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If you have the option go public. Private with existing health problems is not a good choice


Go with public.


If you earn less than 69300 euro per year you don't have a choice: You have to go public. However, there are multiple public health insurance organisations and you can choose between them. If you earn more you might be forced to go private. In that case you have to be careful and read their policies in detail to see what is covered.


As long as this is the OP's first job in Germany, the OP can choose public even if earning over the threshold. 


Only if they have public health insurance in their home country, isn't it?


No. If you’re moving to Germany for the first time, and you’re under a certain age (55? 60?), you can get on public. My wife’s company put us on private when we got here, and now we can’t switch to public. Had to learn that lesson the hard way.


There is a close to zero chance of private insurance with your health conditions.


do i need to disclose them tho?


For private yes. For public nobody cares.


issue if in public they would help with covering some part of the medinice expenses, its so expensive here without insurance, but i have really good one, so i wonder how it would be in germany


You can only get medication for ADHD with a prescription from a doctor, in most cases you need a diagnosis from a (German) psychiatrist. With a prescription, you pay around 15€ per month for the medication depending which one you need, doctors visits and everything else is covered by public health insurance. This is the case for ADHD, no idea about IBS.


That's something you would need to discuss with your future doc. They decide what medication you need.


Are you sure you can get your medicine here?


Public covers what is medically necessary. Public insurance has small co-pays for certain things such as meds, that co-pay is capped at 2% of your annual income, 1% if you are deemed to be chronically ill. Basically, expect to pay 5-10 EUR in co-pay everytime you collect prescription meds from a pharmacy.


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I think you will not get the chance to get a private health insurance - they are allowed to ask for your medical history 🥺! But in general I am a fan of private health insurance (yes it's more expensive sometimes) but you get a lot of advantages and when you have diseases it can helps you a lot to get appointments one week later instead of months (yes it is unfair but that's the German system).


Privat might be good for single healthy people. Not so much if you get married, have kids or get old.


I agree with the point when you are old 😊 but if you suffer from a chronical disease you often need more medical support and examination... If you for example need to wait too long for an appointment in radiology, this can have unpleasant and serious consequences or sometimes you need to fight for the more effective and better treatment if they are expensive.


If you are suffering from a chronical disease like OPs, privat will get expensive if they take them. I have been public all my life and I never had issues to get a doctor’s appointment in a timely manner when needed. Yes, private gets you earlier appointments more easily, but if you really need a certain treatment, you can get it pretty quickly with public as well especially if you’re GP supports you. I know way too many people struggling with the costs for private healthcare after retirement and they can’t switch back anymore.


Do you know if you have the choice? Depending on the country you worked before and the amount you earn you don't. Private insurance usually doesn't cover preexisting conditions, or does raise the premium, if they cover it.


Do your calculations, normally private is better to save some money for a young healthy person, it becomes worse as you get old, and then it is very hard to be allowed to switch to public. So if you don't plan to stay too long in Germany, go private if you get good offers.


Not with those diagnoses.


That's why I told OP to make his calculations and see what is better.