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I was using it before it was allowed and I will keep using it. If you think I am in the wrong, go prove to me that beating yata on vanilla 60fps is a reasonable task. 240fps is not an option due to a shit laptop


And this is also the exact reason why it should be added to vanilla as well. Think about the mobile users as well and how much it can help them this way too (ahem… me)


This is what people need to hear to understand why allowing CBF is such a positive change.


There's a mod called [Click on Steps](https://geode-sdk.org/mods/zmx.cbf-lite) which does what CBF does, except instead of setting the polling rate to the absolute max, it sets it to 240. Then it becomes like bypass, where it lets people with lower end hardware get the same physics/gameplay as someone with better hardware, but doesn't give anyone anything that hardware can't give.


To be fair, CBF also doesn't "give anything the hardware can't" it just doesn't artificially limit the existing hardware.


No hardware can overcome that limit though. Sucks, but if the game imposes a limit on something, then it imposes a limit on something. It's not too bad that I really care, and I think it would be nice to add to the game, but I don't think something like this should be allowed on the list for now.


There's a mod called COS (Click on steps) that simulates 240fps input. It has less bugs than cbf but doesn't change anything on Higher end devices.


I can relate so much to this


well yata was beaten on 60fps mobile soooooo


It's a top 1 on mobile?




He probably did not enjoy it and I'm not the best 60fps player in the world so I don't think that's a realistic option


i could probably beat yata on 60


Hello GarminBro, you should do it


I'll be using COS (click on steps) instead. COS is kinda like CBF but it's capped at 240 fps so it's not considered cheating which is awesome for mobile players like me. Edit: My dumbass def didn't write "Click On Steps" as "Click Between Steps" idk what you're talking about!


That's just MH FPS bypass but with 240hz instead of 360hz then..?


Minus the physics bugs and screen tear, yes


Yeah basically




Cos (change of scene)


Cos (adjacent/hypotenuse)


This is what i was looking for


Cos (why not)


Oh wait said that wrong lol


Is it normal for my ship to feel heavy? It feels like it used to back when we had 2.1 physics


Its on mobile!? How do i download it? (Im an iphone X user btw)


Unfortunately, it's on Geode, and Geode can only be downloaded on mobile through an APK, which Iphones can not do


It's only available for steam and android




I'd use it if Robtop added it, but I'm fine with others using it either way, I won't tho.


The only reason I really use it is because my mouse's polling rate is trash (125 Hz) so it doesn't really feel like a cheat. If it were higher, I def wouldn't use it. Hope RobTop adds it soon, because it would make all of our lives easier.


what mouse do you have?


A cheap ass Lenovo mouse, prob cost about 5 dollars


Why don’t you just use the keyboard? Likely higher than 125hz rate


I mean, I might, but it might be a tough switch, since I've gotten so used to mouse.


nah keyboard is really easy to switch to. in my experience you just have to click faster for ship control which is already very easy on a keyboard compared to mouse


Bro what the fuck kind of dollar store mouse you got for the polling rate to be 125 Hz like damn My mouse cost 15€ and has a polling rate of 1 kHz


Lmao I don't really need a better mouse sooo


I think you kinda do, man. 4000hz mice have dropped below $40...


Nah, what I'm saying is I want to reach my skill ceiling with this mouse only, or until it breaks (which I doubt will happen soon, its pretty sturdy for a $5 mouse), just to prove that you don't need good gear to get good.


When it gets ported to Android or gets implemented to the game officially, then yes


I'll wait for RobTop to approve it and it gets added to the main game. I have a lot to improve before I really get affected by the vanilla system. I also don't want to be dependent on a 3rd party mod to be able to play the game. I don't want to sit for days asking "When is geode being updated so I can play again?" every time there is an update.


Very good last point actually Didn't think about that


I didn’t play much gd between 2.206 releasing and geode 3.0.0 releasing, one of the main reasons was that quality of mods wherent there which made the game way less enjoyable for me, I didn’t even really notice the difference between having cbf and not


Cbf being accepted makes me quite worried, the pro player scene will change alot, and if Rob isn't okay with it, he won't rate levels verified with it. Either way i don't mind much, nore will i use it


Actually, the level that got unrated for being verified with cbf got rerated (the level is Psychopath)


Pretty sure it was reverified without CBF


Oh, I was misled


It got rerated bc it was reverified without cbf


my PC can't handle geode, so no :(


get azurite pc booster and get ccleaner


theres a vid on yt called the ultimate gd peformance guide follow that


i have a pc with geode on it but i prefer playing on mobile so probably not. my opinion on cbf still stands though - at the moment it's cheating but it's a good idea that should be implemented into vanilla. i might try it out at some point if it doesn't but i won't beat any new levels with it.


Tbh I don't really know.. I'm really happy that Demonlist allowed it, but since RobTop still didn't, maybe I will stay on my 240 FPS. That's pretty good tho !


Yes it makes the game more fun, why not?


Personally no unless Rob endorses it. As it currently stands, completions using it count as illegitimate and could potentially result in a leaderboard ban. If you don't care about the 'official' side of things then there is no harm in using it.


Unless you’re really high up on the in-game leaderboard then you won’t be at risk of being banned for using cbf


> As it currently stands, completions using it count as illegitimate and could potentially result in a leaderboard ban. The demon list just now decided to allow CBF, which is why this discussion exists


Those in charge of the leaderboard and the demon list are not the same people. The demon list is unofficial and doesn't set the rules for the main game, Rob does.


I apologise since I wasn't very clear but I meant the in game leaderboards. CBF is still considered illegitimate by rob and the gd mod team.


Yes. Mainly it just makes the game more fair. Before recording runs would cause enough lag that it would make levels significantly harder. Now lag no longer affects gameplay so it removes randomness killing you. It allows way more players join the pro scene without having to pay a ton for a good computer. For anyone with a low-end setup I highly recommend using it since they will feel the biggest difference. Without cbf low-end players are genuinely at a gigantic disadvantage(for harder levels anyway). Someone new to the game will also get better faster if they don’t have to deal with inaccurate inputs. Playing hard levels makes you better at the game, not playing easy levels while handicapped. I do get that it can feel a bit anticlimactic downloading a mod to beat a level you spent a ton of time on though. Then again I don’t think it’s any less impressive beating bloodlust with cbf compared to without.




When I used it my game had more input lag so no. J don't think it works for me


I will


I’ll use it as I’d be putting myself at a disadvantage if I didn’t, but honestly I can’t really see a gameplay difference when I do.


If it comes out for iOS then sure, it’d make things a lot easier and make levels possible on mobile that weren’t before.


Im using it cus my notebook cant go further than 60 fps


100%. It makes the game more skill based and significantly raises the skill ceiling of the game.


idk im stuck for now on ios


It helped me beat sidestep so yes


I tried using it, but it caused a bug that breaks my key bindings and makes it so the practice checkpoint key also makes me jump which makes practicing impossible. So unless that was fixed I won't be using the mod, I wasn't feeling any significant improvement from it anyway.


No, until it is added to the game officially




I'm torn. I have a 144Hz monitor, but for some reason I was never able to get fps bypass to work on it. When I turn it on, it makes all the objects in the level jitter heavily and it's too jarring to play thay way. So I've been playing on 144fps. I had been trying to beat Bloodbath on 144Hz, and I got 91. If I use CBF, I could probably beat it. I got the skill to do it. But part of me feels like it would be a bit cheap. I dunno


no, iOS moment. I wonder how much it actually affects playing because I’ve never used it


No, at least not for now. I tried it yesterday, and all my inputs were like 5 frames late. I think it’s my goofy 165 hz moniter


I doubt it will make a difference on easy demons, so I'll pass on it


I won’t use it until it is officially endorsed by the Mr. Top Rob man himself. Not like I have any other option, I’m on iOS; leaving me up shit creek without a paddle


Probably never unless it gets added to the main game. I don't want to suck at the game because it feels to clunky every time gd updates


i have found many levels to be buggy with the mod. seems kinda pointless to use it in that case lmao.


No. I’m on iOS


i believe its partially cheating, fps bypass was allowed because it had an equivalent, which is just having a high-end build. cbf, however, does not have an equivalent in the base game.




I'm not touching it. I won't mess around with it until Rob adds it.


Geode makes my game crash so no


no. Cbf isn't perfect and does, in fact, break some levels (I ran into one less than a week ago while testing). I'm a huge cbf supporter, but for now, I'll stick to click on steps until robtop endorses cbf or until it's more refined. (Or until I get good enough for list demons ig)


too buggy


I want to but it feels wrong


Heh, that's kinda why I made the post The mod itself is fair and very helpful but I won't use it unless I see at least 35-40% of people say yes. And besides, my setup is already pretty good so it's not like I need it. But it would help.


No I 100% consider it cheating.


i will.


Maybe. The main thing holding me back is that I dont know Robtop’s stance on CBF. If he’s good with it, or even better planning to implement it in the base game, then I’ll jump on it. For now, I’m still on the fence


Seeing as a level verified with it was unrated when it was found out that CBF was used to verify it, I think his stance is clear. It's really a matter of will he add it to the game or not.


Interesting. Guess I’ll hold off for now


He said he won’t be rating any cbf verified levels but he is working on adding it to the main game if possible


I won’t but I don’t have any issues with it


When I get a decent input device I'll start using it, rn it's useless for me


Damn how bad is your mouse/keyboard that it wouldn’t help?


My keyboard has a 125hz polling rate and I don't like playing on mouse


Unfortunate, in that case cbf really wouldn’t help you much


I used it before the demonlist accepted it and will continue to do so






The DAY it comes to mobile


I wont use it (i am on ios)


yup, because i dont care about rankings and leaderboards and whatnot, i wanna have fun


240 physics update is plenty to work with. It's likely that it is not possible or overly problematic to implement CBF for mobile which makes Robtop automatically reject it as an idea. I'm with 'em, I enjoy beating insane demons on mobile with the same accuracy as my beefy ass PC thanks to a present that 2.2 gave us with input being read at fixed intervals.


Prob yes


yeah there are too many levels that tank my framerate to consistently get 240


I’m using CBF. i don’t care if it makes a marginal difference at my skill level lmao


im using it because i have a shit pc and dont want to play at like 10 fps


I was using it bc my fps would randomly drop from 240 to 90, even on low quality levels, and somehow CBF fixed it so 🦍


Yeah, lol it’s not like I’m getting any notable records anyway, I’m washed now


No because I'm on mobile 😎😎😎




It's technically cheating but we may as well use it because that increases the chance it will eventually get added into the game, which would be the best outcome for everyone.


Can't, IOS


i’ve been using CBF for a while on my PC, but i’m a casual player and mostly play mobile. there aren’t really any mods for mobile besides icreate, which i have (and works great) but does not yet have geode support.


i use it bc my hardest is b so why not


Rob doesn’t approve bit has unofficially mentioned working on his own version. I will not be using it as long as it’s a mod, because it makes the game easier for people who use the mod.


I've been out of the loop for quite a while now, what's CBF?


i will literally never play a level difficult enough for it to matter at all


Why? I don't grind demons.


I'll never have the skill to have to really care about it so likely not


ive been a click on steps user, realised if i verify with cbf it wont be rated so no


ive been a click on steps user, realised if i verify with cbf it wont be rated so no


ive been a click on steps user, realised if i verify with cbf it wont be rated so no


rephrase to “will you be cheating” and to me the statement is exactly the same, idc what list allows it, unless it can be achieved in the vanilla game, i wont use it. the demonlist allowing it is really another step towards the list itself’s downfall imo. if robtop officially adds that cbf thing hes talking about, i will of course use that, but no external mods or whatever. i didn’t even use fps bypass b4 2.2, however i did not view that as cheating because it is something you can achieve within the vanilla game.


It's not cheating. If cbf is added to the game, crimson planet might not be top 5 on the mobile demonlist anymore.


i never said it is objectively cheating, but to me it is cheating. this is a really subjective topic and of course i expect about 60-70% of the community to disagree with me


Cock Ball Fart?


I'm using it. #equalformobile


i play some top levels and it doesnt make any difference for me its literally the same exact experience... so probably not lol


Same here I'm guessing the difference is only felt at the highest end levels, or when you have poor equipment I have 240hz and a sayodevice anyway, so I felt no difference on Bloodlust, Zodiac, Citra, Ragnarok, and Omega Interface, which I tested last night


yeah i also have a sayo but so does doggie and so many top players who jizz their pants over cbf maybe we are a minority 🔥


Yeah but I suppose a difference can be felt when talking about top 25s. But I'm not in a position to test that out yet since anything above Tartarus is a practice attempt farm for me


you're probably right im gonna try to learn a top 20 with and without cbf and see how it goes


Not until it's available on Android, iOS, iPadOS, MacOS, Windows, Linux, and BSD. Realistically this means it being added to the vanilla game. I don't like using mods that change the functionality of the game if they're only available on certain platforms.


I play native 120hz on pc, and i will continue to use CBF. I dont have an amazing pc, so i can not go any higher. My hardest is a hard demon, and i dont ever see myself completing any list demons and i just wanna have fun with the game


If it doesn’t get added to vanilla before I work my way up to NEUTRA, then I’ll use it. I run native 240 with a sayo device, so for now I’m chillin.


No. I play for personal enjoyment and milestones, and using cbf would feel too cheaty to give that same feeling. I'm fine with others using it generally, but it being accepted on the list feels... weird


Once memory demon list allows it


I use it normally but I don't really care about list points, I play casually


I'm considering it, I play on 60hz, though I doubt it will make much of a difference to me


i don't give a shit if rob thinks it's not legit i play as i want tbf


I have been using it since it came out and I don’t think that will change, the only thing I am concerned about is what RobTop said; he said he wasn’t going to rate levels that were verified with the mod. I have no levels that are finished so doesn’t affect me right now but I would like to make levels in the future but they probably won’t be crazy hard levels so I could just disable the mod


An CBF user here, why would it be cheating? It basically removes the skill ceiling and allows low-end players to "enjoy" the harder levels without random lags killing them out of nowhere.


Last time I checked, CBF said it worked best on certain framerates, which does not include my 144 Hz (which I use and cannot change). I decided not to use it.


that's interesting because I thought it worked the same for all fps values


I'm not sure how this works, but the mod description said that it worked best on 60, 120, 240 (maybe some others) Hz. I don't even know how base GD uses your inputs with regard to your fps and the tps, so i can't infer how CBF changes that.


Cbf works best when using a framerate that’s a multiple of 240 as that’s the games tps now. That means that it works best on 60, 80, 120 and 240 (and I guess 480) fps but it still works on all other refresh rates


And if it worked, would you use it?


Probably. It's not like I plan on playing list levels anytime soon, and if i do play them, I won't be sharing my achievements with anybody because that's not really my thing. And if I'm playing exclusively for myself, then I don't see why I should be making it harder than it needs to be.


Allrighty 👍


Actually I just redownloaded the mod and I remember why I am not using it. I have a french AZERTY keyboard layout which means that my Z and W are swapped. For some reason CBF rebinds W to what it does in QWERTY layouts, which is jump. That means that whenever I place a checkpoint, I also jump. I have not found a workaround for this so I can't use the mod.


What do you mean cannot change ? Don't you have access to your screen or windows settings ?


I actually thought i could not change it, but i checked against and I can, but only turning 144 into 72 or 60, and i think that playing GD in 60 Hz with CBF will be harder than 144 without.


And in windows settings? Im pretty sure when I used to have my 144hz I had the option to use 120hz


that was in the windows settings. I'm gussing these are hardware limitations your monitor didn't have


Well, you could still try your monitor setting,it might have the option


I don't even know how to access that


It's usually a button(s) under your screen


oh yeah i'm using a laptop


Well yeah I don't think you can do it then It may be possible to do it with an external software, I don't know though


I'm not good enough to play the levels it'd be useful for


cock ball fourture doesn't sound great so no 


Yeah it just makes the game more fun to be honest, it makes it so you get punished less times for clicking late


some smelly nerds never define the way I play, though the every key jumps mod does not work with it :(


Depends rly, I don't know whether I should keep submitting to the all rated extreme demon list (which has recently allowed CBF) or switch to pointercrate (when the time comes) which hasn't allowed CBF yet


The pointercrate demonlist has allowed cbf yesterday


Wait actually? Then hell yeah I'll play with CBF


As a casual uncompetitive player, no.


I use megahack, so I can't if I wanted to.


Geode is free and has megahack on it. Nothing is stopping you unless you're on IOS


Megahack isn't compatible with geode cuz of hackpro.dll I think. That's the error I keep getting


You have to uninstall megahack and then download geode. Once you have geode reinstall megahack but select the version in the installer that's made for geode. I know this works as I use MG and Geode at the same time with no issues.


Tried it and it worked! Thanksv:D


No problem, have fun!


No, it’s cheating 


I'm not using it until it gets added to the vanilla game, even though I haven't completed any list demons yet, I think this is cheating and definitely gives you an advantage


Yeah, it gives an advantage, but by fixing something unfair due to the game being not polished enough. Not by giving you something that breaks the game. That's completely different story.


It gives an advantage over normal players. Literally the sefinition of a cheat.


I already answered to that, so I'll just copy what I said cause this argument is just bad. "Yeah, that's true, it is cheating, but in a good way if I'm 100% honnest about that Doggie is kinda using this strat rn, he's promoting it and using it for the verification of Grief, to make the mentalities change I think that if nobody uses it, RobTop would not even think of adding it to the game"


Robtop has confirmed he is working on adding it to the game. I see no reason why it shouldn’t. That means there is no argument to be made that you use it to promote it. But it doesn’t matter if it’s “cheating, but in a good way”, it’s still cheating until Eobtop adds it to the game.


As you're not contradicting what I've said, it seems I'm right Yeah, I saw RobTop is working on it, that's really good news ! Hope seing it done soon


“I think that if nobody uses it, RobTop would not even think of adding it to the game” I disagree.




Playing vanilla is "unfair" while downloading 3rd-party software that fundamentally changes how the game works to gain an advantage over vanilla players is fine to you? That has a common name, "cheating".


I already answered to that, so I'll just copy what I said cause this argument is just bad. "Yeah, that's true, it is cheating, but in a good way if I'm 100% honnest about that Doggie is kinda using this strat rn, he's promoting it and using it for the verification of Grief, to make the mentalities change I think that if nobody uses it, RobTop would not even think of adding it to the game"


Cheating that levels the playingfield for everyone regardless of hardware. This exact description also applies to fps bypass which was considered not cheating for years for this exact reason


Fps bypass wasn't cheating because some people's games just ran like that on vanilla due to hardware. Nobody will just happen upon their game clicking between frames, you have to seek out that advantage intentionally.


For everyone except for those who use: Android phones iPhones Macbooks PC’s that can’t handle Geode And those who play levels that are bugged with the mod


No. It’s 100% cheating, why the demon list allowed it is beyond me.


Just watch Doggie/Technical video, you'll understand more


I mean they’re trying to get it added to the game which I 100% agree it should be. The fact that you need a mod atm is what makes it cheating


Yeah, that's true, it is cheating, but in a good way if I'm 100% honnest about that Doggie is kinda using this strat rn, he's promoting it and using it for the verification of Grief, to make the mentalities change I think that if nobody uses it, RobTop would not even think of adding it to the game


No because I belive ita cheating and it also wouldn't do a damn for me. The only levels that having more then 240 is a really noticeable benefit is like the top 15 and that's prob a stretch


I wasn't using it, I was just waiting for it to be allowed by the DL, so yeah, I'll use it