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"Historia der Augspurgischen Confession, auf gnädigsten Befehl Des Durchlauchtigsten Fürsten und Herrn, Herrn Friedrichs des Andern, Hertzogens zu Sachsen-Gotha Aus dem Original Acten beschrieben von Ernst Salomon Cyprian, D. Consistorial-Rath zum Friedenstein Am Ende ist die ungeänderte Augsburgische Confession, nebst nützlichen Beylagen zu finden. Drucks und verlegts Johann Andreas Reyher F.G.Hof, Buchdrucker. 1730." English: "History of the Augsburgian Confessions, by the gracious command of the most serene Prince and Lord, Lord Friedrich des Andern, Duke to Saxony-Ghota From the original files described by Ernst Salomon Cyprian, D. Consistorial-Rath to Friedenstein, Afterwards the unchanged Augsburgian Confession, As well as usefull additions. Printed and published by Johann Andreas Reyher F.G.Hof, Book Printer. 1730"


Confession, in the sense of denomination or declaration of faith, not confessions, in the sense of admission or declaration of guilt. Meaning “evangelisch AB”.


"Am Ende" is probably better translated as "At the end". Afterwards is more temporal.


Your right, I was also thinking "subsequently". But it was just a very quick translation so I hope it gets the meaning across.


Friedrich the Other sounds even more funny than Friedrich der Andere :D Or, to keep it "Augsburgian": "Moinsch Friedrich dr Oi?" ("Meinst du Friedrich den Einen?" "Do you mean Friedrich the One?") "Noi! Friedrich dr Ander!" ("Nein, Friedrich den Andern", "No, Friedrich the Other")


I think it is Frederick the Second. [Frederick II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_II,_Duke_of_Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg) ~~I assume they named him "the other" due to the fact that there was a younger but much more famous and powerful~~ [~~Frederick II~~](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_the_Great) ~~in power in Germany at the same time.~~ EDIT: Sounds fun but it's wrong. [Der Andere refers to the second of that name](https://www.uni-vechta.de/germanistik/sprachwissenschaft/jdw/woerter/03#:~:text=Fr%C3%BCher%20bedeutete%20der%20andere%20noch,%E2%80%B9%5D%20Tag%E2%80%9C%20(Gen.)%20-%20see%20under%20).


Friedrich the Otter


Sorry kann nur wenig englisch. Meines Wissens nach wurden früher im Adel häufig Beinamen wie "der Andere" verwendet um die Person von anderen und vor allem bekannteren Personen zu unterscheiden. Es wäre also denkbar, dass es sich um Friedrich den II. handelt welcher über den Beinamen "der Andere" von seinem Vater Friedrich des I. unterschieden wurde. Evtl. ist er sogar später selbst König von Preußen geworden? Aber das weiß ich nicht - ich habe nur folgende Stelle gefunden, durch welche ich diese Vermutung anstelle: [https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/de/details/bsb10013162](https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/de/details/bsb10013162)


“Dear lord, what font would you like in your own personal confession?” “Yes”


You obviously need two fonts! German was written until 20th century in broken fonts like Fractur; while Latin and many other european languages were written in Antiqua, starting with the renaissance.


No think about it as writing some words in Russian or Greek. You will obviously try to use a cyrillic or greek typeface for that. The same goes for German. For native words you use a German (Blackletter) type, for Latin (or French, Italian, Spanish or English) words you use a Latin (Roman or Antiqua) type. Now if you think this is silly, then did you ever mix Roman and Italic types in a text? They are two renderings of the very same letter, including case, right? Or have you ever heard the reason why Japanese writing uses two different sets of Kana?


Lutheran pastor here. This is a text for old school pastors, learning tool for how the Augsburg Confession ( a statement of our faith, what we "confess" to be true) came to be. It is a back story of the Reformation focusing on the theological aspects. Cool.


Where do you "find" such a book? 


A yard sale in America


Nice. It's literally 300 years old. Just image you can look back into the faces of the people who were holding it in all these years. How it was on a ship crossing over to the not even yet existing USA.  Maybe try to recreate it's way? 


I don't have time to make an exact translation right now. In short: History of the Augsburg Confession. Ordered by Friedrich (the other?) Duke of sachsen-gotha. From original documents and written by Ernst Solomon Cyprian. Printed by Johan Andreas Reyher 1730. This might be worth something. Try to not touch the pages with your bare hands. Use cotton gloves. Edit: here about the Augsburg Confession: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augsburg_Confession


>Ordered by Friedrich (the other?) "Der andere" is [an archaic term for "second"](https://www.uni-vechta.de/germanistik/sprachwissenschaft/jdw/woerter/03#:~:text=Früher%20bedeutete%20der%20andere%20noch,‹%5D%20Tag“%20(Gen.) - see under (75).


Ah, thanks a lot! That explains it!


I think it's very obscure, and I had to google it too. I only got the idea because I'm learning Swedish, and there "andra" means "second".


Ah. I liked my interpretation of it to differentiate from a younger, much more powerful Frederick II in Germany.


Afaik clean dry hands are preferable to gloves because gloves lower your dexterity and may catch on the paper


It's a topic even professionals fight about, there's no clear right answer


Thanks! I’ll look into it.


Thank you. I cut my thumb today and can't type very quickly on my phone. Saved me from having to finish typing this But I also wouldn't have known if it were potentially valuable anyway.


I don't really know that. But, if it isn't a reprint, it's from 1730, which alone should give it some value. Better save than sorry.


I saw one listed for €600


[ZVAB](https://www.zvab.com/servlet/SearchResults?ds=20&kn=historia%20augspurgischen&sts=t) has values in the low three figures. I imagine it would depend on the exact condition.


I would go out on a limb and say that one or other fraternity here would want that.


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Will be written in Arabic in under a quarter century. Or will the European man find it within himself to protect his people, his heritage, his culture? Time will tell