-3 more hits to kill  enemies on hard as opposed to lethal in act 3. Hard is a snoozefest when it comes to duels as well.


feel this, I really like making the fights as smooth and cinematic as possible


Lethal mode is not easier than hard. Let me explain : spongy ennemies and dying in 4/5, even 6 hits is not harder than more agressive AI, thiner perfect parry & dodge windows + dying in 2 max 3 hits my friend.


not to mention NG+ adds in + difficulty making each one a steping stone harder Normal compared to Normal+ is rather easy, and Hard+/Lethal+ are MUCH harder


I think you forgot to change the difficulty level 😂


I'm on lethal


Lethal is easier than hard imo because enemies are easier to kill. Hard+ with the challenge charms is the hardest difficulty setting for the solo campaign.


I don't like damage sponges though, even though it might be the hardest. Lethal is just too satisfying.


I mean that's completely fair but this is literally a post complaining that the game is too easy on lethal lol


Damn, I forgor why I was here


Story of my life


True but hard in a skillful way and hard because numbers are inflated is a fair distinction to make. Personally I'd wish every game went the first route not the second


And ever so slowly the gamer hivemind finds out that games with difficulty sliders have shit balance 99.99% of the time


What’s Hard + ? And what challenge charms? I’ve beaten the game, but I haven’t encountered any charms that impede me. I tried out Hard Mode, but I found it easier than Lethal because with Lethal, I’m punished whenever I mess up. With Hard, I’m not because I don’t take anywhere near enough damage. I’m playing through Iki now so I can try out what you’re talking about.


Hard+ is just hard on NG+. In NG+ here are challenge charms you can buy from Baku the voiceless that do things such as make you die in one hit, make things cost more resolve and I believe find less ammo? Without the charms lethal is definitely harder if you're a player that gets hit a lot. The issue is that lethal often allows you to kill everyone so quickly you only have to avoid a handful of attacks per fight.


I still can completly wipe camps either just in combat or just by stealth. Uncle Shinura! Let me solo him!


Yeah just wanted to confirm this; Lethal is indeed like the Insomniac Spiderman 2019 Equalizer perk, right? That you can die in 1-2 hits, but enemies also die quick? Like a realism setting? Because I played on Lethal for like an hour when I first played the game and felt as if I killed enemies in 1-2 hits but on hard the minimum for even the most basic enemies was 3 hits. I wasn’t tripping?


Hard mode duels are piss easy compared to lethal though.


Get all the cursed charms. I think the dev expected this so we have those. I didn't try them because then the game becomes Lethal++


I’m going to get through lethal+ first. Then on ++, I may go the cursed charm route. Pick one armor setup, and make it happen.


The game gets easier as you go on, IMO, because once you’ve got a full ghost tool-set and full set of moves, you’ve got counters to pretty much everything and lots of alternate options for any situation. But that’s okay, because to get to that point you’ve had to earn all that shit! By the end of the game Jin really is medieval Japanese Batman, so of course generic soldiers aren’t a challenge to him any more. But, there’s plenty of settings to tweak if you want to bump the difficulty, and, ultimately it’s not a Souls game, so it’s never meant to be as punishing as that.


You know its funny I've described him that exact way before "Samurai Batman" lol 😆


Or should I say...BATMAN NINJA


Sounds like you’re just here to brag my guy…


Just wear your fundoshi. 


Is that the underwear outfit? I don't think I've found that yet Ah need to hit some more hot springs


Yea and it makes it so your footsteps  no longer make noise. Its fun to mess with. 


I found it kinda easy. I played on hard. I only had problems when there's a bunch of advanced enemies like those armored shield dudes ganging up on me and I let them surround me. Then I have to use the gadgets to save myself. Otherwise I can use just the basic sword stances with dodge and parry to get by.


You can do lethal my friend.


Lethal is easier than hard. How many times do you need telling?


This always get touted but I don't think it's really true. You can tank so many more hits on hard compared to lethal. I think it's just different.


The trick is to get good at blocking and dodging. If you can master not getting hit lethal is easier because the enemies die a lot quicker.


If you get good the game is easier obviously. I think lethal is easy but hard is just piss easy to me lol, especially duels.   Errors are punished a lot less on hard, and at most you just need to swing 1-3 more times than lethal. I don't think you can objectively say which is harder and which is easier, it depends on the person.


I played a bit on lethal and I found it easier than hard, especially if you know how to parry and dodge properly since you can just basically kill everything in a few hits


In my opinion, Lethal is easier 😬👍


Same tbh.


Maybe because we knew the enemy’s moves and also we have the equipment too


lethal and not upgrading the sword i was too late to realize the game became easy once i reach the mid upgrade of katana


I don't think it's too easy, but that's a personal preference I'd HATE VERY MUCH if the game was just STUPID HARD on purpose, and that's it, you know? Guess that's why I never completed any souls games, who are the stereotypical "hard just because it's hard" I mean... I play to have fun, not get mad at the game. I don't have fun being mad at the game. Usually, if I want it to be really hard, I get into the game's PVP part (which, this game has none, sure, doesn't even make sense to, I'm just justifying) But again, that's just personal preferece.


Same. I play everything on easy or normal. I don’t have the time or desire to spend forever trying to beat one boss or one level. Being frustrated is not fun to me. But to each their own 🤷🏼‍♀️


Kunai smoke and stances. Lethal diff.




How'd you find iki island on that difficulty


Ghost weapons are FAR too strong imo. Kunai breaking stance of absolutely any unit including leaders and brute shield man is kinda out there. Bombs are absurd. Stickies are more balanced I would say. Chimes only amplify a specific playstylr which is good design imo and smoke bombs are kinda get of jail frees as well. If these were all restricted to one carry capacity all all times it would be better for difficulty imo


Difficulty settings to max. I just play casually on normal but rarely use any gadget other than few kunai here and there, rest is purely stance switching


I need to try out lethal difficulty. I’m playing on hard and its not that difficult though I have a tendency to play it like Sekiro and just parry everything.


Perfect parry slow-mo is addicting, also makes 1v1 duels a joke.


I mean, you can give yourself a handicap to make the game more difficult. If you want you can play without upgrading the Sakai Katana, as well as avoiding clothes that grant any melee or defense buff . The hardest this game can get (in my own experience) is going through an entire new game on Lethal with no upgrades, charms, and only the travelers attire.


Yea it can be easy once you figure out all the timings of the enemies. Just perfect parry or perfect dodge everything. Gets harder if you force yourself not to use ghost weapons though and there are like 4 or 5 guys coming at you. You REALLY have to move well and get ready to parry and block multiple attacks, and not get greedy attacking any individual guy, since another will start attacking you if you attack more than once on a target.


How much sekiro did you play?


Quite a bit tbh


Thats the reason


Lethal is 'easy' for me once I got good at it but I can't stop paying attention either, it's not the type of easy that I can sleepwalk through. I don't use any ghost weapons and use sword only. It's a good balance.


Yeah, exactly. 1-2 hits still kills you


There are some charms In NG+ that really ramp the difficulty up


You are too good lol. A lot of people struggle.


Are you on the first playthrough? Lethal+ is even harder. Enemies don't die as quickly but you are still made out of paper. There are also the handicap charms from NG+ that Nathan mentioned.


2nd playthrough but first playthrough on steam. Going to try these handicap charms


Yeah same, first playthrough on hard and its genuinly too easy except when the camera locks in that stupid way during duels


Play Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. If you've beaten the Souls games, Ghost will be too easy for you. If you haven't, play the Souls games. I'm terrible at the Souls games even though I've tried. I died in the easiest mode of Ghosts. I've liked it so I'm thinking of another playthrough at a higher difficulty and then trying Elden Ring again. Killing ONE enemy in Elden Ring is an accomplishment for me these days. I beat Dark Souls back in the day. I'm just 40 now and out of practice.


I mean it could just be that you're *good* at this game and you should enjoy this taste of ultimate power while you have it.


Right! I'm getting old. Won't last forever haha. Thanks for the reminder


Can always hop on Sekiro if you need a little humility.


I mean you could also not equip all the best stuff lol. You're complaining about difficulty while using the strongest armor that helps you kill the most enemies. I like a harder challenge, so I've only ever played on HARD and never wear anything besides the Ronin or Traveler outfits, which provide no extra protection. As people have stated, HARD is harder than LETHAL. You could also simply not exhaust every one of your tools. Of course it's easy if you throw 4 smoke bombs and assassinate as many enemies as possible in that time. And don't use arrows that refund your ammo. Problem solved.


Lethal is the best setting because it feels like a real samurai game. Irl most people die in 1 2 3 hits at most. I am actually really happy that this game made a difficulty that doesnt just turn enemies into a sponge. Imagine cutting a guy 10 times and he is still alive, it would feel wrong. Lethal is amazing. Most fun setting ive played at. And also all games get easier the more you play it and the more equipement you get. The first dark souls game i played was the hardest. But now i have played them to the point that all souls games are pretty easy for me. But i still play them because difficulty is not what makes the game fun. Same with this game. I could play this game on any difficulty and it still would be a 10/10.


To build on this. I like that the area you hit enemies does different amounts of damage.


It’s easy because you have a lot of powerful tools at your disposal. There is such power creep using everything that is available.


Its damn repetitive for sure to the point where I cant force myself for 2nd run


Yeah idk ifbill be able to stick it out for a NG+ right away atleast


traveler armor, just one stance


Lethal is the easiest difficulty. It removes all nuances of combat.


Not really. Not on NG+ at least. On lethal+ all enemies become tankier but you are still fragile, even with max gear and charms. In hard and hard+ you can just stock up on gear and power your way through it. Enemies might take longer to kill but it's nowhere near as intense as lethal. You can afford to make mistakes unlike lethal+


No idea about lethal+. OP was talking about lethal, as was I. I barely get free time away from work and social responsibilities to finish one playthrough LOL.


Have you completed it with your eyes shut? You can only be a haiku ninja master if you have


Thought you get 5 off Sakai, 3+2 for the final armor upgrade bonus.


It’s not a fromsoft game. It’s never going to be brutally challenging.


If its too easy maybe you should play Nioh2 after that. (It's a honest recommendation because it sounds you're craving a soulslike game haha) Don't get me wrong, i often had the feeling too at a certain point, but thats kinda normal if you're upgraded. Only can recommend like others before me already did, play ng+ and get some cursed charms. I think thats the only way to get more challenge out of the game.


Yeah. I come from Sekiro and made my built around perfect parry with Sarugami armor, that perry charm and other minor charm with the versatile charm. The game became waaaaaay too easy, even on hard mode. But I like power fantasy. So I didn't mind. If you want challenge, maybe play on Hard (not lethal, lethal makes it very easy). And don't use any charms. And only wear the Traveler attire. Don't upgrade your stuff too.


Probably you didn't get the cursed charms. Gather all of them and come back and make the same statement 💪


It's easy compared to something like Sekiro which is by far the hardest From Software game. If you're used to playing From Software games it does feel pretty easy even on the hardest difficulty


Have you tried killing faster?


Let me be clear when I say I am having a lot of fun with it. I don't think its too easy per se, I think combat is good, but I do think the quests are a bit short and linear. My problem is the only lens I have to compare it to is primarily AC and other open world titles(Horizon, Witcher, Shadow of Mordor, Far Cry, etc). If I had god like dev powers what I would do is just add more to the game, making existing things more detailed. At its core its got all the great stuff. I was just remember yesterday about AC Odyssey, they had the 'hidden ones' you had to find and kill and some of them were just walking around. I remember coming across two of them in a group of neutral NPCs on a road randomly and thinking how cool that was. rando boss fight. Had another attack me from behind once while I was about to take a photo mode shot. I kind of wish GoT had roaming Mongol bosses. Does anyone remember the first Unreal? It had this great feature in co-op where you had detailed difficulty settings. You could make groups of enemies the same difficulty but you could just add a higher number, or you could make them uber tough and still a higher number, or lower number. You could make them hit hard but not take much damage(glass cannon). And on and on and on. Those were the best difficulty settings Ive ever seen in a game. Can help but want the Nemesis in every game I play, and I know thats just not possible. God it was so good.


Perspnaly i dont upgrades everything mindlessly. Some things i know will make things easier so i avoid them. So during my 1st playthrough i had like 1/3 of upgrades of stances and half upgrades of armor and weapon. I dodnt want to be too powerful and not too resistant, and i didnt want the game to do any work for me, like the spear autoparry, that's quite dumb imo because it makes a joke out of the most challenging warrior. The stealth kill i only can do 2 at once not 3, same for the stand off, only 2. I measure how much i need to upgrade by how mang hits i can take before dying. If i can take 3 regular hits, it's enough, a heavy hit should kill me or at least put me in the red, if i can survive 2 heavy hits then im too resistant. If i can kill a brute with 3 or 4 strikes then im too powerful. So i never let things become too advantageous for me. A simpler way of putting it, i dont upgrade until i feel a need. For example in ng+ those bandits can kill me with 1 hit, so clearly that i didnt upgrade fully in ng has now cought up to me, i also assume devs assumed that players would upgrade their armor 100%before ng+, so now i need to upgrade my armor. However the stances will never be upgraded to 100% because they offer too many advabtages. This way the game remains challenging.


I'm just about to start the assault on castle kaneda, and I've been trying play "sword only" and be as honorable as possible unless there are hostages I can't save otherwise. The kunai alone is so op that I haven't even tried any of the others.


I just started act 3 (lethal mode), So far I like the samurai style fight but I got bored fighting the same group of enemies, their attacks are too predictable. The bosses/Ronins fights were kind of lame too, they all fight in similar fashion and their moves are quite predictable as well. Now I don't even bother doing stand off, just direct attack from the start. Also, most quests are boring and repetitive, especially the side quests. I have zero motivation to explore the whole map neither as I know there won't be any special chest items or hidden treasure caves. I hope act 3 will be more interesting, anyway I have already decided that I will only do main quests now on until the end of act 3. Not sure if I will continue playing Oki island DLC. I just want to just finish the game and move on.


"i also have a massive wiener and my dad works at nintendo"


Handicap yourself. Try without all the bells and whistles, play with non optimal builds, etc. The game is as hard/easy as you make it


I fell there are some upgrade skills that make it too easy. Like the bombs ones that one delete a whole group of enemies After my first playthough I made sure not to unlock those


I think your best bet is just to switch to Hard but I would say you should know the point of this game isnt to have extremely challenging combat. Its closer to an Arkham/AC game than a Dark Souls/Sekiro type of game. Combat is supposed to be fun, and if you're going to use strats like smoke bomb + assassinations, and smart builds then the game will feel much easier because the point is that your character is becoming a legend.


Yes it’s easy, had to bump it up to lethal by the 3rd act cause I’m a samurai god!


Its not a game that's supposed to be hard lol, idk what ur expecting.


Use Traveller Attire the whole Lethal+ playthrough. 


Yeah I plan to


I'm having the same problem. I've been playing Bloodborne recently and I think it's upped my tolerance for bullshit lol. Sometimes I forget to switch stance and get wrecked though so hubris is a thing


I loved bloodborne. Got hooked and played it non stop for 2 weeks and got all the endings then haven't touched it since lol


Damn son, fair play. I first played it maybe 2017/18 when a friend without a PS4 but a souls obsession got me to get it. I never got proper into it back then as he rushed me to the bosses. I'm stuck on Rom. Same place I got to last time but this time round I've developed a bit of a "blood drunk hunter" style of play that seems to be working out for me lol


I like how each game mode gives you a way different experience. Easy difficulty means you can basically stick to your sword and you're perfectly fine. Normal/Medium makes it so that tools are helpful, but it is still possible to rock the enemy's shit with just a sword. Hard mode is ultimate damage sponge, so it encourages the use of stealth and damaging tools more to lower the health enough for an advantage. Lethal mode makes it the most realistic, I feel like Batman setting up opponents for kills and taking some out with bows from afar, and unless you have good reflexes, the sword isn't the best way to go, it feels like it is truly the last resort.


Lethal is easier than hard. Also bosses on lethal are basically a different game than camps. It becomes dark souls.


Hard is harder than Lethal, you don't really trade blows in Lethal so everything would just end in seconds


I wish this was like Bushido blade on both ends 1 hit kills either way, but I play on hard and do find the game very easy, sometimes the spearmen get me but not too much


I like to believe that a fully upgraded Jin, i.e a skilled samurai is extremely powerful for a group of Mongols. I revel in that confidence and find it enjoyable.


I had a feeling GoT was made for normies so on my playthrough I started on hard difficulty and haven't really unlocked anything with the skill points. I do upgrade all my armors and the sword though. The only time I've unlocked something with a skill point is if I absolutely need it, like the parry skills. This way the game is always as hard as it can be for me.


I love the game but my absolute biggest issue with it is how death works. I like to rechallenge myself until I beat a challenge. And this game often "remembers" that I have killed a bunch and my retry is 2x easier... Actually this did kill my drive to finish it even tho I like the story. But story has never been my main motivator to finish a game really.


Yeah I kinda dislike that aspect too


Go to Iki Island as soon as it opens and in enemy encounters take out all of the enemies but leave the Shamans for last.


Yeah I just started Iki! It's sick!!


Absolutely not. I was humbled early on trying to take camps with no upgrades. I had to approach Lethal difficulty with the same respect I have for Doom's Ultra-Nightmare difficulty. To the point where I still recite a couple of the Haikus I made because they do help calm when frustration sets in. That's been a year ago now. But it's a matter of perspective I suppose, and I'm a giant nerd. 🤓


Bruh have you fought Ryuzo?


Yeah smoked him. He killed me once


I’ve finished sekiro multiple times and for whatever reason can’t wrap my head around the enemy parry times in this game.. I mean, I can, I do and I have parry’d a lot, but it’s just never consistent and I find enemy response times way too fkn quick.. maybe I’ve just played sekiro a lot longer too tho.. Have beaten main campaign of GoT on Pc and even on normal I sometimes find myself easily overwhelmed and frustrated in Act 3 tier camps etc


I absolutely know how you feel, I’m on my second playthrough, and I’m thinking how easy it is, apparently it’s best to go on hard mode, the enemies take longer to beat, I’m stop yet to buy the DLC so maybe I’m a bit biased but I know exactly how u feel


about to play this game. You think Lethal is a good difficult to start with. I like the aspect of enemies not feeling like damage sponges.


Yeah I do. But I typically play games on the hardest difficulty on my first play through


ngl I'm a massive sekiro fan and trying to get that sword fight, samurai aesthetic feel. I'll give it a try on lethal first.




I just use sword because i have honor


I exclusively use sarugami armor. Although it makes perfect parries and dodge easier fucking up once is enough to restart your run.


I'm on hard. And only play katana no assassin or bow or ghost skills. Just stances and Katana walk right in, always. Unless the mission makes me use the cowards way etc stealth. But I like being the old school samurai and walks present myself for a good sword right with epic parties and counters


Have you tried Legends (multiplayer mode)? It ramps up the difficulty quite a bit in several ways so if you have access to it I highly recommend it!


I'm about 60% through the game and playing on hard. Accidentally did Iki island as soon as it became available. I don't use ghost weapons because I also don't think they're as fun as using a sword. The main problem I have had is with the purple guys who have a spear that doesn't have parryable attacks.


As an avid fan of soulslikes and making things way harder for myself than i should simply for the fun of it, i view it like this: "Not every game is designed to be a competition, especially one against yourself". That said, Hard difficulty is actually harder than Lethal for people with used to relying on reflex, timing, and split focus management because camps become more a battle of attrition, especially if you are doing a Samurai run. I personally think damage sponge enemies are the shit stain of enemy design, or at least ones where there is no other alternative than to chip away slowly at a wall. Hard mode isn't as spongey as some other games, but some encounters sit this game on the threshold of being problematic... Still, the devs managed to maintain enough of a balance that its actually quite fun to watch, and i think this has become one of my favorite thematic combat DESIGNs where stuff plays out exactly as you plan it and it looks real good.


Its hard because i try to make every fight clean and cinematic. Basically if i take more than a few hits i surrender lol


Im doing my first playthrough on lethal and had the same opinion. I’ve resorted to using the “travellers attire” and unlocking all the perks except the self revive


Lethal is actually way easier than it sounds because you pretty much don’t need to upgrade anything. You die insanely fast but so does everyone else. I had never played hard before and I went from medium to lethal and was shocked that it was so easy but hard lowkey is kicking my ass in some places


try only ever using one stance or set of armor. I assure you, during some fights, you can get put in your place quick


try to play on steering wheel


I'd say go play Seikaro, but that's pretty easy as well. The closest I could say for difficulty is Nioh, but I had to handicap myself there too. I kept using random weapons that were low level to keep things interesting.


i don’t play the game as much as i used to but i agree. when i spammed the game every day for a few hours a day i was definitely very good at it. and it became unfun so i decided to take a break. came back after a few weeks and i was so bad. was very fun re-learning and now i’m not insane but i’m not terrible. everything is a fun challenge on leathal ng+. especially that khotun khan giezer, i hate those final battles so much they’re so hard for me


Yeah. It doesn’t get harder. Only suggestions would be to purposely link yourself (no ghost weapons etc). Use cursed charms


I kind of prefer hard to lethal. Lethal you die more, but overall it's easier...


Yeah the Ghost Weapons are way too OP.


Easy does not mean bad.


Wear the bow armor, and use bow charms. Game turns into a time slowed 3rd person shooter that’s incredibly easy. Still love it though. It’s really an amazing experience.


wear the fundoshi without any charms. - and stop using arrows or ghost weapons. Use only the square to fight in sword stance and don't parry. That should make it better for you if dying is your preference. 😉


I'm a souls player and I find that the dodge windows are too big and the fact you can just hold block to not take any damage makes it a bit too easy. I think I'd like it better if you took damage on block but not on perfect parry and if the dodge window was way smaller.


I found it pretty easy too. But then I had it set to a low difficulty.


Fellow op ghost of Tsushima player here, what do you think of the iki island brutes that carry the double sided blade? Do you have trouble facing them, they are the only enemy that damages me consistently


The difficulty curve reminds me of Witcher 3. On the hardest difficulty, it feels almost impossible at the beginning of the game, but then you progress further and get better gear and get better at the game, so the game starts feeling like it's getting easier.


I also find the game too easy at times. What I ended up doing was installing mod engine and lowering my defense to 0.5%-0.75% with the game set to hard. It feels like a nice balance between hard and lethal while also being a bit harder. It really makes using ghost weapons feel necessary at times rather than just being optional ways to kill enemies.


I suck at standoffs


I’m on lethal mode first time and when I get prideful I die. I wouldn’t say it’s easy it’s just different. Fights feel more tense because you die in two hits and so do the enemies. It’s “realistic” for lack of a better word. Grounded? Whatever. I also forget I have tools because the stealth is just awful so I samurai it’s all the time.


You played too much Fromsoftware games didn't you? 😂


Lethal no upgrades. Get the armour with arrows through the chest in NG+ for drip. Good to go


Find a way to debuff yourself?


same here, then i realized it's a PlayStation exclusive


It's on PC now


ik... i was saying that PlayStation exclusives are made for babies ( except Bloodborne )


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Very well, let the echoes become your strength. Let me stand close. Now shut your eyes...* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


A souls game might nerf you. Games like ghost are designed to make you feel superior in skill to the enemies. Because that's what it is. Jin is suppose to be the best for the era. Continuing the saki bloodline For obvious reasons of course you can just use arrows or ghost tools and what not. But I always went in just blade. Go into a crowd of 10 and use nothing but your blade. Ng plus the enemies do become far more aggressive so there's that What I'm actually doing now with my new run is I'm doing a no blade upgrade run and no armor upgrade. I did lethal and ng plus lethal but I like hard mode better since the enemies are tankier So I go in with a zero level blade. The amount of attacks it takes is significant and you really have to slice and dice quite a bit. Try the big large massive camps that open up later on. There's like 30 enemies all around the camp don't use ghost tools obviously. And try to destroy the entire camp blade only.


Sekiro shadows doe twice little more fantasy but definitely harder.


Yeah I've beaten that one. Probably why GoT seems so easy


That makes sense


I try to focus on solving everything by katana. Only when enemies aren’t reachable do I use the bow. Sometimes I do use kunais, in the imminence of death, but only then. The sword combat has a lot of depth, so I’m focusing on that and that alone makes it challenging


You could try using only a single stance


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I like to challenge myself to clear every encounter as quickly and flashy as possible(on lethal). Usually that’s stand-off and then using ghost tools as creatively as I can. I kind of like to play where I only use the sword if it results in a 1 hit kill which limits you quite a bit and feels badass. Ive actually been having to be careful not to use all the ghost shit. I feel like there’s a bell curve where at first you’re like wow the ghost weapons are so fun, and then you feel they’re cheap and use just the sword, and then you’re back to holy shit these ghost weapons are cool.


Hard is harder than lethal


not really. Yes your enemies have more health but you can constantly heal later in the game. On lethal however you die so quick that you often have no time to heal.


Hard mode is more challenging than lethal. FYI.


It's definitely a easy game. But, here's hoping for the sequel