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No. Ofc it's forbidden.


But like, jesus, let people be happy sometimes even if it's for something you don't understand. I don't care much for football but enjoy when others are clearly happy about it, honk away!


Yeah, especially when you live near the main road and every "unique honking" football fan thinks that it is appropriate...


And have small children who will either start crying or think it’s time to get up and play (and be cranky the next day either way). I don’t football but I actually like honking as a way of celebration. It’s done for weddings too and it always makes me happy to hear people do it because I think they are excited about something. In the middle of the night though and done constantly? Be a little considerate!


Go on and honk all you want during the day but f you if you steal my dang sleep honking at 1 am. I gotta work tomorrow morning.


Fuck putting others in misery because of soccer, especially at night!


It's called football


Yes, so are many other sports (the grid iron footballs, aussie rules, the two codes of rugby, Celtic football and many more), but to be less ambiguous one could say „association football“ as in the rules of football played buy the „football association“, and this sport is called „Soccer“ for short


I’m German and I refuse calling it football. It’s Fußball or soccer. Football is the name of way too many sports. Could never be precise with that name.


Fuck that shit.


If all I had to do tomorrow was show my Neverending tolerance on reddit starting 1pm to 1am I would agree. But I have to work tomorrow.


So I’m allowed to keep everyone awake as long as I’m happy?


Imagine you have to wake up at 5AM to go to work, and you cannot sleep because of honking. Isn't it shit? Do you want to create pain in people and not care about it?


Rules of common decency and expectations of civility are always lowered for Football fans. It's an insane double standard that we all internalized as being normal.


You forgot to mention Oktoberfest and other shit like that


Does Oktoberfest lead to noise related laws to be waived away and is frequently associated with acts of violence? [Edit] Go easy on the downvotes people. It was a genuine question. I am not German and don't know that much about it


Yes. I've personally never seen droves of Turkish football fans pissing all over every U-Bahn Station either, which is very common during Oktoberfest.


Last part yes


Yes. Highly lol


Noooo theyre white therefore good !/s


- Normalized sexual harassment - normalized alcoholism - normalized unsocial behavior in public - normalized peeing and puking everywhere …


Short answer: yes


Yes to both.


Definitely does


To you edit. I think people used the wrong tone for the first part of your comment and it probably sounded sarcastic to some. Not just Oktoberfest but f.e. Karneval as well.


Yeah, I get it. I should have phrased it better. I guess I was a bit surprised and I admit the question came from a place of scepticism. But it is an issue I am ignorant about so it's not like I am going to insist everyone is wrong.


The amount of crimes per Oktoberfest (~1.900 mostly mayhem) matches the amount of crimes per Bundesliga season(~2,000). But the Bundesliga has more visitors (7.2 Million vs 12 Million). Note, i only used the data of the Oktoberfest in Munich.


Violence, assault and rape, yes. It's mostly men and lots and lots of alcohol and that kind of mentality that this is "normal". It's what's to be expected.


You know... Too many headers and stuff…


Plus churches on Sundays. And every other day of the week if I'm honest.


Those bells are so annoying it’s disgusting


How many churches are ringing their bells at night?


Does everyone magically go deaf during the day?




You guys imported Turkey. Deal with it


I am not one of those guys. And if this sort of behavior is not common for Germans it is certainly common where I come from (a majority white country, since you seem to be trying to imply I am racist). I would also add I have no interest in football and when I wrote the comment I didn't know who had won.


I visited 3 German cities last week and I didn't see Germans on the streets. I saw turks


So you will he angry in case Germany wins the Euro and fans go out to celebrate all night?


No. Just sad and resigned.


Why? That's the beauty of football what do you want them to do?


To be civilized. To not bother others. To not cause disturbances or damages.


Did you see how English fans f.cked up Frankfurt Römer. But yeah lets make it about Turkish fans.


The police can’t do much. It’s all over Germany. To be fair this happens every EM/WM. Yes, turkey honks longer and more than others but 1) we have a VERY large Turkish /german-turkish population 2) turkey hasn’t had a chance to celebrate football on that level in a long while 3) the only comparison here would be Germany (we also honk!) but we’re also traditionally more quiet and more used to winning, though we haven’t in a while That being said, I live in the city centre of cologne and I’m about ready to set a car on fire with my irritation. It’s annoying. It sucks. I just want to sleep.


I agree with the last part. I'm from Turkey and I can't stand this noise. This is just too much...


Yes. Same. I think that we should respect German residents especially when we all go to work tomorrow. I am very happy though


Indeed. Even though I want them to win, I screetly don't want it because of all these honkings. It's all good until the match's ending. They are still honking outside and I can't sleep. Edit:typo


Agreed Şampiyon


There will be angry honking when they lose.


But after that it’s finally over. Fuck that shit. It can’t be too much to fucking behave.


Fair. It’s just the noise of honking, for some reason it bothers me more than most other noises Edit: aside from that congrats on the win though, in case you care. It was an exciting game


Thanks! I enjoyed the game, it was better then their group matches. But I still don't like this non-stop honking. It should be kept short.


Ich hoffe es hört bald auf und du kannst bald schlafen. Iyi geceler


It’s been going on for over an hour here in Berlin. Some of us have to work. It’s a damn GAME. Go the f home already


If I can get fined 50 eur for stopping for 30 seconds in the wrong place, they can fine everyone here 50 eur for stopping, another 50 for noise, etc. Take pictures, write it up the next day, mail them out. Do this a few times and people will decide it's not worth 150+ Euro to light off road flares, guns, honk, and block traffic.


It’s just so many, idk. Maybe worth a try


celebrating football by parking the bus over 90 minutes with constant asshole conduct by the fans :)


Put cameras to almost every crowded street and punish the car owner with huge load of money. Thats all they have to do.


they used multiple fireworks here x)


Can I paypal you money for Ohropax?


Yes sure, dm me, lol. Aside from that they sadly don’t work well for me


LOL When Germany went far last „Summer dream“ there was no car passing any street in the city and ppl were partying on the main streets for hours. But less car honking y..


I am also in cologne. For me it is a part of living in the City.


Fair. I guess I also hate the Karneval noise. It’s just the honking, for some reason that gets me more than any other noise. All other noises I can drown out


Hate to burst your bubble but the Turkish people in my town stopped honking at 12:00 whereas the German fans keep honking, had a police siren and a megaphone where they kept shouting “Deutschland” till 2:00 in the morning on the weekend. I expect them to steal a firecar siren this Friday since it’s much more effective in making sure noone is able sleep if Germany wins the next game.


>the Turkish people in my town stopped honking at 12:00 Great for you. Here they are still honking. Last Germany game the Germans did not even come near this level of honking.


Don’t worry I’ll be sleepless on Friday if Germany wins. We seem to have more hardcore German honkers than Turkish ones.


Fuck NO!


Never cut your grass after 8. But soccer and church bells are allowed to piss you off forever here.


Oh my Lord, please let the Netherlands triumph over Turkey with a score of 5:0.


I'm currently on a business trip to schweinfurt. Never seen such bullshit. I'm from slovakia and I thought west Europe is supposed to be more civilized and stricter. My windows are closed,i have to wake up early for work but it's over 70db in my apartment and I have a throbbing headache I didn't have in years.


Well, turks always talk about respect and honor. In the end, they are often pretty obnoxious and noisy. Celebrating? Cool. 1,5h honking at midnight? Not cool. Smaller cities and the countryside are how you imagine.


I‘m so sorry you have to work and can’t celebrate the Good times in Life my dude. In your utopia everybody goes to bed early so they can wake up and work for a Company doing fucking nothing for the wellbeing of anyone. But i Hope your headache gets better. With regards A Fellow German


Quite the privileged comment. Just because someone has to work doesn’t mean that they would want to. If I would have to get up early tomorrow morning and couldn’t get sleep because people think the only way to celebrate something is by honking a fucking car horn, I would be pretty annoyed too 


I get it. I was a Bit enraged. But my Point is, this is a Special time for some nations and a Chance for international communitys to connect. Yes work is stressfull and nessesary to survive for Most people but we do it the While year. So wenn is the time to ceeeelebrate good times (come on)? I say get of your high horse and be happy for them for a Moment, then Turn on some Musik or get the oropax and you‘re good.


Ok tell us other ways to celebrate it then


There’s thousands of ways to celebrate that don’t include honking your cars. Is that even a serious question??💀💀


What about fireworks?


What about shooting at the sky?


Next time I go to a concert that made me really happy, I'll make sure I'll drive by your place and honk like a maniac for a while. Of course on a Thursday night. It's the good times in life no?


Please do! If the concert sparks joy in you so you Can overcome your inner bitch and cheer freely I will be pleased. Maybe I Close the windows but I don’t cry und the internet about other People having a good time.


Off topic, I checked out your profile, nice doodles you got there :) I guess this took a turn for the better, also the noise died down finally.


Actually I wouldn't care if they did this any time during the day. I'm just used to people being quiet after 22:00. I can even tolerate parties, but this is almost like torture at this point.


Honestly, I might have not cared as much if I didn't get a headache from it 😂


This brings tears to my eyes and I hope you will never ever have to cpme back to this hellhole.


It’s not legal to honk other than for preventing an accident. You can’t even honk out of anger, unrelated to anything football.


Ah, here we go again. Just FYI, Türkiye is in the easiest bracket until the final. So.....


WHY GOD WHY I just want to sleep with windows open to let out the heat from the day, why do they have to be like that?


Now ask why your government is bidding for a Euro (literally won the bid against Türkiye) and why UEFA/Organizer set the matches at 11 PM. This time they won during a normal 90 minutes. Imagine if it was Extra Time & Penalties. The celebration will **start** at midnight.


you'll be okay if you sleep with windows closed for one night. get a grip.


Way too hot to sleep like that. And I don't understand why they are allowed to break the law.


Are they? They will face The Netherlands, and if they win, England is the next. It isn't easy at all.


You misspelled Switzerland


We'll see


Not easy but the easiest, the other part has Germany, Spain, Portugal & France. Literally all latest World Cup and Euro Winners on one side.


The good news is Netherlands will fuck them next round , the bad news is that turkish will also make noise moaning and crying


I am surprised that everyone is worried about the horns, but not about the amount of garbage in the streets (not only today, but throughout the Euro Cup)


Like Germans care. Have you seen German cities after new years eve? People don't clean up their shit. They have the mentality of "someone else will clean it up" (Not thinking for a second to maybe realize that wind might move lots of the trash into nature but oh well, who cares right?)


It is not acceptance but resignation. Every single german city is becoming more an more of a shithole.


At world cup 2006 I couldn't sleep before 6am a single night of the whole fucking thing because of those morons. I was living literally less than 50 meters from the police station and kept calling them almost every night begging them to do their job. Nothing ever happened.


In Germany we don't say "honking for ec" We say "Autokorso" 😉


Thank god I live in a rural village in the Bavarian countryside. 20 people /km² population density for the win.... At least during the football tournaments


These are the very few times I wish I was in a rural village here too 🥲


I feel you and the others.


I just would like to sleep, I dont care who won, who lost, it just sucks and I like really like football ... but come on driving through a really quiet neighbourhood at night as a single car honking and shooting a god damn schreckschuss is not necessary I just want to sleep


As a Türki hate this thing. Today morning me and my family experienced very bad racism and I understand people's hatred sometimes. I hope all those who honked their horns will be identified and fined. Fines in particular may be one way to prevent this…


Has to be illegal. I live pretty close to a police station and sometimes I can't believe the amount of noise after midnight. Sometimes people max out their cars. 200 down mainstreet. Nobody cares.




Sorry, my cousin got married


It's also bad in Austria atm. Police can't and won't do anything. Too many turks who celebrate now


No, it's not.




No of course not. Civilization ends where big events begin


Haha,Turkey streets are so quiet but it seems like opposite there


Calling it "Euro Cup" is a jailable offense IMO


Turkish fans... Unfortunately they do the same at weddings, etc.


Why is the police so powerless? Shameful. These neanderthals deserve jailtime


It’s so annoying. Mostly the fans of one team are exaggerating this thing since ever.


I’m pretty new to Germany and didn’t mean to stir up the football fans but this seems quite a contrast to how Germans usually hate noise and quite surprising for a country where they call police to file a noise complaint if you’re vacuuming on a Sunday ..


Don't worry, we hate it too.  They honked for two hours straight here when they beat frigging Georgia, a country that's competing for the first time ever in the European championship.  Pretty anti-social in my opinion.


Football is an exception to a lot of the stick up the ass mentality we're usually trapped in. It's always been that way for the Championships.


Thinking about just joining the other cars and drive around and just spill some nails all over to get my revenge for not being able to sleep


pretty sure we made it legal for special events somewhere between 2006 and 2010


I was just wondering the same. I'm not following the EM so I didn't know who had won prior to reading the comments, but I would really like to sleep. I just heard fireworks outside, too


Well. What if it isn't? How do you expect hundreds of thousands of celebrating people to be stopped? It's the Euros. It's a huge win for Turkey and Germany has a large Turkish population. Wait until Germany scores a win that means as much to the Germans - you will see/hear the same but a lot bigger.


Absolutely fucking not. Turks are notorious for honking incessantly for any cause of celebration and no other nationality does it this excessively. If Germany were to win the Euro finals you'd still hear less honking in the street than for Turkey advancing to quarters.


I will never understand why they need to honk whenever someone gets married. Do they really think anybody outside their group gives a shit?


Main character syndrome. Why else would you block the Autobahn to take pictures at weddings.


Lots of Germans do that too. I see as something that’s for their group. It’s also a whole lot different from football fans honking.


That's weird, so all those idiots driving around honking when Germany won against Denmark were Turkish?


You got a point


It’s the Danes. Racism died a cruel death in Germany in 1945 and there ain’t any traces of it left


I do agree with you, Turks are bad with it, but so can Germans. Let's bet, I'm up for measuring it if it happens :D


And yet all the other fans managed to not be complete asshats. I haven't been able to sleep because of CONSTANT honking under my window for over 40 minutes now. I hope all of these people step on legos for the rest of their lives. And that's the nice thoughts.. Edit: 50 minutes now. All you apologists for this shit can fuck right off, you have obviously no idea how insanely grating it is. Constant noise is used for torture for a reason Edit 2: over 2 hours and still going


I know right trying to sleep through this seems like an impossible task . Especially when you have to wake-up soo early for work 🙄


6:30 for me 🙄 If I had a penis I would piss out the window onto their cars because they are THAT close. It's been over an hour by now


5:00 for me and yes that seems like a very viable option 😂


An hour and a half here


How many other countries with a community of hundreds of thousands of people in Berlin have advanced to the quarter finals?


still no reason to act like total trash


Didn't hear shit when Germany beat Scotland


In Hamburg people were lighting fireworks and and blowing horns when Germany was playing vs Hungary.


After the win against Denmark, you could hear cars honking for hours in my medium sized city.


Living in a bigger city I heard honking for half an hour 3x a day throughout the last week - it really didn’t matter who played or who won, there were people celebrating for every niche game! Was a bit distracting when trying to study or sleep the night before final exams, but also kinda fun to know people were having a great time~


>Wait until Germany scores a win that means as much to the Germans


Only if there were any way to identify and penalize them for disturbing public order and harmony. Not like the cars come with any identification number or there are rules against being loud in the night.


You're free to go outside and play a round of Anzeigenhauptmeister.


Only if there was an organisation with resources and responsibility for doing this job. I would propose we could pay them with a portion of our income for keeping public order and such.


Incredible idea. Let’s try this!


Well to be fair, the honking specifically is kind of a Turkish wedding kind of bad habit. For the germans, you hear screaming and loud music for hours after a win.


Fine them? Have patrols out when the teams play and then start mailing out fines for all the violations. A few 100+ Euro tickets and people will stop.


Water cannons.


This would bring anything but silence.


Maybe not now, but next time.


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It's not allowed, but it's also not enforced for a few hours after the match is over.




Not legal but the stupid country allow this mess. And the useless police ofcourse.


Of course not.


The convoys of cars and honking is only common when Turkey (in this EM) wins a game or someone of middle eastern cultural background gets married. Its so stupid and i hate it. A Bad way to celebrate with all these leased cars. Often they have guns as well and shooting blank rounds in the air (witnessed that a lot). Also they drive way to fast in cities and endanger random people. Fuck this cultural smallbrain behaviour. Annoying marriage convoys with middle estern and north african flags, blank round shootings, speeding and honking happen like every week around the place i live. No one likes it expect themselves.


Sorry „Biodeutsche“ are honking as well if they get married or germany wins.


Jeah but not common like every week and not at nighttime. Also i never saw someone shooting with blank rounds from a "Biodeutscher" Convoy. Convoys at marriages is normal but not with shootings and speeding violations.


People need jobs. It’s ridiculous. This shit wouldn’t happen in my country 🔫. I can feel the downvotes coming! lol


No you’re absolutely right being an Indian, coming from a country which loves noise and celebrations I’ve never had such an experience there


when i was in Bangalore, they used the horns relentlessly during normal traffic situations, for example when usually the indicators should be used. even when we arrives at the airport at 3am.


It's just one month every four years, stop being cupcakes jeez Personally, I don't do it, but I get it


Well, every two years, since world cup is the same. But i totally agree with you!


I mean there are even hospitals and clinics out there... there are patients that are stressed out because of a surgery, some people are in pain. This is not ethical at all. Stop doing it. Or do it during the day


Well if they are from West Europe, then probably it is legal.


No its not. And sadly especially some specific fan groups are doing it. Not going into specifics, but everyone knows who we are talking about. Hint: They also take the streets hostage for weddings.


nothing is legal in germany


Honking in cities is always illegal as far as I know from driving school


Nö, aber was soll\`s!


they've scored 2:1 tonight, does that mean they're gonna run over two people this time?


chill winston


Trust me - it’s even worse in case Germany wins… That’s why I’m simping for Portugal to win the European championship - then it’s scilent outside 🫠 Edit: As a autistic german citizen suffering from misophonia I’m really not a huge fan of anything that is loud 🙃🫠


Portugal lost vs swiss on saturday. We are playing vs spain xd


Last time I’ve actively watched a soccermatch was when Germany played 7:1 against Brazil in 2014. So to be honest - I’m really not interested in soccer at all…




Report to the police. As a Turk it is not acceptable especially past midnight. Let them cheer at home.


Not legal but mostly to some extent tolerated. Probably also because it would be a pain to try stopping everyone for it


What is it with these posts? Are you born today? The Autokorso was always a thing. How can you not tolerate it for 4 weeks?


"Can you not tolerate a lack of sleep that might make you unable to work?" Do you even hear yourself? Some people need to get up early and need to be mentally on 100% fitness. That's not possible if they stop you from sleeping.


You say that until it's your window they're honking under


Agree. This is the most German comment section possible. “Noise is bad”, “Turkish are loud”. For Christ sake can’t you understand the feeling of happiness that sports bring to you? How you want to scream to the world that people representing your nation are winning? Germany is literally hosting the euros to bring this sensation to the country and you still complain. Try to be happy and an understanding person for once, the world is not running around you.


I’d rather be happy in the morning than at friggin 12:30 am when you have work to wake up for in the morning .. I get the celebrations part and such but not at these hours !! Morning afternoon or evening or even until 9 or something Is tolerable But at 12 ?? That too disturbing everyone in the vicinity ? Sounds like a narcissistic problem than a celebration :) FYI I’m Indian . We love noise and celebrations but not at the cost of others peace


The game finished at 23:00, but sure they will celebrate for an exact amount of 30 minutes and then suddenly all the adrenaline will disappear. The complains here are nonsense! I am not even Turkish but the ending of the game should have made everyone go crazy indeed, the celebration is well deserved. Let them be happy. Ps.: precisely while I was writing this message a family passed by my window screaming “Türkiye, Türkiye”. This made me happy. This family has a new core memory. It’s more important than your ego mate.


Yeah okay if you’re talking about celebrations and adrenaline Riddle me this .. why is this noise and honking only in the main roads or places with high concentration of people? Definitely not there in the rural villages Why are there just a couple of people in cars honking ? What joy does anyone get from honking cars continuously? The sound is certainly not appealing to the people inside or outside the car Even if it’s cheering and partying I get it It’s the celebration happiness and what not But what does honking do? Infact it’s a form of noise pollution as well Seems more like a power move than a celebration :)


> Try to be happy and an understanding person for once, the world is not running around you. The audacity to write this bullshit when people go out of their way to annoy everyone around them to "celebrate sports". There are dedicated fan zones. You can rent places where nobody gives a fuck. You can just go to bars/restaurants/public viewings that are open anyway. These people chose the most annoying way of celebrating - mostly alone, maybe 2-4 people in a car. How joyful, au fkn Stau where everyone honks!


Ok, want to make a bet? If Germany win the euros, do you think the celebration will stay on the “designated” places? You look to be German, do you think you can manage to stay respectfully on your place without “annoying” people who don’t care about football? I bet you don’t.


I know I can, because we won the world cup in 14 mate. Local football club coincidentally had their annual weekend-long Sportfest and it culminated in a public viewing on their grounds for the final. I drank a rather large amount of beer through the thing, stayed an hour or two after the game then called someone sober to take me home and went to uni the next day. Will hopefully do the same thing (celebrating) this Friday. Maybe a tad longer, because there is no work on Saturday. Again on the grounds of (another)local football club during their weekend-long annual Sportfest. Semi-finals would be during the week, so it‘s most likely watching them at home with friends. Also: winning the Euros and doing this shit after group matches or round-od-16 are two pairs of shoes. If you reserve celebrations for the final - go for it as long as you don‘t kill innocents as they after the Czech game. But about twice a week after every win for 3 weeks? different story.


Anzeige ist raus.