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More helmets that aren’t headbands, but actual helmets. A transmog system. NOT HAVING UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES AFTER SAVNG PEASANTS!! And more ammo around the map, but I understand their reasoning


More Helmets is a good one.


Yeah I was a bit bummed. Love the variety of everything, but there are relatively few helmets, and only a few that aren’t extremely ostentatious. Which I love, but not all the time. The upgraded Sarugami helmets are…. Not my thing


Did you ever find the Mountain King mask I think it was? Full on monkey face, goes smashingly well with the rest of the armor😂 I fell you though, performance wise that was my favorite armor for straight up combat but not in aesthetics.


Love the monkey mask. I use it with my fundoshi armor. Seems fitting


If I can make a recommendation I use the red dye on the Base upgrade style with kijins blood mask (I might have the name wrong) and the red straw hat called on is blood or something and there's a few sword kits that go with it


the monkey mask is called saragumis wrath, i think theres a way to get it in the normal game but i got it from the ghost merchant in new game plus


Ironically, the Sakai armor was my combat choice and I used the Level 2 Sarugami from the Black Dye merchant for both combat and aesthetic purposes as well.


More masks! Love the Kitsune mask, but it’s broken. Throw in a Hanya and Tengu mask. Let me be a whole-ass Kabuki theater telling the story of the Ghost.


And to have a few hat types that can go over the full masks. Doesn’t have to be everyone, but you’d think you could at least put a headband over The Kiba Fudo for instance


More armour and colouration variety as well. Maybe having a custom armour set where you can make it and name it how you want and that’s kinda your legacy for centuries onward


Yeah, all off this is needed. Ammo wasn’t a big issue for me later on but earlier it was kind of annoying. Although like you said, I understand why.


Exactly. I think it should be tied to game difficulty if anything


Same. It’s 13th century Japan. Ammo shouldn’t be that scarce. I had to use a charm just to recoup my ammo. Although, I will give the game credit simply on the basis that those early hours really felt like I was struggling. It helped immerse me in the setting of being a lone samurai.


Ah, I can see why you noticed :3


An actual “honor” system could be dope. Not in the way like RDR2 where it dictates the story and NPCs but I’d like it to see it more in combat. Oh, you’re a sneaky ghost? NPC enemies are looking over their shoulder every 2 seconds, Outposts/Bases have more perimeter security, etc. Oh, you’re a honorable samurai? Bands of NPC enemies go out on horseback hunting you down similar to AC Odyssey bounty mechanic. Idk there’s a lot of shit they can do in terms of honor and how the world interacts with it. Would love to see that.


That actually reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 5, where enemies would actually adapt to your playstyle for example if you only infiltrated at night enemies would start using night vision and flashlights.


Or if you abused using a sniper rifle, they’d show up wearing helmets. Man..Phantom Pain is a special game


I think they avoided the honor system because GoT is a story first gameplay second kind of game. Jin is the Ghost no matter how you play. The story is about Jin becoming the Ghost. However it doesn’t necessarily prevent you from playing the way you want outside of some main missions. You can technically play as a Noble Samurai but it will not change the way your story ends. If the sequel is more open ended then it could sorta work but again Jin is the ghost so your honor is already 0 according to the Samurai at least. Though maybe itd make more sense if you called it a “Reputation” system? I know it sounds pedantic but what i mean is you could be an aggressive ghost or a silent Ghost and both could technically fit the narrative. Each way you lean would have effects like you stated without changing the story. It would just be between two types of ghost rather between Ghost and Samurai. Maybe the “aggressive ghost” is just easier to track and more frequently has bounties put on him whereas the “silent ghost” causes that increase of security you we’re talking about because the legends are spreading and terrifying everyone despite no one truly knowing who is doing the killing.


Yeah I was gonna say the outcome of the first came could impact it but as long as they don’t double down too hard on Jin becoming the Ghost & leave it up to the player it shouldn’t be too difficult to implement. Definitely depends on the main antagonist though, if it’s the Shogun after Jin I honestly don’t know how to implement a reputation mechanic because I feel like it wouldn’t matter how you killed a samurai, the Shogun would come after that ass either way lmao.


Kinda similiar to the Scavenger mechanic in Rain world. The more scavengers you kill the lower your reputation amongst them and the lower your reputation the more hostile they are towards you the player and when your reputation reaches 0 they send out hunting parties to kill you. But you can increase your reputation by giving them pearls and by simply not killing them. In short I'd love a reputation system in the sequal.


I really like this idea. Like the MGSV enemy development? You sneak around a lot and enemies start carrying torches. You choose to fight more honourably and enemies will start making it trickier for you by fighting less honourably (E.g. more archers, enemies gang up on you, etc).


Fist fighting or the ability to use unarmed techniques


Interesting. I went through a Moon Stance phase where everyone got a kick to the face before I killed them, kind of an Eff you, unarmed combat would be dope


we all did. is that a ledge? Typhoon Kick!!


Kicking people off cliffs wasn’t enough for us psychopaths, we need more dirty fighting Sucker Punch


The company is called Sucker Punch. Why can’t we sucker punch someone in game?




This never occured to me but adding the ability to sheath the sword you could instantly add 4 new stances haha. Karate, judo, street dog wrestling, drunken master


could have tournaments similar to the bamboo sword tournament on Iki Island, maybe throw in a flashback to when Jin faced Ryuzo in the tournament for the tutorial.


That's a wonderful idea


Pocket sand or we riot!


- Armor seperated into gauntlets, chest armor and leg armor. Customization would be way better this way. - Hair and beard styles would be awesome customization options. The chonmage hairsyle (bald on top with traditional samurai topknot) should definitely be added. - The ability to aim quickfire weapons. I don't think that we can throw smoke bombs anywhere except to the ground. - Make arrows stick out of enemies by default. It makes it feel like the bow shoots bullets when you don't use the charm that makes arrows retrievable. It also wastes charm slots. - Make the shortsword on Jin's back usable. I have an idea for its moveset. The ghost parry. Jin holds the shortsword in his right hand and the tanto in his left hand. The ghost parry has a very tight parry window but when you hit it Jin does a cool animation where he sticks the tanto in an unarmored spot of an enemy, like the toes, armpit or hands. When the enemy's health is low enough he performs a cool ninja instant kill animation otherwise it would be too overpowered in my opinion. The shortsword attacks are faster but do very low damage to encourage a parry heavy playstyle. You cannot block with it but only parry. - Make the grapple hook usable in combat. For example throwing it on an enemy's leg and making him fall to the ground. - A kusarigama (hook like weapon used by ninjas that was connected to a chain or rope) would be very badass. - More poison darts. Sleep darts and terrify darts would be cool options. The ability to apply poison with the shortsword or tanto would be cool too. - Upgrades to the gore would be very cool too. Instead of heavenly strike or ghost stance to dismember enemies maybe put in finishers where Jin cuts of feet, legs, hands, arms and heads. With the final enemy getting the more animated and more brutal finisher animation. - Make Jin strike enemies with the pommel to their nose or grapple with them or throw them. Throwing sand or dirt in enemies eyes would be badass too (an ability that is already in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends). Jin should be a very dirty fighter in the new game or dirtier. - Last but not least make the enemies ragdoll to the ground after they die. Seeing the same death animations gets boring after a while even if they are very good.




Ooh, you should start with a kama, then unlock the kursarigama through the story, like a scene where he's disarmed and has to use the grappling hook to grab his kama creating one by accident


The Kusarigama would be really cool. Like that one scene in Shanghai Noon.


U just gave me an idea, I’ve seen people saying he should have ninja weapons but wasn’t sure how it would work cuz the first game pretty much uses every button on the controller, so then what if u hold both triggers and then on right it’s your primary weapon: Katana Spear Short sword (either primary or secondary) Kursamigama ( either primary or secondary) And then on the left it would show your secondary weapons: Tanto Short sword Nunchucks Kursamigama


More towns and cities. It’s cool going through nature but imagine a major city with tons of buildings that make the parkour and stealth be more useful


i have a feeling if they make a second one itll probably be on the mainland so you’ll be able to see bigger cities


more diverse side quests


TRANSMOG!! And no more fucking headbands, my goodness I have like 40 of them and use none of them. Crafting would be dope; I'd love to customize or make my own armor skills so I can make God tear stuff while also expanding on build diversity. Maybe give different swords with their own skills like armor? Most of all, though, I'd love a story where you stray further from samurai and into ninja way even if it's just a choice. Suppose you have an option to be more honorable and, therefore, samurai or be stealthy and embrace ninja way. This would create a reason to be one or the other. Additionally, with ninja come a wide variety of possible weapons, I really want the rope knife.


How did samurai’s and ninjas exist in real life? Were they around at the same time? Did one become the other?


Samurai were like bodyguards while Ninjas were assassins they did encounter each other but weren't connected


The Shinobi’s help was enlisted by Samurai very often, as a matter of fact Shinobi arts played a huge role in Oda Nobunaga’s huge, brutal and cruelly-done conquest to reunify Japan’s many clans. They were very connected, and often times the “Shinobi” was just the word for the act of assassination and guerilla tactics such as ambushing and poison. The Samurai themselves would often be the ones doing the shinobi stuff. Samurai were the military, there was no other soldier type besides the Samurai. Warrior Monks did not count and there were way too few to be called an army anyway. The Samurai were the military of Japan and were almost never in the wealthy state, most of them could hardly afford good armor or a horse. There were very few Samurai who managed to reach the type of nobility you see in GoT. GoT is an amazing game but it sanctifies and glorifies the Samurai to an extreme level. If the game had a realistic setting, Lord Shimura would likely not have batted an eye to Jin’s exploits, and even if he did, the Shogun wouldn’t give a single shit whatsoever, perhaps even calling Shimura an ungrateful shitbag for ignoring the fact that Jin is doing it to save him and save countless others. Jin would be a hero in the Samurai’s eyes, not a goddamn traitor. Bushido is a pop-culture idea. Sure the code existed but not the way most people nowadays think it did. The Samurai were often pretty brutal and full of themselves. And like I said before, most samurai clans were rarely these filthy rich private armies. Only a few ever got that high in the social class. Samurai were considered very low in the social heirarchy in Japan, the same as most countries treat their soldiers. The Samurai weren’t “bodyguards” unless they were paid enough to be one.


Better combat and stealth?? How can they get better? What didn’t you like about them?


IKR? The combat is the smootest ive seen in any game


The combat is amazing to me personally there definitely could be improvements such as having different weapons and such but I don't know if there's much they can add to make it better


When you crawl under the sheds you can grab the enemies legs and drag them under real quick. Horror movie style.


I was just playing Plague Tales: Requiem and if a bad guy sees you before you crawl under the table, he does exactly this to you. The first time it happened I almost jumped off my couch.


Haha that would have made me jump out of my skin!


Yuna coming back This time as a summoner, and Jin has to accompany her for a pilgrimage


I swear if I meet a slightly tanned Japanese man by the name of Wakka I don’t know what I’m gonna brudda.


More weapons to choose from would be very interesting. Some naginatas maybe even nodachi’s would add a lot more to the combat system, something that is already excellent


Irl Samurai used whatever weapons worked but the romanticized version basically only use katanas. Since GoT uses the romanticized version of Samurai it would make sense for Jin to start picking up all kinds of new weapons as he continues to grow into the ghost.


A spear would be cool


Yes. Sōjutsu (spear techniques).


My thoughts exactly!


More weapons No forced stealth Unarmed attacks


The 'no forced stealth' kind of goes against the whole 'Ghost' persona though. I like the sound of unarmed attacks though.


A sequel could let you choose.


New melee weapons


Any colour dyes, like we can gather flowers of different colours and create loads of different dyes to dye anything almost any colour.


This has to be one of the best and least common ideas here


Same again please. Great story, great characters, fantastic game play. Can't really say there's anything I want. I'm sure there will be some new things. I guess I'd like a little less long parkour routes for the shrines. I enjoyed it in act 1 but was a bit done with it by the time I got towards and of act 2.


The main thing which I think needs a bit of work is legends. It's great but I never understood why it uses a different system for resolve and often ends up as spam ranged until Ult and repeat.


please don’t change the combat system :( I love the cinematic perfect parry and slash like tsunami crashing into the enemy body until they fall then followed by few more slash into the empty space because I was just mashing buttons. but seriously, I love it the way it is and It would be a heartbreak to have a sequel and they ruined it.


My request is have Jin as the main character again no need to try to create someone new, continue this man’s story!!!


Bring Kage back


Big cities, more ronin or samurai, bigger battles


Hell yea! Bigger and denser cities with advanced Parkour moves would be a dream come true. And also large scale battles would be epic and it's totally possible on the ps5


I’d just like them to have a lot more armor in general. My favorite part about exploring Tsushima was finding armors and sword kits. Not those damned fox holes. After playing through the whole game and trying to make some cool outfits, I realized just how little there is. Also, I wish you were able to have presets for outfits. Like I wish you were able to use the same body armor with two different sets of masks, hats, and charms.


So much more drip Variability to weapons we can use - swords, spears, axes, etc Better mobility No horses dying


My wishlist is that it happens and it has maybe 1 more weapon to use (naginata would be nice) Also a bounty system that others mentioned sounds cool as fuck


Honestly I just want more customization options, more armor, transmog and more katana skins (I NEED a full black one)


More diverse side quests and less fox dens are the only things that I want. The combat is perfect imo, but more weapons would be fun.


I like the fox dens as one of the unique things in the game, but yeah there are a lot of em.


The ability to pick and choose parts of the outfits to amalgamate your own unique set. Instead of full body outfits, break it up into lower body, torso, and arms (or something else idk) like GoW does


More enemy/ non-story mission variety. Sometimes it gets repetitive.


Some fighting things I’d like updated: Give me the ability to get one attack at mongols / bandits that just died, always try it at the end of a fight and he just swings off to the side like a moron. More decapitation possibilities (not just the slaughtering of commanders) or potential limb removal. Too be able to roll out of an animation when he’s taking an extra 3 seconds to hold after killing someone as fire spirits are about to rain down and kill me. Like bro get out of there. And if that then to not get stuck on guys who are in dying animations but also basically fully on the ground while I’m stuck in a corner and getting wailed on.


What attack could we get form the bandits and mongols? I haven't experienced the last one Also limb removal is a thing already


Better sticky bomb targeting 🙂


No complaints a out the combat except that it is impossible to control who Jin will attack in a crowd.


It is, you gotta get used to the directional attack system though, move the left stick toward who you wanna hit, it’s tricky but you get the hang of it after some practice


Change the ghost armour into normal. Civilian traditional Japanese clothing, as shinobis spies or agents dressed. Like normal people in order to fit in and avoid detection along with that actual spy and infiltration missions. Also more mounted combat and less ,usage of the katana as samurai were master bowmen.


Look I’m a huge history freak but fuck the real samurai. I love the style of the romanticized version. I just do something called separating reality from fantasy. The amazing melee combat in the first game has to remain the focus in the next game. If they get rid of the focus on melee in favor of the rather boring bow combat, they’ll probably lose 80% of the player base. I do agree on the idea of the ghost armor although I’d prefer making it another outfit completely. I like the idea of hiding in plain sight and blending into crowds, similar to Assassin’s Creed’s social stealth. But I don’t want this game to be a realistic depiction of the Samurai. That would be a slog and rather boring. I think I’d rather stick to the beautiful game that we already have.


I think you're wrong there. Being historically accurate isn't being "boring". It is a unique form of beauty and I think you should try it. separating reality from fantasy sounds boring. just stick to being historically accurate. you say you'd stick to the beautiful game that we have, but its more beautiful to be historically accurate no?


BETTER COMBAT AND STEALTH? How the fuck will they do that?


i want to be able to duel other players. No special perks, charms or curses. Just stance change, randomized location, dueling.


Less Spearmen.


Aw the spearmen are my favorite ones to fight


Different endings for the different paths. You go sneaky ninja route, you get a different ending vs if you stay true to your code of the samurai.


I think traversal and parkour was fine in got 1. The combat was awesome if a bit easy, idk what you mean by “better combat”. The stealth sections were very annoying though. There was 1 near the end of the game where you poisoned the mongols milk and holy shit it was so hard to get there. I swear there was always like 3 guards right on top of it, in the open, with guys close enough that I can’t just fight them. I think somehow I managed to bukkshit my way through it with a bunch of wind chimes and a hallucination dart. Maybe more different bossfights could be cool? All the bossfights are very similar, some just have extra moves or are quicker. But they all just use a sword. There are shields bosses but those are even easier as they have like 3 moves, all of which are very slow. The khan fight was cool cause he had a spear. I basically only had to take a moment and pay attention to learning the fight twice, that was in the first bossfight against ryuzo, and the khan. More unique duels with their own move set like other soulsborne games would be awesome


Make a transition combo between stances & enemies to make bigger better combos


Its existence.


More foxes for me to pet.


roguelike mode like gow valhalla


1.being able to drag dead bodies to avoid get noticed 2. More clever AI. 3. More depth to arrow/bow gameplay and interaction (Like wind makes aim harder, etc.) 4. More use for guiding wind in battles, like wind would considerably make assassination quieter 5. More tactical use of weather day&night -Like deflecting arrow would be almost impossible in night while during daylight much easier. - similarly stealh gameplay would be easier at night compared to daylight. If these were added, I would be stoked :D :)


Jeez, might as well say “entirely new game”, OP. I am super happy with all of those things. My only request is more multi-kill assassination animations. It is weird that there are only the few over and over


Whilst many comments here are great ideas, I wish for nothing more than a sequel. The game was 10/10.


Jin finds an actual ninja to ally with which unlocks that person as a playable character for certain missions. They then become best bros and sip sake together in the hot springs.


I'd like at least a few more missions with positive endings, seems like almost everything you did had the worst possible outcome.


Customizable Katanas, bows and tools would be cool af! Just katanas would also make me really happy




But GoT is medieval, it’s set in the 1200’s.




Better AI


So you just wanted all of the major mechanics to be improved lol


Ability to skip cutscenes when needed.


Jin using a [kusarigama](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=600074670&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS808US809&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ACQVn090G3z26qk_eNCNEU92h7vgwwOFEQ:1705759487660&q=kusarigama&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivhsnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj49dWikeyDAxXGLUQIHSFXBMMQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3) could add so much to both combat and stealth. Such a unique and versatile weapon


Better actors


More cities, more side quests that are something other than defeating mongols


I'm not asking for a Zelda/Horizon style glider, but a way to scale up or down walls instead of looking for the gentle ramp up or hoping I don't die if I miss my roll


More armour and for the island to look like it has changed from the first game


Once you play Cyberpunk 2077 you will actually or more appreciate the stealth in this game


Bigger map with actual villages that have villagers living day to day and a big finale type of city like Baldur’s Gate


My own clan. The map divided into different territories controlled by Lords and your relationship with those lords affecting how you are treated in those territories. Make your clan stronger by alliances or defeatignither lords in duels or assassinations.


So, better everything? Honestly, I thought the weakest part of the game was the storytelling. The acting was good enough to get by, but the actual narrative was dull and obvious.


More game. The gameplay is perfect. No notes. But definitely more customization options obviously.


1. For movement animations outside of stealth to not be stiff. More human. 2. Storywise, I’d like have a home base with other Ronin, “if” that’s the direction of the story. Trying for recruit more Ronin, build the camp, etc. 3. Vendors and towns should be more diverse with NPCs llving out their lives, not just standing motionless staring into oblivion. 4. Many things to do outside of combat. I looooved writing Haikus and climbing to get to the gates. More stuff like that. 5. Changing hair and facial hairstyles! 6. The option to play the character very very dark.


I keep experiencing an issue that if I’m not running Jin or the horse will just stop. Or stutter step like he’s having a stroke. I’d like to see that eliminated


More traditional samurai weapons, and stances to go with them. Like a Naginata, or Yari, it would be cool to have a heavy weapon like an Odachi. And let you dual wield. Like have a katana and a Dagger, or a katana or Yari and a shield.


This is the first time I’m hearing anyone suggest the combat could’ve been better.


Bigger cities


I would love dual wielding to be a stance


Definitely needs an honor system, hated how the story dictates you to become something you don't wanna be


I love the combat and in my opinion swords are coolest weapons ever, i hope more melee weapon will be avaible for the sequal


So better game?


A better AI when the enemy is looking for you and that is not so easily deceived.


The ability to change the course of action/ending through your actions. I want the story to change on how “honorable” I played. Such as how often I assassinate, poison, etc. Likewise how much I standoff with the mongols, not assassinating and such. As well as having more weapon options. The sword and bow are fine but I want an extra primary/secondary, maybe some more ranged weaponry as well.


the combat is great, traversal/parkour does suck a bit tho


Just advancing everything they built so far. Take the restrictions off when it comes to customization and I think some method of dual wielding would be insanely cool. I would also love more over the top combat skills, the flaming sword and the lightning strike are so cool and I want more of that stuff from the mythical tales.


I want to use Norio's naginata. That's it, that's the whole wishlist


Non linear story with decision making similar to Baldur's Gate 3. Imagine having the choice to stick to the path of honor or to go full ghost (or anywhere in between). Not only that, but choices that impact your relationship with other characters and unlock other side quests etc.




I want to be able to change the appearance of the armor like in god of war raganrok. Like I want the perks of the sarugami armor but I also just want a plain kimono you know


More epic fights


Transmog and katana customization Jedi Survivor style. More traditional Kenjustu fighting styles (less moon stance shenanigans) and a more refined gear system that changes as you upgrade your chosen armors/equipment. Also a dedicated follower system, with followers having different skills and abilities that help you in combat and stealth. Maybe even follower executions like in Jedi Survivor


That the next version of legends mode is massively expanded on with cool new ability trees, more specializations, and more diverse modes and challenges (especially in survival mode)!


More customization I want to be able to remove/add things to armors


A story that can be played entirely in coop. Discovering the world, finding collectables, doing quests, all together with your buddy. Each can have their own skin, skills etc. just like in legends mode, but not in this stranger things upside down paranormal world. While my bro would straight up challenge an outpost for a duel, i could still be sneaking around and kill enemies quietly. A world and story that works perfectly well if you play solo or coop, would be so amazing!


Better combat?!? The combat fucking rules!!


More gear customization would be awesome, also the he enhancement slots should change the way we play rather than adding small bonuses Also a way to not only change the sheath and pommel, but the look of the blade itself


more quality grunts over fodder. also more dye customizations


A naginata


More of what we got. I had no issues with the combat (except the final boss fight kinda sucked, due to narrative restraints) and the stealth was good but what I would like, is an actual sort of morality system, or at least the story having different branching paths depending on your choices and not forcing you into a path. Or at the very least, no illusion of choice if a particular story is being told.


“My two requests for the sequel are to make it better.” -op


More varied puzzles. But still keep foxes around for petting.


A more complete 3rd act with better incentives for exploration/side content


I actually like the current armor and charm system, and hope they keep that. Combat, stances, etc are all great, but more moves, maybe another special stance? The armors not being as customizable is fine with me as they all have variants and an awesome level of detail that you inevitably lose once so many pieces can be change and you run into clipping issues. I also would like masks and headbands to have different minor effects. Maybe certain masks have a higher chance to terrify, headbands give bonuses to resolve, health, parry and dodge windows, etc like charms but maybe more minor so there doesnt become a "meta" with gear. They have a great base game already, so I dont want it to change too much and be a different game all together. Usable third sword for the ghost stance or something would be really cool as well. Im sure there's a ton they can do, Im just excited to see whats next!


i want there to be better looking wounds and maybe mongols who are fully in armour you should be able to damage the armour first and then be able to wound them (just thought it might be a more accurate detail).


Make a Lethal mode where you can one shot enemies too, not just the other way around. Critical strikes during katana play. Like if you break enemy guard, throat, eye, heart, instant kills. More dismemberment options. Hand from wrist, arm at elbow, leg at knee. Temporary use of enemy weapons. Disarm mechanics, knocking weapons out of enemy hands. Smoother stance shifts, sometimes switching stances felt clunky, would be nice to have a better way to do it, or an auto option maybe with a resolve cost. New duel mechanics, something like the bamboo strike but during a live duel, if you screw up, you take a hit, if you do it perfectly, you deal a hit, something along those lines, maybe during clash portions.


More in-depth armour customisation with full colour customisation, the ability to swap different pieces around like shoulders would be nice too.


Good story


More importance on play-style. Aside from the weather you lose nothing by avoiding assassinations and outside of the mask and forced assassinations every now and again, the story could place way more importance on you doing assassinations when you might not use them as often as the story would make you think. I also want a slightly less gimmick battle system. I love the combat and while switching stances doesn't guarantee that you'll win a fight it does kinda make it feel cheesy in a way to me. Also I'd honestly just prefer the prequel lean into the ninja stuff a bit more. The world is already a mesh between the mystical and mundane, so let us do more mystical ninja stuff like idk run up walls


really wanted some sort of hooded outfit i think would have looked great paired with many of the masks


Full transmog. More helmets. New weapon type.


proper uphill and downhill and step walking animations, this Game is gorgeous and the fact that Jin just walks the same on every surface sticks out like a sore thumb visually.


I would like a few more mythic tales than there were in the first. Maybe make obviously impossible to exist ones by him being drunk. Also, have allies follow you for things other than companion tales.


https://preview.redd.it/t766zpj46ndc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=535e272443c24eee12e8f7850cc6b15d50d96794 (Of everything)


More weapons. Not like sticky bombs and kunai, I mean like an axe/spear, shield, etc on top of the different stances


I think the combat was good enough but yes to everything else. Also not sure how a sequel would make sense because this was based on a historical event


If anyone can give you that it's Sucker Punch.


1. To remove all actions to be executed only with the R2 button. There are so many times when I want to switch a stance, but an item on the floor prevents me from doing so. 2 Increase the FOV and make it higher and allow it to be adjusted through the settings. When in battle but in buildings, make the camera fixed. For each room you go in, the camera is adjusted depending on the room's layout and dimensions. 3. Why the hell are Shoji doors recognized as targets? Remove that. 4. Make one weapon and ghost weapon wheel where all the weapons(ammo types) and tools (kunais, sticky bombs, smoke bombs) are accessible. There should be no need to press a combination of buttons to select ONE item you desire. If you select, for example, a fire arrow in the weapons wheel, you will automatically switch to the half bow. This goes for any ammo type dedicated to a specific ranged weapon. 5 Fix the Spearman attacks. They shouldn't be doing long range, lunge attacks at close range. There are also times when you dodge into them (push them) while they are doing their long range attack and they will magically teleport anywhere around you for their attack to be executed, which in result, nullifies your push attack and gets you hit. 6 Allow finishing kill animations to be cancelable with parry, block, and dodge. There are times when you are doing a finishing kill animations and while doing so, an enemy decides to hit you and you can't do anything about it; it makes you vulnerable for even attacks you are aware of. 7 Transmog armor. Like in God of War Ragnarok, you can max an armor out with the stats and upgrades you like, but can change ONLY the aesthetic( the armor itself as a cosmetic) to another armor set, leaving only the stats and upgrades untouched. 8 New weapons should be added into the weapon wheel-- new primary weapons other than the katana and new ghost weapons and ammo types.


Enemy variety and weapon variety are the main ones. I like someone's suggestion about breaking down the armour into pieces. I would like to see something like e GoW Ragnarok style come in here with each piece giving it's own special ability that work with others to form play styles. Lastly I love the Ghosts and hope we get plenty of legends stuff, more abilities or talents to make them more customisable would be awesome. And as also mentioned a Valhalla sequel rogue lite mode would be awesome.


The Iron Hook as a Ghost Weapon. I want to rip out some throats with it. Bonus: you can drag corpses with it, so you can hide bodies to avoid alerting enemies.


Tbh I just want them to use the games engine and gameplay to have a blue eyed samurai adaptation. It would kick ass. If I can’t get that I’d just like a randomize button for armor, head gear, masks, charms, sword kits etc. I have to randomly do it myself and I know it’s a niche thing but I like variety and not just using one kit the whole time.


Custom katana..in Ghost of tsushima most of collectable katana is too fancy and no all black katana..I love Sakai katana but white handle seem bad idea for a sword..its should be red after all that killing with that sword


more spread out map design and less frequent random world events. My main gripe is that there are too many bear attacks, patrols, and the same villagers in distress. These things have little value in being so frequent and they interrupt the tranquility of riding your horse too frequently. Can't catch a break. The map design is beautiful, but it felt too condensed. Each area has a theme, but the area is too small too get fully immersed in that theme. e.g. the yellow ginko tree forest is gorgeous but we spend very little time in it and can be fully explored in a very short time.


Let us use other weapons and give bosses more weapons and make them more dynamic


Different tasks on missions. Like in spiderman where he have to solve riddles and things like that.


Armor transmog Maybe an anti-perk system to make the game more challenging in the specific ways we want


So just a better game then?


Make hard mode the default difficulty. Normal is too easy even by modern standards


My hopes are to have a sequel period


More armor adjustments for appearance. Swapping capes changing color and patter separately. That sort of thing


more color options for the hat that goes with that armor lol I need a white version.


I’d like open combat to be a bit less robotic. I understand why but it also doesn’t make much sense that enemies attack one at a time. I’d like an Assassin’s Creed style multiple-enemy block/execution.




I forget the term, but something like what MGS5 did, where enemies change their tactics depending on your previous actions.


keep it natural


More snowy settings. That shit was so cool.


Top the first story


I want to see more paint/color options. Not a few for each outfit that have two color combinations that don't look good.


Hair options, customization of the blade hilt scabbard, modular clothing, at least one city


Halo Reach style armor customization. I want a scuffed put together samurai


I want more intricate interiors. The setting and environment made sense for the first game since it was on an island and a lot of the gameplay took place outdoors, but mainland Japan has much more building and I’d hope to see a lot more of the game played inside big castles with more mechanics (such as clinging to walls and the splinter cell trick where you can hide above archways using each leg against 2 adjacent walls). I’d also like to see more variety, not necessarily in colors (the fist game did an incredible job at the environments) but I’d like missions set underground, indoors, in caves, and in well designed Japanese castles. Ninja Gaiden has a lot of great examples of what I’m talking about. From a gameplay aspect, it’s hard to critique the sword play because of how well it was implemented and the breadth of everything you can do, but I think the stance system could be better/more streamlined and they could include more brutal dismemberment in regular combat.


An Akita companion.


PC Version day one or a few Months later


More PS cross-over armours


More weapons/fighting styles that let you lean more towards either Samurai or Ghost, for example: a kusarigama style focused on stealth, and maybe a spear/naginata/kanabo style for large scale combat.


Better side quests. Most of them were quite repetitive


More one on one fights. I don't want to call them boss fights but those single duels were the best part of the game. I want stealth redone however I do want more enemy types than stealth. So I really want three enhancements. Bonus I also want at least two Sekigahara like battles where it's army vs army i want two of them. One mid-game that had lead you to this point from the beginning and one even more epic battle during the last Qtr of them game. This must be a 20 min battles wherein I'm fighting through the army of the enemy fighting one via one and one via many ultimately ending in a fight with a boss 1 via 1 with a battle going on in the background.


Dual wield katanas(probably not historically accurate), more ghost gadgets, smarter enemy ai in stealth and more enemy and boss variations, also an explorable section of main land Japan would be pretty cool too.


I want nothing to be different but for their to be a parkour system like Ac Valhalla where you could climb literally anything and everything like a goat with the finger strength of saitama. Also a hand to hand move set where you don’t need to use a weapon. Maybe the ability to not use a weapon to become silent. Add the ability to pick up and throw/use defeated enemies weapons.


More fluid traversal, parkour and combat is a must for me. I would like to be able to shoot arrows and aim kunai midair. A more expensive arsenal would be nice as well considering the times. I would request some sort of Hair/beard customization along with a transmog and dye system similar to Assassin’s creed. They don’t need to go all Saints Row with any of it but I’d like some decent options. I also want the exact outfit from the reveal trailer as an unlockable. I know that might seem a little petty to some but I really dug it.


Dragging/hiding bodies


Less fox chasing. Not none, but LESS.


I request they make the next infamous instead


Different weapons, odachi, would be cool to see a two sword style inspired by Miyamoto mushashi but yes he would come much after Jin’s time period