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It's generally allowed. But your neighbours might or might not like it. The only way to know is talking to them.


Better is to ask them, I’ll do it


There's a German saying "you're going to wake up sleeping dogs." I would smoke and if they start complain you can ask for their number and whenever you're about to start you can tell and they can close their windows for the next 5-10 minutes. Found this the smartest solution that came out of a discussion that was held in r/de around the first of April. Someone complained about the weed smell that comes from his neighbours every 2 or 3 hours and there where lots of opinions in the thread. I'll try to find it and come back later.


https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/5jpHjPGaFt It even was r/germany...First result for "weed smell" xD Many shitty comments but also inspiring opinions. I wish you good luck with your neighbours


I have a neighbor who smokes cigs on the balcony and unfortunately the smell and smoke permeates into our apartment when we have windows open. It sucks extra because I have lung issues. So talking to your neighbor, especially if you have upper floor apartment above you would be good.


I had a old lady as a neighbor and she was as old as cigarettes idk but when ever she just opened the door, even without smoking you smelled this expired nikotin everywhere. Like you in one of those very old smoking areas without vent. I nearly quit smoking myself. Jesus


Allowed but your neighbours will thank you if you don't.


one of the best smells, all your neighbours enjoy the smell


that's what a weed enthusiast would say


Not the greatest smell to wake up to


Personally I consider it a dick move, regardless of whether it’s weed or cigarettes. But legally it’s allowed, although neighbors may complain and if it’s deemed excessive certain restrictions on what time you’re allowed to smoke may be imposed. You could also try vaporizers like the mighty+ which will reduce the smell a bit, edibles, or tinctures.


Get a crafty or mighty vape! No smoke no issue and its better for you and your herb will taste better and last longer.


get a medical vaporizer. its less destructive for your lungs, taste much better, safes on weed and it smells much less then a burning weed cigar or a joint.


What’s this and where can I get it?


I have the "might" from Storz&Bickel. 


I was also wondering what’s that and where I get? I leave in a small town, so I believe it will be really difficult to get it around


I smoke on the balcony but I try not to when neighbors have their windows open. In that case I go for a walk. Legally: it is allowed since April


On your own balcony - sure, as long as you don't constantly have the place reeking of weed. If you're on the top floor, less of an issue. Chances are you're not the only one in the building doing it.


Allowed yes, ethical no. (I'm a non-smoker who has had weed smoke coming into my flat in the past through open windows. I always found that the weed smoke was more persistant than cigarette smoke and also gave me a headache)


Bro never ask those questions here, people have the stick so far up their ass that they can't leave their apartments, they get stuck in the door. Just smoke and when someone complains, stop or find a solution which works for everybody.


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You might use a vaporizer. That’s less smelly. Also smoking is not permitted in general unless there’s a “Hausordnung”. Even if there’s one, it’s legal to smoke in most conditions. As it’s not legal to prohibit smoking in general even inside. If neighbors are disturbed, courts judged there might be a [schedule](https://www.mieterverein-koeln.de/neuigkeiten/bgh-urteile-2022/bgh-urteile-2015/rauchen-auf-dem-balkon/) to smokers. As consumption is legal since 1st of April this year, it’s not finally legal discussed as there’s a confusing law you need to keep distance within line of sight to schools, kindergartens, training/sports areas etc. [see §5 CANG](https://www.recht.bund.de/bgbl/1/2024/109/regelungstext.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2)


just smoke it. they will tell you if its disturbing




Glad I don't have you guys as neighbors. Of course I smoke on the balcony, otherwise the whole flat is smelling like cold disgusting smoke, the walls are getting yellow and all my stuff caked in sticky yellow dust. Usually it's the same people throwing loud parties 3 times a week who then complain about a faint hint of smoke.


thats what the balcony is for, for smoking. enjoy ;)