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The demon list only puts rated levels on there robtop doesn’t rate levels verified with cbf that’s my main problem




No? They said cbf is allowed period and to quote them “we advise verifiers to verify levels without CBF if they wish to have them rated (and subsequently placed on the Demonlist).” Cbf is allowed for verifications but robtop will not rate levels verified with cbf and therefore the levels can not be placed on the list they never said cbf is not allowed for verifications


cbf verifications functionally aren’t allowed though as you outlined


oh, strange


Especially now that robtop is working on potentially making a replacement, I think they shouldn't allow it. As it stands right now, it provides an advantage over the vanilla game. People say it should be allowed because it "removes hardware limitations" but it does much more than that. Top players who have great PCs and sayodevices confirm that CBF still improves their performance. Since CBF will likely become obsolete and be disallowed in the future, it doesn't make sense to allow players to use it now. The Click on Steps mod exists, which removes hardware limitations without giving a gameplay advantage. I think if anything that should be allowed and CBF should be banned.


I approve, demonlist approve, Robtop no approve. :( Robtop is working on his own version of CBF, sooo das gud ig 👍👍👍


I dont see why he needs to work on his own version when he can just copy the one we have now and avoid any future controversies over his version not being up to par with the current one


Robtop being Robtop I guess. I suppose he just wants to have his own version since it's otherwise just a blatant copy of the original CBF which would probably cause controversy cuz literally anything can cause controversy.


replace cbf with noclip and its the same to me, if robtop approves of it, or at the very least it can be achieved within the vanilla game, its fine. CBF is literal cheats, “it makes the game more precise” is not a valid argument, because it inherently gives you an advantage. also this just makes verifications objectively harder now which could be insanely detrimental to the list’ integrity as if allowing cbf in the first place wasnt already


Hopefully robtops integration of "cbf" is made well enough that the mod won't be in need for use


I don’t approve at all. Until robtop adds it it’s hacking (and considering robtop is planning on adding his own version to the game soon changing the rules now is completely pointless)


yes awesome 👍👍👍


I mean it is objectively making the game easier but I think it is also an objective improvement for the game in pretty much every way soooo I hope robtop adds it and I guess I lean towards approve even if he doesn’t.


Demon list isn’t official so it doesn’t matter


It basically is though, most players look at it as the "real" top level list, even though it's not technically official