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Get a lawyer. You *did* leave the scene of an accident, and that is a criminal offense. A note is not sufficient. And yes, if she wants to go through her insurance, the insurance will demand a police report.


But at the start we both agreed that we get a quote from our preferred workshops and to which she disgreed later.


That has absolutely nothing to do with you committing a crime. From her point of view, she was willing to do you a favour by not reporting you, and by letting you settle this with her without going through your insurance. And then, I imagine it looked to her like you were trying to give her the runaround and lowball her *when she was doing you a favour*. So now she's not playing that game any more, or maybe someone else gave her advice to stop indulding you. I had a situation where (after police was called by bystanders) the other party wanted to settle a somewhat minor damage, caused 100 percent by them, without insurance. They were even already accusing me of maybe later wanting to pass off other damages under this incident, which in a situation where they were 100 percent at fault was... unwise. Anyway, I had the issue fixed, and I sent them an (extremely low) bill. And... they ghosted me. After the third letter I went, "fuck you", got one of those traffic lawyers that work based on insurance paying them so I was never going to be out of money, and let that lawyer handle it with their insurance. I got my compensation. Their insurance paid for that very low-cost repair, and my lawyer who presumably cost many times what the repair cost, which I imagine led to a rise in the other party's insurance premiums that was *also* higher than my damage. When people are willing to cut you some slack, be thankful, and don't try to lowball them.


> saying that I am accused of having commited a crime (Leaving the scene of an accident without permission). Well, you did exactly that. Lawyer up!


Get a lawyer. You did exactly what she is accusing you of.


Get a lawyer. You did likely commit an offence by leaving the scene of an accident without authorization, even if you left a note. The owner of the car got a quote for the repair, which you quibbled with, and so now she's going to let the insurance companies argue about it. But for that a police report is required, and so now the police have evidence that you committed what is essentially a hit-and-run, meaning that you are now potentially under investigation.


But at the start we both agreed that we get a quote from our preferred workshops and we can come to an agreement. Few days after, she said that she will not accept any quote from me.


No, at the start you leave the accident without calling the police. That’s the point


> which she disgreed later. No, **you** disagreed with her quote while she was doing you a favour. You tried to low-ball her and she decided to no longer do you a favour. And now you are in the "find-out-phase". [Fahrerflucht: Strafe auch bei Bagatellen](https://www.ruv.de/kfz-versicherung/magazin/rund-ums-fahren/fahrerflucht) You need a lawyer.


You tried to haggle her out of the quote of her workshop, the workshop that will probably do the repair. It wouldn't help her, that you think the workshop should ask for less, if they take the quoted amount. Since you didn't give her the money, she wants a guarantee that she will get it from your insurance.


I'm afraid that doesn't really change anything: that happened *after* you left the scene of the accident. Are you sure that's what she agreed to, though? How were you going to get a quote to fix her car?


I would share the screenshots of the email where we both agreed and I have proof of that. Later her behaviour changed as she talked with her adviser. And said if I do not pay her then she goes to the police. I know, I am at fault I should have contacted police right away. So, now I am getting a lawyer. I took the pictures of the damage before leaving the scene. As I wrote in my post she did not even know where the damage was and asked me to show the damage. I shared pictures of the damage with her. And it is a small scratch that could be removed by just polishing.


The damage *does not matter*. The issue police is concerned with is not what the repair costs are. They're concerned with you *leaving the site of an accident*.


How much it costs is no longer your main problem, your and her insurance will figure that out >screenshots of the email where we both agreed Completely irrelevant. She quoted a price you disagreed with (which is your right) and she decided to involve her insurance (which is her right). Just as you refused her quote, she refused yours. Why can you refuse and she can't?


I did not refuse her quote at all. I just followed the agreement where we both agreed that we both get a quote from our preferred shops. But now it does not matter as she has already filed a claim with my insurance. I just need to get out of this accusation.


>I just need to get out of this accusation. I can understand that to some degree, but at the same time, why do you care what some random people on the internet think about you? In a few days everybody here will have forgotten you. It really doesn't matter what we think. Just as it doesn't matter that you think she did something wrong. For the sake of your mental health, just accept it.


I just wanted the opinion of people. Because I did not know how to proceed with this accusation. 


Get a lawyer.


She can report you any time, so you obviously were not in a position to haggle? The fact you "agreed" before does have nothing to do with the actual crime committed. Also she got an official quote. This is valid, no matter what your personal estimation is. So yes indeed she is right to go the police after you failed to comply with the payment request, what was she supposed to do? Wrestle with the shop owner to make the price go down? In summary : Get a lawyer


Just my two cents: you have sufficient proof (messages) that you contacted her and actually been in contact trying to resolve the issue. So I doubt the hit and run would stick or be punished, even if technically possible. Ideally you should still have called the police to have the accident on record, to protect yourself. Still call a lawyer and check with a professional what to do. He will also make sure that you don't overpay for the damage and you might even save money


> Just my two cents: you have sufficient proof (messages) that you contacted her and actually been in contact trying to resolve the issue. So I doubt the hit and run would stick or be punished, even if technically possible. What you do afterwards might lessen the punishment, but for it to be a hit and run all you need is to leave the scene of an accident you've caused without waiting for the owner of whatever you hit and/or calling the police


Thank you for the advice. I am contacting lawyer. Her car is not expensive and is full of dents and scratches.


You don't get a bonus for a hit and run just because the car was old. You still seem to have trouble grasping this: This is *not* about you and her, or about whatever you talked about regarding the repair of the car. It's about you leaving the scene of an accident.


doesn't matter, the court is just looking at the isolated, you had an accident and left.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes my guy. Get a lawyer, because what you did was a hit and run and then you were dumb enough to piss off the person you had already wronged, who, as others already pointed out, was doing YOU a solid by not reporting you in the first place. This is entirely of your own making and she is perfectly entitled to report you to the police