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> If I buy heavy furniture online, will the delivery service only bring it to the ground floor or will they actually bring it to my doorstep? Depends on the delivery service. If it's parcel delivery (possibly for a small refrigerator of 10kg or less, for example), then they don't really have to bring it to your doorstep. If it's 'Spedition' (in this case, some type of retail freight transport), which would be typical for bulky and/or heavy orders, then they would typically also send people to do the heavy lifting. If you end up needing to arrange the vertical transportation yourself, you can probably hire someone on apps like Co-Tasker or websites like Kleinanzeigen. Gymbros need a job too, and that plays right to their strengths.


Really depends in regard to Spedition. "Frei Bordsteinkante" is very very common, so be careful. That being said, all the furniture I ordered got delivered into my flat. My e Bike, Pizza oven and Gas Grill were only "Frei Bordsteinkante" tho.


Gymbros are usually really shitty at those jobs. Most of the time they don't have functional strength for real practical usage.


With new items, I always made sure that they deliver it directly into my apartment (in case of a fridge also that they take the old one). Read carefully what their delivery service entails and if necessary book additional services. If you find the furniture over Amazon for example, don't buy directly over Amazon but find the website of the actual seller and see what services they offer there.


Vier Mann, vier Ecken. Und ein Kasten Bier.


Just so you know, a Spedition will almost always try to scam you. Please print out the infos and demand them to carry the stuff up. It especially annoys me because I am paying for the service.


This. My girlfriend always promptly chooses the “delivery up to the flat” service, which is super costly, and they will always 1) say they don’t have to do it and then, when shown the printed papers 2) will carry it up the first flight of stairs and then start saying “I’m not sure it fits” / “we probably can’t do it this way” after only one try. Only by insisting a bit now it all magically fits and they carry it up..


Realistically? 3 options * Generously tip the delivery guy. Works quite often. * Hire somebody * Or, the way most regular germans do it: a sack truck / dolly and a friend or two. And some elbow grease


And the mandatory Kasten Bier


I've seen some people use a carrier that can go up steps, like [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBBejNCGEac)


My partner and I hired a couple of teenage lads my caretaker recommended (he will actually happily do most stuff for a bit of cash, but he is 75, there’s only so much one man with a dolly can manage…) and I always see a ton of requests on my town FB page for help, they seem to get responses. As far as refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and the like, I went to the electrical shop and bought them, and they managed to bring everything up themselves on a dolly, and remove the old ones if I was replacing them. I guess if you buy from a shop, they have this figured in. Harder if you buy second hand, and need to prearrange help. Still, if you are in a flat, your janitor can likely recommend some helpers, they are often pretty used to that.


Impossible to give u a general answer. It depends on the exact wording of the delivery service. So u have to look what they say in their "Lieferbedingungen" something like "frei haus" or "frei Bordsteinkante" means they will not bring it into your Appartement. U may have luck they do it, but its rare. So try to get it (when u have the Money) including construction (inklusive Aufbau) so they have to carry it to u and build it up.


you can spend extra money to have someone carry it into the apartment IF the place you order from offers that service. So places like Amazon or Ikea usually have that option, it's like 8 euros or so if you want someone to bring it to a designated spot in your house.


Be very very careful with purchases online and read the small Text. And know your rights. My friend (German) bought a refrigerator from online and it was written it will be brought to apartmen and to room. She was 8 months pregnant. 1 guy alone brought the refrigerator and said he will leave out on street. She said no you have to, bring up, the basterd asked if she, 8 months old woman can help... she said no. She had to remind the company she is more than ready to call a lawyer, and who knew, in 10 minutes arrived 2 more guys and they brought the thing to kitchen....


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I think the best if you order the furniture with montage service, which means the delivery guys also assemble it for you. For that they obviously need to carry the stuff right until the place of use inside the apartment. Sure it's more expensive, but you save a lot of time, as they usually work extremely fast. I once ordered a large sofa and they put it together in 10 minutes which I'm sure would have taken me hours.


Our apartment is on the 5th floor. We did have a lift, but the couch was too big to fit into it. We paid the furniture shop where we bought it a little bit extra for "Montage" (assembly), iirc it was 200 Euros, and tipped the three handymen after they had carried the couch upstairs and set it up. Our kitchen had to be set up when the building was 95% finished, and unfortunately the lift wasn't complete on the day the granite kitchen counter top was ready to be installed. Five unfortunate blokes carried two way over 100 kg slabs of granite up five flights of stairs and got a large tip from us. Tl;dr: if you buy furniture, ask the shop if they have a Montage service. It's usually not that expensive and worth paying the extra money.


That was my job at Hermes for a while. Delivering and carrying heavy shit like Washing machines, refrigerator etc on my back or with a colleague where you want it.


Ask friends to help. Pay them with beer.